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53700657 No.53700657 [Reply] [Original]

What’s the biggest bag you hold?

>> No.53700671

moneroooooooo fml

>> No.53700698

My entire 401k is DRV.

>> No.53700700
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>> No.53700780
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>> No.53700786


>> No.53700851


>> No.53700870

dogechain and I want to kill myself

>> No.53700895
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XRP, what else?

>> No.53700994

bad form, he should be holding the syringe almost parallel with his arm, at as shallow of an angle as possible. if you do it that way, you'll almost certainly puncture the vein, waste your shot and get an abscess. even if you somehow manage to get it in, you'll probably blow the vein, going in at a 90 degree angle like that. dumb dumb dumb

>> No.53701056

bag of dollars. it's like stock in america and i hate it despite being comfy for the past year

>> No.53701202


>> No.53701290

>brita filters

>> No.53701337

Shiba and I hate myself for not selling the obvious top because I was deluded into think it would burn another zero.

>> No.53702114

dog bat then avax

>> No.53702265

140 of Railgun. Bought my first Crypto ever just now. Might go for more. I would have already if there wasn't a limit on how much I can do at a time. So I figured, let me just see where this forcedly small first foray goes. Surely it won't pump hard and then dip while I sleep. S- surely. . .

>> No.53702406

By they way, bagholding is when you have an investment you cannot liquidate.
Bagholding isn't holding an investment, as all investment involves holding till you see profits.
Once again, this site is full of dumb kids repeating what others have said.

>> No.53702408

200k worth of RLC

>> No.53702455

>obvious top
Yeah but it'll drop zeros in the future.
You niggers have like zero time preference.

>> No.53702573

At the moment, privacy tokens are my biggest bags so far, because privacy is beginning to gain more adoption in the space.

>> No.53702577
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>> No.53702604
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>> No.53702671


For me NEAR

>> No.53702993

How is privacy gaining adoption, jeet?
The last time I checked, all the famous blockchain are still transparent

>> No.53703325

Usd. Got too much of that stuff. Can't spend it fast enough.

>> No.53703380


>> No.53703524
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Usd. I'm waiting for the market to bleed out some more.

>> No.53703541

Bag holding 101

>> No.53703546
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>> No.53703864

Ride for me, first automobile based crypto project. Better potentials for a moonshot.

>> No.53704064

Binance recently announce their plans to integrate ZKPs, and now Railgun will be deployed on Arbitrum today

>> No.53704083
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4000 ICP

>> No.53704330

deez nuts

>> No.53704410
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Lots of AVAX. Lots of it

>> No.53704474
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shoutout to my SMALLEST bag

>> No.53704695

>Railgun will be deployed on Arbitrum
Quite interesting, so anonymity will now be compulsory on Arbitrum?

>> No.53704707


>> No.53704827
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>> No.53705239

Faggots making mention of crappolygon lol

>> No.53705348
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90% of my money is with matic

>> No.53705551
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I hold AVAX like the good Chad that I am.

>> No.53705756

RLC. And some ICP

>> No.53705787


>> No.53705804
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I hope this is a larp
>Polyjeets and ICP bag shills

>> No.53706348

I haven't heard anything from Shiba since 2021, I understand why you hate yourself anon

>> No.53706366
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my wife

>> No.53706369
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The cancer of cryptocurrencies

>> No.53706561

Elon Corgi Esoteric Niglets

>> No.53706680


>> No.53706841

I'm the highest and luckiest ALBT holder among the gringos here. Although the foundation of my portfolio is ETH filled.

>> No.53706858

500K VRA

>> No.53706890
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QNT then XFT

>> No.53706999
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my fucking bag of avax

>> No.53707153


My ballbag.

>> No.53707440

No retard. Dapps on arbitrum can now have the option of integrating the privacy SDK.

>> No.53707460


>> No.53707657

Arbitrum normies can also leverage on the Railway wallet for their anonymous transactions as well, their wallet balance is hidden, and their transactions are anonymous too

>> No.53707909

Why are they are all partnered with Allianceblock? Is that where the secret of their success lies.?

>> No.53708185

I dumped my biggest bag, my exGF. She was a Covid victim. Before then things were fine. But I had to dump her when I realized she was a non-thinking NPC. I'm pretty flexible with the whole NPC thing, but fuck ME! you live with that insanity for a couple years and you want to fucking dive a ice pick through both eyes and ears... It's best to part way and still be friends (meaning change your number and email).

>> No.53708780

X7R, almost all in

>> No.53708816
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>> No.53708839

NFTs on ethereum generally, and within that, I own two chromie squiggles worth ~25-30 eth together. my next-most-valuable NFT is probably a Sea Ham worth ~4 eth.

>> No.53708841

1100 link

>> No.53709039

$365k in Rocket Pool
$246k in Ethereum
RPL is pretty much leveraged ETH so I lump them together in my mind.

>> No.53709073

huge supply, dumpenomics, piece of shit, etc.

>> No.53709224

That shitcoin is going to 0 anon

>> No.53709247

algorand and tokens on the algorand ecosystem

>> No.53709261
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>> No.53709266

PLTR. Feeling good this week.

>> No.53709277

Basic polyjeet shill

>> No.53709281 [DELETED] 
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AIINU. But, I'm also a fucking psycho.

>> No.53709731

SYLO. MTV......

>> No.53710267
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>> No.53710281


>> No.53710792
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Will make me one of the richest people in the world.