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53720471 No.53720471 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.53720650

GRT - Do you think it's still worth it to buy it? Previously i bought at 0.09 and sold at 0.18. i don't know if this is good entry now.

>> No.53720662

last week's thread

>> No.53720674

why does link pump the least and dumps the most? also please post an RLC chart

>> No.53720760
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>bought at 0.09 and sold at 0.18
Nice job, anon. I did the same thing. I've moved on from GRT and am looking at better opportunities, but if you wanted to get back in, I think the green zone is the best bet, but if it closes a weekly candle below it, there's a good chance it shits the bed.

>> No.53720769
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It's an oscillator. Whalefags use it to exit from btc at the end of a pump cycle. Simple as. Stop treating LINK like it's special, and you will make more money.

Any rough guess on the FIL timeframe? Thx.

>> No.53720835
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RLC did what I hope all alts do in this echo bubble, namely to pump to the march '22 resistance. That's where it's currently at. I wouldn't touch it. There's better looking coins out there.

>> No.53720838


>> No.53720841

what do you think of QI?

>> No.53720902

fritzz why are you fritz
how do we know you are not the imposter

>> No.53720940
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No timeframe, only invalidation.

qi has the same setup as GRT and FIL, viz., broke into june-oct '22 range, sitting at the bottom and looking like it wants to hit the top.

>> No.53720996
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thoughts on ALGO and XRP?
I just bought both of them , 3.6:1 ratio
I wanted to sell XRP but just left a small portion because the weekly chart looked good. But the large volume sells don't look good at all.
ftm looks pretty solid, I might convert xrp to ftm in next few days depending on how xrp does

>> No.53721029

What did you rotate into? Or what is on your radar? I've seen people shilling constellation $DAG

>> No.53721062
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This is the setup I've been shilling, and this is how it I expect it to work out. GRT played out like that, and now PUSH. I expect/hope FIL does the same thing next.

it's why i got a tripcode

>> No.53721091

I see. If im understanding right.Now would be a bad time to get into push since it has broken the range right?

>> No.53721093

>uses the term echo bubble
>Thinks lower lows wont be seen unless something catastrophic happens.
Hey you know echo bubbles happen on the way down to lower lows right?

>> No.53721103

Is link worth accumulating throughout 2023? Can it hit triple digits in 2025?

>> No.53721131
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I actually don't think GRT is a good play to be honest. There's some different opinions on the matter, in that some people think it's best to buy strength, and FTM has certainly shown strength these past few weeks.

On the other hand, I think that FTM has pumped a lot already, and I'd rather look for coins that haven't pumped and which offer a good entry opportunity, meaning not too far from what I consider invalidation.

same setup as

but it hasn't crossed over into the jun-oct range. When/if that happens, I think you can expect it to do what GRT and PUSH did.

>> No.53721194

buy coins that just broke into their jun-oct '22 range, so you can target the top. I've given FIL as one example, but I'm sure there's others. If you go looking and name some, I can confirm.

That's what I'm doing but then again, I could just be deluded along with the other stinkies. What I hope for LINK is that it becomes another beartime runner, like last time.

let me guess. You were expecting 12-14k and are now sidelined and the axewound's healing so you have to dilate.

>> No.53721249

>That's what I'm doing
Do you think link has bottomed out? Anything else you are accumulating?

>> No.53721305


>> No.53721309

whats your latest view on icp? i remember you telling its echo bubble top was around 14

>> No.53721338

Nigger you are the one who called it an echo bubble but keep trying to use zoomer poltards buzzwords to hide the fact that you are a 40 something failed analyst who will never move beyond drawing lines on shitcoins for jeets.

>> No.53721353

Hi Fritz. Thanks for your threads, your insight is always accurate.

What is your portfolio? Long and short term holds?
(Especially interested in the long holds, I mean the stuff that you think will do well in the next 2025 run.)

>> No.53721379
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I'm not accumulating anything right now. Filled bags when btc was between 16-18k, but I'll start again once/if the echo bubble pops.

Don't really know, but I think so.

same setup as GRT, FIL, PUSH. If it can close above 27, you can target 48.

same as above

>> No.53721398

>FTM has pumped a lot already
But you still think it could reach 1.3-1.5 in the next month or two?

>> No.53721422

>long holds
link, grt, eth, prq, gmx

I don't appreciate you disparaging my race.

>> No.53721424

>but I think so
Thank you for the chart. If you don't mind me asking, if you think link has bottomed, wouldn't it be prudent for you to keep accumulating?

>> No.53721446

what about AVAX?

I want some long-term hold thats relatively safe 10x, but I wouldnt mind doing a 2-3x mid-term
I only have 15K saved up as an europoor

>> No.53721478

thanks man, i thought it looked similar, good to have confirmation

>> No.53721529
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I already bought what I wanted, and I think that this bear market has some ways to go.

I actually like avax a lot, but I didn't buy any at the lows. Even told my friend in april where I thought it would bottom, but i forgot all about it. I plan on buying some some time this year.

>> No.53721565

Too high to buy GMX right?

>> No.53721575

Thanks fren. You're the best bear time /biz/ has to offer. Don't listen to the cunts.

>> No.53721576

I am a fully tethered bobo since Spring 21. I missed the bottom, and at this point I honestly don't know what to do. Do I buy in now? Why aren't we dumping to at least 20k? We just had bad CPI data and BUSD fud and btc is still pumping. If you are saying that March is the top, then buying now would be dumb, right?

>> No.53721586

ok thank you.
do you by any chance do TA on BTC pairs? id be grateful if you did LINK/BTC

>> No.53721612

yeah I really wanted to buy when it was 10€ a pop. but I was holding cash..I need to think of a good way to onramp my fiat and set a buy order.
I usually use trust wallet.
Should I use coinbase?

>> No.53721637
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Is April the peak of this small rally and then dump through May before golden bull run on June?

>> No.53721707

well, i bought a bunch below 20, so yeah, it's pretty high for me. a lot of people in very nice profits...

i've been on the chans since 2007, and I knew what I was getting into when I became a tripfag. Just helping out my bros though

Yeah, this is honestly why I started buying when BTC was 16k. I was expecting 12-14k like the rest, but the thought that if it pumped I'd be sidelined was intolerable. I'm not set on March, but I do think this rally will fail at some point, and we'll have another buying opportunity for our long term bags.

As for the short and midterm, there's some opportunities I've laid out in this thread.

I don't, but I know I should.

>Should I use coinbase?
If coinbase goes, everything's dead for at least a few years. Coinbase is fine, imo.

I don't have predictions that specific, but I expect this rally to fail, and I also know that Sept is usually bad, and Oct very good.

>> No.53721762

Could you explain what do you mean by "fail at some point?" My biggest concern is that the "fail" could be the dip from 40k to 30k. Or from 30k to 25k. I've already missed out on the 30k to 60k run in 21, so I will rope if miss out again.

>> No.53721799

Seconding this: >>53721762
When you say that the rally will fail, do you expect BTC to revisit 16k? Or go even lower? Or stay at about 20k or higher?

>> No.53721857

>from 40k to 30k
>30k to 25k

I expect/hope it's from 30-35k to 17-20k (the pre-ftx range). I wouldn't worry too much about it, if I were you. As long as you have some bags before the halving, you're fine.

The comfiest way to do this would be to stay out until the halving, but I'm a degen gambler.

>> No.53721892

Generally the bottom is reached a few months before the halving, I've heard. Is it true?

>> No.53721958


The bottom's usually reached around a year after it tops. It then starts trending sideways and up for a year and a half.

>> No.53721994

>a year after it tops.
Fuck then we missed it. It was November 2022.

>> No.53722009

Hey there Fritz!
could you please chart HBAR again?
I plan to increase my position starting next monday regardless of price, but I'm hoping for a major crash back to $0.04.

>> No.53722021

>Fuck then we missed it.
thoughts on sushi chart?

>> No.53722094
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I liked and shilled it at around 6c when it broke inside the jun-oct range, but it's not as attractive to me right now. If I was looking to fill long term bags, then 5-6 cents is fine imo.

>> No.53722188

Unironic thoughts on LUNC?

>> No.53722197
File: 167 KB, 500x262, pepelino.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice, thanks.
so watch for a break through at $0.11 to concede and buy, or wait and we'll go back to $0.05 conservatively.
sounds great to me!

>> No.53722204
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It's unlike most of these other charts, in that it didn't make a new low when FTX blue up. Looks like LINK...curious to see where charts with this setup go.

I've shown the other setup that most coins have. If we see this setup start running, gotta look for the rest of them.

>> No.53722229
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>> No.53722443

So you think GRT is a bad midterm hold/short term hold, but a good long term? What do you think about SYLO? Pump and dump that’s zombied?

>> No.53722502

If you had to pick 1 coin for short term gains looming at charts, which one would you pick? From what I read QI or FIL?

>> No.53722595

it's not bad, but there's better.

Yep, but I'm sure there's more charts that look like they do.

>> No.53722639

I have both.
I'm tempted to roll my GRT into FIL or QI

>> No.53722690

>link, grt, eth, prq, gmx
So wait, no AI plays? No FET, VAI, ROSE, VXV, NMR? You don't think normies will fomo into the AI narrative the next run?

What about gaming, like SAND, GALA, MANA?

>> No.53722802

I'm still 50% cash, so I'm open to new opportunities, but only later on this year. I don't know how much juice AI coins have left. They've already pumped a lot.

>> No.53722870

I appreciate your replies but Im curious, why are you 50% cash? If you expect the top to be around 30-35k wouldn't it make more sense to be like 90% in crypto? Or is it just risk management? When do you plan on buying back? What if the pullback and dump to <20k never happens?

>> No.53722972

risk management. as i said before, the comfiest play is to just buy around the halving, but I am greedy. I was around 75% in crypto a couple of months ago, but I've taken profit, and I don't intend on rotating much of it back in. In a bear market, the mark of success is not losing money, but if you can make an extra dollar, then you better take it.

Right now I'm operating under the assumption that we'll have a bear time echo bubble, and I'm willing to bet 50% of my portfolio on it, but even that's a bit much now that I think about it.

>> No.53723069

>if you can make an extra dollar, then you better take it.
Especially considering that when the bullrun comes, every extra dollar becomes 10 or 20 dollars.

>> No.53723206

Thanks for helping out your bros. Do you mind doing SPIRIT? It’s on the fantom network

>> No.53723305

thoughts on DAG?

>> No.53723486

not much I can do with them, although I'll say DAG's resistance is between 14-19c

>> No.53723687

Thanks anon. I hope you'll keep making these threads.

>> No.53723697

I plan on it, but I might not have internet next Wednesday

>> No.53724141

Bump for best thread on /biz/.

>> No.53725644

you always ignore XRP ??

>> No.53726266

I got nothing on XRP. I have this chart I made a few months ago, but it didn't pan out like I thought. If I see it in the accumulation zone, I'll buy it though.


>> No.53727498

Two bumps for Fritzz

>> No.53727911

Ep.4 seems to have been pretty short. Till next week.