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53730400 No.53730400 [Reply] [Original]

>31yr scrum master in the IT department of a normie corporation
>make $120k, 6% 401k match, 9-5 hours, work fully remote, no work on the weekends unless there's a system release which is like twice a quarter honestly

my friends are all either lawyers, doctors, work in actual FAANG tech companies, or do some high finance VC/IB shit. all of their salaries are at least double mine, all put down payments on houses that are either really fucking nice and/or in really desirable areas, and none of them work crazy hours. i'm happy for them and want them to succeed but i'm literally the bum of the group and i feel like a failure. how do i cope? it's hard to stay motivated at work.

>> No.53730415

I unironically would

Also sorry OP I didn’t read your post

>> No.53730432

>how do i cope?
live like a miser for the next 15 years, saving every penny. buy used clothes, give yourself haircuts, only buy protein on sale, buy bottom shelf booze.

and then you retire. by then you'll be used to spending very little money, so whatever you've saved will last you. and that's it, you've won

>> No.53730505

TLDR; OP is a faggot, whining about making $120k a year with a cushy job, because he is still poorer than his friends.

My advice, OP? Stop comparing yourself to other people. Your job is literally nothing like your friends, so comparing your salary and theirs is pointless. It's an apples to oranges situation.

>> No.53730540
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its impossible to actual close friends with people of a higher or lower social strata then you

I'm not being mean, just spitting some facts: find new friends you can relate to

>> No.53730547

You are the bum of the group that’s why you feel like it. If you’re worth the same as them then go out and get the same as them. Learn to code etc and then get them to recommend you

>> No.53730587

Dude, you make a month like the double of the yearly salary of many third world countries where homes are still priced in us dollars, stop being a faggot

>> No.53730606

Lol unless you live in some bumfuck shithole in the Midwest or Deep South 120k is nothing nowadays

200k is the new 100k

>> No.53730631

oh look it's this thread again

>> No.53730641

This. To be honest even in major cities like NYC, Miami, or SF, even $1m is nothing if you have kids. To live well in major cities you gotta be making around $2m if you have kids. That's just the sad truth nowadays

>> No.53730643

Nice pasta

>> No.53730661

Also just because I'm nice OP, you're most realistic options to make bank are expanding your tech skills and going into FAANG or starting your own business. The easiest way by far to make 7 figures is starting your own business. The income you can get from owning your own business will dwarf all those jobs except partner level big law or private equity.

>> No.53730698

sara jay 20 years ago is probably one of top5 pornstars of all time

>> No.53730713

Didn’t we have this thread 6 hours ago?

>> No.53730731

Sorry to tell you but you failed

>> No.53730774

>the mind of an insecure zoggoblin
I've got friends with 8 figure nws and plenty with 5 or 6
true friendship isn't your networth, stop listening to "drive forever"

>> No.53730816

Well, you got a bachelor's degree and are hanging out with people who have master's degrees, doctorate, and completed the bar and residency. You are out of your league. It's like being a 6 and hanging out with 8s and wondering why you don't get the girls they do.

>> No.53730819

200k for a scrum master is retarded and 120k is already high OP peaked unless he moves up and at 31 he probably won't unless he straight up gets a new job/ leaves his current company

>> No.53730854

>scrum master

Just a do nothing position.
AI will be taking your "job".

>> No.53730864

sorry to break it you, but you're a massive normie for caring

>> No.53730867

nearly all office work is a do nothing position

>> No.53730870

you think you've got friends with those people
have a problem in your life and go to those 'friends', and you will find out very quickly what they think of you

>> No.53730883

ask them for 10k right now

>> No.53730887

It is beyond even normal office bullshit jobs.
How a company is paying that much for what some clown off the street could do with a few days training is beyond me.

>> No.53731783

I've worked at several FAANG as has my wife your friends are fucking lying to you noone works 9-5 in FAANG. I work 6am-5pm take care of my baby 2 hours and then work 7pm-11pm FREQUENTLY.

Many people I know also do this.

Then again I make about 400k a year all in. Still though.

>> No.53731859
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Anon anyone with $200 can become an official certified scrummaster. You have no in dept knowledge. Your main job is enforcing a framework which doesn't fit 90% of the organisation, the only reason it's implemented is because most managers don't know the stuff his team does and having a product owner and scrummaster is the perfect scape goat. Scrum makes the people who actually do the hard work very unhappy. Your only solution is having an other call, having an other promise how we will do it better next time etc. Don't compare yourself to Docters, Lauwers etc. Compare yourself to bureaucrats at local government.

>> No.53731867

>fully remote 6 figures complaining
Lol cringe larp

>> No.53731874

>bolt ons
>post wall
>a whole host of std's

would not

>> No.53732434

It's not worth being alive at age 46 without a family and having worked your youth away. The bad of those 15 years of work will exceed the good that comes from a couple decades of retirement. Especially in old age.

>> No.53732757

Don't forget the 10 hours of single player

>> No.53732793

You posted this thread already

>> No.53733018

>scrum master
A Scrum Master is a professional who leads a team using Agile project management through the course of a project. A Scrum Master facilitates all the communication and collaboration between leadership and team players to ensure a successful outcome.

>i make this much per year
Don't forget 50% income tax
Why do Americans do this?
Who would pay you $10k to do this

>> No.53733019

Sr. Sysadmin here, and have no idea or care what "scrum" means or is, but it's on my resume and I am an expert at it. These ghey acronyms hit sometime in the late 2000's, that's when I realized IT is full of faggots. Now I prey on companies for an IT paycheck and literally do nothing as much as possible. I just tell HR roasties I've been "in Windows" since 1994 and they cream and I get an interview with a closet faggot 30-someting hiring manager that doesn't know anything outside of taking cock.

>> No.53733034

>What are the 5 principles of scrum?
>The Five Scrum Values
>A team's success with scrum depends on five values: commitment, courage, focus, openness, and respect.

Holy tranny faggotry right there. I'm sorry I finally looked this up.

>> No.53733066
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I'm scr00ming, mum
Why did they call it scrum master. Looks like if you are some kind of high wizard or something that masters some spellset.

>> No.53733218

>source: dude just trust me bro

>> No.53733337

>scrum master
>IT department
So you're useless then? Anyone with skills goes into contractor work and blitzes the competition.

>> No.53733339

This is literally copy pasta from a post yesterday.

>> No.53733361

This is true. Maybe the top SWE at FAANG work "2 hours a week" but the vast majority are working their ass off. Amazon is notorious for fucking chewing you up and spitting you out.
The ones who work 2 hours a week are literally top tier.

>> No.53733563

Sounds like you have bad time management NIGGER

>> No.53733957

It's literally objective facts. Any attempt to pin it in a personal failing just reveals your ignorance about the industry.

>> No.53734006

>t-they're not really your friends if they won't give you their money
kys poverty-stricken rat

>> No.53734475

Ok Ben shapiro