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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 24 KB, 800x800, flat_800x800_075_t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5368383 No.5368383 [Reply] [Original]

Why are there so many white supremacists on this sub?

>> No.5368402


>> No.5368440

/pol/ washups wanting to get rich..

they brag about being white because they have absolutely nothing going on in their lives, and just sit inside all day LARPing about being actual nazis and chads


>> No.5368487


This is a board on 4chan. 4chan has lots of boards and lots of people. This means cross-boarders from /pol/ and /b/. If you browse long enough you'll learn not to really care what someone else on here thinks unless you're asking for advice.

>> No.5368494

I don't visit /pol/ but fuck yes being white. I like white people. Just like Japanese people like Japanese people and are proud of it and their culture.

>> No.5368530

Because of retards shilling to normies on /pol/

>> No.5368583

It's just to make people feel on edge and uncomfortable to make them more susceptible to shilling. I made 1488$ last week just by shilling some memecoins.

>> No.5368609
File: 21 KB, 300x370, muhperfectgenes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this pretty much

>> No.5368617



>> No.5368620

back to red dit you nigger

>> No.5368654

umm sweetie, nazi is the new normal

Deal wih it.

>> No.5368658

Because there are no censorship here and hitler did nothing wrong is the final red pill.

>> No.5368659

This was well executed b8 m8. The use of sub was the real stroke of genius

>> No.5368752

Everyone is racist. /pol/ are normalfags because they bitch about other races being given other opportunities instead of being smart enough to prey on the inferior races. Though it should be expected since most of them are white and whites are low IQ.

>> No.5368775
File: 167 KB, 1000x847, 1513651270261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a black anon I have found a home in /biz/. The only color I care about is the color of my fiat after I sell SOME of my crypto gains.

>> No.5368813
File: 228 KB, 1241x1003, 1446773689717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is true

>> No.5368814

This is the classic /pol/ slander. It hurts leftists so bad to think that /pol/acks are successful and well rounded.

>> No.5368815


>> No.5368837

>Buzz words plus a /biz/ unrelated shitpost

why are you niggers responding, why am I responding?

>> No.5368861

I'm sure it's his genetics and not his lifestyle

>> No.5368862

Yes. /pol/ has been pure cancer for a couple of years (somewhere between Zimmerman and Memegate), that's why their memes and replies are so remarkably unfunny and unoriginal. Id bet a handful of beatbeans that they're exact the same demographic as the FFFUUU and 4chan subreddits.

>> No.5368871
File: 179 KB, 1200x1200, (you).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, yeah antifa and SJWs are the real chads, not those little weenie loser conservatives

>> No.5368897

>white supremacists
More like counter-semitic

>> No.5368900

Normally I'd call you a nigger, but you seem pretty cool. 8/10 would be friends.

>> No.5368951

Found the butthurt minority

>> No.5368954

>successful and well-rounded
>spend all time on the internet larping on an internet forum about being supreme race
>buy into all racial stereotypes because brainlets who cant think beyond simple memes


somebody sounds defensive

>> No.5368962

All funny /pol/ memes actually come from /int/, the board about bantering other nations.

>> No.5369004

Surely you mean ylilauta and KC's /int/

>> No.5369007
File: 502 KB, 485x723, poo in loo and tough choices.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probs a street shitter

>> No.5369008

/pol fag found

back to darkness with you

>> No.5369010

Another stinky shit thread brought to you by some worthless shitskin (redundant)

>> No.5369030
File: 155 KB, 403x403, 1693755505c823c381649bdf8f118200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up pipsqueak before we beat your ass during lunch break again

>> No.5369033

reminder to sage and hide /leftypol/ raid threads

>> No.5369036

hello pajeet

>> No.5369060

/pol/ is reddit.
/biz/ has now taken over as reddit 2.0, though

>> No.5369072
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>As a black anon I have found a home in /biz/.
thats cool man, i respect that, just don't bring your friends and family to start shitting up the place we already got enough shit skins to deal with.

Id do business with a black guy tho.. i buy my coke and xannax from a black guy. I always try to get him into stocks and finance but he just like na nigga and takes off.

whatever, he don't know about them bitbeans im cool with that

>> No.5369073

Question should be why are there so many white supremacists in a site that was based on Japanese culture and why does a big chunk of them are not even white?

>> No.5369076
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>t. pajeet

>> No.5369089
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>can't into strawmen
>projects his lifestyle onto people he doesn't like

>> No.5369102

>implying /pol/ isnt the board made up of salty virgin losers who never adjusted socially in public school and got made fun of

>> No.5369106

just wait until ai wipes the entire planet of subhuman scum. what you call racism is just the natural step forward of human evolution

>> No.5369119

why are you larping as a white guy, noggenfogger?

>> No.5369130

>butthurt minority
What possible reason would I have to be butthurt? My people run the world and your people fall for emotional victim talk just like the cattle you are.

>> No.5369135
File: 409 KB, 944x4013, average poltard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/pol/ is reddit

Pic related

>> No.5369147

We're not white supremacists, we just hate kike ass bankers.

>> No.5369161

Because white people are supreme.

Now back to /biz/ness.

>> No.5369185
File: 354 KB, 1440x2047, 6f66981f07546e62b4ff9556b4c35933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gommies are da real entrepenuers
/biz/ is /pol/ with plebbitors mixed in

>> No.5369211

the real question is why are there so many niggers on this sub?

>> No.5369216

>tfw white male
>always call out /pol/ on their bullshit
>so fragile they have to assume im not white or a woman to handle the pain

I answered that question honestly. You yourself are just some /pol/-fag in denial that your life means anything and that hitler is gonna raise from the dead and gently fuck your asshole

>> No.5369225

wtf is this bs, they are all trolling right?

>> No.5369230
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low iq found.
killing hitler wasnt enough. cockroach are hard to kill.

/pol, pliz leave biz. You are lowering the iq standard in here.

>> No.5369236
File: 42 KB, 313x680, kAFFiKk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, imagine meeting some 70 year old lady irl and she start cracking /pol/ jokes

>> No.5369266


>> No.5369274


This im from pol. Wish i came earlier

>> No.5369284
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>> No.5369293

But see that's just pure projection. You sound desperate and afraid.

>> No.5369294

White supremacy is gaining popularity as a reaction against the kikes flooding our countries with Arabs and rapist Mexicans.

>> No.5369335


/pol/ isnt that bad, even with all the 44D mental gymnastics

>> No.5369346

if white supremecy is true, why do you result to avatar fagging from a non western artform? BTFO

>> No.5369352
File: 17 KB, 310x310, 1cecc4c9304db66084b1db41ead63ff0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am white tho, did you even read the post?

what the fuck is going on in this thread?

fuck this shit im out

>> No.5369387

Japanese are nazi allies, can't wait till we ruin their country next.

>> No.5369397


>> No.5369401


Asians are honorary white

>>”Hey... HEYY... This is library”

>> No.5369423
File: 165 KB, 777x656, smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Um, pajeetie?

>> No.5369430
File: 330 KB, 591x706, 32f84fd2863a465fc29521ae32cbffc53e74e79987c2bc15c4798f55766eeefd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best memes secretly come from /tg/
>still wasting his time replying
>so new he thinks 4chan used to be a nice place full of normalfags
What is u doin bby

>> No.5369477

Nobody here is /pol/ -- it's just that nobody here gives a FUCK about leftist PC crap. Christ, there's anti-semite Jews here

Stop trying to shoehorn your shitty politics in a board that is solely interested in GAINZ and not appeasing to transvestite black midgets in wheelchairs

>> No.5369495

hello im nigger from niger and i disapprove your comments ok

>> No.5369524

>anti-semite Jews
They're a bunch of fucking cucks is what they are.

>> No.5369605

Nah they just aren't crybabies that can handle a little bit of bantz

>> No.5369629

They are helping lesser races against the interests of their own people. They're cucks.

>> No.5369668

Fuck off shlomo

>> No.5369673

>muh white supremacy
if you can't handle a couple of nigger and pajeet jokes I suggest you leave this website

>> No.5369680

one of us one of us one of us

>> No.5369714

Enjoying your impending extinction?

>> No.5369716


>> No.5369719


>> No.5369742

What is that even supposed to mean, you're against the interests of your people from making a few tongue-in-cheek jokes about them?

>> No.5369744


>> No.5369769

Antifa are littererly terrorists. That's pretty chad.

>> No.5369773

You're right, they aren't jokes, they're facts.

>> No.5369800

Baby biz first red pill

>> No.5369803

They're tedious, asinine memeing, even if they're grounded on reality. Like this post >>5369629

>> No.5369852

That and I've noticed that my beliefs have steadily drawn to the right as I've become more successful and gotten married.

>> No.5369855

Normalizing jokes about the shoah gives people ideas, yes its working against Jewish interests.

>> No.5369860

>keep your shitty politics OUTTA HERE
>says leftie, PC
>clearly /pol/

>XD i troll u durrr
*posts anime reaction image*
>u mad broo?
>newfag! we are legion!!

ps not being a normie doesnt mean you're racist, thats just a sad decision youve made on your own

>> No.5369885

>1488$ gains.

Probably HitlerCoin

>> No.5369894
File: 37 KB, 396x382, reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reddit scum detected

>> No.5369932

facts are racist

>> No.5369938

Doesn't fucking matter man the Jews won. Who has nukes, who has the best technology in the world, and who has obscure YouTube documentaries about Hitler and redpill infographics with no source?

Who is united by blood and by religion? Who is spread far and thin, with no two individuals sharing the same ideology or blood?

>> No.5369994

Because mostly right wing white males invest in crypto. We are highest iq.

Left wing fags don't invest.

>> No.5370024


>> No.5370027

Victory is tenuous and complacency can get us fucked over.

>> No.5370040

The crypto market is inherently non-white in mining, adoption and technology

Insecure white apes can only leech off it, until the developer hurts their feelings

>> No.5370041
File: 88 KB, 717x880, 1513007628523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>falling for such shit b8
>being maga weebshit cancer from reddit who killed /pol/

>> No.5370048
File: 70 KB, 825x631, 1513959313226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically this. Hilarious how they didn't realize 8 years of obongo and identify politics would swing the pendulum so far right. Usually they are slower with the subversion and perversion. I think they got cocky with Obama and decided to turbocharge their dystopian nightmare. Backfired bby

>> No.5370073

I'm so sorry. Please forgive me for being aware of political correctness. We are all equal, race is skin deep, I support LGBTQ, strong black woman in the work place, etc etc. Men are pigs, throw them in jail if they accidentally make eye contact with a woman.

Happy? Look, I'm conforming to your ideology. I'm one of /yourguys/

>> No.5370075

because most people tend to be racist and since 4chan has no problem with them expressing their politics, you can see them here.

>> No.5370082

Oh but we do :-)

>> No.5370095

because investing is inherently capitalist, and non-whites just vote for more welfare, gibs and higher taxes.

do you think anyone on /biz/ wants that?

>> No.5370119

I'm 100% certain all you faggots are redditors, /pol/ or not.

>> No.5370126

>who is Vitalik?

>> No.5370139
File: 26 KB, 711x399, 45948aedafecb8e15528dfddd2c154fc1ac0592b_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a fellow black person I often shill nigger hate for the laughs.

Cash matters in this world. Above all
Flash a stack of green & be surrounded by yes man

>> No.5370142

Enjoy it while it lasts.

>> No.5370170

mulatto here, you get used to it, a lot of /pol/ guys are actually really nice i enjoy that board and this one. /pol/ becomes entertaining and enlightening once you grow some thick skin. The red pill makes you see the world for what it is.

>> No.5370177

Obama was unironically centre-left

>> No.5370184


>> No.5370192
File: 110 KB, 640x1136, IMG_5759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks being politically correct is some bizarre jewish conspiracy and not just a word made up to justify being le troll and call others snowflakes

>> No.5370196

Yeah don't mind the pol-tier cringelords. I'm a black anon myself. They're honestly pretty harmless

>> No.5370237
File: 16 KB, 200x266, niggered.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5370250

Woah, no man, I don't think that. I think political correctness is mansplaining and whitesplaning. It has no merit whatsoever and objecting to the concept is synonymous with hate.

Don't mind me. I stepped out of line. I'm a sorry man, didn't mean to think the wrong things, I've fixed the problem.

>> No.5370253

An ooga booga to you too sir

>> No.5370293

Whites like to invest snd make money and talk about it. And are ahead of the curve as whites are supreme

>> No.5370295

Haha, I'm actually Nigerian American. The American Black kids would call me Ooga Booga and AIDS in elementary school. Unironically a lot of Nigerians hate Black people and my own mom told me to beware of the "Niggers". Big eye opener. But I am friends of all races.

>> No.5370308

if only /pol/ was as alpha as antifa and SJW cucks

>> No.5370360

Not culturally speaking. Everyone forgets the culture wars. Policy wise you're right.

>> No.5370371

Yes ooga booga muhfuggin shiieeeeet.

>> No.5370372

I've heard about that lol. Pure Africans hating the American Blacks.

Seriously people say American blacks should go home but they have no place in Africa, they're too different

>> No.5370393

>my own mom told me to beware of the "Niggers".
me too

im white btw

>> No.5370395

I came here from /pol/ when one of you faggots shilled our board with bitcoin shit. So I came over and saw pink wojaks, so I stayed.

>> No.5370414

>another deluded /pol/lack out of touch with reality who thinks white men are being genocided because he cant find a girlfriend


>> No.5370424

People openly expressing strong anti-islamic views are already being arrested in several european countries.
/pol/ being like ANTIFA would mark them as a terrorist organization the same second they begun.

>> No.5370440

A lot of black people don't acknowledge there are some serious fucking cultural problems in the black community. Seriously, watch The Boondocks. The "nigga moment" shit is fucking real.

>> No.5370495

I also would like to say that after a couple of days here I purchased ETH at around 400, then it jumped to 750, so I was hooked. I started watching and studying penny stock strategies, I started reading white papers, I started calling LINKies pajeets. Now I took out a second mortgage and maxed out my credit cards on BTC when it was 18,000, so I'm about to kill myself, but it's ok because I can un-ironically post pink wojaks now.

>> No.5370513

>Right wing oriented people somehow tend to gather around a decentralized currencies board

Who would have thought. So weird it's not filled with commies instead, right? Everyone knows commies love keeping their wealth secret and away from democracy.

>> No.5370518

Nigerians are much higher IQ than Africans from the Congo area which is where most black Americans ancestors were from.

>> No.5370524
File: 23 KB, 446x362, 1407758357455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when theirs niggers in you're bord

>> No.5370549

Umm, sweetie, I'm not a vile racist. I have a wife actually. We're in an open relationship. It's a long story. Anyway when she's out dating I play video games with her son. Good kid.

>> No.5370561
File: 38 KB, 396x385, 1404680249225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it's 90 instead of 75 lol

>> No.5370563
File: 206 KB, 1372x703, hwndu5403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pol, b, r9k and probably biz

>> No.5370569


boooooooy, you a stupid ass nigger

>> No.5370604
File: 12 KB, 380x250, 1475544451448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why is <board> so right wing
Why do redditors keep asking this on every board?

>> No.5370620

The nearest KFC? It's about a quarter mile down the road. Can I call you an uber? No you will have to walk sorry. You don't have any money? Well I guess you can't buy any KFC then. CALM DOWN I'M GOING TO HAVE TO CALL THE COPS PUT DOWN THE GUN NOBODY HAS TO DIE HERE HERE'S 5 DOLLARS.

>> No.5370658

>frizzy hair dude on the far right
Alpha as fuck

>> No.5370668


Oh shit, that explains it. Ahh, the Congo, the land of flying crocodiles, warlocks that shrink your penis, and bandits that rape pygmy men because they think it gives them super powers

>> No.5370670
File: 99 KB, 566x943, pol card.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crypto was /pol/ and /g/ before /biz/ was even a thing
you're locked in here with us faggot

>> No.5370677

At the end of the day we're all here to make money, who really gives a fuck

>> No.5370687


/int/ has been dead for years, it's all generals now that don't produce anything worth shit anymore

>> No.5370712

>hahahah epic KEKED meme!
>(in reality so selfconcious about having a woman love him that he feels the need to be obsessed with a woman's faithfulness to him, despite not having one)
>(Thinks women will cheat on him unless he treats them like shit)


>> No.5370728


If you're white, you can't be proud of your culture. But you can be proud of being a crypto early adopter that's dumping bags on minorities n women. Makes me all fuzzy inside the.

>> No.5370755

1/10 try harder

you are internet gangsters, the niggers of the internet

>> No.5370758
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>> No.5370759


PC Culture only exists with heavy censorship.

People aren't really like that.

>> No.5370785


You tired? Maybe you should go lay down man, don't wait up on me

>> No.5370799


this guy gets it

>> No.5370817

i thought of the i just had sex song when i saw him


>> No.5370824

fucking BASED black man!

>> No.5370828
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sick digits friend

>> No.5370830
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>muh waycism
>gets mad at anime
Please define that word, I'd love to hear your normalfag interpretation. And and say "normalfag" to prove you're not a completely normie.

>> No.5370883
File: 481 KB, 2203x2937, fat nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah, white people blown the fuck out! Its almost as if taking a picture of an ugly person of any nationality isn't an argument and only appeals to the lowest of brainlets.

>> No.5370885

You guys know that's Moon Man, right?

>> No.5370934

Nice LARP, Pajeet

>> No.5370957

That's all of 4chan you retard. Fucking newfags

>> No.5370977
File: 135 KB, 1024x1024, 47f4996b12995667b52d86223157a75fe619c9c94a3b870441214a8473ea4f3f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, look at these chadmeisters

>> No.5371003

Now I'm just wondering, if you're Jewish, why are you openly admitting that your people are at the top of the pecking order? Wouldn't a real Jew be gaslighting and saying shit like this: >>5370712?

>> No.5371032
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No they're not.

>> No.5371037
File: 61 KB, 598x500, 1426122178910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew it... whales on this board accumulating.. i fucking knew it!!!

>> No.5371046

you newfags are just so trite its boring


>> No.5371103
File: 91 KB, 640x1136, pajeet bought the ATH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks he's the oldfag for being a normie plebbitor
You have to go back pajeet

>> No.5371105
File: 709 KB, 1971x1920, 1411069442979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calm down anon. Nobody is going to take your shekels

>> No.5371112

We can't fight the newfags anymore anon- there's too many. The best we can do is educate them.

/pol/ are as bad as the SJW fuckboiz because they all have to have some kind of antagonist. Because of this, they bring financially USELESS rhetoric to /biz/

I don't get it, why would you go elsewhere, looking for different things, and not adapt to the environment? It's like having a history of playing soccer, then going to a golf club and kicking the ball around.

>> No.5371135

Because it's an anonymous imageboard and I get a thrill out of actually being able to tell the truth here while knowing that noone outside of a small fringe will ever believe it. I'd never admit this elsewhere.

>> No.5371171

You have to go BACK

>> No.5371209

>almost none of them are white

lmao how this even happen

>> No.5371219
File: 47 KB, 564x400, 1501183871545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does this thread have to do with gainz and finance? Did you read the rules? Fuck off back to your subs or whatever and stop taking up thread space

>> No.5371242
File: 38 KB, 620x393, John-Podesta-14-fish-pedophile-Andrew-Breitbart-tweet-620x393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what else you get a thrill out of.

>> No.5371291

I like tits too much to be into children.

>> No.5371299

Because leftists like to try to turn every board against /pol/

>> No.5371329
File: 92 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I like Jewish tits too. Its all kike girls are good for besides bitching and whining.

>> No.5371350

Pajeets came into SEO - shamed it.
Pajeets came into Black Hat - waned it
Pajeets came into Social - crammed it
Pajeets came into Crypto - gamed it
Pajeets - and here the story ends

>> No.5371352
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>> No.5371353

The board is already anti-/pol/ and it is also anti-/leftypol/. There is no reason to even attempt to politisize a business board

>> No.5371398

Little sensitive today shlomo?

>> No.5371419

>this board is anti-/pol/

Says fucking who? Now /v/, that's an anti-/pol/ board. Completely swamped by people from NeoGAF

>> No.5371428

I agree. But when I tell people on other boards that ALL political discussion should be redirected to /pol/ and not just 'redpilled' posting, I get called out as a /pol/fag. The double standard just shows obvious bias, and if people don't take it seriously you will become a leftypol colony over night.

>> No.5371470
File: 404 KB, 1337x790, antifa team damage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The chad retard vs the virgin brain cell

>> No.5371477

Says the fucking sticky thhat should be read by everyone and anyone who is not a paid shill getting annoyed by such cancer threads

>> No.5371544

>white supremacists
you mean realists who are aware what civilization stands on and what happens when incompatible invading alien barbarians are given leverage

>> No.5371571

Nah, it says political discussion should be directed to /pol/, nothing about it being against /pol/. You must be one of them there Pajeets, shoo shoo, I'm not buying your "very good returning" shitcoins like DCORP or SOMN.

There's some financial discussion for you. The fact that nearly every single fucking thread on this board has a Pajeet responding first telling people to buy SOMN or DCORP.

>> No.5371574
File: 254 KB, 1440x900, 1369997797759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>come back to half-chan for the first time in a couple of months
>one and done bait thread has hundreds of replies

>> No.5371589
File: 174 KB, 926x537, an unknown amount.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ may as well be /crypto/ which is literally against world bankers and centralized fiat, do you know who those bankers are and who runs the worlds central banks? Don't try to shill the centrist meme now. Ids doo layd

>> No.5371616
File: 70 KB, 850x400, ford.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5371714

okay so we can agree that political discussion of any sorts must be redirected to /pol/ and this thread should be deleted

>> No.5371884
File: 67 KB, 312x312, 95886D6D-3AD9-427A-AA43-55D1F982E9DD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it’s edgy I guess?

>> No.5371917
File: 1.10 MB, 371x209, 1460001214756.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't buy those

buy SC and XMY now.

thank you. come again

>> No.5371960

fuck off you nigger loving liberal kike.
/biz/ is literally /pol/s finance board.
rope yourself you limp wristed faggot