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File: 97 KB, 739x808, Screenshot 2023-02-13 041934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53689677 No.53689677 [Reply] [Original]

With all this UFO talk in the news, lets have a serious discussions about the prospect of an alien invasion.

Whether its real or (most likely) staged, what are the implications for the crypto market, would it absolutely nuke prices or could it be bullish?

>> No.53689683

Finally, some good news. Looks like this whole unidentified flying object situation is starting to wind down now.

>> No.53689790

its so tireing

>> No.53689797

USAF shot down an octagon containing 8 billion BUSD.

>> No.53690034
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>> No.53690054

>yeah, dude this highly advanced alien civilization was able to reach earth traveling from hundreds of millions of light years away only to be shot by the US military

>> No.53690056

They realized that they can't keep the economy from crashing to Great Depression levels, and that dreams of a "soft landing" are just that: dreams. This is plan B. Cut the cord and allow the market to crash, but fake an alien invasion to keep people fearful and dependent on the government in order to prevent rebellions. Crypto will feel the fallout of this. It's going to be a dark few years.

>> No.53690139

Bullish for the first year until we get alien quantum computing

>> No.53690201

Here's the facts.
The race mixing and transgenderism agenda is part of an alien plot to change the biology of mankind and create one race of people with no identity that can be more easily turned into slaves.
The Jews themselves are a biological weapon of the Greys and Reptilians (rabbi Laitman admitted that jews are not from this world) created to subvert human civilization. The Abrahamic religions are the programs that turned us away from real spirituality and our real Gods known to the Sumerians as Anunnaki, Nordics from Orion that achieved immortality and phisical, mental and spiritual perfection.
We've been visited by aliens for all history but the malevolent Greys infiltrated our society and influenced our rulers to keep us ignorant of their existence because an ignorant people is vulnerable.

>> No.53690210

Yes, actually. There's no contradiction there. Having star traveling technology doesn't necessarily mean you have also strong defences.
Don't be a normie, and if you really have to be one Reddit is a few clicks away.

>> No.53690217

The ayy lmaos came to Earth to get Bitcoin, the most scarce asset in the universe. Bullish.

>> No.53690225
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take your meds

>> No.53690231

Good point. In Xenonauts and Xcom the first ships the aliens send are very light scout craft that are easily shot down by the starter planes. Presumably testing Earth's defenses and identifying/disrupting critical infrastructure. Later they ramp it up with the heavier crafts.

>> No.53690240

Take the vaxx, normie cuck. And go back to r.ddit to take the upvotes.

>> No.53690241

two more weeks, bro

>> No.53690253

>Whether its real or (most likely) staged
what you schizos are not taking into account is that literally no one is trying to sell you on the fact that this is an "alien" thing. an alien vessel is not getting shot down by a human plane built by fucking lockheed martin, mate. only a retards mind would go there.

this is pretty boring china/US geopolitical tension, your life isn't as exciting as you want it to be, sorry

>> No.53690258


>> No.53690279
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this anon gets it
Most souls here on earth have lived alien lives anyways
There’s tons of pleiadian/Sirius and arcturian souls incarnated here right now. The Pleiadians fled their stars for Orion and overcame Draco reptilian tyranny. Many of those souls choose lives where they come into planets to wake up the people from the inside. They’re system busters and they’ve defeated debt slavery all over the galaxy. Many people who come to biz are advanced souls sent here to break the systems of control used against us.

>> No.53690288

They don't have to come on TV and outright say it's aliens in order to sell the narrative. Psyops are rarely so direct. The fact that it's all over the news and it's being reported that the DOD refuses to rule out aliens is enough. Fact is that they now have all of the normies distracted and speculating about whether it's really aliens or not.

>> No.53690293

This. They know if they copy it, it wouldn't have the network effect so they need to wipe us out to get their hands on our btc

>> No.53690330

>alien invasion.
Is this a joke or are you seriously this retard? It's not "aliens", you fucking tool. It's just Russia testing the antimissile capabilities of the US defense. You're about to be nuked you fucking idiot.

>> No.53690351

Already knew the parts of your comment but didn't think about the big picture. So thank you for this.

>> No.53690373

>low IQ response
Russia would never fuck with us, Putin is literally a WEF puppet put into power by the Clinton/Bush crime families
This whole Ukraine conflict was approved by the US and setup by Macron in France to take attention away from vaccine deaths.
Our weapon manufacturers and bankers pray everyday that Russia, Iran, or China Fuchs with the US. Those countries are playing their role of controlled opposition and their leaders were put in power by US/UK/Israeli intelligence agencies
Go back 2 Reddit with your traditional mainstream media bullshit

>> No.53690379

>They don't have to come on TV and outright say it's aliens in order to sell the narrative. Psyops are rarely so direct.
>Fact is that they now have all of the normies distracted and speculating about whether it's really aliens or not.
it's not even being hinted at or implied. in normie circles NO ONE is talking about it in these terms. everyone thinks it's just more chinese spy stuff, which it likely actually us. no one is getting psyopped here.
more importantly, this is literally happening within days of the US and China shooting down similar intelligence equipment. everyone's immediate reaction is that it's just more of that. if you were going to try an alien psyop the last thing you would do is do it at a time where a FAR more compelling alternative is readily available and on everyone's minds already. you'd at least wait a fucking month, this isn't urgent lol

>> No.53690384
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It’s time for bluebeam

>> No.53690389

>blabla aliens blablabla reptilians blablabla rothschild blablabla


>> No.53690399

I understand that you have a conspiracy theory perspective, but these claims are unfounded and not supported by evidence or credible sources. It is not productive or helpful to make accusations without factual basis.

It is important to consider multiple perspectives and reliable sources of information when forming opinions and understanding world events. This allows us to have informed and nuanced discussions, rather than relying on baseless conspiracy theories.

It's also important to recognize that leaders and countries have their own distinct interests and agency, and cannot be reduced to being mere puppets of other countries or organizations.

>> No.53690406
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So your example comes from video games, fiction made up by human beings? Listen here you stupid faggot, you and every other imbecile thinking they could shoot down anything legitimately alien is no less different than the niggers on Sentinel Island throwing spears at helicopters, you are so far detached from reality I am wondering why I even decided to waste my time and reply to you.

The technological gap between a civilization with space faring capabilities and us is higher than us and niggers still living in mud huts so even comparing you to the sentinelesse was a mistake and frankly an insult to their whole tribe as it is more likely for them to come up with something to down a helicopter than us ever beginning to imagine what would an alien craft look like, what would their propulsion be powered by and what kind of intelligence led to all of that.


Yeah remember that time when the westerners first made contact with the Japanese and then woke up one night with one of their steam ships cut in half by glorious nippon steel, sinking and thrown into disarray not knowing what to do next?

Oh wait, it didn't happen you sorry excuse for "intelligent" being.

"Just having seafaring capabilities doesn't necessarily mean you have a strong defense"

t. you and every other cuck that can't do basic introspection

>> No.53690412

This. Imagine thinking the world powers are actually at war with each other. China is testing our smart grid cities and Russia is constricting our supply chains and prepping us to live without fossil fuels. They all work together to control the population.

>> No.53690432

It’s literally been on CNN and Fox and I don’t even have cable. I saw the military saying it could be aliens from shit other people posted
Russia will never nuke anyone and neither will the US
There’s been over 7 different instances where nukes have been fired and the aliens just disable them. This is according to high ranking soldiers chosen by the US to guard missile silos because how trustworthy they are.
Reports of UFOS shutting down advanced weapons is too numerous to count and they come highly credible military witnesses
Your saying false shit that anyone can google
Stay dumb but you’re not convincing anyone here

>> No.53690440

>nukes have been fired and the aliens just disable them
Ok my participation in this conversation ends here.

>> No.53690453

Yo bro, I hear ya but that's some straight up fake news you're spoutin' there. Google is like, right at our fingertips man, and that stuff you're sayin' can be easily fact checked. And let me tell ya, it don't hold up.

Nah man, you're not foolin' anyone with that stuff. People come here lookin' for real talk, not conspiracy theories and stuff that's been debunked a million times over. Come on bro, step up your game! Two more weeks and we'll see who's still spoutin' false info.

>> No.53690481

>fact checked
>google knows it just google bro
kys basedjak

>> No.53690498
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kek retard

>> No.53690506
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>> No.53690507
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I'll be getting on

>> No.53690512

Shut the fuck up niggar
Here’s a linked article with ufo in the headline
You two have to be black or retarded to believe the traditional narrative when 100’s of soldiers have written books about alien contact
If you glowies keep responding I’ll start posting Phil Schneider and Phillip Corso interviews
I’ll turn this thread into pages of first hand reports of alien contact

This books has over 100 military personnel describe UFO’s causing weapons malfunctions

>> No.53690514

If you're an alien species planning an invasion of a new planet do you:

a) Blindly throw your best ships at a planet - ships which are unadapted to the planet's atmosphere and the enemy's defenses - and hope that the enemy doesn't have the means to repel your invasion?


b) Send small throwaway craft that might be vulnerable in the atmosphere to gauge the enemy's defenses, and use the information to refit your fleet to be better adapted for that specific planet's atmosphere?

>> No.53690521

It's a psyop to memory hole what is probably the greatest ecological disaster in modern US history currently unfolding.

>> No.53690524

I'm sorry, but using racial slurs and hate speech is unacceptable and goes against the guidelines for respectful communication. Additionally, it does not contribute to productive or meaningful discussion.

As for the linked article, it's interesting to read about the reported sighting of an unidentified flying object, but it's important to remember that such sightings do not provide evidence of extraterrestrial life or government cover-ups. Until there is credible evidence and confirmed information, it is unwise to jump to conclusions or make baseless claims.

>> No.53690525
File: 63 KB, 700x443, 1674329008678068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shutup you fucking star trek normie
It's not aliens. it's other country's high level air tech that has not been revealed to the public. Every country is releasing them now because we are on the verge of WW3
Stupid shit gorilla nigger

>> No.53690531


>> No.53690535

This is actually all unironically true
Non believers btfo

>> No.53690542

>another ufo shot down
got to hand it to them, they know when they have a hit and they know how to milk it. the audience is loving the shot down ufo stories so they're gonna keep pumping them out till we get bored

>> No.53690557

I didn’t say it proved aliens it proves mentions of ufo when you side the news wasn’t saying that
Nice try glowtard

>> No.53690578

How do you find out your soul's (or just your) origin?

>> No.53690580

ET is bullish for crypto because they'll come first with amazing gifts and take our crypto in exchange then they'll depart for a while and let a frenzy erupt, everyone chasing crypto to get the amazing alien gifts when they come back, then when they come back they'll bring even more gifts, shiploads of them, and after they dump their trinkets on us and take all our crypto, they'll sell it back to us in exchange for our rare elements and precious metals, which will seem useless compared to the alien gifts. so ya, its bullish crypto until their second landing. but you're gonna want to find a way to get out of the solar system before their 3rd visit.

>> No.53690583

>Yeah remember that time when the westerners first made contact with the Japanese and then woke up one night with one of their steam ships cut in half by glorious nippon steel, sinking and thrown into disarray not knowing what to do next?
>Oh wait, it didn't happen you sorry excuse for "intelligent" being.
>"Just having seafaring capabilities doesn't necessarily mean you have a strong defense"
>t. you and every other cuck that can't do basic introspection
T. Idiot who can't into basic logic and resorts to false analogies and doesn't understand how technology develops.
Kys normie cuck

>> No.53690591

Right, it's important to be clear about the terminology being used. A UFO simply refers to an unidentified flying object, and does not automatically imply the presence of extraterrestrial life or a government cover-up.

It's important to keep in mind that not all sightings of UFOs can be explained, but that does not necessarily mean that they are evidence of extraterrestrial life or otherworldly origins. There are a variety of natural and man-made phenomena that can cause UFO sightings, and it's important to consider all possibilities before jumping to conclusions.

It's also worth noting that media reports about UFO sightings are not always based on confirmed information or reliable sources, and it's important to fact-check and seek out credible information before forming opinions or spreading information.

>> No.53690599

>normie projection
Go back to r.ddit

>> No.53690601

ive been watching the press conferences, they won't even admit these are balloons even though they clearly are. they're being vague on purpose knowing full well what conclusions people will be jumping to. they want us to think its aliens because they love to lie, they just lie for the hell of it and they need no reason or excuse to lie. if it really was aliens they would tell us it was a balloon

>> No.53690603

>referring to software as 'you'

>> No.53690607

While it's true that some media outlets may sensationalize or speculate about UFO sightings, it's also important to recognize that government and military officials may not always be forthcoming with information about such sightings for national security reasons.

In any case, it's important to approach claims about UFO sightings with a critical eye and to seek out multiple sources of information to gain a well-rounded understanding of the situation. Until there is credible evidence and confirmed information, it's unwise to jump to conclusions or make baseless claims about the nature of such sightings.

It's always a good idea to be vigilant and informed, and to engage in critical thinking and fact-checking when evaluating claims and information. This can help ensure that you form well-informed opinions and make decisions based on accurate information.

>> No.53690610

This man was on the national security council making him one the highest ranking military figures in the executive branch
Career military men who rise to the NSC don’t make up conspiracies about aliens
His whole book spilled the beans about aliens giving us advanced tech and how he gave that tech to corporations to be reversed engineer
The evidence is everywhere but you’re so stupid you probably think humans invented rockets and computers without help from aliens

>> No.53690618
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If you're an advanced western nation planning to circumnavigate the Earth do you:

a) Blindly throw your best ships into the Ocean - ships which you don't know are capable of making the journey and hope there is no Cthulu around?

b) Send rafts and barges to gauge if the Aztecs can make them sink with human ritual sacrifice

This is your brain on science fiction. In fact at this point I'm not even sure I'm talking to a real person, could be just AI posting trying to maintain muh UFO narrative. I feel dirty even comparing space navigation to sea navigation as the sea is indescribably easier to deal with.

>be capable of traveling through so much spacetime and come from so far away you're out of reach of SETI or any Earth telescope
>incapable of surveying a celestial body and the lifeforms on it without sending in "throaway" crafts
>your "invasion" target can do that already from light years away with basic astronomy

>> No.53690619
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>> No.53690629

Retard and dumb meme that fails even to simply make a point.

>> No.53690636

it's funny how these guys genuinely cannot conceptualize more advanced intelligence than human intelligence. their idea of an alien really is a silly little green man with a big head who strategizes exactly like they would, but happens to have a cooler spaceship

>> No.53690641

c) hit earth with a rock, aliens win
you think theyre gonna land some alien troops or something? lol why, that's so random. just lob an asteroid at us we're wide open.

>> No.53690647

>high level air tech
it's a balloon you nigger

>> No.53690651


>> No.53690654

T. Dumb retard who has to strawman his opponents and doesn't know how technology actually develops, keeps repeating the same already refuted claims

>> No.53690662

You can spend years meditating with hemi-sync and try to astral project or remote view your soul history
Or you can hire psychics to do it for you. The ones that are famous for it like Debbie Solaris charge $100-200 per reading
Even if one psychic told me something I would want it confirmed by another psychic before I believed it. Dolores Cannons quantum healing hypnosis technique is considered the best at getting to the subconscious for this information
You can look up local QHHT hypnotherapist and they will put you under hypnosis and record the answers you give
Or you can learn the technique yourself by taking an online class

>> No.53690674


That's exactly what understanding how technology develops looks like you insufferable faggot, when was the last time during any point in history when group A was multiple technology trees ahead of group B and accidentally lost with that major advantage?

>> No.53690676

yeah lets talk about how technology develops. lets talk about travelling at beyond lightspeed through space where every microscopic grain of dirt hits you like an atomic bomb. and then showing up at earth to float over the yukon till you get smacked out by a sidewinder missile. it makes no fucking sense.

>> No.53690679

it's not a strawman you literal ape, you are genuinely proposing that a civilization with access to FTL travel technology would have to send in a vessel weaker than an aircraft mass produced by Lockheed Martin. you are asserting that even though they can appear galaxies away at the blink of an eye, they physically must send a detectable and destructible vessel over some gay USA lake to scout for information about human technological capabilities. this is truly and deeply retarded. even 4th grader should be embarrassed to think something this dumb

>> No.53690686

Completely retarded analogy. We're talking about aliens invading a civilization with satellites, nuclear weapons, and stealth bombers here, not Aztecs with pitiful ranged weapons that can't reach more than a few hundred meters beyond the thrower.

You're making the baseless assumption that FTL travel compared to our current civilization is so hyper-advanced that it's analogous on a logarithmic scale to modern tech vs. primitive tribals. In reality it's probably closer to modern tech vs. WWI or WWII tech. MAYBE Victorian era tech, but that's a stretch.

>> No.53690701

blah blah blah they're telling us fuck all and the media outlets they control are hysterically implying aliens every chance they get. the whole thing is to fuck with us, not for national security. they shot down some gay little chinese party balloon and instead of admitting it, because they never just speak plainly about anything, they feel compelled to beat around the bush and make all kinds of implications and tell us fuck all. they don't want us to get used to actually getting answers. they're assholes and they're full of shit

>> No.53690707

That might work if they wanted to simply kill everyone and destroy the Earth. But that would be pretty stupid. What if they wanted to enslave the population? Or salvage the natural resources? Or most likely: both.

>> No.53690709

thanks anon have a good day

>> No.53690710
File: 55 KB, 859x250, chatgpt2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't even have to instruct it to respond like a dumb roastie

>> No.53690712

it makes its point perfectly, you must be fucking retarded

>> No.53690716

you have been arguing with chatGPT for a while now

>> No.53690720

I'm sure it's nothing. It's a spy balloon. It's a weather balloon. It's an unusual atmospheric phenomenon. It's a usual atmospheric phenomenon. It's fake news. It's on CNN, but that article was taken down, so reposting it is fake news. The article is still up, but it will be taken down, at which point it will become fake news, so it's pre-fake news now. There never was an article. It's nothing. No further questions.

>> No.53690722


>> No.53690724

>You're making the baseless assumption that FTL travel compared to our current civilization is so hyper-advanced that it's analogous on a logarithmic scale to modern tech vs. primitive tribals. In reality it's probably closer to modern tech vs. WWI or WWII tech.
nigger what

>> No.53690740

You, in principle, as a human from 2023, could wield the power to level entire cities if you traveled back into Ancient Greece with a nuclear bomb, but stabbing you in the gut with a bronze dagger would still kill you. If that thing was some disposable drone that can be produced by the billion, it doesn't follow that there isn't also a 1000km long ship that can launch RKMs.

>> No.53690752
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Yeah it's insane, I give up, I only bothered replying cause I had a bit of downtime and nothing else at hand to kill time with. Except that one retard that can't say anything but "u don't understand" the replies feel artificial in a way akin to chatGPT.

like this for example >>53690686 it's exactly lack of imagination what you expect from automated responses as all they have so far is just querrying from a large dataset.

Anyone that doesn't have trench IQ can already think for themselves this much so in retrospect even if these things are real they deserve to stay psyOp'd if that's all they can do.

>> No.53690753

we have no resources that aren't easier to get in space and we have little value as slaves. either they want the genetic diversity on earth for scientific reasons, which they could get without invading, or they want to kill us off before we develop and become a potential threat in the distant future. if there is some excuse for a conventional invasions its frankly beyond reasonable imagination and thus useless speculation.
at least a few years possibly longer

>> No.53690760

>(rabbi Laitman admitted that jews are not from this world)
When a Christian minister says some insane shit, it's no problem for us to us "well, he's off his rocker", but when a rabbi says some crazy shit (and especially the Orthodox types often eschew secular education), he's "admitting" to some amazing secret.
>The race mixing and transgenderism agenda is part of an alien plot to change the biology of mankind and create one race of people with no identity that can be more easily turned into slaves.
While I can't say that that's NOT true, if they wanted slaves, they could just request free DNA samples, and we'd give them to them, and breed their own slave population elsewhere. They could just hack some DNA database, or offer, let's say, a ton of gold, mined from a nearby asteroid. Or have some human intermediary make some innocuous business deal for the data, maybe under the guise of health research, with everyone being none the wiser.

>> No.53690770

Hypnosis is scientifically proven
There’s no one here that believes your bullshit
This isn’t Reddit fag
Since you clearly are illiterate, here’s a Dolores cannon video you can watch
Thousands of individuals saying the same thing is a form of scientific proof, like case studies

>> No.53690774

>being so mentally weak that some old roastie can flap her labia at you and totally subdue you

>> No.53690782

hypnosis only works on those willing to be hypnotized. it only works on people who play along and want to believe, which means its bullshit

>> No.53690790

Can't respond to points. Can't stay focused on the argument or engage with hypotheticals. Resorts to indirect, nigger-tier well-poisoning and character attacks while simultaneously posturing as superior in some way. You're an idiot with an over-inflated ego, typical Narcissist sack of shit. Shoot yourself.

>> No.53690793

The claim that it works against one's will might be bullshit, but it doesn't follow from that that it can't work at all. It might still induce some specific change in the mind, even if the hypnotized person's consent is required.

>> No.53690798

placebo effect

>> No.53690816
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there are thousands of anons who would donate sperm and eggs to aliens for free
these anons have just watched too much sci-fi, same as anons who listen to too much rap or watch too much porn
psyop themselves because real life is too "boring" (it is actually too intense, boredom or otherwise, so they use fictions to escape from the present as it doesn't require engagement in the present experience and, instead, excuses their lack of engagement in the present tense)
honk honk

>> No.53690832

Perhaps, but I'm just pointing out a specific invalid inference.
Though it's not clear in how far the placebo effect applies to the mind. It's one thing if you think that e.g. your liver is healthy if it's not actually healthy, but hypnosis is a change in the mind, and the placebo effect is also a change in the mind. We'd have to be more precise about what exactly the placebo effect is and is not in this context.

>> No.53690901

And you still don't get it because you're braindead. Having advanced in one type of technology doesn't mean you also advance in all else. For example the greco roman world had analogical computers but not guns. They probably discovered some occult law of nature that allows galactic travel without having developed too strong defences. It's just simple logic, you have the wrong idea about technology.
Of course you're too stupid to get it so it's hopeless to reason with a retard.
It could still be possible to have spaceships that survive in space at lightspeed but still be vulnerable to weapons. There is no reason to think otherwise.
You're a fucking idiot. See above, you claiming otherwise does not make your shitty ideas less dumb.
No it doesn't. You can't meme.
>When a Christian minister says some insane shit, it's no problem for us to us "well, he's off his rocker", but when a rabbi says some crazy shit (and especially the Orthodox types often eschew secular education), he's "admitting" to some amazing secret
Dumb NPChristian vs literal spiritual leader of the species that rules our world.
Not in the slightest the same thing.
>While I can't say that that's NOT true, if they wanted slaves, they could just request free DNA samples, and we'd give them to them, and breed their own slave population elsewhere. They could just hack some DNA database, or offer, let's say, a ton of gold, mined from a nearby asteroid. Or have some human intermediary make some innocuous business deal for the data, maybe under the guise of health research, with everyone being none the wiser.
They also want to destroy us, we are their enemies and spiritually and biologically allied with the Anunnaki even if they made us forget it.
The Anunnaki could easily change this world into a much more advanced civilization that could destroy all of the enemy ETs.
Also they must have other agendas for this planet.

>> No.53690905

>They also want to destroy us, we are their enemies and spiritually and biologically allied with the Anunnaki even if they made us forget it.
>The Anunnaki could easily change this world into a much more advanced civilization that could destroy all of the enemy ETs.
Where are you getting this information from?

>> No.53690923

I basically read about everything and put it togheter, especially history and religion. I also had some spiritual experience myself.

>> No.53690924

Some is true some is false. As always, they are mixing everything so you can’t know the truth.

>> No.53690966

It might make perfect sense, but from my POV, it just looks like random statements. If I wanted to work this out for myself, could you point me towards a source or some evidence?

>> No.53690994


This. No one else has even mentioned it kek

>> No.53691040


>> No.53691051

>probably the greatest ecological disaster in modern US history
can you explain why you think the scale of the Ohio thing is so big? anywhere we can read up on what's really happening?

>> No.53691063
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>> No.53691090
File: 528 KB, 3002x2394, voyager.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sergey sent this into space several years ago.
Aliens finally got the message and are here to invest in Chain Link.

>> No.53691100


The fact that you can’t read up on what’s really happening says a lot

>> No.53691108

isn't it being suppressed all over the place? i'm struggling to find any info and you seem to be suppressing it to so idk what the fuck to do. i live 50 miles away

>> No.53691112
File: 98 KB, 256x350, 1668488951573532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just cannot fucking believe we are seriously discussing alien invasion in the year 2020+3, the shit being cooked up is getting ridiculous, how long until even normoids realise something is wrong with the current situation?

>> No.53691120

no u

>> No.53691121

Whoever is running the matrix is havin a good ol giggle m8

>> No.53691136

you are making this up. normies are not talking about aliens any more than they normally are. no one is trying to push this message in the mainstream. this is just schizos hyping each other up

>> No.53691138

He's betrayed the entire human race.

>> No.53691149

bitcoin IS alien tech