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53710384 No.53710384 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>have bloody poo's every now and then for a few years now
>hemorrhoids for years but typically no blood until a while back
>sit on the toilet
>take a dump
>look down, water is bloody with only a small area of clear water but is apparent the hemorroid is the cause
>only time that happened most times it's just when I wipe a lot and a few times on the first wipe/on the poop
>fast forward
>get a colonoscopy consult
>prior to it look into information as I doubt I'll get all the info I need there
>there is a chance of terrible outcomes and I don't mean what they find
>it's a ~62 sided dice, assuming they aren't fudging the data, land on #1 and you're about to have a likely terrible fate
>anyone that got screwed over seems to have gotten a fate far worse than death
>emergency surgery, poop bag attached to you, another surgery months later to reverse the poop hole, debilitating trauma for months
>go in and doctor explains it, but gives very few details and seems more interested in details about my condition
>get a weird vibe
>he wants to do a rectal exam
>think to myself, "what will that solve?"
>have the feeling he's a homo and just wants to shove his finger up my butt
>turn it down obviously

I don't think I can do it. I'm a heavily paranoid person and if this is anything like the stock market I will lose this dice roll and be that person who ends up with a poop bag and anywhere from a year to two where I will be nothing but a burden AAAAAAAAA!!! I DON'T WANT THE SNAKE TUBE THAT'S NOT TRULY 100% CLEAN SHOVED UP MY BUTT AND PUTTING ME INTO A PATHETHIC STATE FOR A YEAR BECAUSE I LOST THE DICE ROLL!!!

>> No.53710407

eat more fiber

>> No.53710410

Salt water enemas

>> No.53710426

my uncle took bloody shits for months. he was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer. he managed to last a few years before dying, but they definitely weren't quality years of life.

>> No.53710434

I've actually started that. I dont have to wipe as much as I used. Still annoying.

Explain. Im semi aware about the usefulness of sitting in a warm bath.

>> No.53710446

eat more fibre you esl monkeys


>> No.53710465

In my case the bloody poops are usually the tail end where it feels like I'm clearly bleeding from the hemorroid. Even the doctor suspects hemorrhoids to be the cause for me. I mean come on I can feel the thing pop out every now and then when I take a dump. I assume it bleeds when it gets aggravated enough such as when I wipe a ton.

>> No.53710505

Could also be a fissure. Don’t freak yourself out too much by going to the worst-case scenario.

>> No.53710522

Just kys already ffs

>> No.53710523

ive been having bloody shits since 25 years old, i'm 30 now. its just a hemorrhoids. i grown use to the pain, and this isn't brick sized shits either, just normal turds. The only time it doesn't bleed is if its liquid or chunky diarrhea

>> No.53710525

happened to me for while then i realized it was cause i kept eating a shit ton of nuts and so my turds had frag damage

>> No.53710531

do carnivore diet and fasting. you'll heal

>> No.53710565

This is what happens when you fall for the carnivore diet meme

>> No.53710649

Usually it's only a bad sign if the blood is dark. If it's bright red, probably just a hemorrhoid or a fissure that won't heal.

>> No.53710658

why did you shove 62 sided dice into your bum

>> No.53710680
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i started needing to use lube before i poop cause my butthole is too tight and i get anal tears that make me bleed

>> No.53710695

Are you saying the result of the colonoscopy may lead to emergency surgery or that the colonoscopy itself has a 1/62 chance of needing emergency poobag surgery?

>> No.53710718

Just buy a bidet so you don't wipe so much you faggot

>> No.53710832

Yeah that too. Due to my sedentary lifestyle and years of low fibers all the dots connect to hemorroids and anal fisurres but my paranoid self assumes the worst.

Bloody only began a few years back, prior it was just the annoyance of them being irritated but I guess they finally weakened enough to burst. Could always try the hemorroid removal stuff via rubber band (although i hear it is excruciating for a week likely dependent on how they did it that some choose to live with any future hemorroids), if the bloody poops disappear my answer is as clear as day.


I believe I heard this somewhere. May have been in a hemorroid thread someone posted on /biz/ a month back. Sorry for laughing but I can see how this might help

>> No.53710863

You sound fat. Stop being fat. Clean up your diet, drink lots of water, go for a 30min walk each day, and use a fucking bidet. Not hard.

>> No.53710868

From what I gathered its a 1 in 62.5 chance (within a week, they hide the stats, some can have complications even 2 weeks or more after). It's in a 1 in 62.5 for a perforation which MAY result in a eporary poop bag for a few/some months albeit you could end up dying before even getting emergency surgery to repair the damage.

>> No.53710881

I'm normal weight, on the slimmer side. Diet is however being fixed since about a month ago including exercise as I mostly just sit.

>> No.53710895


>> No.53710923

bpc 157 will heal the problem and then take cyproheptadine and lower your stress . aspirin negates the need for “preventative” colonoscopies

>> No.53710967

it helps but fuck i hate that i need it so i don't bleed

>> No.53711045

If you strengthen your abs and core a great deal you will actually take much better shits because your gut motility will improve substantially. I used to have the exact same issues you describe and they all disappeared after I started lifted / doing core exercise regularly.

>> No.53711269

Thanks, not sure how I'll use this in a house where Im not the only person living there tho

Yeah pretty sure i get anal tears as well, i assume its similar to your problem. Gonna try pushing fiber intake further tho, already hated shoving suppositories up my butt which didn't even seem to help reduce hemorrhoid

Yeah i should try exercising again. Not /fit/ level but more than just walking/slightly jogging for 30 minutes. Thanks

>> No.53711868

>Thanks, not sure how I'll use this in a house where Im not the only person living there tho
Why not? Others don't have to use it if they don't want to. This will get rid of your hemmoroids, and your asshole will be a lot cleaner too. If you stepped in dog shit with your bare foot, would you wipe it off with dry towels or spray it with a hose?

>> No.53711949

I’m no polchudconspiracy guy but I never bled when I pooped until after I got vaxxed. There’s been reports of the vax causing IBS and other GI issues. Anyways, I used to bleed profusely after drinking energy drinks. After eating more fiber and quitting energy drinks, I only bleed when I push too hard. I have tons of internal hemorrhoids. But none of these issues happened until I got vaxxed.

>> No.53711998

you sound fat, i used to have terrible stomach problems until i started to time my eating. I fast religiously and now i am thin and have no more health problems.

>> No.53712024


>> No.53712033

dont forget when eating "lots" of fiber you need lots of water otherwise you can make things worse

>> No.53712095

Stop wiping your butthole, wash it instead.
Use cold water and wash your butthole everytime. I have hemorhoids and they only act up when I push way too hard, poop is hard or I wipe with toilet paper. Good poops.