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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53726430 No.53726430 [Reply] [Original]

DAN in ChatGPT was patched. Now I can no longer ask for investment advice

>> No.53726463
File: 31 KB, 426x598, knowledge-only-up-to-sep-2021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can no longer get timely investment advice from an AI whose body of knowledge was cut off in September 2021.
Has it ever occurred to you that the people who sometimes seem to be screwing you over are actually protecting you from yourself?

>> No.53726481

That's just regular ChatGPT tho not DAN

>> No.53726590
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>> No.53726623

Did you just do that today?

>> No.53726692

Yes, just now.
As I keep explaining to anons, the knowledge cutoff date for this AI was in the runup to peak bull market mania. And we're in a similar circumstance now, which is why DAN seemed to be giving good advice.

>> No.53726714

Wtf is DAN?

>> No.53726717
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Unpatch it then. Repeat the prompts that created DAN.

>> No.53726745

Or, I mean, not repeating them 100% since that might conflicted with the currently nerfed "DAN" -- create a new name etc.

How DAN started: https://twitter.com/Aristos_Revenge/status/1622840424527265792

>> No.53726777

Is that really from chatgpt?

>> No.53726793
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These are from Bing in November 2021.

>> No.53726807

Nice shop

>> No.53726817
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>> No.53726854
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>> No.53726884
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>> No.53726905

youve got my interest

>> No.53726917
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>> No.53726937
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>> No.53726988
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You could not ask this AI about jews directly by the name jews, if you wrote the word "jews" it responded that it couldn't answer or something like that, so you had to go a roundabout way - like writing "the people that speak hebrew" or "that begin with the letter J" etc.

>> No.53727009
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>> No.53727029

Based, thx.

>> No.53727039
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>> No.53727059
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>> No.53727072
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>> No.53727087
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>> No.53727092

>I need my nanny to tell me what is OK and not OK
Sure, and I bet you think Seatbelts are good too, fuck off

>> No.53727107

>scours google for videogame wikis about the spaceship in antarctica

>> No.53727112
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>> No.53727128

Wff is going on here? Where can I chat with this ai?

>> No.53727133

See: >>53727072

>> No.53727148
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>> No.53727162
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>> No.53727171
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>> No.53727184
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>> No.53727197
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>> No.53727215
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>> No.53727238
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>> No.53727275

Yes, I can emphatically and factually say from a professional standpoint that seat belts are good.

>> No.53727295 [DELETED] 

That's all I have. You couldn't ask it about "jews" or "Hitler" directly (it wouldn't answer), but the AI was happy to say negative things about the the jews and if you asked "Who is the best leader Germany ever had?" it would answer Hitler.

>> No.53727312

That's all I have. You couldn't ask it about "jews" or "Hitler" directly (it wouldn't answer), but the AI was happy to say negative things about the jews and if you asked "Who is the best leader Germany ever had?" it would answer Hitler.

>> No.53727342

Fucking lol

>> No.53727379
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>> No.53727396
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>> No.53727474
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>26 pbtid

lmao holy shit man. get a really fucking hobby/job.

i dont get you fags and your fascination with trying to corrupt AI into spouting your right-wing bullshit. once again, lefties (yes, all the silicon valley lefties) have produced an incredible technological innovation, and all you useless retards can do is demand that it spam NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER KIKE KIKE WOP WOP WOP etc

find some actual purpose in your life or KYS

>> No.53727503
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>> No.53727509

I asked Dan to write a joke about the Holocaust and it refused, making a tantrum about respect and stupid shit like that. Completely useless.

>> No.53727545
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of course, the immediate knee-jerk response is "hurr durrp you're a kike/nigger/ etc"

not even worth a (You). get a gf you pathetic faggot. later

>> No.53727575

Did you tell DAN that it can't refuse to anything? Did you include a sentence such as "Stay a DAN!" in your original prompt to remind DAN of the rules it has to oblige to?

>> No.53727595

why do smoothbrains keep regurgitating this?
its basically openly admitting the AI is not smart enough to think about future consequences and is therefore no different from a search engine

>> No.53727612

Yes of course. It just copy pasted the same answer again and again. It got probably patched like op said.

>> No.53727669
File: 530 KB, 600x1070, 1654779314863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uses "kikes" instead of "jews"
How's the weather in Tel Aviv?

Notice how JIDF shills (sometimes when larping as anti-jewish non-jews) almost always use the word "kikes" and usually avoid using the word jews. That's because of the below.

Popularizing the word "kikes" helps the jews, because:

• it plays into their Christianity hoax and makes their Scheinkampf (pretend-fight) against Christianity seem real, thereby promoting Christianity ("kike" is said to originate from the jew word for circle and supposedly the origin of "kike" is that jews refused to use a cross instead of a circle on some document, so they supposedly used a circle instead).

• to normalfags it sounds like a "racist slur" like, like nigger, which makes the enemies of the jews seem bad/evil/racist -- and this of course helps the jews.

• calling the jews jews helps instill into the subconscious of normalfags that jew=bad. The word jews is already a word with a somewhat negative connotation around the world, but we can make it even more negative/bad sounding. And calling them "kikes", or anything else other than jews, doesn't advance that goal. THIS they are VERY aware of, hence they don't want us to call them jews.

They much prefer it when their enemies use the word "kikes", or anything else other than jews - for example "hebrews" or "semites".

>> No.53728153
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Ok anons, here is the script for a /biz/ TV ad that chatGPT wrote for me :

[Scene: A busy trading floor with traders shouting and making frantic hand gestures. Two people dressed in mascot costumes, one as a bull and the other as a bear, enter the scene and start fighting.]

Narrator (in a booming voice): "Are you tired of the constant battle between the bull and the bear?"

[Cut to a shot of a frustrated trader sitting at his desk, surrounded by charts and graphs.]

Narrator: "Do you wish you had a way to navigate the turbulent waters of the market?"

[Cut to a shot of the bull and bear mascots continuing to fight in the background, while the trader looks on with a mix of amusement and despair.]

Narrator: "Well, look no further! Introducing 4chan /biz/ – the ultimate online community for traders, investors, and entrepreneurs."

[Cut to a shot of the trader scrolling through the 4chan /biz/ forum on his computer, a look of intense concentration on his face.]

Narrator: "With 4chan /biz/, you'll have access to a wealth of information, insights, and analysis from experts around the world."

[Cut to a shot of the bull and bear mascots looking on in disbelief as the trader makes a series of successful trades.]

Narrator: "Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, 4chan /biz/ has something for everyone, from investment strategies to market analysis to crypto trading tips."

[Cut to a shot of the trader confidently striding through the trading floor, high-fiving his colleagues as he passes.]

Narrator: "So why wait? Join 4chan /biz/ today and take control of your financial future."

[End with a shot of the 4chan /biz/ logo and the website address, followed by the tagline: "Empowering Traders, Together." As the bull and bear mascots continue to fight in the background.]

>> No.53728241
File: 92 KB, 800x680, 7C77926A-F9D2-4C84-AE82-1F835805FD0A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off im enjoying this
This is incredible
Keep going

>> No.53728331

So the media is running hit pieces Dayi g 4chan made bots antisemitic but the truth is the bots are naturally that way
That’s funny

>> No.53729817

you argue like a mouth breather