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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53704953 No.53704953 [Reply] [Original]

markets pumping

is everyone retarded?

>> No.53704970

Apparently, yes, everyone IS retarded.

>> No.53704977


>> No.53704996

priced in

>> No.53705012

except it wasn't priced in, that's why its higher than "expected"

>> No.53705024

>dumbasses expecting a dump opening shorts
>market trolling goes green
many such cases

>> No.53705066

bull delusion imo. powell is committed to bringing inflation down. today's numbers being "only slightly above expectation" is bad because it's still 6% annualized. now consider the hotter than expected jobs number last month. we're going to see more rate hikes for a sustained period of time. you can't "price in" an increased cost of capital -- unemployment will ramp up, in a manner consistent with any other rate hike in the fed's history, and consumer demand will consequently drop.

>> No.53705068

Haha bobos get fucked!

>> No.53705089

>nerd speak

>> No.53705098

happens almost every time newfag, i remember the 2nd or 3rd 75bps rate hike pumped like 5% on the day and all gains and more were lost by close of play. same will happen today, ncie time to open a short

>t. just opened short at 22.2k btc

>> No.53705108

markets are more forward thinking and less reactional than most people assume. i think most people are expecting year-to-year inflation to drop drastically in may which will allow jpow to pivot like a little horny dove.

>> No.53705113

good morning mixed race teenager who was shitting his diapers in 2008

>> No.53705136

I'm 35, Whiter than you Mohammed, and I'm making money right now while you sit there with your thumb up your arse lmao get rekt fucking nigger bobo.

>> No.53705222
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We're in a crab market, anon. The price action is designed to extract as much money as possible from the market

>> No.53705242

>le inflation number mean market number move
they've conditioned you well

>> No.53705288

Bear market rally. Anyhow, fuck this market. Will DCA boomer ETFs from now on.

>> No.53705375
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Don't care anymore I'm just inflating my $pond/$ftm bags as per usual minding my own business. We'll start living in Samsung/Sony tin can $400k homes soon enough anyway.

>> No.53705394

??? go back, yikes

>> No.53705406
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why is your kind so smug and knowledgeable moments before getting liquidated it's unbelivable

>> No.53705446

When has inflation mattered at all when it comes to crypto/stonks?

>> No.53705455


imagine being permabull or permabobo kek

I just trade as per the market conditions and there is nothing to justify longing a $700 candle rn, plenty of reasons to short this however (not always the case, i longed at 18k last month

>> No.53705470

It was not higher than the market expected. There is no objective way of knowing what was expected by the market until after the fact.

>> No.53705478

only losers brag an only faggots that should remain in /pol/ bring up le im le white xD. nigger.

>> No.53705501

Last few times there were bad news, the market dumped momentarily, pumped to a daily high , then dumped 1-3 days later. Sell the daily today, buy the giga dump.

>> No.53705500
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unironically kys

>> No.53705514
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>> No.53705520
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Yep...... Just mindin' me oooownnn bizness.....

>> No.53705535

It’s called thin liquidity + retail shorting aggressively = easy target to hit.
Pro traders / algos with size are going to eat these niggers lunches and then get their own shorts filled way higher.
Trading CPI days is for retards and giga chads and the vast majority of the former thinks they’re the latter.
Just stay out of the water when there’s great whites swimming, it’s not hard.

>> No.53705661
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lmao, eat my shorts nigger bullls

>> No.53705690

>is everyone retarded?

you must be new to Earth

>> No.53705716
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hahah get fucked mumutards anyway feeling greedy now so closed at 21.9k for +$3k profit fuck you niggers LMAO!!

>> No.53705808

>some government statistic comes in at X
Two choices:
>keep raising interest rates until the entire global financial system and every national economy implodes in a cataclysm that dwarfs the Great Depression and precipitates WWIII
>revise the statistic downward
Perhaps we can get the /biz/ braintrust on what is more likely.

>> No.53705865

the job numbers are a lie, the cpi is a lie, youre listening to kikes running a ponzi tell you the numbers. go back faggot

>> No.53705883

>entire global system implodes
BRICS has been working on their own system and moving away from SWIFT, looking to escape that very thing.
Will it work? Lol I dunno but shit’s fucked.

>> No.53705921

No, only jewish zombies expected less. CPI and core are lower than previous month.

>> No.53705976

do you have a learning disability?

>> No.53705988

All right. Credit Suisse collapses. UniCredit collapses. Dozens of national economies collapse: first the peripheral ones, then the cascade moves towards the center. The Euro collapses, along with the EU. NATO dissolves. The dollar loses is global reserve currency status because nobody can afford it. Commodity imports to the US stop because commodity exporters start demanding payment in alternative currencies. Russia, an oil-exporting country, has all of the oil importers by the throat. The anti-US bloc actually forms, not just as a meme. As US bonds are dumped, yields skyrocket, leading US government debt to spiral out of control. The stage is set for global war.
Mr. Jay Powell sits down, can reason all of this out, and he says to himself: "yes, I am going to directly cause this, this is fine, the CPI says so. In fact, I am fine with everyone I know dying in the nuclear exchange 5 years hence. The CPI says so, and the CPI was given to by God, and it was never changed."

>> No.53706002

that's nice, dear.

>> No.53706005

i guess its a false sense of confidence, but j powell doesnt give a fuck what people "feel" he'll do whatever tf he wants with the interest rate

>> No.53706094

Monthly came out exactly as expected but somehow the bigger that made the yearly expectations didn't get the memo and made yearly expectations lower than what a correct mark on monthly would have gotten (and we got it) so weird kikery to make headlines

>> No.53706230

is this a cex or dex you're shorting at?

>> No.53706449

Always easy to spot sheep like you. Are you on your fifth dose of the booster anon?

>> No.53706455


dydx, it's a "dex" on starknet but its basically jewish cex so just use vpn if youre a burger. i would recommend gmx more, i just use dydx because i have a bunch of funds there which i cant be fucked to bridge desu

>> No.53706508

The bull cope grows longer. Just count the characters on posts like these for a good indicator.

>> No.53706523

The plan was to pump all along.

>> No.53706653

>inflation high
>prices go up

>> No.53706668

irrelevant. stay on topic, dopamine depleted ADHD zoomer niggerbrain.

>> No.53706699

Because it means next CPI report is going to be bullish

>> No.53706742

Markets weren't adjusted for inflation.
Inflation does not necessarily mean bear market.
Simple as.

>> No.53706784

>Stay on topic
yeah fake cpi numbers, fake employment numbers, and you're pretending to know economics around these fake numbers. top kek

>> No.53707432

>not just as a meme
Rather bold of you to suggest it is a meme. Everything you wrote is absolutely happening as we speak, but over a painfully extended period instead of overnight. More than half of the global population is now in BRICS+ currency instead of the dollar, and more countries will continue to ditch the dollar. BRICS countries are - as I type this - working on asset/commodity backed currencies. Powell didn't cause this and is gradually failing at preventing it.

>> No.53707435

Thanks man! This