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File: 111 KB, 1000x524, Canada-Permanent-Residency-for-Indians-increases-by-105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53700655 No.53700655 [Reply] [Original]


average of 500k new immigrants will arrive per year, and guess what? they're gonna need a place to live.

Most will be priced out of BC and Ontario. Alberta real estate will likely offer the highest returns.

>> No.53700811

Just sold in Van last year hoping for a cool down.
>Indo-Chinese bidding wars already back.
Instinct tells me to panic buy... but what's the endgame? Live at the top of the stinkiest bramptoniest castle? It's over. What's the move boyos?

>> No.53700823
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>> No.53700833

no one with money wants to live next to shitskins. All of Canada is going to be Detroit 2.0

>> No.53700835

Our construction company have been starting plans for duplex developments on the city edges of calgary ab anticipating all the new Indian immigrants

>> No.53700857

literally for expected influx or just standing up cucksheds per usual? Was just in Calgary and not nearly as many Indians as any other nuck city including and especially deadmonton.

>> No.53700867

Its already cooled down 20% in vancouver from the 2021 top, considering demand wont be stopping anytime soon, canadian native birth rates are not enough to sustain a workforce so immigration likely to continue indefinitely

>> No.53700872
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canadian real estate? nah. canadian MUSHROOM STOCK FAGGOT

>> No.53700876

Why are leftists always complaining about housing costs and then support this shit lol

>> No.53700888

Except for Quebec. Whites are still the majority here.

>> No.53700902

Demand for duplex / fourplexes are increasing yoy, most nee developments are soldout in the presale phase. Indians usually gather in NE or SE calgary

>> No.53700940

No one wants to learn a shit language, most immigrants avoid quebec

>> No.53700944

I find it insane how these people are imported and given a free home while people in the country itself are working and praying to one day go into 30 years of debt for one.

>> No.53701107

No ones given a free home retard, they bring in money from their country and buy. The 500k are immigrants not refugees

>> No.53701131

yeah when you add the refugees it becomes a lot more then 500k

a white man and woman looking to start a family only have so much money, they can't afford a house. but an entire extended family of immigrants with several working adults under one roof can afford the mortgage, with enough leftover to open up a convenience store or a tim hortons.

>> No.53701145

because they don't exist anymore then what they think is the right wing exists and both sides are just strawmanning each other to the extreme while in reality their most passionate opinions are virtually identical. actual leftists and actual rightoids are basically the same fucking thing so suck on that

>> No.53701371

Two native whites are far more privileged with opportunity than refugees, if they couldnt figure out a way to earn more then they deserve to be replaced

>> No.53701397

they really cant the people defaulting on the latest rounds of mortgages are the new arrival immigrants who think they can afford a multimillion dollar home in toronto or vancouver while working a <20$/hour service job and uberdrive on the side.

>> No.53701561

Not a smart move OP. White people are not having kids and are dying off at such a rate that even the incoming Indians cannot replace them fast enough. They choose to buy dogs and pop figures instead of starting families and this is the result. The Indians are coming to mitigate the population collapse of your country.

>> No.53701620

I am indian so i couldnt care less what happens to whites. more indians would unironically make this place better. There is a major lack of traditional indian cuisine

>> No.53701623

then bring in a new immigrant family to make a few payments and then default, ad infintum to keep the housing market up. there are unlimited brown people this scheme can go on forever

>> No.53701629

that's because we wash out hands before preparing food on a table instead of on the dirt outside but you'll get used to it

>> No.53701631

by that marker then india should have been a superpower in the 1800s

>> No.53701675

The only food whites prepare comes from a plastic bag that gets popped into the microwave.
It aint no superpower thats why we go abroad

>> No.53701703

>The only food whites prepare comes from a plastic bag that gets popped into the microwave.
Why do all brown people think all white people cook is prison food and all asians think all they make are cakes?

>> No.53701707

haha yeah you got us there

>> No.53701711

because its true
the peak of white cuisine is mashed potatoes with a side of corn with your hot dogs. i would know i'm the whitest guy in canada

>> No.53701719

actually no, thats north american white food. i guess germans and polish and french all have legitimate cuisines. but whites in canada yeah we just eat processed garbage or at best maybe a turkey and mashed potatoes 4 times a year on special occasions when were not eating kraft dinner and a bologne sandwich

>> No.53701727

i just realized as a canadian i'm just a shallow imitation of a real white person. we should have never left europe

>> No.53701744
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>> No.53701750

Regina is the fastest growing city in Canada rn

>> No.53701786

How do I buy this in Australia?

>> No.53701792

What's the fucking plan then boyos honestly? I'm making plans to go from Van to Calgary but it's only a matter of time till it's run over.
What now? Fuck off far away from any city? Back to EVROPA???

>> No.53701798

Again, why does every brown person believe all whites make is prison food? Is that the only level of exposure to a white person's cooking they get?

>> No.53701803

Its not a superpower because brown people have a short term reward time frame on a genetic scale and are basically incapable of performing cooperation to ensure long term success. Its why every white majority environment eventually succeeds and yours turns into a slum where a tiny minority lord over the poverty stricken slave masses.

>> No.53701811

we could just set aside a designated shitting street, pull down our pants, and assimilate to the dominant culture in canada

>> No.53701815

Just launched today. Huge upside and no downside. MC 100k. Thank me later.


>> No.53701829

i won't be thanking you at all or clicking on that link, go back to canada pajeet

>> No.53701850

God I wish Trump hadn't been such a cuck and invaded Canada for the Alberta oil. I hate watching my birth country go to shit from abroad.
t. Canadian in Amerikkka

>> No.53702030

I hate this country so much it's unreal, but I don't want to move because it'd make me a hypocrite.

>> No.53702093

If you guys had kids, we wouldn't be forced to do this. Oh wait-

>> No.53702096

Canada is really goddamn impressive.
This is a new paradigm.

>> No.53702109

>if you make the women whores and prevent the men from buying houses, no one will have kids
Makes you think

>> No.53702460

Says who? I’ve had Indian tenents and there was literally 0 drama with them, ever. Back when I was in college, I shared a room with a guy from India and he was pretty cool. Have you compared them with other races anon, or are you just regurgitating shit.

>> No.53702502

the never ending seethe of being born brown must get tiresome.

>> No.53702517
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how to get Indian gf
I had a sexual encounter with an Indian girl, and it was the best sex of my entire life. I've had sex with black girls, white girls, Latina's, asians, grandmothers, miles, teens and retards. I literally had sex with a women who was mentally handicapped, but the Indian girl was the best sex. The only downside is she shrieked like a high pitched lemur monkey when she orgasmed but the sex was so good it cancelled it out.

>> No.53702681

>Alberta real estate will likely offer the highest returns.
Doubt. We have a fucking dipshit at the reigns of our province, but they are at least a racist dipshit

>> No.53702694

Bro this post is rancid please keep your disgusting stories to yourself. I would be too embarrassed to even post that anonymously

>> No.53702709

Depends on the “refugees”

Here in the US the migrants are becoming increasingly more unemployable. I cannot imagine the Africans brought into my town qualify for a credit card let alone a housing loan lol

>> No.53702711

Meanwhile, its impossible to get a residency visa for the USA or Canada from any country that is white.

>> No.53702722

>more indians would unironically make this place better
Indeed! More people will shit in the streets, and that will boost the economy by creating more jobs to clean it up.

>> No.53702728

>white cuisine is the food I was served in prison


>> No.53702744

Thats a good thing, just means the “whites” were unqualified compared to the indians/asians

>> No.53702746

What a sad and disgusting people you are. It’s funny seeing all this caste shit realign when you come here and live under whites. We really are superior to you and it shows.

>> No.53702747

No Ranjesh, it just meets jeets will work for cheap.

>> No.53702754
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you will always be a shit / piss colored parasitic creature with no culture or achievements. third world parasite

>> No.53702763

Left is reddit river, right is based 4chan river

>> No.53702777
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>Left is reddit river

>> No.53702808

Cope and seethe, the future is brown whether you like it or not. And you can thank your fellow whites for supporting this.

>> No.53702819

Sorry, the Chinese are going to nuke you.

>> No.53702828
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>the ‘fellow whites’ in question

>> No.53702834
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it's not like you shitskin parasites can survive without the white gibbs

>> No.53702896


Ironic how indian immigrants have the highest average wages and thrive, while all you can do is bitch about muh immigration and muh jews.

And at the end of the day all your doing is removing yourself from the gene pool which is fine by me

>> No.53702975

in canada yes, i already made a post saying europeans whites have food culture. stop being butthurt

>> No.53704283

>While the visible-minority segment has exploded to represent two-thirds of Brampton’s population, white residents are dwindling. Their numbers went from 192,400 in 2001 to 169,230 in 2011.
When the poos move in the whites move out. When all the white people move out of the GTA the property is going to be worthless

>> No.53704502

>wypipo are totally the Ubermensch
>but brownpipo are buying all the houses since they're not retards who waste all their money on only fans doordash and rent
>but the poor wypipo though
>how dare these inferior refugees take all our jobs and outbid us in a capitalist economy the government should do something
You're just poor and seething since a random pajeet manages to have the common sense to pool together money but you don't

>> No.53704519

>it's OK when shitskins overwhelm a white country
>it's fucking racists colonialism in reverse
you ledditor fags are so tiresome

>> No.53704550

I don't give a shit about shitskins or cumskins or zipperheads inflaming your persecution complex. It's always been proper hard working people versus entitled poorfags like you who beg for the government to "fix" things.

>> No.53704576

there is one thing the government can fix for you - HRT

>> No.53704592

I accept your concession, you may continue with your hourly cope posts.

>> No.53704617

Indians for the most part just want to slave away and not pay extra money for fees.

>> No.53704668

I hear you bud, I'm pretty much the same. This country has really gone down the shitter though.

>> No.53704858

Canada is a disgrace

>> No.53704894

Interior BC and rural Alberta can join Montana if they want.

>> No.53704918

mushroom stocks will never be good
shrooms will never be like coffee, sugar, tobacco, alcohol or even weed
do you know anyone who uses shrooms daily? or often? it's something you do like once a year, if that
there'll be the initial spike because of novelty but they will only go down over time

>> No.53704945

Ive also encountered the shrieking indian woman, but before her orgasm she laid there as if she was dead
it was terrible

>> No.53705016

Tell us more. What made it so special?? The smell? Did she move good? Details, mf!!

>> No.53705207

They system to do that type of migration is literally gone. It's why they haven't hit any level of meeting quotas. No matter how much money they throw at the technical issue of forklifting 500,000 people from a to b.

Not a single immigration number hit since all the old school migration people are either retired, dead or working for people that pay good money. And it ain't here. People come here not for the money but the fact it's a lot more fun than being well paid in the dessert someplace. (Arabs pay hard cash.) That was a while ago too. It's was a very small pool of ferryman, maybe 30-40 people out of eight billion that have experience and training to migrate a couple million people in batches.

Right now it's what you can carry in a much smaller vehicle or on your own back.

>> No.53705281

no, once they import enough cancer the host dies thus can't go on forever.

>> No.53705322

Try having a family? The Canadian standard of life will decline but to be competitive people born in Canada will have to make sacrifices. There are simply too many brown people willing to win.

>> No.53705349

this is because left exported their waste to right to "recycle" it, well knowing there are no capabilities (or even techniques) to separate multilayered plastics...
=> Left is the reason for right.

t. sitting in left

>> No.53705361

>doesnt mention how they smell like shit
Nice try ranjeet

>> No.53705382

not buying your bags honveer
prices down 25% since last year

>> No.53705388

Could be just like India soon.

>> No.53705403


>> No.53705426

That's why a lot of Euro's with dual citizenship are stacking paper and leaving. Myself included once the money is right. doesn't make sense and stay when your odds are better elsewear

>> No.53706300

Jealous that you have this option, anon. I'm hoping my friend will have this choice soon as well.

>> No.53706638

Libshits are perfect thoughtless useful idiots, the model goy, if you will

>> No.53707021

If you're white, the endgame is to leave Canada. You're being set up for second class citizenship and eventually, genocide. The anti-white ideology has captured every institutional nd the courts. The rhetoric is as bad as any pre-genocidal rhetoric you can find and you'll soon be very powerless and hated minority.

>> No.53707910

what other citizenship do you have?

>> No.53707925

I talked to a persian girl from montreal and she would see no white people every single day of her life, outgoing normalfag girl too

>> No.53708035

I was just in Montreal and this is total bs. She must be in some ghetto slum somewhere.

>> No.53708088


Trudeau should be hung as a traitor

>> No.53708118

montreal has a lot of blacks and indians there though

>> No.53708208

Yea this seems pretty accurate. I left. Theres only two possibilities:
1. the gov actually hates its own people and wants them replaced
2. or its not all planned and theyre going off the cuff and genuinely think a non-immigrant ppc narrative would be worse for $$$

>> No.53708240

>more indians would unironically make this place better.

>> No.53708380
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>I talked to a persian girl from montreal and she would see no white people every single day of her life, outgoing normalfag girl too

That's a blatant lie
t. Montrealer

>> No.53708395


>waste your money by keeping it all in cash
>try to show off your baby buck wad of monopoly money on a mongolian parthian tactics forum.

>> No.53708476

Moroccan here in Montreal
Funny how all this thread is ganging up on one Indian guy, damn whites are very salty

>> No.53708824

maybe he needs to launder it first

>> No.53708927

Stop importing mom whites

T. Indian

>> No.53709655


>> No.53709684

Nova Scotia and New Brunswick are being slept on.

>> No.53709750
File: 59 KB, 699x485, 7F95DB14-1EBE-4753-89B2-F4E316491511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder: Punjabis are at the top of civilization. High iq, great work ethic. Why aren’t they successful in India? It’s simple you whitoid incel, because a series of invasions for the wealth of the land of the 5 rivers we have been oppressed and our potential suppressed. Muzzies to the left and Hindus to the right we fair skinned, tall and intelligent chads never had a chance. Until now! Canada will become Punjab 2!!!

>> No.53709958

Punjabs will be chipped, smart city slaves just like everyone else.

>> No.53710039

no good jobs in those places

>> No.53710047

Hahahahaha cumskins seething hard in this thread, tbf I would be mad too if I was a redneck tradecuck that has to report to a brown boss at work and pay rent to a yellow landlord, must be demoralizing

>> No.53710561

We're getting pretty done with boomers up here

>> No.53710628

Hopefully the Canadian suicide will serve as an example to wake other White nations up.
I doubt it but it's the only good I can see coming from this situation.

>> No.53710683
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Shitskins think they are anything but imported wage slavery for white elites. Kek what ever keeps you going buddy.

>> No.53710735
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>more indians would unironically make this place better

>> No.53710739

New Delhi 2.0

>> No.53710867

You have to think in terms of priorities.

Affordability is obviously a concern for everyone including the left, but if they have to choose between that and brownoids worship, then they will gleefully pay 700 a week to rent a shitbox

>> No.53710964

What people think cause of the french laws but now it is more sand nigger and nigger than white