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File: 222 KB, 959x872, 295C4E92-14AD-4C8D-882C-C81BC0BA1935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53715080 No.53715080 [Reply] [Original]

I hate women.

>> No.53715084

You hate more than 50% of the humanity?

Because for sure you also hate some men out there.

What are you doing on this planet?

>> No.53715100

Me too.

>> No.53715105

I love women. I hate that modern socioeconomic issues have pitted men against women.

>> No.53715115

i'm here to hate humanity and make everyone's life worse motherfucker. I am the flail of god. If you had not committed great sins, god would not have sent me as punishment upon you

>> No.53715121
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Jews/Christians/Mudslimes detected

Quote by SS Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler (1937):

> The anti-women attitude is a typical (((Christian))) attitude, and we also who've been Nationalsocialists up to this day – many who are strict heathens – have unwittingly adopted this set of ideas.

> I recently said to a Hitler Youth leader: "You're usually so un-Christian, but your attitude toward women is the purest Christianity that is at all possible.”

> Christianity is directed at the absolute destruction of women and at emphasizing the inferiority of women. The entire substance of the priesthood and of the whole of Christianity is an erotic union of men for the erection and maintenance of a 2000-year old Bolshevism. I reach that conclusion because I know very well the history of Christianity in Rome. The Roman emperors, who eradicated the first Christians, did exactly the same thing we're doing with the Communists. These Christians were then the worst yeast the great city contained, the worst Jewish people, the worst Bolsheviks that there were.

Source: https://archive.is/JlkBd


Videos further showing clearly that anti-women attitudes are 100% Jewish and the total opposite of the Native European attitude towards women:

> "Women are Evil!"

> About Women

> Why are Christians Beta Males?

> Dear Women! (You have the Power)

> About the Sterilization of European Women

> How to attract THE RIGHT type of women!

> The Key to good Women's Hearts

> No Good Women Left?

> Natural Blonde Women

> Should Women Train Hard?

> The Role of Women

>> No.53715122
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(((socioeconomic issues))), right

>> No.53715144
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>What is OP doing on this planet?
(((He))) is being a parasite and a destroyer. Video of a jew rabbi saying the jews are aliens from another galaxy: https://files.catbox.moe/cjwe6l.mp4

>> No.53715161

No. Your belief in (((issues))) just makes you a pawn in the same people who always peddle nonsense culture wars to cement their power.

>> No.53715174

You don’t hate women. You hate what you see on the internet which is what women who are ego driven do on the internet. Weather it is broke thots posting on their ig stories every 35 minutes or “influencers” or tree link whores that’s not most women. Get off the internet and meet nice women who don’t live their whole life on the internet and you’ll be much happier, and btw find God faggot, hopefully an Abrahamic one. All the best bitches believe in God. Only these godless whores will make you miserable

>> No.53715191

>and btw find God faggot
Only if you explain what the actual fuck that ACTUALLY means.

>> No.53715203
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>hopefully an Abrahamic one
Yep, that's where you lost me.

>> No.53715216
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>> No.53715226


We know. You're not special. Go fish for validation on another board.

>> No.53715270

you just have a small sample size, I guarantee you lots of women out there are based but they're probably white or asian desu

>> No.53715286


>> No.53715302

you must deeply repent and weep for your sins knowing that God has made you in his image yet you continue to sin spit in his face, only then will God put light in your heart

>> No.53715306

>you must deeply repent and weep for your sins knowing that God has made you in his image yet you continue to sin spit in his face, only then will God put light in your heart
Sorry seems like bullshit.

>> No.53715309
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Same unless they are virgins which is to say I hate all women
I hate all men too for enabling their whore nature
Women are dumb whores
don't ever compare jews to anyone but jews. Jews are the devil.
Jews and women ruined it all. Social contract broken.
Jews influenced women, but women fell for the bait
read above
Na. Women I met irl were also whores
I'm commenting on every post cause I'm bored. Hi
read above
above related
I hate women
Lolno. Stats show they are whores. It's not just the "vocal minority"

>> No.53715434

Me too

>> No.53717043

this thread deserves to be brought back to life

>> No.53717509
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I hate them as well, but I love their smell, their voice, their eyes, their hair, their dripping wet pussies, their soft skin, their breasts, their backs, their buttocks, their bellies, their thighs, their necks.
They were literally made to pump and dump.

>> No.53717835
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Based, me too.

>> No.53718251
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blessed thread

>> No.53718268

I had sex last night. With a woman (female) mind you.

>> No.53718296

Funny sorry; she just got out of a mental hospital. Kek

>> No.53718303
File: 147 KB, 884x896, 2858ABFC-65E3-4279-9BB7-8CBEB23F0359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love women.

>> No.53718324

because you want to be one