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53693050 No.53693050 [Reply] [Original]

I'm getting bored with life, I'm doing everything right on paper, yet I feel empty inside

>own house and car
>eat healthy
>sleep 8+ hrs
>work from home that pays above average
>Do sports in free time

What's the point of it all? I derive no fulfillment from normal people stuff like going to bars or concerts. I feel like maybe I should start solo travel, see the world, last time I went on vacation was 6 years ago and i'm starting to become socially isolated at age 30

>> No.53693064

Have you considered suicide?

>> No.53693069

You haven't had a vacation in 6 years? I'm traveling every month holy shit go do something. I went to a rock crawler off road festival and was life changing

>> No.53693081

>no gf
My life felt like this until I found my soulmate

>> No.53693084

>I'm traveling every month
How do you afford that? vacation is like 2k dollars every time, eats up pretty fast if u do that so often

>> No.53693095

I get that, but I don't really hang out to meet women and i'm not about to install dating apps so not sure where to go, I always have this feel that i'm not ready for a relationship or that im not enough

>> No.53693097

bro just get a national park pass

>> No.53693116

You're bored?
Then you aren't struggling.
Try being so broke you can't afford gas to find a job like where I'm at, life isn't boring I'll tell you that.

Stop whining.

>> No.53693130

i dont understand, is this some US reference? I'm not american

>my life is harder than you therefore your problems are nonexistent
bad faith.

>> No.53693141
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the point is wealth and power

men are literally evolved to climb the pyramid.
stay too long on one level and you get restless and bored, or worse, depressed. fall down and if you're not a weak man you'll find drive and determination. climb up and you'll find purpose and experience a true fulfillment baked into your genome hundreds of thousands of years old, the same kind women feel raising healthy white children.

>> No.53693145

Literally the only good thing the Government has ever done:


>> No.53693159

Wow those look amazing to visit, basically they're pieces of nature that are preserved by the government yeah that's sweet

>> No.53693173

OP there's one glaring omission in your checklist: relationships. You need to be spending time with your family and friends. Find fulfillment in making their lives better. Solo travel is a great idea but since you mention you haven't done that in a long time you can take babby steps for your first trip.
Stop making excuses to good ideas and stop pulling numbers out of your ass. State parks are cheap and peaceful to walk around with some earbuds in. Cruises are surprisingly cheap too. You can also check out amtrak for train vacation packages where you just ride a train from city to city and they give you a day or two to explore.

>> No.53693181

fuck bitches or have kids dumbass

>> No.53693185

Damn it, which country are you in op.

>> No.53693201

I didn't say that you nigger but clearly you're an attention whore and a whiny fucking faggot, get fucked in your tight asshole baby boy.

>> No.53693205

Are you me?
The real redpill is that a man becomes happy by taking care of someone, a child or a wife. Materlistic stuff is just fun for a couple of days

>> No.53693209

Now get this off fucking topic garbage off my business board.

>> No.53693210


Yeah I've never had much luck with ladies, only had like 5 relationships in my life and they were all of short duration ~1 year. Where should I go to meet women?

Why do you randomly bring up your own struggles in my thread if not to compare misery? You don't know what I went through life or how tough I had it before being comfortabel in current position so shut the fuck up. people who compare toughness of their life are the worst seriously go f urself you're missing the point of the whole thread

>> No.53693219

chimp in zoo jacks off chimp in nature never jacks off wat mean

>> No.53693224

Take more local vacations that cost less, or find ways to reduce the cost like credit card miles for free flights. Or get a higher paying job. Imagine waiting til you’re 60 and retired to enjoy life.
My recommendation besides more vacation and traveling is taking up a creative hobby. I had the same issue when I graduated and realized all I had to look forward to doing was working for the next 40 years with people I barely like on work I don’t want to do. So now in my spare time I make music and have been producing for the past 5 years. I play a lot of piano as well. Have finally got to the point where I’m making good enough stuff to post online and have people maybe actually like it. That’s far more fulfilling even as a hobby than going to work, going home, sleep, repeat. even at 30 you still have decades to make good art, become a decent writer, get into photography, anything that you find enjoyable really.

>> No.53693226

Holy fuck you literal npc bot get off my board.

>> No.53693230

I'm quickly coming to terms with that, I think socializing and building meaningful connections with people is actually more important than all the other stuff and I've underestimated it, but acknowledging it is the first step I guess, I will work on that and go on more vacations I guess

>> No.53693248

Cheers, appreciate it. Like I said I do lots of sports to keep fit and have a few friends from there but it's only for sports dont really hang out outside of it. Maybe I should start a hobby where I create things, creating is definitely powerful

cope and seethe

>> No.53693251

>fuck bitches
This will depress you further if you’re not making meaningful connections beyond that, I speak from personal experience. Anyway, op is in Germany where prostitution is legal so who says he hasn’t.

>> No.53693266

I'm the same as u only 23.

>6fig cozy wfh
>have some friends I hang out with on the weekends.

The big thing missing 4 me is a gf. I'm pretty good looking, white, full hair, blue eyes, problem is im 5'7.

I've never tried a dating app bc Im pretty sure that being 5'7 means i won't get any matches at all and I think I cope with knowing im a genetic dead end by not even trying.

Also every dude I know with a gf either has had the same one since Highschool, or met on an app. Seems like its the only alternative today, other than somehow meeting through friends.

Its over

>> No.53693273
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Go back to /qa/ or /pol/ or whatever gutter you crawled out from this is such a vapid fucking thread holy fuck it's infuriating that people have spent time reading this niggers blog.

>> No.53693284

>magine waiting til you’re 60 and retired to enjoy life.
Excellent point. Don't fall for the delayed gratification meme. That's horseshit perpetuated by boomers and preceding generations to keep the underlings on the hamster wheel to fund their retirements and do the real work while they get paid for "management". You need to take those bucket list vacations asap because if you wait until "retirement" you may not have the energy.

>> No.53693301

You have deeper seated issues than I do, I can tell you're uncomfortable that i'm freely speaking my mind on here and people are helping me and are interested, so you're the minority here, whatever you do with that info is up to you, but you're not affecting me, too old to care about your opinion so bye nigger

Good point, I'm going to start making plans and just do it, will bring a breath of fresh air into my life and possibly meet new people

>> No.53693308

learn something creative
anything can be learned, no one is born an artist, the learning process is fun
we have great resources in i/ic/p/tv/mu, for the latter three there's usually just one general you wanna pay attention to (for /tv/ there's not always one up)
or go on /diy/ for some constructive project ideas, 3D printing, electronics, RC, they have generals for each.

>> No.53693333

If you are white, build a healthy family and have many children. Your life sucks because it lacks purpose.

>> No.53693335

Traveling can be a 3 hour drive somewhere and getting a cheap ass motel for a weekend.
I pack my ice chest and hit the road in my civic. I don't even know what gas prices are but venture out every single weekend, I don't stay out but it's fucking cheap. Stop going to restaurants and learn how to cook. That's the #1 skill people should have

>> No.53693348

>Stop going to restaurants and learn how to cook. That's the #1 skill people should have
For real, I tell my friends this too. It's waaaay too fucking expensive these days and it's not even as good as homecooked meals most of the time. Biggest money eater for normies for sure

>Traveling can be a 3 hour drive somewhere and getting a cheap ass motel for a weekend.
Can you give examples? I can't wrap my mind around what you do when you get to the destination

>> No.53693385

>Also every dude I know with a gf either has had the same one since Highschool, or met on an app. Seems like its the only alternative today, other than somehow meeting through friends.

Maybe that's your chance soon. Maybe simply talking to a girl on the street, a club, a party will be so uncommon, that it's like a shock to them and therefore interesting. I can't judge. I only ever talked to girls, uni, parties, and so on.

>> No.53693450

>cheap ass motel for a weekend.
I'm thinking we are in a golden age for airbnb and short term rentals. So many people wanted to hop of the land lord gravy train and now they are competing with each other while trying to make mortgage payments. You can probably find a desperate airbnb baggie willing to give you a great deal is the point I'm making.

t. established a relationship with airbnb baggies so that they let me solo travel to their places and cut out the middleman. paying like 60% the listing price because I just hang out in their beach front condo by myself and not act like an animal.

>> No.53693476

I've had a gf before from uni/hs. We met naturally through friends and stuff. Cold approaching on the street is pretty cringe desu, I feel like my issues with finding a gf come from just not being in those natural environments to meet girls like you were in school.

I've gone to clubs/bars, obviously not my environment being a sperg on 4chan. From my experience no dudes are getting lucky at clubs/bars unless youre some gigachad. Although I will say the average club goer from my experience are hispanic people with way to much cologne and some shitty fade haircut.

>> No.53693478

What's up with AirBnB? Amount of users dropped off somehow I've read, what's the cause?

>> No.53693487

Sports are great I lift a lot and enjoy going for walks. Maybe just be more outgoing and make some friends through that, or join a team that you play with regularly. Some of my best friends to this day are buddies from football in high school. But definitely start doing something creative, it feels good. Don’t be discouraged when it’s hard at first.
You also might not even live to 60, a lot of people actually don’t. You never know when your time will come, waiting til your old age to see the world is a terrible idea. Take the chance, risk things while you’re young. You have your whole life to make money. There’s a balance to be found between being a broke financial retard and a penny pinching boomer.

>> No.53693501

You Unironically need Jesus. Do an eighth of shrooms and report back to us.

>> No.53693513

>You Unironically need Jesus.
I don't
>Do an eighth of shrooms and report back to us.
I've done lots of shrooms in the past, funnily enough it convinced me religion is bullshit, but that God does exist

>> No.53693521

>Cold approaching on the street is pretty cringe desu
Do I care? I tend to not do it. But when I see a girl than is worth it, I do it. Do I want to wait on the chance to see her again at the perfect occasion?

>> No.53693527

Prices have gone up drastically and Airbnb fucking sucks compared to a hotel. The whole point was you didn’t have to pay as much as a hotel and now it’s often the same or more. At a hotel you can walk in and trash the place, not clean a thing, leave without a care in the world. Airbnb you have to deal with nazi hosts, people with cleaning lists before you leave, all kinds of house rules, weird hosts at times, it’s just not a great experience. It makes sense for groups and for vacations in remote places like a mountain cabin or something but otherwise it sucks and the fees are just insane now.

>> No.53693531

Great point. You need to try that more anon and I need to take my own advice more often. Don't be too hard on yourself either if they act awkward or put off by trying to make small talk because most people these days can't even socialize irl anymore.

The biggest reason I hear is because some land lords are nickle and diming people with deceptive fees (like hidden fees or penalties, or crazy demands like mopping). I imagine the real reason is because people are more cash strapped these days.

>> No.53693547

Gotcha, thanks for the reply. I've done AirBnB's in the past and they were fine, didn't know it went to shit (since i didnt leave my house in so long kek)

>> No.53693587

Zoomers can't cold approach without vlogging it with a hidden camera, asking a completely fucking stupid question, and having the "it's a prank bro" excuse. Don't listen to people who call it cringe. Just go up and make small talk and see where it goes.

>> No.53693674

Cool, now find a path that helps you get towards god. Also, sounds like you answered your own question in your initial post.

>> No.53693776

I am 28 years old and I never even kissed a girl