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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53688774 No.53688774 [Reply] [Original]

Already depegging,BNB nuking
All of this while we had our first weekly death cross and cpi is coming hot
Market is nuking straight to 10k this week

>> No.53688782

It’s unironically over if Binance dies

>> No.53688814

No it's over when they go after circle killing USDC and dai

>> No.53688824
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What the fuck
No way this can be real, right?

>> No.53688829

If ripple can win, so does binance.

>> No.53688853

yeah, over for your gay scam ERC-20 shitcoins, BTC is going to 90% dominance now

>> No.53688859


>> No.53688860

wtf it's real

>> No.53688876


>> No.53688885
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>jewish QE bad in TradFi!!!! crypto is the solution!!!
>unauthorized jewish QE good in crypto to pump my bags xD!!!

This is how retarded you sound right now, faggot

>> No.53688886


>> No.53688887

Btw Europe/US asleep u have time to short the shit out of the market before shit hit the fan

>> No.53688911

>still being exposed to crypto in any way

Longs are not safe, shorts are not safe, holding is not safe. Unless you are prepared to not have access to dollars you need to get out NOW.

>> No.53688918

lol cope seethe and dilate. BTC is King and nothing will ever change that thesis.

>> No.53688922

dude the SEC case will last longer than the current market ever will. By the time its settled Crypto will just be a memory.

>> No.53688974
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fucking jews are REALLY trying to take binance down so they can become the number one head of crypto. I want CZ to win simply for the fact that I want jews to lose this war.

>> No.53688983

Unironically bullish kek. By the time it takes the SEC to take down busd, we'd already be finished with the next bull cycle. These nigger jews though don't seem to want to allow the next bullrun to start until CZ is taken care of so I guess we'll see.

>> No.53688990

Kek this
Crypto nowadays is so far from original values that drove adoption of Bitcoin. Right now it's just TradFi finance if it was ran by pajeets in unregulated markets. Literally worst of both worlds

>> No.53688995

> TradFi finance
Yeah I'm retarded btw

>> No.53689007

bnb price plummeted lmfao
its unironically over

>> No.53689031

It's back. I've almost had a heart attack. Funds should always remain safu..

>> No.53689046

It plummeted.. back to a price it was 2 days ago..hply shit

>> No.53689048

Yes, but jews are relentless in attacking CZ so they'll probably create more and more fud throughout the rest of the bear market. They want to get rid of the top dog to become the top dog.

>> No.53689053

Just admit USD superiority already and stop pretending your highschool crypto projects are a serious alternative. More "stable"coins failed in the last 2 years than fiat currencies in a century

>> No.53689055

Lmao compare bnb's price from the ath to now and then do the same for btc. Literally zoom out.

>> No.53689059

Usd is shit, retard. Only retards with 0 understanding of monetary policy thinks usd isn't a dying currency. Fucking normies, I swear

>> No.53689072

what kinda retard buys crypto pegged to fiat anyway? Doesnt it go against the whole ethos of crypto? Not to mention the possibility of unpegging and going to fucking 6 cents per coin or whatever isnt 0%. Why would anybody hold 500 USDC or BUSD when they could hold 5 physical hundred dollar bills there is no upside at all in it

>> No.53689128

How tf is the fiat pegged "stable coin" a security?

>> No.53689132

/biz/ zoomers are low test sissies
nothing is happening
2 more weeks
CZ won

>> No.53689144
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Crypto is a circle jerk

>> No.53689147

it's not a security and is even heavily regulated hence it was able to be issued in new york, but gensler is a jew that wants to take cz down. This isn't about what's "ethical for the markets" or whatever. This is literal war between the jews and cz

>> No.53689148

USD can't be transferred on-chain, and stables remove the volatility of trading in other crypto.

>> No.53689284

> t. watched a YouTube video titled "USD is... le bad"
> Thinks he knows anything about currencies or finance

>> No.53689306

Because USD is superior to all crypto and crypto bros are desperately trying to get all of its utility so that they are more efficient at losing their money on shitcoins.

>> No.53689312

Uh no, retard. Learn what inflation is kek

>> No.53689329

Learn what military coercion means kek

>> No.53689344

Wow you know what inflation is, so insightful

>> No.53689421
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BNB 200 end of the day?

>> No.53689428

>muh military will save the currency!
LMFAO if that were the case it wouldn't have inflated to death, dumbass.
You clearly have no idea what the word means or how the buying power is completely dead nor how the jews concentrate the supply. It's garbage long term.

>> No.53689505

> he thinks inflation is some kind of secret that only chosen few know about
Claims in your post be true if USD was as inflated as your ego. Crypto will not be an answer to USD simply because it's not a legal tender and is not backed by USA GDP. Not to mention most of the crypto is unregulated pajeet scam central.

>> No.53689531

Nigger, read up on how every nation's currency in the history of civilization has died. Read what exactly lead to their deaths. Hints: all of them died in the same way. The u.s. is no exception.

>> No.53691007

If i remember correctly BNB has a 24hr settlement date which is tomorrow. I think itll settle at 22000$

>> No.53691030

>rug pull
>paxos will still redeem all BUSD at $1
Are you stupid anon?

>> No.53691082

Where can I short BNB other than Binance? Seems kind of dumb to short a market's coin on the market.

>> No.53691106

This. Binance is not going anywhere. Busd will continue on their side as well as BNB. Binance is THE threat to the Jew elite in their quest to take down or completely control virtual commerce. Therefore, it is decentralization.

>> No.53691180


>> No.53691216

Unironically this, kikes are just so obvious. They're still seething he bested them.

>> No.53691219

Paxos what? Never heard of that literal who

>> No.53691235

kek look at this chosen one defending USD

>> No.53691238

wow it was another nothingburger SEETHE JEWS AHAHAHAHA

>> No.53691267

It's the issuer of BUSD.

>> No.53691320

i wish i was dumb enough to truly believe this shit, it sounds pretty fun

>> No.53691460

Explains the sudden increase in Holocaust museums everywhere...

>> No.53691574

The Biden Administration is convinced that Binance is a scam at best and a money-laundering operation at worst. It's going down whether you think it's fair or not.

>> No.53691630

i joined binance 2017
everybody knows its a scam more or less

>> No.53691690

I thought CZ had backing from the CCP?
Who wins? CCP or SEC?
I'm guessing SEC is mad at CCP for taking down the chosen one sam (one of their own kind)

>> No.53691830

>I thought CZ had backing from the CCP?
Is there any basis for assuming that or is it just "CZ is Chinese = everything he does is done with CCP approval"? Binance can't even operate in China.

>> No.53691877
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I have a shitload in BUSD, no joke please.

>> No.53691898

you can still redeem

>> No.53691914

Busd is usd retard

>> No.53694265

Busd has nothing to do with Binance.

>> No.53694274
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>dollar superiority

>> No.53694331

You genuinely come off as 19 years old

>> No.53694388

>literal who
hello newfriend

>> No.53694581
File: 110 KB, 500x324, 334C2AF4-93EB-44C0-BA82-0E8D84ECE68B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess where you are on this chart sweetie

watching arrogant shmucks like you dissolve into weepy bitchboys will make these next few years all the sweeter

>> No.53694641
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make room for bitcoin backed stablecoin cavemen. right on time as this chink scam crumbles.

>> No.53695143
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>Binance United States Dollar Coin (BUSD) has nothing to do with Binance

>> No.53695233

That's the line, we're about to see if it's really true.

>> No.53695260

Same. They are such fucking sore losers kek.

>> No.53695661

I predicted years ago that crypto will evolve, at an accelerated pace through all the cancer that's emerged in the trad-fi system. Honestly happened even faster than I expected though.

>> No.53695737

Aahaa.. here we go again with the 10k calls
bobos would be eating their words one more time.
I'm slurping all the dip on BNB, in CZ I trust.
Not forgetting dxp and ride to follow up

Keep waiting for 10k while non retards are making money

>> No.53695799

Big finance FUDs their own crypto bags (while they buy more) and go after the main cause of the once golden-boy FTX collapse

How is all of this not obvious

>> No.53695843

Jewnited States gov is the real sinagoge of satan...
"Muh land of the free"
Fuck it bros..

>> No.53696000

Okay boomer.

>> No.53696017

Old Gazza (ex Goldman Sachs) wants the banks to be in charge on crypto not the exchanges. If everything is a security the exchanges cant buy or sell.
XRP schizos have been warning people for 2 years about this.

>> No.53696032

you're -98% down retard

>> No.53696058

how much are you being paid? retards

>> No.53696068

I'm thinking we'll fall back below 21k then bounce back up afterwards
bagging solid gems at this point feels like the right thing to do

>> No.53696335

Obvious attack on binance
You can't make that shit up

>> No.53696355

He doesn't know, who's gonna tell him

>> No.53696399
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Can't go wrong with ride, it goes back to ath and it's a 30x run from here

Easy kek

>> No.53696596

Trust them to find their way out of it.
Anything happens to binance and it's finished for everyone of us

>> No.53696630
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Nothing ever happens, they will either knell and allow usdc again, join finex and tron in the tether camp or switch completely to some random other stablecoin maybe even wander around while the sec tries to get them creating some weird stablecoin mid season

>> No.53696632

anon is clueless

>> No.53696669

Largely depends
Needs marketing for the product and more people to know about it

>> No.53697258

zhao is literally a jewish-only surname. zhao means jew (zhew).

>> No.53698447

Binance needs to go.
All CEX must be purged in order for crypto to enter its final form.

>> No.53699033
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Circle is the darling WEF approved coin. It will be overlooked by gensler.

>> No.53699472

>Circle is the darling WEF approved coin
So is XRP...

>> No.53699512

This. Bought 2 bnb with fiat today just because

>> No.53699657

Time for XMR to shine

>> No.53699773
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>Time for XMR
It's coming up

>> No.53699799
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for there to be winners there must be losers
all of this must pass

>> No.53699803

Tax events thst happen when you convert crypto to fiat for one.

>> No.53699895

lol I trust that man. Everything is fine.

>> No.53700278

yes it is

>> No.53700307

ahahahahahah fucking idiot!!! stupid!

>> No.53702178

> ucking jews are REALLY trying to take binance down so they can become the number one head of crypto.
Has nothing to do with them wanting to corner the market but as a reprisal to what happened with SBF and FTX. If you think they’re just gonna let the humiliation of one of their chosen slide, think again.

>> No.53702212

>try to play by the rules and appease the US
>they completely fuck you over and leave you hanging out to try
Many such cases. The US drives away a new industry yet again.

>> No.53702281

All Binance has to do is lobby (aka legal bribery) and pay off SEC and other politicians. That’s the way things go in China 10x. I wonder why he thinks the US doesn’t function the same. Anyway, I’ve invested in the stock market for the meantime. I have 10% return so far since starting investing in January. Returns are slow unlike crypto, but at least it’s safe.

>> No.53702295

>most common Chinese surname is jewish

>> No.53702308
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Based and True

>> No.53702323

If sam didnt misapropriate users funds he wouldnt be in jail nothing to do with binance they are just following sound business practices and their risk assessment showed he is a thief is all

>> No.53702456

> If sam didnt misapropriate users funds
Doesn’t matter if Sam is a slimy greedy kike or not. What matters is CZ brought one of the chosen down and humiliated one of the tribe members. Can’t have that so they went after CZ.

>> No.53702489

any recommendations? pretty tired of getting slowly rekt here by bullshit FUD

>> No.53702569
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>muh military will save the currency!
>LMFAO if that were the case it wouldn't have inflated to death, dumbass.

It's not about the success or even the sustainability of the currency. It's about their ability to enforce its usage, no matter if you agree with its policies or not. Seeing how things are right now I think the west and US hegemony still have a decade or two before things eventually implode for the middle and even aristocratic class, which is when you'll see masses uprising against the 1% taxing their value with money printing.
Oh wait, the WEF and elites alikes have been pushing nonstop for "you'll own nothing and you'll be happy" "you will eat the bugs" "you will live in the pod" "you will abandon your right to privacy" to the masses for two decades and guess what, they are gobbling it up happily. They wore the masks. They took the vaccine. They complied without fighting. They stored their personal data on cloud servers belonging to advertising companies. They relinquished their rights to property and money ownership by trusting banks and getting in debt.

All of that to say that ultimately, it doesn't matter if the leverage debt-based economy is doomed to fail - as long as there is actual political and military backing behind the currency responsible for this scam to last this long, the show will go on, and on, and on. Crypto and decentralization were steps in the right direction, but bulltards ITT and other braindead faggots believe that CEXes following tradFi jewish practices to pump their bags is a good idea. Actors like SBF shouldn't even be allowed to exist in the space.

Just leave this board already. I can't believe I still have to waste my time arguing with monkeys. If you are tired of /biz/ but still want to make decent money with crypto join telegram groups like:
