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File: 459 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230215-121614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53717343 No.53717343 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else find they can get sex very easily from tinder/hungry but are very lazy with it?
Pic related. Any time I actually start chatting with a girl, I know sooner or later it's going to result in them wanting to go for a drink, the whole shebang before I end up banging them that evening. While it's fun, it's a bit of a bore doing it all the time and it means I don't have evenings free to do me shit. I know this may look like a humble brag to some but really I'm curious if others feel the same way?

How can I profit from this financially, because it's also expensive buying random drinks you don't even want.

>> No.53717346

Meant to say hinge not hunger

>> No.53717349


>> No.53717351

hire escorts

>> No.53717359


post profile

>> No.53717360

What type of pics do you use for dating apps? Can I get by with a mirror selfie?

>> No.53717362

Anyone ever used seeking arrangements to find a sugar baby?

>> No.53717364

It's been years since I've seen a moderately attractive woman IRL. Dating apps are full of goblins.

>> No.53717375

how do you even get matches?
i dont get any

>> No.53717379

Are you saying I should simp or that I am a simp? I'm not familiar with your zoomer lingo but I'm pretty sure being actively bored of having sex with multiple women is the complete opposite of being a 'simp'.

Not very accessible where I live, plus that doesn't really help on the money front.

>> No.53717401

Numbers game my g. I pay for the boosts and I've found that to be super helpful. I have pretty severe Asperger's but I've been able to land at least ten cuties in the last few years

>> No.53717431


Here's a picture of my profile. I took loads of screenshots to reduce the quality.

I actually think my pictures are shit and haven't updated in about a year, but as you can see, I'm a white guy and have photos with friends (girls like to know you have a normal social understanding) a couple of selfies (they need to be clear) and an activity to show I do things/have hobbies. My bio is literally just 'my names not x'

>> No.53717432

i know bro, but is it worthwhile for people with money but above avg looks?
like flexing a lambo, pvt jet or a yacht
does it help to court them via the Money card and just pump and dump them?

>> No.53717438
File: 247 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230215-122817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.53717442

I am 28 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.53717446
File: 31 KB, 601x508, 2f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y-yeah, same here haha....

>> No.53717447

Nothing posted you absolute mongol

>> No.53717456

why do you need her bank info?

>> No.53717462

What's up with your upper lip?
Do women seriously just like you simply because you have pale white skin? Lmao
Whitoids have life on easy mode

>> No.53717466

Have never played the money card personally, but I'd say not looking poor is more important than looking rich if that makes sense.
As for cars, I drive a fucking kia picanto. Girls don't care as long as you can drive and they can play with the aux cord. They just want someone who has friends, a job that isn't dogshit and is socially adjusted (big bonus if you're funny). Drop all that yacht shit, imo that's the wrong way to go about it.

>> No.53717476

I'm doing a retarded thing bringing my upper lip under bottom one. As I said, I'm not happy with these pics and they're a few years old.

Also, no because I live somewhere where nearly everyone is white anyway.

>> No.53717478

Yes women like men that look like they're from this century and not stuck in the hunter gather evolution phase.

>> No.53717514

That's her message, it was actually in response to my friend taking my phone and messaging random matches. It was to do with winning a prize in exchange for social security number or something . Crazy banter.

>> No.53717528

You really don't even need to play the money card bro, although playing it subtly sure does help. I was broke as shit and I met two 10/10 blonde qts. Subtle would be hiring a professional photographer to take a few "casual" pictures of you. I work in the photo industry so luckily that comes easily for me. You don't have to do this obviously but I went on a date at a sushi place and I left a $40 cash tip at the table. She was really impressed, I actually dated her for about two months casually. I asked her about it and she said that was a big turn on for her. Most women (especially younger women) realllyyyy don't know much about finances.

>> No.53717567

If this is you, getting some really good pictures would definitely help. You look like you don't know what to do with your mouth in two of the pics and two of them are with randoms. If you could get six good pictures of yourself I think you'd be set desu

>> No.53717606

I'm op. Yes that's me, I actually have a very good camera it just I'm usually the ones taking the pics. I know they need to be updated and improved (though I will say that lip thing isn't as bad full screen lol) . As I say, I have no problems getting matches which is probably what has led to the inertia of not optimizing my profile.

>> No.53718089

We truly life in different worlds. Average looking guy, I would say 5-6/10 here, no matches despite hundreds of right swipes. If there is a match you can be sure its some scam like a person wanting your crypto, or investment scheme.

>> No.53718143

If you are lazy with it, and want time alone, just don't answer/swipe or uninstall the app? How much of a fuckin retard are you, it is that simple

>> No.53718155

Cheap thrill seekers aren’t gonna make it

>> No.53718222

The western obsession with monogamy and purity brought it to its knees. In the natural world alpha males take harems and pass on more powerful genetics. Theres nothing wrong with quality males fucking lots of girls.

>> No.53718318

all bots.

>> No.53718353

Alpha males in nature take harems for reasons other than cheap thrills. They reproduce with everyone in their harem with the purpose of passing on their genes as much as possible, not to coom. If that was happening with harems in the modern world you might’ve had a point.

>> No.53718365

What do you do for work? You aren't ugly, but ngl you aren't chad either. Definitely above average though. Don't see how you have so many matches. Where do you live and how old are they?

>> No.53718427

you make 300 matches on tinder with these average lookin genetics?

>> No.53718440

Work in a fairly generic learning industry. Totally aware I'm not a Chad, I think part of my success is my approachability and I have enough eq to tell girls what they want to hear.

Sorry but I just don't believe an average looking person can get zero matches. You must have a retarded profile.

>> No.53718450

You literally matched with all fucking bots you messaged them... lol
>Added you
Snapchat bot
>Valentines day
Insta thot bot.

God just kys.

>> No.53718454

>"That's easy! Of course do you need my bank d..."
You can't fool me, OP. You wanted to humble brag but looks like you are literally being a sugar daddy or get Pay to Play. That's why they keep wanting to get drinks and shit, so you can pay for it and they can ghost you without putting out.
That's literally the same BS excuse guys give when they text their crush and get rejected.

Despite your lies, you can still easily profit from this.
>change your name on the app.
>go on the dates.
>Eat food and drinks.
>go to the bathroom.
>unmatch in bathroom.

>> No.53718470

He has 10 matches at best and they are all bots, those aren't real profiles OP is some ugly fucking faggot with a mask is his profile picture hahahaha.

>> No.53718477

Apparently so. Remember I made the pic small on purpose. You don't actually have any real idea what I look like. My matches are also in the thousands but they seem to get culled after a period of inactivity.

I'm 6'0 too which I'm sure helps. It's easy to come here and call someone else 'average genetics' while anonymous and not posting their own profile. Seethe as I reply to any one if these thots and get my rocks off.

>> No.53718534

i have a girlfriend. i don't care if you are able to have meaningless sex with whores. I'm just amazed you get this many matches while looking average af. You would get 0 matches with those pictures here. (Netherlands)

>> No.53718539

I'm pretty sure I'm better looking than OP but I get barely any matches, what gives? Is it because I'? 5'9"? I don't think you can tell from my profile.

>> No.53718557

>a picture with a mask

>> No.53718580

You don't have 300 fucking matches faggot you made this same bullshit thread last year I btfo'd you then and I'll btfo you now.
I'm a guy who gets matches who jump on my dick without paying a dime.
Two nights ago a 23 year old 10/10 smoking fucking hot 120lbs burnette met me at a park at 10pm and we fucked for three hours and now she texts me how she's in love.

You aren't a player nigger, believe me I fucking am.

>> No.53718583
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Holy shit I know we're on 4chan but didn't expect this level of cope. Do you guys really struggle this hard to get some matches that seeing someone get a few girls triggers you? Post profiles and I can help

>> No.53718597

Listen you fucking nigger any of you can match with those exact same women they are bots are best worst pajeets catfishing they match automatically with anyone
Go make a profile right now wait an hour and you'll have 10 bots who liked you.

>> No.53718608

Nigger you're talking to fucking bots, if this is one of our people who have to endure then you need to kill yourself immediately and never fucking post on this website again.

A simp who has no pussy and no real matches making threads about fucking adding bots and a pfp of him wearing a fucking mask where the fuck did you come from nigger?

>> No.53718613

Yeah, 2 of the ones listed here that I met in person were robots.

>> No.53718617

i deleted tinder years ago I don't have time for it anymore.

>> No.53718624

*While it's hard to tell what percentage of Tinder profiles are bots, we can assume that it isn't more than 20%. Online scams are growing every year, however, so that number will almost certainly grow.Feb 3, 2021*
Tinder admits over 20% of their userbase are automated fucking bots which means closer to 60% or more jfc kys OP.

>> No.53718643

It's a waste of time they flooded it with bots for covid and broke the system, it's only useful for niggers like OP to go pay some online e-whore/pajeeta who's grifting him.
I love the last message
>Sure do I just need to give you my bank account information
OP is literally retarded and hasn't had sex in at least two years to have that big of blinders on.

>> No.53718655

OP made this same bullshit thread last year and couldn't prove that he's even been on one date, absolutely pathetic he's still not only on tinder but he's asking us to give him approval for being a retarded nigger.

>> No.53718665

This made me burst out lol

>> No.53718669

First, I never actually mentioned the number of matches I got, that's just something you autists picked up on. I have no doubts there are bots on tinder.

Secondly, my original point was that I'm bored meeting up with a new girl every other week. Even if there are bots on tinder, it doesn't take away from the fact that I still regularly meet with and fuck women using the app.

Jesus Christ sometimes I forget how autistic people here can be, and I literally am autistic.

>> No.53718673
File: 1.08 MB, 1200x1887, monero-chan-cool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> do you need my bank account
lmao well spotted.

>I'm 6'0 too which I'm sure helps.
you dont even make the manlet cuttoff with that height where i live

>> No.53718676
File: 110 KB, 227x506, ThanksNigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All hail the simp of /biz/
I'm gonna post your face in every incel thread for the next 5 years.

>> No.53718684

your screenshot says 385 matches. I see you just came here to bully incels with no chances now.

>> No.53718698

It's worse than that he's got that many matches over like 5 years or something pathetic and never has once been on a date with these "women"
I'm sure he's paid for sex though so don't feel too ashamed this nigger has no game, the karate picture shows he's about 5'6 at best.

I'm a 6'4 lanklet I can tell midgets from a mile away.

>> No.53718725

If you really wanna be a dick take his PFP and this thread/archive report it to tinder they do social media justice blocking, he won't be able to message anyone anymore they will shadow ban him from his profile pictures.

>> No.53718736
File: 30 KB, 656x679, pepe-smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't have time fren i have to refresh my portfolio every 5 minutes today. I gained 4 monthly wages so far today.

>> No.53718743
File: 131 KB, 1080x955, Screenshot_20230215-143354~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


As much as you want it to be me paying for sex, it's exactly how I described in my other post. That random girl was sent a message by my friend, as described

>> No.53718745

I've got a bunch of paperwork to do today and I'm not interested enough in blocking a simp from sex with whores, he might shoot someone if we do anyway.

>> No.53718755

Jesus fucking christ
Charles son is apparently posting on /biz/
God damn son you need a game course.

>> No.53718762


>> No.53718764
File: 2.41 MB, 225x255, wagie good.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53718777

why exactly did you make this thread. we post pepes here and practise gfs. not this trash tinder bs.

>> No.53718779

Tell you what nigger, I'll make a online course for incels to step up their ability to talk to women.
It will only cost $250 per week but for you it's 5k per day because we need some serious one on one time.
Are you liberal minded about sex by chance?

>> No.53718782

they’re all bots you cleft lipped sperg

>> No.53718787

Ok sign me up do u need my bank details too

>> No.53718795

you just need to say "hi" they will want you based on genetics. no words will get you a girl. not one that will stay for any meaningful time anyway. as a business idea, selling information to pick up woman to losers is a saturated market.

>> No.53718804

Yes, I found it easy, but I've been perma banned on Tinder for the last 3 years because I made a fake cute Asian girl profile, set my location to India, and told all the Jeets I matched with that I was stuck in America (this was during the height of the scamdemic) and couldn't afford a flight home to India. Was in the middle of telling them my CashApp, but got banned. Now the Tinder overlord Jews won't let me return on their precious app because they know I can out-scam even them. They've blacklisted my devices, IP, pictures through facial recognition, linked Instagram/Spotify, etc. I have officially accepted my fate that I will simply never use online dating apps again. The only dating apps left for me are dead apps like Bumble (used to match with cute girls all the time, now nothing), whale-dominated obese girl apps like Hinge that OP mentioned (guess he's fucking fatties, 90% of women on there are morbidly obese, disgusting Niggishas), or MeetMe, which is ONLY used by hick opioid addicts who live in the middle of fucking nowhere. In fact I've tested MeetMe and gotten nothing. To be an alpha Chad on MeetMe is to be a druggie fuck up in real life. That's who will have the most success in the top 10% of men. My drug addict retarded friend who uses MeetMe always pulls retarded fucking 0 IQ hick girls, they both get fucked up, and fuck. Meanwhile, us normal dudes who are banned from Tinder for impersonating a female Jeet have to suffer.

>> No.53718822
File: 658 KB, 854x1028, whatashame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Business & Finance

>> No.53718823

Na just need you to come to my bar in my basement in chicago and play some pool with me late at night.

Listen nigger if you wanna learn how to talk to women you gotta think like a woman.

They are creatures of imagination, also you need to start lying asap.

If you'r 5'11 put you're 6'2 since you'll be taller than 99% of women anyway they aren't gonna measure your height.
Take the fucking mask off, fix your weird lip pictures and make a new profile yours is old and will only get bot replies as you're shoved down to the bottom.

>> No.53718833

Noticing a lot of HAVE SEX threads spammed all over 4chan over Valentines Day period. Its a bizarre psy op or massive cope from people trying to assert themselves.

Just fuck off its pathetic.

>> No.53718836

get a vpn, get a new device. you can easily start scamming jeets again. just go on whatsapp don't directly scam them from the dating app. go "private" then scam the jeet.

>> No.53718837

oh of course, I can get away with murder cause I got a pretty face and eyes and women throw themselves at me for the conquest.

Game helps but genetics make up 99%.

>> No.53718868

Good idea.. will give that a shot next

>> No.53718871

>> game
if you have to play game(s) to get her its a whore and nothing meaningful will come out of it eventually anyway. enjoy some months of sex. then its over. which is meaningless. . if it doesn't result in long term relationship with kids its pointless. if you dn't want kids then its pointless to get a gf and have sex

>> No.53718890

>Anonymous (ID: jCZvLqEd) 02/15/23(Wed)15:50:01 No.53718
promise me you will scam a lot of indian jeets. they deserve to get scammed for stealing from old people here.

>> No.53718906

I have almost entirely quit dating apps due to the fact that I cannot go on a date like this while sober. 99% of the time I have a beer or two before going to see the chick, end up paying for a few more for both of us whatever bar we're at, and have usually one more by the time we're at either of our houses. I've tried going on dates sober and they're terrible. I think I might unironically hate women. I'm trying to meet people irl now. Hopefully i'll be able to find someone I actually connect with that way.

>> No.53718915

Oh I will, you don't even have to worry. It's my one purpose in life. My calling. I'm gonna take every ruppee I can from these Jeets.

>> No.53718926

I am in Taiwan now and I got like 500+ or something but I am also too fucking lazy to talk to them, go out and do some bullshit. Wish I could just snap my fingers and they would come, some rarely come but not common at all, I am not that chad
I guess escorts would be the way

>> No.53718927

I don't disagree I don't want kids so I stopped seeking relationships, I was a master at picking up women through tricking them into relationships and getting what I wanted.
Doesn't mean I enjoyed it so I stopped but OP is just a simp.

>> No.53718933

Yeah, dating apps are retarded. Completely inorganic, which is why you're incapable of going into them sober. Meet women in real life.

>> No.53718943

Nice, I lived there for a year. Shagged a milf one time I was 23 she was 43. Shit was cash

>> No.53718946

Keep it up king.
Fuck those god damn brown subhumans.

>> No.53718960

You talk like a fag and your shits all retarded.

>> No.53719250

I never got the chance to use these things but I would have cleaned up on them, so I believe you. I was banging girls regularly when you had to do the hard part in person. Now a horny girl literally just sends you a message on the phone? God damn. I mean, I also think it sucks for many reasons but easy sex is not one of those.

I think you should pitch them all "Hey listen, I have been kind of exhausted by Tinder lately... it seems like every girl just wants to have sex and I wind up buying drinks and it's kind of like I'm just paying them for sex. You seem cool, how about you buy ME drinks and show you're different?"

Or something along those lines to save yourself money. It'll still end up in sex of course.

>> No.53719267

That's a good take, or something along the lines of not getting drinks at all and just coming straight over to chill...

>> No.53719446

at least you are honest about it

>> No.53719463

>Business and Finance

>> No.53719527

I get a bunch of matches but they never reply back to me.

>> No.53719817

I rather have better battery life on my shitty iPhone 7 then have a modern gf. Seriously, women are so much work. For all the virgins or guys that have never been with a woman, it's not all it's cracked up to be. Sure sex is good, but even that is work. Also, after the short term pleasure 99% of the time it's headaches, her nagging you, stressing you out, talking about her family drama, etc. You will probably not even get to see her that much either unless you guys live really close or have matching schedules. It just goes on and on. Trust me, you pay in a major way to be with a woman, emotionally, financially, time, freedom. The list goes on. Men have been manipulated into thinking that having a woman is the easy choice, it's not, being alone is much much easier and better