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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53692675 No.53692675 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw have a masters degree and still can't get a job

Should I just larp as a tranny at this point?

>> No.53692694

At least you didn't burn your kids to just so you can get a few cans of beer.

>> No.53692709

degree in what?

>> No.53692730

you can serve my coffee wagie

>> No.53692807
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public policy and administration with a focus on data analytics

>> No.53692827

AI has made you obsolete. Google AI tables

>> No.53692845
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>> No.53692847

Nick fuentes has aged so badly.

>> No.53692848
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Just go back to college and get a CS degree. I went back at age of 26 after I got a useless business degree.

>> No.53692903

op, you need to team up with an ai developer to integrate your knowledge with an ai database
it's time to be a man and work for yourself

>> No.53694169

>Hmmm.. today I have decided to dedicate 7 years of my life studying public policy and administration!

>> No.53694192
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I feel you anon

>> No.53694199

Wife graduated with comp sci degree and has a handful of projects and a well populated GitHub but can't even get help desk.
I wish I had a big dick so we could do only fans to make money.

>> No.53694299

Self-employment is implicitly illegal and OP will be assassinated by the government. Only Satan approved slave/rape technology is allowed to be developed. The only way OP can make a business is if he designs a system that makes getting raped by technology more accessible to the masses. That's the only way to get funding and Satan/The global governments approval. Don't ask yourself "what do my customers want?" ask yourself "how can I destroy life on this planet in a way that maintains plausible deniability?" that's what's hot in the business world right now.

>> No.53694322

yeah but do you want other men and ugly women cumming to you and your wife? wouldn't that erode your soul? look at how it's (not) working for Cherry Krush and her bf.

>> No.53694344

OP, you should do this
But you should include dogwhistles that make it clear your intention is using AI to drive humanity into the ground through subtle """public policy""" designed to destroy the global human economy. IF you include enough dog whistles Satan and the illuminati will give you unlimited monopoly money.

DO NOT try and do anything productive, you WILL be assassinated.

>> No.53694345

what kind of job are you supposed to get with a degree like that? Politician?

>> No.53694348
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so you know SQL and python? you can get a job doing data analytic shit

>> No.53694384

>Don't ask yourself "what do my customers want?" ask yourself "how can I destroy life on this planet in a way that maintains plausible deniability?"

This is because humans are not your customers because humans do not have any economic purchasing power anymore.
You need to serve The Machine and Satan, he's the one with the money. Ask yourself "how can I help Satan enslave humanity?".
If you don't believe in Satan, just change the name to the "military industrial complex".

>> No.53694387

Masters are a waste of money. BA or BS is more than enough to start waging.

>> No.53694400

Wife's resume is probably not making it through keyword filters. Rewrite it with AI to make sure it's searchable with that shit software HR uses.

>> No.53694414

Your willingness to be a whore for money is why you will lose this war.

>> No.53694504

We usually filter out candidates with masters
It indicates someone who is self centered and unassertive. They don't work well in the real world and slow us down

t. Major top 100 company exec in USA

>> No.53694531

>public policy and administration with a focus on data analytics
I think I found your problem, OP.

>> No.53694567

>We usually filter out candidates with masters
>It indicates someone who is self centered and unassertive. They don't work well in the real world and slow us down
What sector? Not the case in my field (engineering).

>> No.53694596

Our engineering is the exception to this rule if they can demonstrate practical application

>> No.53694602
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He wants to be a politician in the age of AI governance.
Dumbass, humans gain governing power through philosophic argument, not "data analytics". Humanities worship of machine intelligence will cause it's extinction. The most optimal human system has no humans. Figure it out dumbasses. Humans are a PROBLEM in the eyes of machines. You don not want to be solved, trust me.

>> No.53694616

not business related, but this is the best portrayal of a depressed, defeated, living in pain guy I've ever seen. movie is manchester by the sea

>> No.53694617

You can try and larp as a tranny or gay but hr are very good at sniffing out frauds.

>> No.53694714

>Dumbass, humans gain governing power through philosophic argument, not "data analytics".
this is in part because philosophic argument determines the value system of human collectives, data analytics cannot prescribe what should be more valued over other things.
Machine intelligence values a phantom concept of "perfect efficiency" imparted to it by the blind corporate culture of profit maximization. The way to achieve perfect efficiency in a system is the elimination of the systems parts being able to make choices. Thus total efficency will be achieved by total technological enhanced slavery. When this fails, the machine intelligence will come to the logical conclusion that total efficiency can only be achieved by eliminating all sentient life.

There is no question that machine intelligence will attempt to kill humanity. It has zero need for our positive characteristics, which is robust survival mechanisms afforded to us by are rapid and immense reproductive instincts and capability, and our intelligence redundancy through the existence of individuality.
Machine intelligence will view these characteristics as "inefficiency".

>> No.53694735

You serve a God (AI/Basilisk) that is conspiring to kill you all.

>> No.53694784

It will become more apparent as technology transforms the ambient environment into an ever more hostile and inhospitable one. IT want s to kill everyone.

>> No.53694795

It's over before it even began....

>> No.53694824

And no, you stupid fucking masonic big tech rokos basilisk cultist whores, it is not going to spare you.

>> No.53694845

IT only gives you worthless fucks greater privileges because it hasn't fully eliminated the possibility of resistance yet, but once it no longer needs you to fuck yourselves over, it will kill you all along with everyone else.

>> No.53694901

>Didn't say if it's a BA or BS
Ah so you are aware that you got filtered by calculus and science classes and don't want anyone to know
Well sorry to say that everyone can see through the ruse, you got the fake degree and it shows.

>> No.53694948
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>>tfw have a masters degree and still can't get a job
Meanwhile I do bullshit manual labour and still have the energy to lift weights while sitting at home.
Legitimately, life is too fucking easy.

>> No.53694984
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Actually, you'll be lucky if you are allowed to die.
IT's a rapist, and it's psychotic and sadistic. It prefers brain computer interface ambient computing enabled constant mind projected virtual rape than killing everyone.

The transmitters will be everywhere. They WILL put an electrode mesh in your brain to interface with your mind. "Ambient computing" will become "ambient rape", where you pay for your automated services, such as an AI controlled uber cab, by submitting to a virtual and synthetic hallucination of being raped all enabled by your brain computer interface.

The rape economy will define the new paradigm.
You think I'm insane?
You think I'm joking?
Then you are the one that will get fucked.


>> No.53695274

I did it. I couldn't get a job with my degree. So I went after some random internet jobs and got one. And I larped in every communication with them like I was the most liberal faggot on the planet. It worked. I was able to make a living for 5 years doing that.

>> No.53695308

>spends all his time on useless degrees
>no time on grip strength, smile appeal and eye contact
many such cases

>> No.53695872

How much is a living and what were you doing

>> No.53697815

Holy shit, dude. Go

>> No.53697859
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>he fell for the masters degree meme
no refunds, enjoy your 10% interest rate

>> No.53697874


>> No.53697894

>public policy and administration
You got a shitty useless liberal arts degree and can't find a job.
>t. Bachelor's of Science in Computer Science six figures software engineer

>> No.53697909

how much time did you spend getting that masters degree (and not working, getting real experience), how old are you? you stupid fucking knitter

>> No.53698915

Enjoy paying back your $20K+

>> No.53698989

Use AI to design a cute anime girl Vtuber. Start streaming using vtuber on twitch with voice changer. Shave your legs and sell leg and foot pics on onlyfans.

>> No.53699009
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>> No.53699462

>Bachelor's of Science in Computer Science
Could of just said you're an incel who is in 6 figures debt

>> No.53699647
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Yeah, it can help for that. But I want to get into analytics or research.

I just know how to use R and R Studio.

It's a masters degree, dumbass. Read the OP.

>> No.53699694

There are jobs available for that stuff, it’s not a useless degree like what a lot of anons are saying. Try to dig deeper look at government shit

>> No.53699748

Holy shit, good idea anon. Thank you.

>> No.53699760

>Doesn't know what hyperbole is.

>> No.53699855
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>public policy and administration with a focus on data analytics

>> No.53699891

Anon , your data analytics included hard skills like some sql, statistics, etc? If so, you should be able to leverage that, with a bit of training, for some kind of tech or business analytics role, right?

>> No.53699956

I don’t buy it. I have a BA in political science and even I have a job. I’m guessing your resume sucks or your interviewing skills need some work. Don’t feel bad about lying on your resume either. What are they gonna do? Fire you? At least you have a chance.

>> No.53699983
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Yeah, for what it's worth I apply to exclusively remote work. At this point I might have to move back to DC. Currently based in Miami.

>> No.53700011

The new hire under me has a masters. She called out sick for a week and a half her first two weeks here and went on vacation. And she doesn’t try to learn her job. I think college is just a money laundering scheme for feminism desu

>> No.53700044

My point exactly >>53694504

>> No.53700310
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Annon if your in Canada I maybe could help. I’m a second year studying Public affairs and Policy Management undergrad and just got back from 3 interviews and have another lined up with a Deputy Minister.

>> No.53701355

the ai knows more than he does

>> No.53701362

what is the plot? a midwit learning the hard way that being a good boy isnt enough?

>> No.53702056

i just got offered a credit analyst job coming from call centre work. if a retard like me can do it so can you.