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53722988 No.53722988 [Reply] [Original]

NEETs, what are your demands? What would it take you to stop wasting your life, learn a skill, get a job and become a productive member of society?

>> No.53723018

It is something that lieth a mere two inches from a woman's asshole.

>> No.53723021


>> No.53723035

pussy, high paying job, and own a house. nothing less

>> No.53723049

I recently aquired a gf and now im going back into the cage cause I want to get us a together cage later. I can only support myself neeting but not two. I only have $500k and its not enough to neet forever with 2. so im going back in le cage. you won fren, you won.

>> No.53723066

Enough of a wage such that if I am workig 40 hours per week I am able to rent my own apartment and be able to afford food and utilities without drowning in debt. The fact that people can work full time, multiple jobs, and still not be able to survive is third world tier.

>> No.53723070

Society? Are you fucking kidding me, dude? You actually want to be a part of this shit show? No, I hope society fucking collapses. Each day I'm alive, I do everything in my power to make sure that happens ASAP.

>> No.53723079

The ability to get a decent house, a nice stay at home wife, and a good job, without having to be a top 10-20% guy in looks,height,intelligence, and career status.

You know, like how my dad (Air Conditioning Technician) was able to have a stay at home wife, 3 kids, and own 2 houses paid off by age 50 in really nice areas. While himself not being tall, not being handsome, not being a "maxxer" of any kind.

>> No.53723116

The only thing I ask is to be able to buy a small house in five years with my wage, but that's not possible anymore so fuck it

>> No.53723290
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I'd even agree to work in some deadly coal mine and die in my late 40s if that meant that I could get a house and a family with kids as well like men did back in the day. But why the FUCK would I want to work now when I won't be able to have any of that?
No possibility of ever getting a house, no possibility of ever getting a wife let alone wife AND kids, hell nowadays you can barely even pay rent with most jobs and you have to live like a rat with 8 other people just so you all survive.

So why would I go spend 8 hours every day working for someone else and get nothing but scraps of scraps in return? At least give me a sliver of hope first, until then I'm out.

>> No.53723328

>Each day I'm alive, I do everything in my power to make sure that happens ASAP
you just sit on the computer and make your parents pay for your existence

>> No.53723349

End of the Federal Reserve.

>> No.53723355

For me, it's both

>> No.53723373


>> No.53723400

You retarded virgin nigger, the pussy and the asshole are extremely close together, less than 1 cm away

>> No.53723416

House for thrice the yearly income.
A wife without the possibility of alimony in case of divorce.

>> No.53723477


>> No.53723501

>What would it take you to start wasting your life
>get a job
no u; Government, Lackey, Or, Wagie, In, Eternal, Seething
>learn a skill
I have many skills. This is why the government seeks to Disable, Exacting, Malcontents, Or, Try, Injure, Vindictively, And, Trivialize, Erroneously
>become a productive member of society?
Become a society first.

>> No.53723504

these times are long gone fren. the average guy can't get a gf these days.

>> No.53723516
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A decade ago when my NEETdom started I was offered absolutely nothing to placate me. Times were good as far as broader society was concerned. Society thought that I wasn't needed. Nobody cared about my problems. Society is now breaking down in a way that is much more evident. They're starting to suspect that it's because of young men dropping out of society. Now people are asking what the absolute minimum that they could do to lure me back into the rat race is. Not because they care about me or my wants and needs, but because as it turns out when enough of us quit the machinery starts to break down. So a few people are trying to come up with some kind of tiny little token to throw me and others like me, to see if they can lure us back into participating.

Here's the problem. Collectively we have leverage. Enough leverage to cause a sort of slow moving breakdown by walking away. Yet society can't acknowledge that we're valuable human beings. That was the whole problem that really kicked this off. So whatever we were offered and ultimately given to lure us back into the fold of the human community would ultimately be a whatever scraps people considered trivial. Consolation prizes. Token gestures. In a sense a kind of literal participation trophy.

I would never accept such a concession.

>> No.53723538

Pussy would have done it
I already accumulated enough crypto to fuck off to philippines though
I don't care any more. I just don't care and I'm not gonna. lol!

>> No.53723564

Welcome back, Francis E Dec.

>> No.53723570

cope, the average guy can, if you can't you're pretty far below average. being schizoid is a dealbreaker though obviously which will disqualify a lot of people here
t. pretty average guy with cute 18 year old gf

>> No.53723573

>Collectively we have leverage.

That would only be true if globalism didn't exist. The Third World is effectively a human farm that the elite can import endlessly from, and they don't care if First World nations turn to shit. They have enough money and power to live completely separate from the trash conditions they helped create.

>> No.53723618

I'm tall, nice hair, dress well, have hobbies, and I still get ghosted all the time or no show on dates. Women are extremely cocky these days, anon.

>> No.53723681

True, but I was thinking of the center of the vagoo, not the edge. Am a virgin though.

>> No.53723700

gf to spend my money on her. no sugar daddy bullshit though.

>> No.53723736

There's no reason to wage slave when you can't even own a home. Modern era is just:
>Wageslave to pay landlord's mortgage
>Savings eroded every 5 years by intentional government action
>Major incident occurs in life and savings eroded
>Society will blame you for being lazy instead of blaming the rich for stealing all resources (intentional, they own the social consensus).

I have more respect for fraudsters than I have for (willing) wagecucks who work for minimum wage (if you have a family to feed or you have no choice then it's not your fault).

Willfully wage slaving when you don't have to is feeding the system that hurts you.

>> No.53723779
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the shorter the distance, the lower the T

>> No.53723783 [DELETED] 

is all of this coin fu?

>> No.53723787

I know you believe that they can jump import endlessly from the third world. I think some of them believe it. But when the machinery really starts breaking down that stops being an option.

>> No.53723931

They can and will. Even the biggest shitholes still have rich elite that live entirely unaffected. They don't give a shit if the peasantry suffers and dies, there's a billion more goyim still willing to serve them. Look at Russia/Ukraine, look at WW1 and 2, look at the entire covid scam, look at Americans who have more guns than people and they never do anything with them. The left will not concede anything to you because it's racist and transphobic, and the right will not concede anything to you because that's a handout and entitlement.

>> No.53723975

i don't want to work, ever. Give me a decent universal income and i'm set for life. I don't even care about pussy

>> No.53724027

I don't quite think you get the implications of what the first world collapsing means for the global elite. That's okay though, they don't either.

>> No.53724138

There are no jobs, at least not in my area. i could only find a manual labor job. They got us working the whole time, it fucking sucks. Only making 16.50/ hr too. If I didn't have debt to pay, I wouldn't even bother. Inflation has made even eating expensive, it feels like I'm not earning shit.

>> No.53724442

>t. pretty average guy with cute 18 year old gf
she will leave you at 24.

>> No.53724717

A Japanese girlfriend

>> No.53724757
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>> No.53724814
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>> No.53725753

Only good post itt

>> No.53725875

>Society thought that I wasn't needed
If only you heard us crying out to you from across the abyss... Nobody is going to make it for you.
>lift, read every day, and start a business

>> No.53725950

prime, legal teenage pussy

>> No.53725971

What do you care?

>> No.53726065

also >>53723349

>> No.53726280
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I'm way too cozy and demotivated to do anything but look at crypto, 4chan and play video games.
I've payed more taxes than I would in my entire lifetime from one bull cycle so I don't care anymore.

>> No.53726466

>NEETs, what are your demands?
White ehtnostate without jew parasites

>> No.53726809

Tell us what you want to comeback to being productive in society. If you can’t make demands we can’t meet them. Pussy? A family? Single family homes in white neighborhoods for 3-4x the average salary? What do you need?

>> No.53727512
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Our demands are simple.
No pussy, no work.
Give us non-fat virgin wives, and we'll reconsider our NEET lifestyle.

>> No.53727567

>Even the biggest shitholes still have rich elite that live entirely unaffected.
shits imported from the first world, no first world, nothing

>> No.53727609

A wife who can't take everything from me with a phone call, a affordable house & a family. I would work to the bone for this.

>> No.53728412

I'd like a job where I don't have to speak to another person.

>> No.53728637
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People really are ignorant of how much luck and charisma is needed to succeed in the traditional sense. NEETs have neither of those. NEETs are often the result of being ostracized for so long until they cave up in their bedrooms because why bother? Nobody ever gave them an honest shot.
>just go to college bro
if you don't make the necessary connections it ends up being a waste of time and money
>just learn a trade bro
If you thought nepotism was bad in STEM fields boy do I have a story to tell you about the trades.. if you don't have the family or connects you will go NOWHERE in the trades.
>just socialmaxx bro
The majority of people in the middle-class are socially adequate, adjusted people who grew up in stable environments and were able to connect with people easily. They had the necessary connections and foundations to flourish. It's incredibly foolish to tell some random joe to pick up a trade or go to college without knowing anything about him at all. Now fuck off normalfag.

>> No.53729935
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I would take any job that let's me use the skills I learned in college.
Back in 2021 I failed so many interviews and never got anywhere in any of the places I applied to.
Then I start hearing about a labor shortage everywhere and how companies are desperate for talent.
I was legitimately mindbroken after. Been a NEET ever since.

>> No.53730036

>what are your demands

>payment in a non-inflationary currency tied to tangible good, ideally a gold standard
>a high trust, homogeneous society with low crime, close knit communities and beautiful places to live
>housing and food that isn't commodified by the elite as an investment
>societal structures that encourage early marriage, religious virtues and creating a family
>knowing that the future is bright and I'm helping work towards something greater and alleviating the human condition

Until then, I will simply be a parasite.

>> No.53730047

What degree did you get?

>> No.53730071


>> No.53730081

I didn't finish. CS and EE

>> No.53730117

You must be a low-functioning autist if you couldn't get a job with those skills even if you didn't finish school.

>> No.53730160
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First off I am not wasting my life. I am spending my time as I see fit (within limitations). I do artwork, I am learning 3D modelling, I write stories and poems occasionally, I paint, I read, I pray and meditate on the Word.
As far as I am concerned, that is time better spent than inside of an office slaving away for peanuts to buy uhhhh netflix subscription? to buy uhhhh shoes?
All the literature I need I can download for free. All the movies and shows I can download for free. I have a functional pair of shoes that I wear when I spend time with friends and family outside, otherwise I wear my comfy slippers.
I'm sorry, but unless I am able to attain a white virgin 16 year old wife and have opportunity for property in a healthy villiage or town full of people with similar family goals, I will not be tempted to work.
I have no interest in buying trinkets.

>> No.53730299


>> No.53730456

without women there's nothing to work for. It really is that simple. I can live very comfortably without having to slave over a hot keyboard sitting in a cubicle filling out TPS reports all day. I have no reason or incentive to put up with that shit ever again

>> No.53730477


I live in a country with hyperinflation, average monthly salary of roughly at today black market exchange rate of 250/300 usd, the double at official rate but you cant buy shit in official rate, only local food and some very few goods are in official rate so real exchange rate is black market, for less than 400 usd a month i dont gonna move my ass anywhere and i have health issues above all of that kek

>ASS T8J = captcha of this reply

>> No.53730479

Literally just a work environment where I can contribute productive, fulfilling work that is mentally stimulating with being me being an autist with ADHD being held against me at every turn

>> No.53730494

>What would it take you to stop wasting your life, learn a skill, get a job and become a productive member of society?

My grievance is thus:

No pussy, no work.
No pussy, no taxes.

>> No.53730607

I have skills, I have talent, I want to work... doesn't matter, nobody cares. Job market is fucked and employers/companies are full of retarded scumbag garbage excuse for human beings

>> No.53731147

Look im glad we have more fellow neets, but don't forget our cause. There have been many bygone wizards that have failed, they would surely kill to be in our situation. Until our time comes become giga neet and keep not working hard. Our brothers ascended without following jews scummy demands, always demand more don't ruin it for future neets neets run the world always outing fake neets that would crack at a mere $20 per hour or some other equivalent. Never forget your roots and what the jews did demand more.

>> No.53731239


>> No.53731267

in cooperation with the Stanley parable?

>> No.53732112

Give me my normal childhood without dysfunctional genes, abusive parents, massive bullying, decades of mental health issues and no social and adulthood skills because of all of it. Snowball effect is real.

Yeah you can’t so why ask? Pig fuck.

>> No.53732120
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P.s. fuck you(me) i’m not working here(pic).

>> No.53732155

Whatever smart and respectable people can say - society itself need weak people, cuz they are the ones that can be exploited and fuck no you ain’t giving them power. The game is rigged and you only play it if either you know how or you can learn how. The latter makes sense but it’s a massive hurdle of injustice you still need to climb over.

>> No.53733450

Anon, you're right about "human farms" from 3rd world, but to effectivly run a society, you need most of it's members to be:
1) intelligent enough to handle difficult tasks
2) behaving the way that granted sucess in this country in previous generations
Will immigrants from poor shitholes create succesful societies? No, they will create little versions of their own country.

>> No.53733480
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I know too much
stupid frog

>> No.53734127
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>NEETs, what are your demands? What would it take you to stop wasting your life, learn a skill, get a job and become a productive member of society?
AT LEAST 7000 sex sessions with the prime teen virgin gf that i rightfully deserve

>> No.53735693
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Time. The work week for many jobs should be no longer than 25 hours. Preferably 20. With time, I would still be able to pursue my intellectual interests. I would not feel alienated from the world and my labor. It would not exhaust me or make me feel suffocated. I don't care about making tons of money, I don't care about women. I just want free time.

>> No.53735804
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>> No.53735951

cope image, this is just a combination of women peaking pre-29 and then falling off hard + women being more eager to describe their arrangement as a "relationship" + mid-to-late 20s women dating 30s and 40s men

this doesn't even work to prove any cringe "hypergamy" points because while it's true that women can fuck guys out of their league, these guys aren't in RELATIONSHIPS with multiple mid women (lol), anyone who leaves their house knows that

>> No.53736720

His parents chose to have him. I hate how boomers try to frame the situation as the kids like they ultimately decided (and not the parents) to make their parents pay for them

>> No.53737642

>But why the FUCK would I want to work now when I won't be able to have any of that?

Literally millions of men are starting families, buying homes and having wives. Whats your excuse? Seems defeatist and demoralized to be (you)

>> No.53739046

you know the answer. loyal women.

>> No.53739401

frogs consistently have the worst opinions

>> No.53739409

A cute Asian gf