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53730369 No.53730369 [Reply] [Original]

What do your friends and family think about crypto?

>> No.53730398

Normies have been clocked out for awhile, the last they heard about crypto was FTX blowing up. The pump since start of year they didn't even know happened.

>> No.53730443

they think it's dead after ftx and have no concept of the normal spot markets

>> No.53730462

They don’t.
I did mention to my dad a couple weeks ago that I was putting $1k (I actually put about $15k but he’d have an instant heart attack if I said that) into BTC and he said I was foolish and should pull out while I was up 5%. He’s still holding a 60k bag fwiw.

>> No.53730761

They are starting to get interested, a tiny bit. Even CoinGecko couldn't handle the traffic today.

>> No.53730769

i showed my friend how to buy litecoin the other week cause he was interested

>> No.53730824

One friend thought I sold all my holdings after I made a small joke about being upset at the crypto market.
This is after spending an entire summer explaining to him tokenization was the future.

So I'd say most are still uninterested or think it is a novelty.

>> No.53730844

>crypto is a scam

>> No.53730856

They know it's a fucking scam and a really good way to lose your shirt.

>> No.53730893
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They don’t think about it at all.

>> No.53730906

>A tiny bit
>Even CoinGecko couldn't handle the traffic

>> No.53730932

If crypto is ever brought up; somebody quickly decides "It's a ponzi scheme".

>> No.53730938

havent heard much

>> No.53730944

They lost already a shitload of money to buy again at $24k, at least they're going to buy $50k or $100k to lose money again.

>> No.53730950

never seen cube pepe topkek i duno why frogs make me laugh out loud but they do

>> No.53731023

its the peoples ponzi scheme

>> No.53731029
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They think its a scam. And they're correct.

>> No.53731174

They don't. They've been checked out since 2021ish and more recently the FTX kike scam.

>> No.53731212

you will never get normies to fomo into your shit again hahahaha

>> No.53731226

i've tried talking about it but nobody cares so I don't evangelize. they all know that I'm the person to ask if they want to know, but nobody asks

>> No.53731232

My IT department has a crypto live chart on their monitoring screens

I think it shows ETH and CRO

>> No.53731252

>crypto is a scam
>BTC btfo's ath after halving
>BTC crashes
>someone gets arrested for scamming
>normies say crypto is a scam and stop talking about it
why does the exact same thing happen every cycle? i get that the halving is predictable but i really am starting to believe the NPC meme.

>> No.53731262

No one is mentioning anything. My normie friend who got into crypto during the bull says he forgot about it

>> No.53731268

in a way i'm jealous sometimes I wish I could forget

>> No.53731385

>pumps this week
>normies aren’t buying
>whales and smart money is accumulating
>cexs are accumulating.
Good. My co-workers are planning on selling their houses in 2 years, completely ignoring crypto, when the house market stagnates, they’ll change plans and start buying bags.

>> No.53731492

coworkers that were in crypto before are starting to feel fomo. One is still hoping for eth at $750 and one is selling his car because he wants to start trading. It'll be a fun couple of weeks when BTC clears ATH, productivity will go off a cliff.

>> No.53731522

Family is keeping it real!

>> No.53731555

My somewhat autistic (in the 4chin sense) finance coworker was still joking about FTX, so I think we are very early. 3 months and normies start to wake up.

>> No.53731796
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>2021 bull run
>I was a wagie, and still am, because I didn't make it
>Coworkers interested in crypto too, we chat about our portfolios sometimes
>One guy seems to know about crypto in depth
>Turns out he was buying ETH futures on Robin hood, didn't actually own any tokens
>One smart guy knows about crypto but hates it
>Another coworker shows me his Doge he bought on Robin Hood
>Market tops and crashes, neither ever mention crypto again
>No normie I know has said a word about since the top

They don't think about it at all. We have a ways to go before normies start getting interested again.

>> No.53731817

Normies are saying 10k btc and recession will cause a market crash. Topkek

>> No.53731882

I'm a normie and I'm bullish on Bitcoin and AI coins!

>> No.53731937

no they're not. normies don't talk about this shit

>> No.53731985

AI coins are making wave. How about the new ALBT token NXRA? I think after the drop it will be massive.

>> No.53731993

1 person asked me about AI coins
No one has said anything otherwise.

>> No.53732000

They forgot it even exists

>> No.53732011

Kek no way they think anyone is buying houses in 2 years, its literal timebomb and music is about to stop

>> No.53732015

Everytime they see me my family asks me how my investments are doing and if I've lost everything yet

>> No.53733106
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>I just bought
Does this make me smart money?

>> No.53734729

They dont understand it and I love it that way. Friends and family are leeches, dont involve them in your life anon, transact privately and stay off radar.

>> No.53734748

My dad bought coinbase stock at ipo so obviously he was right about Bitcoin and all of crypto is a scam.

>> No.53734965
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Not a peep recently. Last time anyone even mentioned it was just after the ftx crash, where one friend said he's thinking of buying sub 10k

>> No.53735101

A bunch of normies in an anime discord still thought Bitcoin was at 18k and were still seething about ETH NFTs being bad for the environment
My IRL friends who have bought crypto had no idea this pump the last week even happened
It's still a PvP market

>> No.53735130

Adoption is growing, starting with a privacy project is a solid move.

>> No.53735169

Oh and my friends studying business economics didn't even know about the current position of the latest FOMC stance or the CPI number print.

>> No.53735274

They do now. And it scares me

>> No.53735779

>anime discord

If those are what you consider to be normies, you've got a sad life

>> No.53736751

Normies are against anything that is goes in any way against the central banking system. They don't even know what the central banking system is, but they know when something is against it. It's a strange dichotomy.

>> No.53736772


>Friend tells me to buy BTC/ETH/LTC
>Finally buy some, lose 90% when it crashes months later
>Sell out of "this scam"
>Later realize that I'm the normie, buy back in during 2019

>I tell friend to buy BTC
>He finally buys, loses 70% when it crashes months later
>He tells me it's all a scam and sells
>Reaches out last month, curious about crypto again, says he was wrong. Realizes that he's the normie.

And the cycle continues...

>> No.53736894

Normie buddy says he wont buy btc because it uses 1000x the energy eth does. But also wont buy eth or any other crypto because of ftx. In the normie brain, there is no crypto without big exchanges, so they “know” its over.

I said oh so youre big on the environment now, what about the battery in your tesla. Crickets…the normie brain is fascinating. Hes also convinced theres a great depression coming in 2 more weeks

>> No.53737028
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The most fucking normies I know is waiting for the "real bottom". Someone told me a week ago that "this is just a hype" and that "the recession WILL come"

>> No.53737043

Crypto is a scam and bitcoin is destroying the environment.

>> No.53737126

There are commercials on the gas station radio to use the atm-for-crypto and INVEST TODAY. lol

>> No.53737971

They've got a way to make a passive income, getting a cash back for every transaction on a web3payment gateway.

>> No.53738002

Crypto is so unsafe, hackers keep stealing assets.

>> No.53738006

I go to uni and my hyper liberal sociology professor said that crypto needs to die because of the ramifications on climate change and the environment

>> No.53738035

After the LUNAcrash, I'm calm and confused.

>> No.53738085

Anime is mainstream now, not to call you chud but you deserve it, kneegro

>> No.53738169
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Multiversx projects are definitely good try for doubters. Morons are earning from the run and also from the juicy staking opportunities.

>> No.53738217

downloaded and installed the sylo wallet for mum, I've been sending her small amount of bitcoin and ethereum whenever I feel like via the chat feature

>> No.53738235

How come wallets still gets hacked despite all its security

>> No.53738294

Sylo wallet is good to go with but Keep an eye on ORE. Interoperability will be a big deal.

>> No.53738394

Because some folks are too dumb and retarded that they click on links and connect their wallet to scam sites

>> No.53738421
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Oldfags are scared due to the increasing cases of fraud and cyber attacks, and are seeking for a more secure option for their assets and web3payment platform is already getting that done

>> No.53738434

Red pill plz

>> No.53738440
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Imagine it gets hacked..
You won't have just your dick pics leaked but you also lose your funds
Premium keke

>> No.53738635

Can't relate if you use a ledger

>> No.53738688

Both parents support me, bought Dad a truck from my gains in 2021
Gave Mum money for her business and I've been taking care of my siblings

I'm 25

>> No.53738730

W anon
how does she know how to use it tho?
old folks complain about crypto being too complicated

>> No.53738764

That's true and Self custody focused projects are gradually getting back into the limelight and I see it offering a unified login ID password to web3 projects, preventing them from data theft

>> No.53738815

That's good jeets, get your nudes leaked and you'll become a celebrity over night.

>> No.53738913

Normies will always remain foolish, they complain about crypto and still get their asses wiped by hackers because they can't use a DiD wallet.

>> No.53738942

dude, everyone who was ever going to get involved in crypto already did.

that's it. no more fish left.

>> No.53738999

Tried it, it works like any other chatting app, easy and pretty straight forward

>> No.53739015

I have been asking for somebody to explain their thoughts on Ore to me, and zero responses, are you all fucking bots? Does anybody have this coin?

>> No.53739174

here's your response: we don't buy streetshitter coins ranked #8899 on coinmarketcap before the real bull begins, we accumulate and/or trade bluechips.

>> No.53739234

Told my brother to buy towards the end of December last year. He didn't. Was/is too worried about the downside risk.

>> No.53739873

No way fag, Identity management protocol being a top priority has got you covered.

>> No.53739877

Not even on their radar now

>> No.53739890

Retard indeed

>> No.53739914

>Everyone I know has lost money on that, that's not for me.

>> No.53739931

You love gay porn so much

>> No.53739934

Told my mom about ETH in FEB2021. She bought 3 at 1500~. Explained to her that this would be a long term investment. Shes all excited obviously when it reaches ATH after ATH. Then it starts dropping after awhile and shes asking me whats up. Told her just sell if you cant handle it. She sells at 1500~. Never talking to anyone about crypto ever, this could have been a lot worse xD

>> No.53739949

Kek, Lunabro has spoken

>> No.53740016

I think there is the need to inform more normies about the need for self-custody and how to manage their assets without fear of hacks

>> No.53740045

Wrong my dad knew about the recent pump and he's 80.

>> No.53740062

Same for me. My mom sent me an article about FTX imploding. That's about all I've heard from anyone about it. People still look at me like I have 7 heads when I tell them I work in web3/blockchain.

Nobody is paying attention.

>> No.53740419

The start of a new narrative.

>> No.53742123

Ain't you gonna invest anymore?

>> No.53742171

Some Blockchains are making it easier for novice to manage their wallets.

>> No.53742187
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i was asked at work to explain staking (tech company) during a call unrelated to crypto

>> No.53742186

Had my worst experience with FTX and LUNA. Ain't gonna trust crypto again, hacks are on the rise.

>> No.53742228

Yes but grannies and incest

>> No.53742247

My Dad actually managed to buy the bottom

>> No.53742312
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I don't have friends.
Most of my family I don't talk to.
I don't care about what other people think about crypto, this is the most (legal) amount of money I ever made and I'm sitting on my ass doing it.

>> No.53742417

i just returned to work after a long hiatus. nobody ever really talked about stocks/crypto except one dude in 2015~2016 that was a doge miner. I wasn't into crypto then. he ended up quitting for another job. probably made it. i got in in 2018 and i was the crypto normie telling everyone to buy like a fag.

so fast forward to today. there's nobody into crypto. but one dude is heavy into stocks. and im impressed he has a really good head on his shoulders about it. i wouldn't call him a normie by any means. but he thinks we're going to be sideways/crashing for at least another 3-4 years.

>> No.53742427

Hackers have lost their balls because of OREID

>> No.53742450

I work in crypto. Same sentiment as ever: "he seems to do ok for himself but why would he work in a scam industry" my friends and family say

>> No.53742458
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my family "jokes" about crypto being a scam and me losing everything and then "jokes" that if i do get rich to give them some

>negative crypto news
>didja lose everything yet?
>positive crypto news
>don't forget about us!

>> No.53742469

My gf has concluded that it is all a scam and has no future. My brother is still holding shib and xrp kek

>> No.53743254

Anime fans are literally one of the biggest normies out there. Oblivious to current events but they think they're special because they watch 2d.

>> No.53743677

This, I fucking hate it when the majority of my friend group says that. I'm really grateful that my family was supportive with my crypto, they gave me 1000$ to invest in early 2021 and I've repaid them by paying off the rest of my dad's car and buying my mum a bunch of tech and spotting her a $3k loan.

>> No.53743706
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Anyone got their trust wallet hacked/funds stolen?
like how can that be possible ?

>> No.53743819

My mom yesterday - "Chad, you know how much I love you... But you know you're going to have to get a job... Your crypto investment has gone poof... It's gone."

Never tell anyone you own crypto. They expect big gifts and for you to throw around money when things are good and laugh and make fun of you when they are bad.

Anyways, I just laughed because I know that eventually I'll be able to buy her a beach house that I was ready to buy her when Link was $50...

t. 2017 LINK OG 50k

>> No.53743905

unironically nobody has Ore, and you have fallen for a scam if you do

>> No.53744516

Well, like 99% of cryptos are premined ponzi scams so they are not entirely wrong.

>> No.53745689

Privacy is based oldfag, another sector I see with potential is the metaverse and NFTs which have interesting use cases, like the Cloudbreakers which gives users access to raffle draws and rights to personalize their metaverse experience

>> No.53745809

They think you're dumb