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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53694640 No.53694640 [Reply] [Original]

>"derrrr if you would have put your down payment into anything hurrrrr you would be rich!!"

>"wahhhh, do 100x even exist anymore?"
>"my linkies!"
>"pls put your money into my totally legit scam"

zoomers are all so fucking retarded it's unreal. Literally pissed away a down payment on a house via rent money you'll never see again EVERY SINGLE YEAR, PERPETUALLY


>> No.53694700


>> No.53694712

>(You) made another seething hoomer thread
Here's your reply. Surely you are financially secure to keep posting this.

>> No.53694733

He wouldn't have tried that with me.

>> No.53694747

but that is you in the video, I see you right there, you look tickled pink about it anon

>> No.53694759

Seething samefag/rentcuck poorfag. So buttblasted he posted twice LOL

>> No.53694809
File: 1.33 MB, 2264x2152, 1675428678935947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>zoomers are all so fucking retarded it's unreal. Literally pissed away a down payment on a house via rent money you'll never see again EVERY SINGLE YEAR, PERPETUALLY
>L M A O
25 year old here.
I have thousands of dollars in crypto, I've fucked 50 women.
My rent is bottom if the barrel in price.
I refuse to buy a house in the US, planning in immigrating out of the US.
You fat fucks tend to cry, loudly, about me renting, like you faggots care more about me renting than I care about renting.
Anyway, I have 110 million shiba inu, see you faggots at a penny!

>> No.53694850
File: 18 KB, 280x392, cbdedef44a34fe5ed2454cd2d627129b_66bdd60718f108aef19213768e4f311d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Someone needs to validate me!
These threads are all exactly the same. Go outside.

>> No.53694855
File: 420 KB, 1144x2048, 1676110681055840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally don't even care about rent.
I feel like these arse holes care more about me renting than I do.
Anyway, after rent and bills are paid I have another 1.5-1.7k USD to do what ever the fuck with.
So that usually goes into silver, gold and then crypto.
I might get a hooker too but I'm pretty tapped out with fucking so many sluts and whores.
Never gonna get married.
Never gonna buy a ply wood plaster box.
Gonna immigrate out of the US.

>> No.53694874
File: 57 KB, 1024x827, 1664296683508959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>25 year old here.
>I refuse to buy a house in the US, planning in immigrating out of the US.
>planning in immigrating out of the US
>planning in
>immigrating out
based zoomer retard

>> No.53694883

>greentexts the entire post
Strike 1 for being retarded
>posts like $20 in silver coins as if that is some sort of evidence to his networth
Strike 2 for being retarded, Strike 1 for being poor
>25 year old here.
You're basically middle aged. Zoom zoom thinks he's young LMAO. Strike 3 for being retarded. I assume you're also a rentcuck considering your long post. Strike 2 for being poor.

Stopped reading there. You managed to basically shout "IM RETARDED LOOK HOW RETARDED I AM" in essentially 1 picture and 4 words. Truly impressive. I'm sure if I continued to read you'd expose more poorfaggotry so I'm going to assume you're also poor. Broke and retarded LOL. We are truly blessed to be in your presence

>> No.53694903

Check IDs, fucking fat idiot.
No one cares about your ply wood plaster box in butt fuck.

>> No.53694904


>> No.53694912

>glances at camera
aaand ruined

>> No.53694935

>what is switching from wifi to mobile network
Check post time stamps you retarded newfag

>> No.53694973

I pay 800 cad for rent

>> No.53695114
File: 1.03 MB, 1440x1381, SmartSelect_20230213_133459_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's basically like bragging that you pay $600 usd for pic related

Rentcucks are all so retarded with their cognitive dissonance
>I don't want to live amongst niggers
>*rents amongst niggers*

>> No.53695157

>Comes with a stolen bike

>> No.53695200

This post is so glorious for reasons this zoomer didn't mean for it to be

>25 year old here
As if that is young. Zoomers entire identity revolves around "youth" so much so that they actually think 25 is young. That having "thousands of dollars" at 25 is like having "thousands of dollars" at 16. They are full grown adults stuck in a 16 year olds body. They will be 30 and still think they're 18. But eventually they will not be able to delude themselves anymore. They will see that they are old. They will experience ego-death. Their brain will not be able to reconcile with their appearance. They will feel like they are trapped in a body that does not belong to them.

Mass suicide will follow.

>> No.53695226

nah zoomers will definitely be alive for biological immortality if they just tough it out for a few decades, they're right to view it that way

>> No.53695323

>tough it out for a few decades
And exist forever as "old"? Lol, not a chance. The zoomer's entire being revolves around youth. They would rather die than be old

>> No.53695355

t. House poor and coping

>> No.53695373

t. hurt dog hollering

I hope you get help with your gambling problem, addict :^)

>> No.53696332

the fuck are you complaining about, can´t you people get an arsenal with the remaining money you´d save and form a militia with your neighbors?

>> No.53696366

>that unhinged schizophrenic homeowner who is immediately identifiable as the guy who posts "post key FOB" when BTFO by rentchads

>> No.53696403

every year my parents put more % of their house in my name as advised by a lolyer. i am an only child. i don't deserve it either.

>> No.53696415

The zoomers entire existence revolves around worshipping niggers anon.

>> No.53697004

I have $175k in the bank and illiquid assets worth $1m but tell me more about how you're Warren Buffet because you bought a 1200 sqft starter house in Columbus OH like I'm supposed to give a fuck

>> No.53697021

Meanwhile chemicals polluting Ohio. I wonder what will happen to their home values? Gee, I'm sure glad I didn't throw a down payment on a $300k home and watch home value plummet like Flint Michigan. How can you accurately predict your $500k investment is secure when shit like this happens every year? kys debtor

>> No.53697083

>the most illiquid asset you can own, the home you live, is totally a good investment guys
>why would you buy fake internet coins instead?
i mean, "own your own home" is dave ramsay-tier advice for financial retards who need a paid off mortgage once they retire at 70 to have a roof over their head. otherwise these people would have burned every cent of their paycheck + credit card and car loan debt for 5 straight decades

>> No.53697150

kek how funny would it be if this was the catalyst for the next housing crash. this time is unironically is different.

>> No.53697248

No one cares.

>> No.53697797

this desu

>> No.53697812

Real talk, what do you do if that happens to you? Start a fight? Laugh it off? Feels like no matter what you look like a bitch.