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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 199 KB, 1200x800, A lifetime of work.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53702279 No.53702279 [Reply] [Original]

30 kilograms of this fucking rock is worth more than the entirety of your life's work. Think about that for a second. Every action you will ever do, every choice you make, the total value generated by you throughout your long and arduous life, it will be exceeded by 30 kilograms of a fucking rock. All the shiny pieces of metal in this image are both more than your entire existence - probably both of ours, to be honest.

Anons, uhm, how do we cope with this? Because it kinda makes me depressed....

>> No.53702298

with inflation, I might make more in my life than just 30kg of gold, aka 1.6m€.

>> No.53702307

Human life has constantly been grown and replenished as long as we're on the planet. The amount of gold has barely ever changed, with natural formation of it during a lifetime being incredibly small.
Dont be upset that its value is greater than your lifetime of output, appreciate its infallibility and purity. The same gold will continue to exist long after your bones have rotted to dust.

>> No.53702313

>it will be exceeded by 30 kilograms of a fucking rock
And how much does ~85 BTC weigh?

>> No.53702325

Why does this shit look like it corroded? I thought gold isn't supposed to corrode.

>> No.53702329

Gold is a metal, not a rock you dumb fuck.
I also don't care about 30 keys of gold.

>> No.53702332

>Anons, uhm, how do we cope with this? Because it kinda makes me depressed....
I saved that picture, printed it out, and will now look at it every day as a goal.
You sound like a faggot.

>> No.53702337

It's not pure

>> No.53702338

It's probably brass, not gold.

>> No.53702341

you get the point
also, you dont care about 2 million dollars?
I guess....

>> No.53702382

you're selling yourself short. I make almost that much every year.
aim higher. Do bigger things.

>> No.53702405

it's a nice reply, but still, there is no logic to why it's the case. but its a debate about intrinsic value.

>> No.53702423

and gold is a worthless way to store wealth at that. 20kg for a mere million, imagine trying to move real wealth through gold

>> No.53702442

You sound like a jew. What you wrote is the way a jew would think.

>> No.53702443
File: 40 KB, 411x700, steinbeckbook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shine rock worth more than me
>i pick up and chuck shine rock into the ocean with my pleb hands
>economy collapses, no longer any value to compare me to
nothing personnel

>> No.53702463
File: 205 KB, 1078x514, Screenshot 2023-02-14 094037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is worth about 100 people's lifetimes of work, and it exists only in the ether.

>> No.53702478
File: 67 KB, 955x511, buff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>83 units of this imaginary internet magic token is worth more than the entirety of your life's work. Think about that for a second. Every action you will ever do, every choice you make, the total value generated by you throughout your long and arduous life, it will be exceeded by the the number 83 in a ponzi database created by an anonymous faggot. The sentiment displayed in this image are both more than your entire existence - probably both of ours, to be honest.

>> No.53702523
File: 1.12 MB, 853x480, 1666051167199764.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this babbys first existential crisis or something? Money isn't even real, it's just a human construct, and we certainly shouldn't be measuring our worth as humans by how much currency units we produce.

>> No.53702538
File: 88 KB, 1200x1033, ted_haggard_in_exile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You meant to reply to OP. Unless of course you are retarded, which I forgive.

>> No.53702558

Nigger the purchase orders my business (my business as in I own it) sends out every year are worth more than that >>53702298
To say nothing of what I invoice my customers
Come back with shitty demoralization when you learn what a big boy amount of money looks like

>> No.53703018

30kg of stardust created billions of years ago compared to 80kg of unstable organic material created just 80 years ago.

>> No.53703042

If I spent all my time prospecting and mining gold, I probably wouldn't end up with 30 kilos over the course of my life. Seems fair.

>> No.53703047


>> No.53703057

I had more money than that before I turned 25.

>> No.53703290

Its worth less to me than nothing. Its not even as interesting as a conversation with a stranger, none the less ten bucks of beer with a good friend. Value is perception.

>> No.53703299

Also 1000 BTC are probably worth more than a lifetime of work, and yet they are just 1s and 0s on a distributed ledger.
You can make the same reasoning on a lot of things. Banknotes are just pieces of paper, the monalisa is just paint on wood...
If anything it shows that money isn't that important in life, ask a senile billionaire how much he would pay to become a 20yo again, or to have a wife that actually loves him, and you'll see a very different perspective.

>> No.53703327
File: 7 KB, 600x497, 1492830161746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>30 kilograms of this fucking rock is worth more than the entirety of your life's work.
Bruh... Even 10kg of gold is worth more than my entire life's work. Mutts don't get how insanely rich and lucky they are.. Stop whining you tards.

>> No.53703353
File: 79 KB, 756x735, poorfags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mutts don't get how insanely rich and lucky they are, look how low down they are on the list hahah
Australia is the lucky country after all.

>> No.53703441
File: 25 KB, 713x611, 1524515771425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek that's half my net worth and i'm 28 years old and will probably never have to work again in my 30s what is this pathetic poorfrog thread

>> No.53703487

>he values his life in monetary value
ngmi unironically

>> No.53703489

larp and seethe

>> No.53703533

you are mentally ill

>> No.53703707

>The amount of gold has barely ever changed, with natural formation of it during a lifetime being incredibly small.
big if true; it's not

the gold supply is tightly regulated by jews
they could 5000x the amount of gold on the market right now and make it worth less than plastic if they wanted.

the shit used to just be lying on the ground lol
now it's hidden an impossible 1m below the surface

>> No.53703733

>30x55.000= 1650000

It's literally not. Maybe double that amount, then you get somewhat close. Fuck you money to live off of is 3-4 Mio.

>> No.53704605
File: 39 KB, 720x638, hLnNoTtzUs4zDay4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do we profit off this absurdity?

>> No.53705994

The gold supply is regulated by planetary forces. People have been trying to make gold forever but they cant. All the Jews can do is lock it away and say you can't look at it when you ask to check on it.

>> No.53707774

But all goods cost more in Australia except for what they actually grow.

>> No.53708980

>How do we profit off this absurdity?
>profit off this absurdity
That's the beauty of this world: It's absurd! There's no such thing as profits anymore. It's all about survival. You need food, water, shelter, etc. to survive. Anything beyond that is superfluous. And the sad truth is: most of humanity doesn't know this and therefore can't understand reality anymore. They cling to their meaningless abstractions. Some may call these delusions but who knows what goes on inside someone's mind.

>> No.53709030

How much is 30 kilos, 3 of those gold bars? Damn.....

>> No.53709326

Down to a few thousands at best in a few decades, the dinosaur will no doubt have the same fate myspace had in the social media circle. Gold will forever be rare and valuable,

>> No.53709344

Its raw melt, straight out of the casting matrix. They didn't bother cleaning it.

>> No.53710580


>> No.53710632

Dalai Lama said once that the value of your life is not the money you earn, but the money you earn less expenses and the friends you make along the way.

>> No.53710661


Why should I give a fuck about value? It's literally just a pointless number. It seems like everyone forgets money is just a means to an end...

>> No.53710670

The fuck is "median and mean wealth"?

>> No.53711011

Theres a how its made on gold, they look like that straight after casting, all metal does. It only gets its shine and luster after being cleaned and polished

>> No.53711669

>The fuck is "median and mean wealth"?
Median means that 50% of people are below the number and 50% are above. Mean is just the average, which super rich people can skew higher.

Like if you have a list of the wealth of each person in a country that only has 11 people:

Person 1. $10
Person 2. $300
Person 3. $4,000
Person 4. $26,000
Person 5. $90,000
Person 6. $120,000 (Middle)
Person 7. $160,000
Person 8. $ 250,000
Person 9. $500,000
Person 10.$2,000,000
Person 11. $100,000,000,000 (Elon Musk)

The median wealth is $120,000 (The middle)
The mean wealth is $9,091,195,482 (The average of all the numbers)

So the median wealth is more representative of the wealth of a person in that country.

>> No.53712275

>$1.8MM worth more than a life
yeah if you're a poorfag lmao
i'd definitely sell your ass for that much

>> No.53712307
File: 61 KB, 960x547, Gold_Smuggling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this amount of gold is probably closer to half a ton, maybe an actual ton. gold is incredibly dense. heres actual 30KG

>> No.53712963

You are looking down instead of looking up.

>> No.53714160

Define "value".

>> No.53715291

>buy into store of value meme
>police just seize it lmao

>> No.53715308

and some guy traded 10,000 of them for a couple pizzas not two decades ago

>> No.53715325

>2 million dollars
listen nigger, I made that much during the last bullrun
not everyone is poor like you OP.

>> No.53715341

I remember reading that book in high school. Pretty dark and depressing from what I remember. Good lessons in hind sight.

>> No.53715350

This. They just want you to buy it because we have infinite QT ahead and they like to see goys on the wrong side of the trade.

>> No.53715377
File: 481 KB, 720x952, 297FCB78-7ABC-43BC-8C88-AD1FC4D020EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An ounce of gold was always worth a brand new suit

>> No.53715405

Based. Equating human life to a dollar sign or shiny metal is extremely semitic. I can feel the nose thru my computer screen.

>> No.53715431

what's the better way to store wealth

>> No.53715488
File: 2.10 MB, 4032x3024, 62C799F4-9E83-4BCC-8106-07A44B9EE85E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's what the average person makes in north america when they're not lying on the internet. Even less in mexico.

>> No.53715502
File: 21 KB, 789x559, rrrrrrr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow a good thread on biz. cool.

>> No.53716299
File: 79 KB, 554x767, stupidsexyhitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For every nice, deep breath, you breath in about 6 litres of air. At any one point (assuming you’re living and breathing) you’ll be having:

6/22.4=0.268 moles of air inside your body

Since the Avogadro constant (symbol NA)is 6.022e23[1] (or 6.022*10^23), the total amount of “air atoms” (because atmospheric air is a mixture of a lot of stuffs) currently residing in your body is NA*0.268= 1.61e23 (atoms)

The average rate of breathing is one breath every five seconds, or to translate to yearly:

1 (breath) * 12 (blocks of five seconds per minute) * 60 (minutes per hour) * 24 (hours per day) * 365 (days per year) = 6,307,200 breaths per year

Now, our dear Chancellor lived a tumultuous 56 years[2]. In those 56 years he’d have breathed 6,307,200*56=353,203,200 breaths, or 3.53e8 breaths. Multiply that with the amount of atom in one breath, we have 3.55e8*1.61e23=5.68e31.

The molar weight (or weight per mole) of air is 28.866g[3], and since there is approximately 5.15e21g[4] of air in our atmosphere, the mole number of our atmosphere is 5.15e21/28.866=1.78e20 (mols)

Therefore, in our atmosphere there is 1.78e20*NA=1.07e44 (air atoms)

Now, divide the amount of air atoms Hitler breathed in his lifetime with the amount of air atoms in the atmosphere times 100 we have the concentration of Hitler-breathed-air (or Hitlaircentration) of 1.78e20/1.07e44*100=1.66e-22 (%)

Take the inverse of the concentration, you’ll find that for every 6e21 air molecules you breath in, you’ll breath in one atom of Hitler’s air. Take in account of the massive number of atoms you breath in at any one time you get

5.68e31*1.66e-22=9,428,800,000 (Hitler molecules)

Granted, not all 9,428,800,000 Hitler-lecules are inside of you right now - let’s say only 0.001% of Hitler-lecules are actually inside of you, waiting to be turned into useful things for your body. That leaves a staggering 9,428,800 Hitler-lecules inside of you, and that’s just from air alone.