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File: 112 KB, 302x231, monero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5367449 No.5367449 [Reply] [Original]

How fucking high will the thing shoot in 2018?

Fucking everyone will get to know about it

And it will fucking rocket like no other coin before it

Greatest fucking coin out there

Fucking tons and tons of development news for early 2018

It just a crazy fucking coin

>> No.5367570

Normies don't give a fuck about muh anonymity, sorry mate. It's a great coin yes, I'm not arguing, but it will never be anything more than a useful fringe

>> No.5367626

The key thing is fungibility, not the anonymity.... anonymity is just a aspect of fungibility... NO OTHER COIN IS FUNGIBLE EXCEPT MONERO... AND THAT IS WHY MONERO WILL REIGN SUPREME

>> No.5368047

You can lead a newfag to water but you can't make him drink, anon.

>> No.5368894
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Coming soon.

>> No.5368930
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>> No.5368945

Oh you're right, nobody would want to hide their transactions from the taxman.

>> No.5369009

yup. as soon as any coins get blacklisted or people start getting connected to things they had no part in and there is a news story about it the flippening will happen that day once people understand fungibility

>> No.5369048

gimmie dem hardware wallets fror my fully anon coin

>> No.5369139


Getting that ledger support will be dope

Monero just feels right

>> No.5369458

>barely used and already $20 transaction fees
DOA shitcoin

>> No.5369530
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Yes I am right, normies don't give a fuck about that

>> No.5369550

HONEST QUESTION--not trying to fud this shit at all, but someone posted this


yesterday. basically being able to seize any property from anyone involved in any degree with human trafficking--how would buying monero work into this? honest q no bully

>> No.5369582
File: 162 KB, 1046x658, BCHWitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shoo Bcashie. You brought the whole fucking thing down, and we are saving it.

>> No.5369628
File: 174 KB, 926x537, AN UNKNOWN AMOUNT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can not block an (unkown amount) of Monero.

>> No.5369631

>How does it actually compare to say BCH and Ltc in speed and fees?

>> No.5369690

No really I fucking love paying huge sums of money to move my Internet money around and so does everyone else
I hope Monero becomes popular so I get to pay $100 or even more, would make my dick diamonds

>> No.5369694

If monero was a man, monerofags would suck him off every day.

>> No.5369705
File: 33 KB, 800x400, serveimage (83).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In 2017: I chose one coin... Monero.
>In 2018: I chose one coin... Electroneum.

Come make money with me, niggers.

>> No.5369739

Never post again, Samefag.

>> No.5369772

drug addicted normies and drug dealers do. Once the dark net adopts it, it will super moon

>> No.5369774
File: 58 KB, 489x253, ELECTRONIUM SCAMS GALORE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have an insider scamming and hacking every one, Faggot.

>> No.5369802

>he doesn't route through doge

>> No.5369826

Try not being retarded.

>> No.5369987

It is widely known eloctronium has insiders hacking and scamming it. google it, Mouth Breather. There is page after page of shit on it. it is one of the scammiest coins out today.

>> No.5370000

$340 ish
no chance for x10
coin that can't x10 x100 are boring
you'll never get rich

>> No.5370066

How do I buy it ?

>> No.5370067

Waste of quads for a waste of skin. Tell me that at $3400 Monero when everyone runs from the Taxman cuckboy.

>> No.5370088

which exchange should i pull the price of monero from on blockfolio?

>> No.5370113

Buy gold coin, then sell gold coin for monero on craigs list.

>> No.5370161

if you are the sorta person who is into tax evasion monero is a godsend, you can hide everything easily

>> No.5370191

Brainlet here, just read the definition of fungible and still don't understand. Aren't all crypto fungible? I... don't get it

>> No.5370224

Yes, it's a stupid monero meme.

>> No.5370286


>> No.5370409

how do I buy this coin?
I don't see it on coinbase

>> No.5370415
File: 140 KB, 884x1024, 1512317681130m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm not a bra inlet anymore????

>> No.5370426

The idea would be to foil shit like this https://twitter.com/NeonaziWallets

Combine it with a pressure campaign against notable exchanges and suddenly some Bitcoins are worth "less" than others.

>> No.5370435
File: 252 KB, 672x534, PAINTING A PICTURE FOR MOUTHBREATHER..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never post again, Faggot.

>> No.5370442

With bitcoin etc. you can trace each coin back to its source. So say the US government makes a law that it is illegal to hold any bitcoins that were used in a crime; those bitcoins are now worth less than other bitcoins.

With Monero you can't trace anything so the value of a monero is always going to be the same as the value of any other monero.

>> No.5370444

>Aren't all crypto fungible?
if you can track all the transactions on blockchain and find the source of the money - its not

>> No.5370464



>> No.5370470

Mirrors are a terrible thing at times.

>> No.5370594

lol told you it was a monero meme. its just another buzz word way for them to say "anonymous" "untraceable" in a fancy way

bitcoin is fungible. "shady use" does not change that. prove me wrong. same with money. omg a guy just sold some drugs, then used that money to buy milk. lets trace those exchanges back just for the hell of it right. and then lets arrest everybody who ever came in contact with that money. ---- that's literally how retarded your argumenet sounds for why other coins aren't fungible.

>> No.5370628


Man you can't save coupons. broke ass niggah

>> No.5370640

What is buttcoin mixing

>> No.5370801

There have been serious discussions about coin blacklisting, like with major scams and hacks. It is very plausible that at some point in the future an exchange could prohibit trading of certain coins. There are bitcoins that are effectively blacklisted right now, such as those in the Satoshi wallet, if anyone spent them it would trigger a huge crash.

>> No.5370870

You are waste
So what if it gets to 3x , growths in deflationary rate 20% annually and is actually usable and you can buy whatever you want without gov peaking over your shoulder.
Go chase shitcoins if your dream is to snatch a 10x pump.

Deluded faggots were what brought us here to BTC and almost whole crypto meltdown

>> No.5370877

I notice you didn't reply to this >>5370426

People can't instantly hound you for accepting physical money from a Nazi. Cash businesses wanting to get along won't be gradually pressured into installing "anti-pedophile" dollar scanners. Physical coins don't support blockchain auditing tools designed to hunt down ISIS wallets that'll just as easily be turned to other targets, or leaked to 2nd world police states who don't think pajeets should get that rich.

>> No.5370943
File: 53 KB, 642x333, YOULOOKLIKEAFOOL!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why they knew exactly how much Monero was involved in the Alpha Bay Incident. I think not. They knew exactly how much non fungible Crypto was involved, but they did not know how much fungible (Monero) was involved. Please use that extension cord in the corner and hang yourself. You look like an idiot.

>> No.5370959

If you think those are legit nowadays you are fucking retarded and deserve to get fucked in prison.

>> No.5371018
File: 28 KB, 655x368, daryl-walking-dead-depression-113366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I am a brainlet, forgive me riiiiiiick

>> No.5371114

except that's not what fungible means you stupid fucking cunt. monero shill confaltes anonymity with fungible all the fucking time but it doesn't make any SENSE.

ONE dollar in USD or whatever is always fungible for another dollar. but you CAN trace it. you CAN DNA test it drug test it finger print it check the serial numbers and their records through banks, check the security cameras of where the exchange took place etc. its easy to trace money but it doesn't mean it isn't fungible.

so stop fucking memeing fungibility, you morons.

you're an idiot too if you think that something like that would stop a traceable currency from being adopted, just because you "could" install your tin foil hat tracing machines. cause guess what. people don't give a shit. money is money. again with real money example, a dollar you hold in your hand could have been used in an illegal transaction probably hundreds of times. do you think that if the technology existed to scan that dollar, people would actually refuse it? LOL, hell NO. cause EVERY dollar would come up on the system.

>> No.5371185

XMR is going to sleep for 2018 ZZZzzzz.

>> No.5371220

Now that (you) are done, go ahead and shill your coin so I can blow it the fuck up. Verge?

>> No.5371243

Monero is literally for fucking faggots

If you support this piece of shit, you might as well be a faggoty antifa redditor

>> No.5371250

Judging by the volume in this thread I think not.

>> No.5371287

Put Mommy's phone down, get back on your comp, and shill your coin, faggot.

>> No.5371294

You'd benefit from reading about the minority rule: http://fooledbyrandomness.com/minority.pdf

At first they limit the number of hops in the audit to 1 or 2. Pressure a few key exchanges or businesses to avoid accepting coins from just the really bad people, obviously, real Nazis and such. Hardly affects their bottom line and is as important as having a diversity statement on their homepage, shutting up those dangerhairs.

Then the blocklist just needs to expand, include "problematic conservatives", add an extra hop for "friends of Nazis" and voila, they've got some real power.

>> No.5371312

what are the current transaction fees?

>> No.5371355

what? no im all in on monero i just think the monero shills like you are fucking STUPID dumb cunts who try to twist the meaning of words and engage in mental gymnastics when its not necessary.

thanks ill have a look

>> No.5371365

20.01 USD

An update that is coming reduces fees by 80%.

>> No.5371369

Monero is simply a piece of shit, for actual human pieces of shit.

Let me guess, all of you XMR supporters are also still crying about Trump and blaming society for your fucking problems?

XVG is better in every single way. You are literally scum of the fucking Earth if you support Monero. Go cry some more, you fucking fags

>> No.5371481

I'm actually interested in your opinion. I own both. What do you think is wrong with xmr?

>> No.5371483

Only mental gymnastics here are yours. Are (you) a strawman gaslighter?

>> No.5371500
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>> No.5371515

Well, I'm all in. Fuck you.

>> No.5371522

that's pretty steep, so that update would be needed quickly to offset the BCH push/adoption.

>> No.5371554


>> No.5371584

can someone buy my bags pls

>> No.5371590

Yeah, at the moment its a high price to pay for privacy but 4 usd is more reasonable.

>> No.5371665

>capitalism is flawed
>and it may be time for change
to helicopters

>> No.5371677

Not coming until March

But this only happened in the last two days so dynamic blocksize adjustments should bring it down soon I think?

>> No.5371699


please leave

>> No.5371746

Pinochet express.

>> No.5371964

Imagine walking around in life being this retarded.

>> No.5372046

>buying anything with it

pick one.

>> No.5372081

wtf is fungibility

t. normier

>> No.5372120


>> No.5372194

Also see >>5369628

>> No.5372225

It means that all coins can be treated equally because their history is not known. No coins on the blockchain can become tainted if they are fungible.

Blockchain analysis on coins with public ledgers, like Bitcoin and Verge, means the transaction history is traceable so if it's discovered that some of your coins were used as part of something illegal or unsavory, they can be devalued because nobody will want to be tainted by holding them and potentially linked to some illegal activity.

>> No.5372271

Alright so what i have gathered from this thread so far is that monero is anonymous.

Can this be used in illegal business in an easy way? For if someone were to deal drugs, how would they turn their paper cash into ltc/monero/what ever, with the least amout of hassle involved?

Asking for a friend

>> No.5372369

Monero is the future. At the least it won't go away. There will always be a demand for anonymity. It's a no brainier investment.

>> No.5372377

No one here is going to step in to that, Anon. The information is widely available on the web.

>> No.5372446

monero is shitty coin with old tech
buy verge it's scalable and hides ip like a true privacy coin

>> No.5372498

I put in 100 euros on ltc a few dags ago, just before the "crash".

Would i be wise to put some in monero, or is it a shit investment?

>> No.5372504

*yawn* *stretch* *fart*

>> No.5372589

lol, monero shills are on suicide watch, nice crash you have there

xvg is going for a new ath, it puts your shitcoin to shame

>> No.5372649

Welp. it's pretty obvious a lot of money is going to be pouring in to Monero before the Jan. 1st deadline, as every one exits anything that is non fungible. Read; "Traceable" If the taxman has his way, he will tax the money you put in, tax the money when you exchange coins (whether or not you make a profit). and then tax you when you cash out. The tax man will get everything you put in, everything you made, and you will still owe him money, unless you GET THE FUCK IN MONERO RIGHT NOW.!!!

>> No.5372668

shitcoin bro, buy verge and thank me later

>> No.5372690

Enjoy getting buttfucked by Operation Bayonet 2.0.

>> No.5372700

>What is an exchange?

>> No.5372737

Ok objectively, is Monero actually a better tech than Verge? Can't decide even after researching and I such at tech.

I also find it weird how practically all of my portfolio went up again after the crash and Monero is still fighting in the red.

>> No.5372750

20 dollar fees already are you fucking kidding me. I thought they scaled the blocksize automatically?

>> No.5372778

A pump and dump scam group wont save you from the taxman. Go pump and dump Verge, but be back in Monero by Jan 1st., Faggot. And by the looks of it, Verge pump is at the dump stage. better get your dick licking scrawny ass back over there and sell.

>> No.5372813

I only want to know 3 things: What is the transaction time? What is the cost of one transaction? If a billion more people join in and on the same monday at 10 am will purchase an Iphone with it can the system handle it to the point of being useful ?

>> No.5372837

it's red because it's just a pnd

>> No.5372898

vergen detected

>> No.5372907

Sumimasen friend, I'm ESL and I looked up pnd but couldn't find something that seemed to match. What is it?

>> No.5372953

XVG is a bad joke.

>> No.5372969

On exchanges, there is a higher fee. Not sure if it's as high as 20$.

>> No.5373027

I know this is usually off by a bit
The blocksize elasticity seems to be a really fucking stupid idea.

>> No.5373206

Comfy as fk with bzc

>> No.5373321

they will care once bitcoin gets regulated and monitored

normies just create bubbles. The blackmarket creates stability.

>> No.5373414


Pump and Dump
Pump 'n Dump

>> No.5373514
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was meaning in the sense of less government
but its ok if you want some one to govern over you

>> No.5373524

Yes, yes they do retard. You dumb fucking nigger. You poor fucking stupid piece of shit. You are really this ignorant? Normies LOVE drugs and will buy whatever gets them those drugs without having authorities up their ass. Go buy more ETH you complete faggot. FluffyPony is the fucking man.

>> No.5373726

FluffyPony FTW, Ese.

>> No.5373731
File: 136 KB, 703x685, DBBA6F33-9087-4E1D-98F4-0D1D9A6CFFE4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sumokoin is superior to Monero.

>> No.5373749

Fluffy "UASF small blocks forever" pony is a fucking faggot. Up the dynamic blocksize base you losers. I honestly should have looked at the transaction cost before I bought this.

>> No.5373828
File: 223 KB, 1200x1167, 15CF3C6A-784B-4476-9E0A-0E300CB2D717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1735 hawker st

>> No.5373862

Strawman. You own no Monero. Fuck off.

>> No.5373892

Oh shit ok thanks. I actually thought XMR was a solid coin and the most used for anonimity so I thought it'd have a stable growth. I don't own XMR since long tho so I guess I'll wait a bit to see how it reacts overtime.

>> No.5373910


>> No.5373921

'Insert Coin' is simple a piece of shit, for actual human pieces of shit.

Let me guess, all of you 'Insert Coin' supporters are also still crying about Trump and blaming society for your fucking problems?

'Insert Bags' is better in every single way. You are literally scum of the fucking Earth if you support 'Insert Coin'. Go cry some more, you fucking fags

>> No.5373931

Not gonna say how much I own here but I bought while it was dipping yesterday thinking it was a good idea. Give me one fucking excuse, one fucking reason why the transaction fees on a currency should be over a dollar. It's just an anonymous bitcoin at this point, who would buy drugs with this?

>> No.5373939

We are in the age of electricity, Gaslighter.

>> No.5373940

sorry, lightning network coming through, excuse me

>> No.5373971

Privacy is not bought with pennies, Einstein.

>> No.5373996

So they aren't going to up the blocksize and it will keep rising over 10 dollars?

>> No.5374001

Lightning networks helps the taxman figure out how much of your coin to take.

>> No.5374014


4810 Privata

>> No.5374036

Fees will soon be reduced 80%.

>> No.5374064

Heh. 1323 Lima.

>> No.5374130

why this coin dippin tho?

>> No.5374188

With bulletpoint in march yeah. But that doesn't address the problem that monero is having right now. Making excuses won't suddenly bring the fees down. People will just go and use something else, which seems to be BCH. Up the blocksize and compete.

>> No.5374239

High Level BCashies are using it for what it was made for. Cashing out. That is why it went to almost $500 as they were buying in. They are almost done selling off. Massive rebound incoming.

>> No.5374523
File: 33 KB, 1456x682, roadmap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone here that has monero a supporter of a blocksize larger than 300kb?

>> No.5374598

What are the tx fees?

Sumokoin is less than .1%.

>> No.5374659

Way fucking higher than I thought

>> No.5374686

The 1200 pound gorilla in the room you dumb motherfuckers don't want to talk about is The Taxman.

>> No.5374707

well that would be the death of cryptocurrency

"Hey I'll buy that widget for $100, but oh hey just so you know there's a chance that the US government will declare it worthless because some guy you don't know used it to buy cocaine once"

try to imagine that. Faith in the currency would instantly collapse, if they start deeming certain coins unusable get out immediately because that's the end of everything

>> No.5374824

Here's some helpful information on fees:


From what I'm seeing, the recent increase in average fees isn't directly related to the transaction volume. Volume was high yesterday, but no more than about a week ago.

My guess is that the high recent average is due to investors moving large quantities of Monero at once and wanting it to happen as fast as possible.

Anyone know how to look into whether there exists and the extent of a Monero transaction backlog? Afaik it's supposed to not have problems with that because of the dynamic blocksize.

>> No.5374835

Verge is a fork of doge. It’s not anonymous unless you use tor. It is literally a scam coin. Monero is actually anonymous and you can also use tor with it if you want to hide ip.

>> No.5374998

I see on the blocksize chart it remains capped at 218 on the 20th to the 21st. Then on the fee chart it over doubles in that time. They didn't increase the blocksize to keep up with a very sudden surge in demand.

>> No.5375073

They are only adapting the blocksize to a certain extent to maximize profits off transaction fees. The block size might rebound back to 110ishkb but if you don't pay enough you still won't get included.

>> No.5375227

Use Monero and then use XVG to do a transaction, you stupid worthless piece of shit

>> No.5375259

Not really. Fungible means that money does not have a known history and therefore every coin / bill is equal. Bitcoins are traceable and have been rejected by coinbase if they know it came from a casino for example. (Yes this has happened multiple times)

>> No.5375280

I'm just gonna go buy XVG then if this project is just going to be corecuck 2.0

>> No.5375333

Hey Man. Don't hate. Casino gotta cover it's ass.

>> No.5375338

Lol no, Shape shift has been working with the FBI for example and they are banned from accepting bitcoins from some address due to criminal activity. Fungibility is a very real issue brainlet.

>> No.5375371

Vergin shill detected. Didn't that PnD just dump? You didn't make it out?

>> No.5375379

Impossible due to fees.

>> No.5375410

Holy crap Monero has 20$ tax fees?

>> No.5375442

>he thinks you can always trace dollars
>what are gloves
>what is the cost of DNA testing?
>checking the serial number said nothing about its history
>there are more often no camera then there are

Why are you so butthurt anon? Bitcoins fungability is a serious flaw that cannot be fixed without altering the idea of BTC. A public ledger...

>> No.5375462

If you guys are unironically saying things equivalent to
>use btc to store and ltc to transact
Then sensible people are just going to jump ship.

>> No.5375550

Monero has people with PHD's from Harvard working on it. Verge has one dev. Thinking for yourself. Also be carefully the Verge shills are everywhere since the price is so low for verge and they have a shitton of coins.

>> No.5375577

"Unironically' Tumblr ------------------------->

>> No.5375596

Not really, IF PEOPLE ACTUALLY USE IT the fee drops. Problem is when the fee rises less people use it so the fee rises even more. Some people have to take the hit, but of course nobody wants to.

>> No.5375646

>bitcoin becomes popular on internet boards
>core becomes a dinosaur
>ridiculous fees
>unconfirmed transactions

>a real anonymous competitor silently moons
>actual dev team and actually anonymous
I will never invest in bi*coin again. you faggots are insufferable.

>> No.5375660

Block size scales automatically as more people use it. Fees drop to.

>> No.5375664
File: 222 KB, 1668x1171, EF80FF88-B2AD-4774-95E1-C0DB579984B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost looks like Bitcoin Core.

>> No.5375668

So... How do you cash out and buy a house?

>> No.5375685

So there's a flaw. Fix it.

>> No.5375693

Monero does not have dynamic fees idiot. Everybody pays the same. Too little using so high fees simple as that.

>> No.5375704

also this is why you do not invest in verge. pajeets are paid to shill by people like this:

if plebbitors are holding this much verge (because its a doge fork), how good can it really be?

>> No.5375742

I'm seeing the exact opposite of what you're saying happening here.

>> No.5375813

That is because the price is rising faster then the volume. Fees will keep rising if more people use it to speculate instead and never use it (keeping it on an exchange). When we see more adoption from dark markets due to hardware and multisig fees are likely to drop.

>> No.5375816

For the first and last time, (you) dense Motherfuckers.

irony; adverb
in an ironic manner.
used to denote a paradoxical, unexpected, or coincidental situation. It has NOTHING TO DO WITH WHAT GOES ON INSIDE YOUR SHIT FOR BRAINS SKULLZ. IT IS SOLELY THE PROVINCE OF SERENDIPITY, AND HAS FUCK ALL TO DO WITH WHETHER (YOU) ARE BEING FACETIOUS OR NON FACETIOUS. Some 14 year old fan fic abused the word, and now (you) are all stuck on it. Neck yourselves. All of you, who have ever uttered the term Ironically or unironically to denote facetious intent. I WANT TO STAB YOU.

>> No.5375881

That's literally not what it means

>> No.5375984

it's ironing, brainlet

>> No.5376016

these cucked criminals didn't encrypt there mneumonic phrase keys. LEL

But in regards to this bs, just don't traffick humans, it's not coolio. Also encrypt your shit and back it up for yo kids.

>> No.5376104

explain fungibility then. Why are btc, eth or xrp not fungible?

>> No.5376186

More research has lead me to this conclusion. Increase transaction throughput while having lower fees. It's the only significant advantage verge has over it.

>> No.5376209


>> No.5376247

Monero going vertical on bithumb faglets. Moon incoming.

>> No.5376253

Monero may not get us rich but it's the only true crypto right now. After everyone is done making their gainz this fucker will be the currency people use in an actual decentralized world.

>> No.5376542

It's .25x that right now if you accept a slightly slower speed on the blockchain

So in essence we're at $5 transaction costs right now, which will be $1 soon for slow, $2 for medium and $4 for fast, among some other improvements. This shit is gonna blow up in value, even if only the dark net or black market used this coin, the black market is a $20 trillion industry.

>> No.5376690


Thanks for the heads up!

>> No.5376898


>> No.5377332


>> No.5377378

Unironically kill yourself.

>> No.5377624


now its 472 on bithump? what does that mean?

>> No.5377675


>> No.5377685

Someone in China needs to exfil a ton of money.

>> No.5377717
File: 30 KB, 720x720, 1487888906149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>zgay snarks