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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 85 KB, 1000x1000, silver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53696019 No.53696019 [Reply] [Original]

The reason /biz/ favors silver over gold is because silver is cheaper, not because it's a better investment.

A kilo of silver will set you back 800$, but a kilo of gold will set you back 60k. /biz/ is full of poor wagecucks, who have around 5k saved at most. Thus, they purchase silver instead of gold, and cope to themselves, claiming it's a better investment, even though gold is obviously the superior choice. If you think I'm wrong, explain how in this thread.

>> No.53696183

Silver is psyop run by bullion and central banks so the accumulate cheap gold in preparation for the Great Reset. You are absolutely correct only poverty stricken /pol/ chuds buy shillver.

>> No.53696191

how does it set u back when the money u spend is retained in the value of it just sell it back lol

>> No.53696215

Retard take. Silver is more of an industrial metal than gold and the supply is only 16x of gold. The only industrial advantage gold has is its inability to tarnish

>> No.53696216

it's kind of crazy when you look back into history and see that goldcuck vs silvercuck seething has been going on for centuries. it's like bitcucks who rage about "alts"

>> No.53696269
File: 1.12 MB, 1232x1946, OP_is_FAGGOT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can tell math isn't your strong point (not sure if you have one but whatever). There is simply more upside to silver. Silver will hit $44 before gold hits $3,600. And there's the inflation aspect. There's more gold than silver.
It's that simple.
but hey, buy another gold coin, prove me wrong.

>> No.53696285

It's funny that you refer to something you consider as an investment to "set you back $x"

Real confidence there eh? Set you back from what?

>> No.53696429

Silver market cap is squeezable. Gold is not. A distributed Hunt Bros style cornering of the market by the general public cannot be stopped.

>> No.53696434

>Set you back from what?
From losing most of it in stocks, bonds, cryptos.

>> No.53696443
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You would need the 60k to purchase a kilo of gold in the first place.
True, haha.
In the past 10 years, the price of silver has fallen 30% - Gold, on the other hand, has had it's price rise consistently with inflation. Do you know why this is? Because silver isn't desirable. People (save for autists here) do not buy it as a hedge against inflation. It's an irrelevant metal. Gold, throughout the entirety of the history of mankind, has been valuable, and it will continue to be.
>There's been a larger increase in Gold production, though! The supply has increased, whereas silvers has stayed almost the same!
Yes, because people actually care about Gold. Nobody gives a shit about silver. Nobody wants to increase the supply because it's considered shit.
>There's more gold than silver!
This is just a lie, lol, silver reserves well outpace that of gold.

>> No.53696457

This convinced me to never touch silver, thank you Anon I appreciate it.

>> No.53696479
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Ask yourself, do you want the asset that's manipulated 389:1 or 120:1

>> No.53696510

Silverfags just got caught up in the “short squeeze” theory every dumb invested is trying to hastily apply to any security to drum up excitement in hopes of pumping their own bags.

Spin it together with the q anon bullshit that is rampant in this site and you get the result of silver bullshit

>> No.53696570

lol. lmao even.

>> No.53696597

You really think you’re gonna out manipulate a market controlled by one the largest banks in the world.
Good luck faggot

>> No.53696647

>you really think you're going to defeat the US military, you're just some chinks in a jungle
>you really think you're going to defeat the US military, you're just some towel heads in the mountains
>you really think you're going to remain employed in society without a vax, you're just a disposable cog
Thanks for the well wishes, faggot.

>> No.53696648

hunt brothers squeeze was the 1980 equivalent of the doge/shiba run, distorting expectations ever since

>> No.53696667
File: 56 KB, 900x600, gold_silver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you both make a conscious decision each morning when you wake up to hang a "I'm a massive faggot" sign around your necks or is it something that just comes naturally?

>> No.53696823

>Graph starts in 2018
Hey, faggot, post the 10 year graph, please. Show us how much silver has fallen since 2012. As mentioned in my last message, the decrease exceeds 30%.

>> No.53696850
File: 506 KB, 680x510, 1E0B7082-E343-4F19-A967-75629BD5EBB9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck “muh gold/silber” if you want to be financially free and if you wanna make it. Stonks. Stonks is where it’s at. Particularly high market cap ones. Medium cap and lower are for poor fucks who will never make it. They just gonna keep fucking around buying and selling cheap peices of shit and never make it.
As for metals. I’ve already said fuck that shit, why put 100000000 dollars worth of metal in your house just to get burglarized someday. But yea.. gold is the superior metal. Silber is just the poor man’s cope.

>> No.53696896
File: 111 KB, 1052x592, retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

:) here you go and the results are.. sorry, just have to double check these.
Ah, yes, you're still a cum gurgler.

>> No.53696930
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>> No.53696954

this is unironically making me regret buying silver. was it a scam all along? why would you post graphs in a deceitful way like this?

>> No.53696955
File: 44 KB, 838x548, Silverlol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Silver has decreased 30% since 2012
>No, it hasn't, here's a graph that starts in 2018
>I said 2012
>No, it hasn't, here's a graph that ends in 2911
How hard can one person cope?
Anyways, look at the image attached, please examine the 30% fall and realize you, yes you, are stupid.

>> No.53696960
File: 20 KB, 330x413, IMG_0338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahaha, I fucking love that you can't refute any of this. Go on then cum gurgler, prove me wrong.

>> No.53696973
File: 52 KB, 650x408, 1622702367501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the demand for gold? I don't see it. I see way more demand for USD. The tiny amount banks hold globally as reserve is nothing compared to how much USD they have. Trying to cover liabilities with just gold would be impossible. That's why its almost always been both gold and silver used t back a currency. If gold became that dominant as primary money silver would be necessitated as well just to fill the void. I don't think we are going to go backwards into the past though.

>> No.53696986

now overlay that with gold, in terms of percentage, or is that too hard for you?

>> No.53696993

jannies tongue my anus

>> No.53696995
File: 249 KB, 434x412, 1672207353275817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally the post right above you. It is comically transparent to everyone ITT that you are avoiding acknowledging the 30% decrease.

>> No.53696998

3 kt of gold were mined in 2022 vs 24 kt of silver
1 for 8 ratio
Yet the consumption of silver is skyrocketing

>> No.53697006
File: 45 KB, 823x560, Goldlol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go, buddy. Are you going to argue this is the same as silver, or has your brief bout of retardation ended?

>> No.53697018

so bullion dealers want us to buy silver so they can use the money to buy gold? is that what's going on?

>> No.53697047
File: 29 KB, 576x573, 1672207353275818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Essentially, yes. Silver is basically a bag being dumped on people who are too poor to afford large quantities of Gold, under the false pretense that it's just as good of a hedge against inflation.

>> No.53697062

I sort of assumed this back in 2020 but didn't know enough to confirm it, but watching things the last few years I believe you are right. I bet most of the large silver stack pics on /PMG/ are literal bullion dealers.

>> No.53697066
File: 43 KB, 411x550, 1631995835085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry, I have to apologize. You are too fucking stupid to chart this properly. I make it a point not to make fun of people that are mentally handicapped so just going to leave this here. You might want to take some remedial math courses? Just a thought, cheers! :)


>> No.53697071
File: 38 KB, 312x349, debt clock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is weird. Really weird. I just checked it on Wayback Machine and it is never zero, but thousands. There's has been lots of talk about gold backed currencies coming and a price reset, Quantum Financial System, ISO20022, etc...

>> No.53697087

b ut should I get coins or bullion

>> No.53697116
File: 776 KB, 598x601, 1672806569737805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chart literally shows them being correlated until 2013, where silver drops off well below gold and stays down, because people realized it was worthless
>Or, in other words, exactly what I said happened
>Perfectly confirming what I said about silver being a bag dumped on those too poor to afford gold.
They do act an awful lot like shills.

>> No.53697133

Gold coins or bullion? Same difference. If by coins you mean crypto, though, probably bullions.

>> No.53697142
File: 41 KB, 546x662, 1672739972278635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is not to diss crypto, I am just assuming you want a hedge against inflation, and gold would probably be better suited for that use.

>> No.53697162

mmmm i love silver FUD threads
keep it going
im gonna cum

>> No.53697173

When's comex going to run out?

>> No.53697208

>spot price: $22
>price to actually buy: $26
>spot price: $22
>price they give you if you sell: $18
imagine getting raped both ways
gold too

>> No.53697234

update your firmware
places are meeting spot + extra for selling

>> No.53697291
File: 264 KB, 1488x1000, silver pubmed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you think I'm wrong, explain how in this thread.
Pretty simple. Silver is mined to a 8:1 ratio compared to gold. 60% of silver production ends up destroyed by industrial uses. While over 90% of gold is used for bullion and jewels.
But it's priced at 1:80, /pmg/ is banking on this discrepancy.

It's most likely between only x3-x4 more silver in bullion form exist worldwide compared to gold. But the price is x80. And silver find new applications every week while it's already the 2nd commodity with the most industrial applications after oil.
And the constant anti-silver kike spamming like you do tells me i'm onto something.
So i prefer silver. Simple as.

>> No.53697325
File: 43 KB, 583x586, seethe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people making threads telling me I'm retarded prove I'm correct!

>> No.53697336

if the anti-silver threads are made by stupid people like you, yes, it's bullish

>> No.53697362
File: 444 KB, 544x513, IMG_0532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>12 pbtid
getting a little desperate there anon? Are you trying to convince us, or yourself?

>> No.53697379

>couldn't refute a single point so immediately cope with effortless soijak posting
Yikes sweetie
Actually yes. Good luck trying to get back the silver in your walls' paint. Or in your toothpaste. Or in your spray deodorant. Or the ones used as chemical catalyst for propylene oxide and the plastic industry. Or in your antifreeze. Or in your anti-odor socks. Or in wound dressing. Or in nanotubes. Or in Xray imaging. Or...

>> No.53697393
File: 838 KB, 823x770, chuds.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey, OP, if silver is really bad....how come you keep posting in the thread you made? Heh, yeah, checkmate...
>still hasn't proven how silver is a good investment

>> No.53697409

>Actually, yes, matter can be destroyed
>these are the people who buy silver

>> No.53697424
File: 149 KB, 600x497, 1659285843855703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>point proved
>ignore it
Shlomo isn't sending his best.
But it's not like you could have an argument anyway. I accept your concession.

>> No.53697522

it's destroyed for all intents and purposes
silver isn't worth recovering from these things at current prices
of course, it might be worth it if the price goes up....

>> No.53697610

For the non moonbois, the intention of holding metal isn't to flip it anyways, but in the event of an emergency that one has to end up selling, you can easily sell for spot and in most cases, above that. There are certainly more and worse ways to get fucked, specifically with crypto.

exchange fees, gas fees, swap fees, markets randomly taking a shit, getting rugged, and lets not forget losing power or access to the internet.

>> No.53697640
File: 3.45 MB, 4824x3099, Osmium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, sit down for a moment. Let me tell you a story about a metal by the name of Osmium.

Osmium is the single rarest metal on Earth. It makes up about 50 parts per trillion in Earth's crust. Or, 0.00005 parts per million. For comparison, Silver makes up 0.1 parts per million, and gold, 0.001. Osmium is a useful material - it is the single densest naturally occurring element. It has a myriad of unique properties that should make it incredibly valuable. Is is absolutely essential to certain electrical contacts. Yet, despite it's myriad of use cases and extreme rarity, Osmium has lost 30% of it's value since 1980. What should've been an obvious investment, due to it's scarcity and usefulness, has instead, fallen severely. Do you know why this is? Because every possible use case for osmium can be filled by something cheaper. For each use of this element proposed, a far cheaper, more abundant one could be used instead. This is something that investors had failed to consider - and so, they lost their money.

The same is true for silver - and this is why 10 years ago it crashed in price and has not recovered since. I want you to look at the image you posted, in your first reply, as proof. Tell me, of all the use cases listed, how many of them could actually only be filled by silver? The answer is very few. Why would you use a rare, precious metal for something a cheaper substitute can do? Gold, just like silver, and most other precious metals, are not valuable because of what they can be used for - because there's not much most precious metals can do that other elements can not. The sole and single exception to this is Rhodium, having a use in catalytic converters no other material can fill. And that's it. What makes precious metals so valuable is their scarcity and historical value - not their use cases. Silver has neither of these, and it's uses can be filled by other, more abundant elements. Thus, it's price will not rise.

>> No.53697696
File: 300 KB, 1164x1644, EDC65830-4099-40DA-8DFB-26FB1E5BFE76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silver is good money

>> No.53697706
File: 365 KB, 1536x2048, 4DEE7309-7861-4EB9-AE45-0C9DD0456824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53697726

Those numbers are completely bogus kek

>> No.53697847

Genuine question. What would it take to replicate the properties of silver? There are substitutes, but at what cost?

>> No.53697951

A shit ton of copper, which is also in short supply because no one has studied geology for 40 years

>> No.53698249

I'm the guy who posted that huge stack of gold this past weekend and I also have about 1000 ounces of silver

>> No.53698327

The cost is that they’re inferior. We see this problem across all industries. Cheaper does not mean better and not all industries can afford to use inferior products.

>> No.53698470

Do you have brain damage

>> No.53698489

Sounds like you can't drink a warm beer

>> No.53698502
File: 46 KB, 750x898, 1675731840058855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just buy both but more gold shrimple as.

>> No.53698597

You're just a retarded faggot, that specific metric on usdebtclock.org has the YoY increase in M2 money supply as the numerator. Of course if M2 is shrinking it's gonna read out 0. Did you even bother checking the label for that metric or did you think it was just M2 divided by above-ground metal supplies?

>> No.53699059

There are plenty of alternatives to silver. What are the alternatives to gold?

>> No.53699203

Yes. So is gold but to a lesser extent. They are both feel-good investments for poors. The rich buy companies, the intelligent invest in shares of good companies and build equity stake in companies.

Doomers and get rich quick poors buy silver and gold.

Nobody ever in the history of the world had become rich buying and holding metals. Not a single time anywhere in all of history. Not once. Can’t happen. Literally impossible.

Most people buying metals not won’t even break even after the premiums for years, factor inflation and it will be decades if ever. Measured against the S&P they will be underwater forever; it’s dead money.

An ounce of gold worth of investment in Coke stock at the IPO would be over ten million dollars today; that ounce of gold in gold would still be an ounce of gold and not even worth 2000$

>> No.53699352

In 1919 an ounce of gold was ~$20, that would have gotten you half a share of Coca Cola. Accounting for stock splits, you would have ~4608 shares today which is ~$276k. You would also get dividends, which is not an insignificant amount, but it ain't 10 million dollars. You're not wrong about it being a way better investment but you don't have to lie about it.

>> No.53701332
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Simple as.

>> No.53701370
File: 68 KB, 419x397, AG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are plenty of alternatives to silver.
Name one.

>> No.53702654

Comparing or valuing PMs against fiat is fucking retarded just like all you fucking retards, your not even worth my time explaining why this is.

>> No.53702794

Banks are buying both. Who cares? Thanks for playing

>> No.53703165
File: 40 KB, 500x332, tumblr_mbsdmeSTbU1qcznab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10 ounce silver is 251$ in my country. Is it a good deal? Why is it expensive comparing to market price? I know I can't sell that price if I ever buy it.

>> No.53703248

Price seems reasonable. What is the VAT or GST on silver in you cunt? Also, are you buying coins? Or is it a bar? Ask your dealer for how much he'll buy it back for. My dealer buys it back for sell price - 4% any day of the month.

>> No.53703260

This. I’ve explained this in every silver thread, but it’s not worth the time. The moonbois and the fudders are nothing but retards.

>> No.53703274


Tax is %18

>> No.53703314

silver is cope for gold the same way alts are cope for bitcoin
poors stay poors because they think they can get rich on their small pool of wealth in one big break

>> No.53703387

See >>53703314
Silver could do a 5X and it really wouldn’t mean anything, relative to other ways of making money. There are shitcoins that do that, and then some, in just a matter of hours or days.

>> No.53703418

Or rather

See >>53702654 >>53703260

>> No.53703463

Silver is easier to get. Plus when the president can just confiscated your gold and pay you nothing ill stick with silver

>> No.53703480

I have $5 million dollars and much more of it is in silver than gold
I know silver is industrially useful, and monetary, and more surpressed han, gold

>> No.53703512

Its not worth bothering anyone who argues against silver in favor of gold, as a opposed to being in favor of both but recginizing that silver has distinct advantages, is not here in good faith

>> No.53703566

So, the buy price seems reasonable. I'd buy. But, how much will he buy back for? Ask around a couple of dealers to see how much they buy back for.

>> No.53705300

Come check out /pmg/, we have a nicer croud there.

>> No.53705330
File: 16 KB, 446x126, 1670168286576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Greetings citizen
>We are here to confiscate your gold
>You may keep your silver
Said no tyrannical government ever.

>> No.53705335

post the 20 year one.

>> No.53705377

there isn't any reason to not have at least a few hundred ounces of silver, one of the safest investments you can make that has plenty of potential to rise even dramatically and almost no potential to do the opposite in a steep inflation economy.

gold is easier to store, trade, and transport, and is where most of your PM wealth should be.

>> No.53705494

The us government indeed said that

>> No.53705506

No they didn't, they confiscated silver too.

Learn your history, bucko.

>> No.53705526
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In 2005 you could get silver for 5 bucks.
It's at 22 bucks an oz right now.
Miss me with that gay shit.
Still buying silver, still buying gold, still buying crypto.

>> No.53705544
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I've asked pawn shops for their price and they offer a few dollars over spot.