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53719017 No.53719017 [Reply] [Original]

Why did gen z and y destroy the economy?

>> No.53719060

this seems like boomer cope from some gen x or boomer wagie

>> No.53719094

>seething zoomer mad they are getting called out
Stop spending money frivolously retard.

>> No.53719102
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Because they claim they are poor, but are just absolutely shit at money management.

>> No.53719115

why do the mods let mentally ill discord trannies spam this board? this is the fourth instance of this thread i've seen in the past 3 hours on /biz/ alone.

>> No.53719143
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Jews did, not [insert non-jews].

>> No.53719146

Plot twist. A janitor posted this.

>> No.53719161

My friends are complaining they can only put like 8% on a house but they eat out constantlyand their appartment is full of board games, Lego sets, video game systems and a high end gaming pc. This generation is pathetic

>> No.53719183

How does any of that affect you? Mind your own business and let people live their lives.

>> No.53719197

Masonic one-eye symbolism

>> No.53719211

this, it's incredibly obvious

>> No.53719241

Its everywhere and in everything you see, hear, and participate in.

>> No.53719243

I just said they complain about it and I have to listen, which affects me. Plus I dont like hearing that my friends dont have their shit sorted out and will be paying interest for 40 years, its unnerving.

>> No.53719310

Yes. It’s horrifying. I think freemasonry declared war on humanity with Covid. I don’t think humanity is winning

>> No.53719316
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>I just said they complain about it and I have to listen, which affects me!!!

>> No.53719412

>just put off your life until you're 50 because boomers need to buy another boat
>rent the pod, goy
Yeah I'll pass.

>> No.53719466

The thing you have to understand is that previous middle aged/elderly people in the 1970s and 1980s (wwii and korean war generations) were frugal because they remembered the depression and lean years of the wars. Boomers don't have these memories and don't care. Gen X feels like they were 'robbed' by the 1990s tech bubble and 2008 housing bubble pop. So you get this weird space where younger people merely existing is fucking them up, because where an 80yo WWII vet in the 2000s had no reason to buy a bunch of new stuff, boomers are like "vacation, new car, sell house, buy new house". This is also fueled by the fact many boomers have yo-yo retirements, where they either don't retire, retire to 'work from home' with minimal actual work done or retire then un-retire and re-enter the workforce in their 70s. So where old people used to be a minimal force on inflation because pensions and social security are meant to tide you over (on the assumption old people just need to eat and play cards with their friends), boomers are the ones actually fucking things up because they're the "75 year old manager who lives in florida remotely and just bought another F-150". Someone like that used to retire on his fat assets but instead boomers keep going.

This becomes a problem when you have millennials trying to buy starter houses and zoomers existing period because young people are historically the source of inflation, since they need to actually spend money on their lives. I assume also zoomers have benefited from wage increases in wagie jobs (which millennials didn't, 20 years ago) which means for the first time in like 40 years, teenagers have a little more spending money instead of poverty wages.

>> No.53719481

nah, browns are to blame, nice try though kikes.

>> No.53719494

Millienials share of the wealth is rapidly climbing, all those articles about millienials being the lowest but as time goes on they are killing it

>> No.53719589
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>Why did gen z and y destroy the economy?
t. boomer

>> No.53719605

Well yeah they destroy local economies by piling into places and driving out stable economic factors in favor of gold rush land grabs and restaurants. Look at local cab companies, utility stores, local shops all replaced by thrift stores, restaurants, and coffee shops. Growing up in Queens our local shops have been decimated by rabid online shopping and young people moving here who only spend their disposable income in garbage online and trendy restaurants. It’s beyond cringe. They drive rent prices up as well which means locals who frequent local establishments leave which in turn is a downturn for many small businesses. The worst of all is the fags and the women who demand their ideals be catered to by other cultures but only specific ones get a pass.

>> No.53719780

This is actual gaslighting coming from investors and policy officials. They literally made this world, they raised other people's kids to be ravenous consumers because it made them money. Now they complain that the economy is filled with people who spend and don't save? The streets and airwaves are filled with advertisements, every step of life is filled with sales pitches and both the state and private sector have worked to condition people to spend their money on baubles. It's just hypocritical for them to complain about, this generation doesn't know how to save money! Maybe they should've thought of that before they greedily targeted kids in their advertising campaigns. They can blame everyone else, the parents or whatever, but they specifically try to get around parents because they expect parents to be trying to control their kids consumption. They've already been playing a game where they try to raise kids behind the backs of their parents to beg for their products, and then they complain that parents didnt do a good enough job of stopping them.

>> No.53719862

Ahem, I believe the "spending habits" of those in charge of fiscal policy, monetary policy and QE are contributing factors here...

>> No.53720490

boomers are the peak consoomer goy generation. i do enjoy a rather comfy life and there are many things i refuse to skimp on, e.g., engine oil, but that just means that the vast majority of my stuff is secondhand from thrift stores. the last things i bought on amazon, months apart, were 2 gallons of castille soap and some shirts/socks/underwear to finally replace my 12+ year-old clothes that were actually falling apart. compared to what i see in terms of amazon chinkshit deliveries almost every single day, (((car payments))), and whatever the fuck else. i'd much rather buy a quality dress shirt from savers, replace the buttons myself, and pay a tailor $20 to fit it to my body, than go to (((nordstrom))) for some bullshit made by chinks who don't even know what a shirt is supposed to look like

>> No.53720693

You realize ALL of that consumer shit in summation is most likely much less than an additional 12% on a house? You could even ballpark it yourself.

Lowl/med cost of living location, an ok house goes for about 300k
Assuming you're seething that they're not spending an additional 12 percent to get the 20% needed for a down payment .12 x 300k = 36k
Goyslop guess = 5k (1.5k gaming PC, 1k in consoles, 2.5k in videogames, board games, and Legos) and that's fucking high. My point here is you're dumb fuck who's sucking boomer cock. The environment right now is extremely anti-consumer (including the housing market). The middle and lower class is getting absolutely reamed.

>> No.53720727
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>mfw I watch roasties spend over 1000$ a week on impulse buying worthless shit because their brains literally don’t produce dopamine or serotonin anymore

>> No.53720886

>single mom
I might have sympathy for some younger people but not females who slept around, fucked over a man (divorces or alimony or some other means like false rape/abuse charges), etc. Dumb cunts made their own bed, they can lie in it.

>> No.53721476

that's what gets me with these loudmouthed skinflint faggots. a couple thousand dollars in frivolous bullshit a year isn't going to make that much of a difference. It's not like he's complaining about his friend financing numerous cars or buying fire-damaged property to ""flip"", his friend is literally just enjoying his life. I think adult legos and excessive video games are pure fucking cringe, but I'm not gonna act like I'm somehow morally superior for saving $2,500 a year over them. Three years of those savings might get me an okay-ish used sedan, It isn't house money

>> No.53721610

This is true. Idiots pay other idiots to be idiots on streams. Just look at PS5 sales, it has no fucking games and it's still highly demanded system because It's SONY and PLAYSTATION.

Stop worshiping brands.

>> No.53721625

I don't have any money

>> No.53721651

Roastie btfo’d, no paid maternity leave for her

>> No.53721662

>gives $1200 to streamers every month
aww GEEZ DUDE I can't afford anything after paying my Digital Lord his dues

>> No.53721670
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This is still up? Garbage was posted 3 times this morning. It's a shill campaign.

>> No.53721742

Based brokechad

>> No.53721781

Do these people know what POV means?

>> No.53721924

This is the biggest mix of pure cope and schizopost I’ve seen on biz

>> No.53722095

cuz i don't want my car to break down and a $5 white-made brooks oxford + $20 tailor fee costs less than $50 department store chinkshit?

>> No.53722423


30 years ago a "Toy" for an adult would have been an ATV, boat, motorhome, or some combination of the three. They could afford that on top of being homeowners. Young people today can't even buy video games without being chastised for "frivolous spending".

>> No.53722719

Avocado toast isn't frivolous, chud.

>> No.53722936

Fuck boomers
Stop posting

>> No.53723086

Why film this?

>> No.53723166

Stop printing money then? I doubt any zoomers work at the federal reserve.

>> No.53723202


>> No.53723213

These roasties think it's power of vagina. Not anymore for this cunt, kek.

>> No.53724503

This is a moment of celebration goy! Her kid became gay during the filming of the breakdown.

>> No.53724532
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idk, I just felt like it. shut up ok boomers and zoomers

>> No.53724627

Them dang zoomers with their central bank money printers.

>> No.53724653

>baby boomers still the absolute majority of those in power in governments around the world
>have been for the past several decades
I fucking hate boomers so damn much.

>> No.53725495


>> No.53725531

>You don't understand, this $800 anime hentai figure is LIMITED EDITION.

>> No.53725589
File: 148 KB, 595x842, D19D0D9F-C951-47BC-879F-4BB30C1B3FB3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m finally building wealth and have 5k in savings, 5k in stock/crypto, and another 5k in collectible investments. Messily 15k, yes, but that’s 15k more than I had 6 months ago. I currently make 50k a year with my job, and also work a side hustle that nets me 20k a year. At my age I’m by no means rich but I am certainly ahead of the average. Millennials learned from the mistakes of boomers, we don’t have as much of an opportunity to make it as much as they did however there will be far less millennials that are 60+ with 0 money to fall back on compared to boomers that are forced to wage until 5 years before death.

>> No.53725683

Blaming generations of people for problems is a huge cope and a dangerous way to think. Neither Millennials nor boomers have control over the economy in the way that would cause widespread problems like this.

All of the problems with our economy are literally caused by the federal government and the banks/the Fed. Our economy was gutted in the 90's and turned into some service bullshit, and reckless government spending and horrible monetary policy pumped endless money into the system that made everything unaffordable. Inflation has been a persistent problem for decades now in education, Healthcare, housing, etc. Government COVID faggotry ruined what was left of our economy and made things like food and gas that were still relatively cheap expensive as fuck. Now every single thing in the economy is overpriced and nobody can afford anything.

It's not boomers' faults or millennials' faults. It's the Jews.

>> No.53725918


i hate generation shit
it's so divisive

>> No.53726070

Anon that goyslop over 4 years would equate to $20k in savings if you didn't buy that crap. You don't save for a down payment in a single year.

>> No.53727145

>record yourself like crybaby faggot...
literal child like mind
fucking retard hoe thinks work from home recruiter is a real job