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53716469 No.53716469 [Reply] [Original]

I should have clubbed and tried dating girls when I first joined university. I'm now graduating a virgin, having also never been on a date. I messed up Jack, I messed up.

>> No.53716491

you get girls from libraries, yoga classes, churches not in bars or clubs

>> No.53716503

This. Sluts are not looking foe marriage.

>> No.53716530

No the point is I would have gotten additional social experience by getting out of my shell which would lead to acting on or learning how to create more social opportunities for myself. I'm not trying to find a wife in a club of course.

>> No.53716628

you can get out of your shell by talking to girls in aforementioned places
clubs just cover up your social anxiety and at some degeneracy on top
can't even talk in a fucking club

>> No.53716679
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>tfw went out to a club countless times in my life, and not just clubs but various parties, concerts and music festivals as well and I still never even managed to get a single kiss, let alone have sex
I'm the quintessential failed normalfag

>> No.53716757

no one is going to those places just to meet girls, the best place to meet girls is in university and praying one finds you interesting and gives you a chance (I was given the chance a number of times and screwed up every time). Somehow no girl even wants to do anything with me anymore these days. I need to grow some balls and make peace with seeing escorts, because its looking like that's the only shot at intimacy I'll get. I missed my chance.

>> No.53716878

Maybe so. I have many times felt the same way, but do you really think we're meant for that sort of thing; or that anyone is? When you go to a club or a music show does everything magically transition into a great time where you're happy and social and meeting tons of new people? Do you make any significant relationships? Sometimes I think it's all just hype. Mostly just a whole bunch of people who want to sell you that you can have the time of your life at their shitty venue or that they are having the time of their life at some shitty venue, and are better than you. A million bullshitters, and yeah, a few people legitimately having a good time. Really don't know, but most of the time when I try this stuff it's not all that great.

>> No.53716947
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I had a couple of GFs in high school and fucked one.
In college I went clubbing a few times, and stopped after getting an on/off GF.
I've been 100% single since graduating and recently had Becky from highschool contact me when she heard I was single.

>> No.53717111
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>had countless chances over the years with many different woman (attractive ones too) who even approached me first and invited me to a date
>always fucked it up one way or another and made them seethe and now I'm still a KHHV at 35

>> No.53717119


>> No.53717137

Why do you young guys fill your heads with this incel propaganda? If you don't care it won't affect you. It's much easier to get women younger than you, poorer than you and lower on the social ladder than you. You don't need any special skills, just be better than them and act like they are lucky to have you.


>> No.53718759

this, fuck off OP