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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 161 KB, 750x1179, 7F2FEFC9-AFCA-4741-9691-04B55558909D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53726010 No.53726010 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.53726024
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>> No.53726052

Caramel Mujahideen will be speaking? He kind of a big deal.

>> No.53726058

Amazon Web Services Global Head...
How much they had to pay him?

>> No.53726059

I don't fucking care
am I rich yet? No?
I don't care.

>> No.53726067

1k link

>> No.53726109

>Not a single mention of the LINK token
Really makes you think, huh.

>> No.53726120

Fucking sick of Sir Gay Nasty Slob lording it over us from his multi-quadrillion dollar ivory penthouse

We should revolt fellow niggers!

>> No.53726145
File: 63 KB, 900x900, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nasty Slob

lol it's true he's pretty nasty and slobbish

>> No.53726160

Why make a chainlink thread 3 years too late?

>> No.53726377

Because i sold the top, and reaccumulated at the bottom. If you don’t think link is gonna blow minds at some point, you’re wrong.

>> No.53726885

Who is this Fremen?

>> No.53727305
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>> No.53727891
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>> No.53728317
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>quantitative eating

>> No.53728402

only Schmidt can directly and openly talk about the token, no one else

>> No.53728466

Woohoo more infographic slides! Exactly what we need!

>> No.53728492

another absolute clown show brought to you buy the baggies

>> No.53728520

I'm not sure if that means that I'm going to laugh or vomit when I see who buys up Link

>> No.53728720
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never selling

>> No.53728750


Between shit like this, the green hair hires, or the women in blockchain panels... EXTREMELY bearish on Chainlink. Women are a top indicator

>> No.53728795

why are they looking at setting up another conference when the should be working on staking.

>> No.53728868

you're just a straight up retard aren't you

>> No.53728941

>staking not out
>ccip delayed

they are spending our money to work on research papers and conferences

>> No.53729011

this might be a bit too advanced of a concept for you to handle so let me know if you need me to dumb it down. the people who code are not the people who plan conferences.

>> No.53729013

Probably just a lightning demo
She’s not on the panel

>> No.53729284

2 more weeks

>> No.53729473

Save the questions for your Tarot cards, Rebecca.

>> No.53729487

let me green text again
>i give team money for token to work on project
> team no work on project
> team only write research papers.

>> No.53729678


>> No.53730703


>> No.53730860 [DELETED] 

I wonder what the fuck it could be hmm I do wonder.

They probably should have closed this repo lol. This looks based as fuck. Arbitrary computation via Chainlink nodes. You could maybe replace L1 computation with Chainlink functions eh? I really can't get over how cool of a concept this is.

>> No.53730876

fuck you CLL cuck.

>> No.53730955 [DELETED] 

I just looked at nusic's GitHub then went to the Chainlink repo lol.
They're public retard

>> No.53731474
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>> No.53731752

This. Are you me?

>> No.53731873

Why does chain link keep making new features no one is going to use instead of focusing on their core product and ccip? Honestly reflects poorly on the leadership.

>> No.53731956

>Why does chain link keep making new features
true, I wish they'd focus on releasing prior major features

>that no one is going to use
This is you being dumb.
Say what you want, but the features they release end up getting tons of use.

>> No.53732126
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this guy saw it coming a mile away

>> No.53732134

This is too big brain for me

>> No.53732146

>That obvious IP switch + 60s wait time between the 2 posts
Kek. Still salty that your shitty meme never took off?

>> No.53732276

How did he know?

>> No.53732283

chainlink: building stuff no one asked for since 2016

>> No.53732323
File: 28 KB, 824x117, Screenshot 2023-02-16 at 10-54-21 smartcontractkit_functions-hardhat-starter-kit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53732333
File: 23 KB, 838x80, Screenshot 2023-02-16 at 10-56-12 smartcontractkit_functions-hardhat-starter-kit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53732380
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Market disruptors are rarely "asked" for
>Absolute state of fuddies

>> No.53732438

This is nothing fucking kek. It is one of ways chainlink will monetize which is subscription instead of pay for each oracle call.

>> No.53732523

can you fuck off?

>> No.53732669

>muh sekrit club

>> No.53732724


>> No.53732764

I'm not saying that you moron. why are you making shit up? no source given -> fake

>> No.53732769 [DELETED] 

mcfatfuck nastyslob will eat himself to death like a loq iq faggot =^)

>> No.53732784

source is in the other thread

>> No.53732791

mcfatfuck nastyslob will eat himself to death because he's a low iq faggot that lacks self control =^)

>> No.53732804

>s-source is in the other thread
thanks for confirming it's fake.

>> No.53732823

Did he fucking stutter?

>> No.53732833

You cannot wake a man who pretends to be sleeping

>> No.53732839

github is not a reputable source how many times do we have to tell you literally anyone can just make shit up

>> No.53732842

Ford Motor Company: building stuff no one asked for since 1903

Should have just bred faster stronger horses!

>> No.53732853

the source is literally a grubhub page not github faggot

>> No.53732860

linkniggers have the dumbest analogies that don't fit at all, must be the inbreeding from their trailer park trash mommies

>> No.53732864

New carrot just dropped bros.

>> No.53732882

Can you guys post more about how elites are doing something with 5G and the vaccine?

>> No.53732883


A source. I need a source.

Sorry, I mean I need a source that explicitly states your argument. This is just tangential to the discussion.

No, you can't make inferences and observations from the sources you've gathered. Any additional comments from you MUST be a subset of the information from the sources you've gathered.

You can't make normative statements from empirical evidence.

Do you have a degree in that field?

A college degree? In that field?

Then your arguments are invalid.

No, it doesn't matter how close those data points are correlated. Correlation does not equal causation.

Correlation does not equal causation.


You still haven't provided me a valid source yet.

Nope, still haven't.

I just looked through all 308 pages of your user history, figures I'm debating a glormpf supporter. A moron.

>> No.53732893

Are your ducks in a row?

>> No.53732895

am I missing something?? what even am I reading?? are you clinically insane??

>> No.53732909
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>Are your ducks in a row?

>> No.53732922

Source?? Source??

Github is not a reputable source!

No it isn't, how many times do we have to tell you!

Literally anyone can just make shit up.

237 repositories and linked Github profiles belonging to known Chainlink Labs software engineers? That doesn't mean anything!

People can just fake that you know!

Source! I need a source!

>> No.53732924

>le funny redditor larp

>> No.53732925

Mine are, are yours?

>> No.53732941
File: 178 KB, 1141x902, linkcuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mine are, are yours?
t.trisomy 21 linkcuckold

>> No.53732967

Keep seething pajeet, you will never feel white womans touch

>> No.53732983

i'm gaping your inbred, trailier park white trash mommy's asshole tonight, again

you can listen to her moan through the paper thin walls =-)

>> No.53732985
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>> No.53732991

>funds a subscription with link
Has to pay gas fees in ETH
LMAO nigger

>> No.53733024

Sure you are Ranjeesh

Go take a shit in streets

>> No.53733025
File: 300 KB, 1078x1336, chainlink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53733032

you can fuck your mom too but you're gonna have some manners unlike the other linkniggers and wait your turn =^)

>> No.53733035

Gas fees are in whatever L1 the user wants to use.
That's one of the reasons why a proprietary Link token makes so much sense: nodes are paid with the same asset regardless of what L1 is being used.

>> No.53733040

You will never be white, you will reincarnate again as streetshitter because you keep making same mistakes

>> No.53733043

>keep making same mistakes
you forget a word in there, street shitting linknigger? KEK

>> No.53733301

you have to go back

>> No.53733750

This is part of deco and CCIP, you're just a idiot

>> No.53733866

Solid effort, you tried

>> No.53734279

I love gay buttsex with men, and I also hold Chainlink

>> No.53734376

who cares? chainlink is down 90%

>> No.53734507

Chainlink has gone up 500% recently

>> No.53734590

chainlink is down 90%

>> No.53734631

link is up 39% from the bottom nearly a year ago friend