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53688794 No.53688794 [Reply] [Original]

What should we sell, What should we buy before WWIII?

Invest in Canned Food, Guns n Ammo?

This is REALLY bad. The State Department almost NEVER puts out such categorical travel advisories.


Lets all Get comfy and enjoy the final show!

>> No.53688810

Priced in

>> No.53688821
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Nobody cares

>> No.53688837
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US is expecting Russia's real offensive to begin soon. The gloves are finally coming off!

I can't think of what I should invest in, maybe there will be shortages in Europe of shit they are sending to Ukraine. Like medical supplies.

>> No.53688842

>dumb american tourists are gonna get drafted to replace the convict suicide battalions

>> No.53688844

kek I'm so tired I thought you typed suicide balloons

>> No.53688845

How do I profit off of this?

>> No.53688848

honestly pretty sick and fucking tired of ukraine and their bullshit. east ukraine has wanted to separate for years just let them. bombing civilians in donetsk isn't winning you any friends over there. likewise russia can also suck a dick, its a war not a "special military operation to fight nazis" how dumb are the russian people to believe that. russians are bombing civilians too, both sides accuse the other of war crimes and they're both right.

>> No.53688852

checked, go to sleep faggle

>> No.53688862

no good guys in this war just assholes on both sides and innocent people fucked in the middle while the bankers rake in massive profits on the interest on "aid" that has to be paid back putting ukraine into debt for generations to fight a war that ultimately makes no fucking sense and never needed to happen

>> No.53688880

>russias real offensive
how many thousands of tanks and tens of thousands of men have they lost? nigga they can't mount a real offensive because they're broke as shit, their tanks suck, and they're massively corrupt and incompetent at warfare. russia is just fucking embarrassing themselves

>> No.53688900

Almost checked bro. So true.

>> No.53688901

i've watched the media coverage of this war on both sides and i must say i fucking hate the ukraine, i hate russia, and most of all i hate journalists. both sides play up the abuses of the other side while admitting no personal fault whatsoever yet its perfectly clear both sides are guilty of being run by psychopaths.

>> No.53688917

russia is digging trenches right now. that's right we're going full circle back to ww1 style trench warfare thats what a massive clusterfuck this gay war is. their trenches are shit too, real desperate play, not gonna work in the modern era theyre just going to get their shit pushed in by artillery. they have no idea what the fuck they're even doing anymore.

>> No.53688940

Remember when gloves where off last year when Russia sent tens of miles long convoy to attack Kyiv? Just to get stuck and get their strategic vehicles picked off by drones?
I can't wait for the news of Putin an heroing to break out. Pump on that day will be glorious

>> No.53688951

meanwhile nato is just drawing this war out as long as they can tricking in just enough supplies to keep it going without a decisive win one way or another. its pretty obvious they're loving this, selling off their old weapons to massive profit and getting to blame all the problems they caused in the economy on putin. getting to enact all kinds of special rules and laws to take even more power. winston churchill once said "never let a good crisis go to waste" but even that mad war dog had some limits. this whole thing is now just a pissing contest between east and west and neither side actually gives a fuck how many dumb ukrainians get blown the fuck out so they can have their little power struggle larp games.

>> No.53688976

if ukraine had any real interest in retaking crimea would they have damned the river fucking the agriculture in ukraine and starving their own former civilians and cutting them off from fucking WATER. HELLO THATS A WAR CRIME no wonder crimeans don't want to rejoin ukraine you've been fucking murdering them. and ukraine has the nerve to talk about genocides lol fuck off

>> No.53688977
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Nuclear Holocaust confirmed


>> No.53688994

drop a few more bombs on donestsk im sure that will make them want to rejoin ukraine after they were fighting for years to separate long before russia even got there. east ukraine and crimea want out, let them out, defend kyiv (which russia has no interest in) and call an end to this. just fucking pack it in. what are you even fighting for. meanwhile russia what the fuck are you doing invading ukraine in the first place? you've just fucking embarassed yourself in front of the world and all you have to show for it is some starving east ukrainians and their bombed out cities wow what a win what was the fucking point, go home.

>> No.53689011

bro stfu

>> No.53689015

invest in neon, fertilizer and chips and short africa, middle east and european aerospace

>> No.53689016

Fun fact, those regions were starved on purpose under Stalin and population was replaced with Russians.
Anyway get fucked. I hope all Russians who support this invasion slowly bleed to death

>> No.53689019

you a gay russian shill or a tranny nato shill? either way fuck off

>> No.53689023

>youve just embarrassed yourself in front of the world
you sound like a reddit soibrained faggot

>> No.53689027

yes, replaced with russians. as in russian people live there now and they don't want to be in the ukraine anymore. what are you gonna do? bomb them to death and take over again to reclaim ukrainian clay? thats called genocide son and its a war crime suck a dick

>> No.53689028
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>almost NEVER
>same as it EVER WAS

>> No.53689029

the war is happening because ukraine was about to join NATO. there an agreement at the end of WW2 that no countries west of germany would join nato. it was breached and russia is reacting now

>> No.53689041

east* i mean

>> No.53689043

how did they not embarrass themselves? second largest military in the world getting their shit kicked in as they stumblefuck around in their shitty exploding tanks

>> No.53689049

Russia can go fuck themselves, tbqh
The war is habbening because Putin is a delusional cretin who urgently needs lamp-posted, no other reason. He's just single-handedly broght about the largest NAT expansion since the last one.

>> No.53689051
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>> No.53689075

>can only see one extremist side of the story trapped in his social media bubble of pro-ukraine propaganda
look at both sides of the story, ukrainians are not the innocents you think they are and nato baited the fuck out of this war they wanted it to happen and russia was dumb enough to give it to them and then pathetically fumble it embarrassing themselves. both sides can fuck right off fuck russia and fuck nato. there are no good guys here

>> No.53689113

russia still has the moral high ground

>> No.53689127

there is no moral high ground anymore, have you seen the satellite imagery of ukrainian cities? fucking levelled, 90% of buildings in some cities just fucking gone. europe hasnt seen devastation like this since the saturation bombings of ww2. if russia bombed the fuck out of my city i'd be hard pressed to see them as "holding the moral high ground". there is no moral high ground in a crater filled with shit and human remains. fuck this war

>> No.53689129
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>moral high ground
UnnFukIt and gtfo of Ukraine, Ivan.

>> No.53689140

I wonder why before 2014 there were zero 0 separatist movements until some armed men arrived to observe a totally democratic vote.

>> No.53689143

how about the ukrainians get the fuck out of east ukraine, they were already told they're not wanted there by the people living there who are largely dead now because the ukraine keeps bombing the shit out of these cities they say they want back. maybe they do want those cities back, but they want the russian speaking pople who live there dead first clearly.

either side could end this war at any time by just leaving but instead they pretend to help east ukraine. look at where all that help has gotten them, they're dead.

>> No.53689151

ukrainian cities always looked like shit, just call it urban redevelopment.
Also look at Mariupol, people live now in better housing because Russia is rebuilding the City.

>> No.53689158
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>how about Ukraninans get to fuck out of Ukraine?
go fuck yourself Ivan

>> No.53689162

Kiev is Russia and the city will be taken during the next offensive.

>> No.53689164

2014 was the euromaiden protests. thats what started this. the west backed by nato deposed of a president the east of ukraine still supported. some democracy that turned out to be. so they decided they'd rather fuck off and leave ukraine if thats how it was going to be. but of course in western media it was a glorious win of the people to get rid of pro-russia president and replace with pro-nato president. in reality its just nato playing power games again and doing whatever the fuck they want

>> No.53689166

fed pivot confirmed

>> No.53689173

kiev has no interest in joining russia, they don't speak russian, and they want russia to leave. unlike the east ukraine which begged russia to join the war on their side for years (a decision they're likely regretting now)

>> No.53689187

Thank you, this is actually very good investment advice. I get the middle east and Africa are going into a great famine, but what is up with neon?

>> No.53689198

Obvious troll, but imagine thinking you can take Kyiv in the next offensive after struggling this hard with Bakhmut. Also consider with the initial invasion where Russia failed to take Kyiv where Ukraine was taken off guard and mobilisation was a mess. Now it'll be infinitely harder

>> No.53689211

/pol/ thread. And OP nothing will happen. It would be hilarious if they tried a draft, it ain’t the 40s anymore.

>> No.53689214

who is still buying russian tanks after this mess? the t72 pops its turret off if you even look at it funny. what an absolute embarrassment, soviet engineering is lazy.

>> No.53689216

more like US false flag incoming and russia retaliation

>> No.53689219

two more weeks

>> No.53689229

> they decided they'd rather fuck off and leave ukraine
who is ((they))? military units that seized key infrastructure in crimea or 1k of armed "civilian" vatniggers that entered donbass a bit later?

> muh western media, muh poor russorinos

back to pol you fucking retard

>> No.53689231

yeah no shit, america drops a false flag every time they want a war, it's so predictable at this point. does anyone even believe them anymore? i know i don't

>> No.53689235

>kiev has no interest in joining russia
they wont have a choice.
>they don't speak russian
ukrainian subhumans are going to be fully exterminated
kiev will be turned to rubble by artillery set up far away where they cant reach it.
after a couple months it will look like the Moon.
also ukraine is already running out of weapons, ammo and manpower.
Kiev will be taken.

>> No.53689241

i'm shitting on both sides equally, doing my best to anyways. what are you doing other then sucking natos dick like they did nothing wrong? pure willful ignorance

>> No.53689246

you're a nato shill bud i see right through it
nato shills always have the slimiest most dishonest tactics, at least russian shills are almost adorable in how naive and retarded they are. you're just disgusting

>> No.53689248

Most accurate analysis

>> No.53689254

They can fuck off to Russia if they want. Changing borders through genocide is something only braindead communist could support

>> No.53689263

So true comrade, hail the SMO t. Intel Slava Z
>agrees that Russia is an aggressor
>believes that Russian speakers are automatically Russian and need to be repatriated to the motherland immediately.
Classic "both sides suck, we need peace" rhetoric

>> No.53689272

>most dishonest tactics
nothing wrong in completely destroying Kiev and then taking the Land.
Russia will win.

>> No.53689273


>> No.53689275

>meanwhile the ukrainians constantly bombarding civilian centers in east ukraine. cutting off the entire water supply to crimea trying to starve and thirst them to death.
clearly they want those cities back and ideally without the people still living in them. you want to toss around accusations of genocide it goes both ways buddy

>> No.53689280

I just want White people to stop dying. The West is sending Ukranians into a meat blender that they have no real interest in besides geopolitical incentives that benefit the global elite. Russia did not start this war.

>> No.53689283

I hope russia realizes that the west will be eating bugs by the time, if ever, they start planting on that glorious ukranian soil.
There's no win here.

>> No.53689289

thanks nato shill pretending to be a russian shill. how dumb do you think we are? this isn't reddit

>> No.53689294

>we already did the genocide and then changed the borders to favor us. now you have to leave it this way or else you'll be doing a genocide!
don't give these russian meatriding retards any attention they are sub-90 IQ and habitually dishonest

>> No.53689299

>its ok that we're doing a genocide because they did it first a hundred years ago

>> No.53689307

Nato wont save the ukrainians, ukrainians will all be genocided in the trenches.
I hope they let thermobarics rain all day every day over Kiev until NOTHING of it is left.

>> No.53689315

another nato shill, helping to double down on the failed and obvious tactic of larping as a strawmanned version of "the enemy". its a very tired and old technique, get some new material, apply yourselves

>> No.53689332

and who are you LARPing as Ivan?
>b-but i shit on BOTH SIDES!

>> No.53689335

at least the excuse will finally be there to glass non-white countries once and for all. nobody will even notice or care, and the problems of the world disappear overnight

>> No.53689349

except the ukrainian stance doesn't actually rely on performing a counter-genocide to the russification of the last century. why doesn't russia just offer the ethnically russian people it genocided into ukraine, russian citizenship?

because now we have to watch them embarrassingly pretend they have "security concerns" about ukraine being west-aligned when baltic NATO members have already been 600km from moscow for 20 years and no attempt to mount any type of nuclear missile threatening russia from there has ever been considered lol. the second-hand humiliation from watching them lie so transparently is really getting annoying now
>eating bugs
>critical race theory
>great reset
you have real things to worry about in your mediocre life, why choose to focus on things only schizos think about? these things don't affect your life, you're making up elaborate fantasies to get upset about

>> No.53689353

both sides are contemptible. but i'm not surprised your simple direction brain can't handle that. gotta tow the line for team blue right? anyone that doesnt suck your dick must be team red. classic american bullshit

>> No.53689356

Didn't they advise something like this when Russia first invaded?

>> No.53689374

>elaborate fantasies
glow harder nigger, bug factories have been built, products are already on the shelves
i have no worries

>> No.53689377

It's rather be in Russia than the US. Shits about to get real in the US, as in really bad.

>> No.53689381

critical race theory is real, the great reset and eating bugs has been widely promoted by the world economic forum.

the ukrainian stance is that the ukraine was at peace and not in a civil war with the east trying to separate. and that russia came out of nowhere to invade for no reason at all. its a fucking retarded stance that makes literally no sense and the only people who believe it are the ones who get all their news from "trusted sources" ie globohomo megacorps that are part of the wef.

>> No.53689403

who, exactly, was Kyiv trying to 'seperate from' here? And when not, why are YOU fucking bombing it, you disingenous fucking shill?

>> No.53689414

russia is a shithole, they're fucking broke. they're still living off the bloated corpse of the soviet union and havent built or done anything new since. a failed nation

>> No.53689423

What's your take on this mess leading to nuclear war?

>> No.53689432

i think you're confused. the east is trying to separate from the west, theres been a civil war inside ukraine for years. but you didnt know about that because western media has memory holed it since it doesnt fit the narrative. i never said kyiv was trying to separate that makes no sense fuck you're retarded

>> No.53689448

i'm related to ukranians who had to flee because russia bombed their fucking home
there was no revolt
there was a couple of ivans in disguizans pretending they were fighting nazis for russian media by molotoving shops and sheeit
when police reacted it was big "russia being oppresed by evil ukranian nazis!" everywhere
this only happened like a week or two before the invasion
>inb4 the ukranians i am related to were all pro russian before, guess what they are now? fucking homeless

>> No.53689450

The State Department has had this exact warning up since last March. I check that site regularly.

>> No.53689452

your 'logic' is that Russia invaded the east 'because they wanted to seperate'. SO AGAIN - why are they bombing Kyiv?

>> No.53689466

> theres been a civil war inside ukraine for years.
that shit again? there was no separatist movement till 2014
most of donbass "separatists" for some reason are russians that lived in russia till 2014

>> No.53689481

>and we bomb kyiv daily because, uh..
Ivan is full of his own shit, as per.

>> No.53689504

there's a very real danger of the united states using a tactical nuke to false flag russia. they're psychopathic and insane enough to do exactly that. but as long as that doesn't happen i'm not anticipating a nuclear war, russia has yet to lose all support but they would if they dropped a single nuke. japan is still buying from russia, china is buying from russia, one nuke and nobody will ever buy anything from russia again because anyone that did would get blacklisted by everyone else and rightfully so. it would be economic suicide and ukraine in any capacity simply is not worth it. the bomb dropped on hiroshima was 15kt while modern tactical nukes are anywhere between 50-100kt on average. i'm not even going to mention strategic nukes which can be thousands of kt. there is no acceptable scenario in which even a single tactical nuke is dropped as even a tactical nuke can easily murder an entire major city. its not worth it for anyone and the only scenario in which a nuke is dropped is if purely psychopathic satan worshippers push the button as a human sacrifice.

>> No.53689511
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>>53688794 >>53688810 >>53688821 >>53688837 >>53688842 >>53688844 >>53688845 >>53688848 >>53688852 >>53688862 >>53688880 >>53688900 >>53688901 >>53688917 >>53688940 >>53688951 >>53688976 >>53688977 >>53688994 >>53689011 >>53689015 >>53689016 >>53689019 >>53689023 >>53689027 >>53689028 >>53689029 >>53689041 >>53689043 >>53689049 >>53689051 >>53689075 >>53689113 >>53689127 >>53689129 >>53689140 >>53689143 >>53689151 >>53689158 >>53689162 >>53689164 >>53689166 >>53689173 >>53689187 >>53689198 >>53689211 >>53689214 >>53689216 >>53689219 >>53689229 >>53689231 >>53689235 >>53689241 >>53689246 >>53689248 >>53689254 >>53689263 >>53689272 >>53689273 >>53689275 >>53689280 >>53689283 >>53689289 >>53689294 >>53689299 >>53689307 >>53689315 >>53689332 >>53689335 >>53689349 >>53689353 >>53689356 >>53689374 >>53689377 >>53689381 >>53689403 >>53689414 >>53689423 >>53689432 >>53689448 >>53689450 >>53689452 >>53689466 >>53689481 >>53689504

>> No.53689515

because they're assholes. they're awful people and they don't care how many die. same reason kyiv is bombing donetsk. because this war is fucking garbage

>> No.53689523
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>> No.53689534

Everyone ITT is a bitch faggot. Russia will push Ukrianes shit in, last year their army was at what most 200k? Now it's fucking 700k. Look at the casualty rates. It's over for ukraine. The west faggot globohomo will pretend like they "won" somehow as they always do and cope (like with Vietnam, Afghanistan, Libya, etc) and life will go on and nobody will give a fuck. Slowly the ukraine flags will fall off one by one from the soifag twitter/redditors and will be completely memoryholed. Just like everything else.

>> No.53689539

Nukes can be just a few tens of tons of yield. See the W54 from the 1950s for example.
Also you might find this thread relevant to your interests: https://archive.is/ixYKa

>> No.53689541
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>> No.53689548

meant for>>53689523

>> No.53689560

> they're psychopathic and insane enough
Yea this is my main worry in all of this. Our leaders are undeniably lunatics of the highest degree.

>> No.53689696
File: 416 KB, 1242x1635, 1641170103479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> This is REALLY bad. The State Department almost NEVER puts out such categorical travel advisories!!!!
> Currently, the department classifies 34 countries as "Level 4: Do Not Travel," including Brazil, Iraq, Syria, Russia, North Korea, and Kenya.
> In total, about 80% of the world is expected to be raised to Level 4, adding nearly 130 countries to the State Department's highest designation.
You really need to go back.

>> No.53689703

They posted exactly the same thing last year.
>load ze russia fud again
>now load ze baloon fud
>now ze alien fud
>now ze we will ban crpyto fud

>> No.53689715

at that point just drop a normal bomb
humanity needs limits, and we rarely agree on what those limits are, but by unanimous consensus of over 7 billion humans we can say definitively that we draw the line at nukes. nobody wants nukes, 99.9999% of humans agree no nukes, period. there can be no wiggle room of "oh just a few tons" it doesn't matter, there is no accepting of nukes it is absolutely heretical and forbidden.

>> No.53689742
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>how many thousands of tanks and tens of thousands of men have they lost?

>> No.53689751
File: 282 KB, 963x1280, 9e0d7e92790d166347e9e2ab0373081e27782cb8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how many thousands of tanks and tens of thousands of men have they lost?

>> No.53689759

>liquidated personnel
and i thought wagie life was bad in the west

>> No.53689762

furthermore all conflicts involve escalation. and how do you escalate from a small nuke? with a larger nuke and more nukes. restraint can't be counted on, escalation can be counted on. there is no "just one nuke" any more then there is "just one snort" of cocaine or "just the tip" in bed. one nuke will lead to more nukes and bigger nukes its close enough to inevitable as to be absolute madness to even try it in the first place.

the stats from ukraine are suspect. the ukrainians, americans, and russians all give radically different counts of lost men and equipment on both sides. personally im of the belief that the american figures are the most accurate and they're somewhere in the middle but how the fuck would i really know.

>> No.53689767

>there's a very real danger of the united states using a tactical nuke to false flag russia.
more Russian bullshit. russia is a nation of lying tarded skitzoposters (see /pol/)

>> No.53689777

i'd accuse you of being a russian shill larping as a retarded strawman of a nato shill but frankly i don't think ivans that clever

>> No.53689781

Do your family get a FREE CAR if you die at work? Russia stronk they honor heros.

>> No.53689796
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They are not suspect though. Choke on it. Lots of fats supporting them fro the fact that orxys material rises proportionally to the fact that footage of the daily tank kills is often posted, to the fact they had to mobilise 300,00+ to the fact that they have deployed ancient and broken t62s to the fact they had no T80s for their stupid moscow parade. Russian bullshit and lies stopped working six months ago. Every day there is Ukranian spotter drone footage of Russian armour getting chewed up and its been that way for ten fucking months

>> No.53689813

Like anyone give a fuck what retarded /pol/ tier putin shills think. Fuck off and watch russian today and stick your finger up your bum and suck it, Fucking moron

>> No.53689816

US is about to carry out proxy terror attacks in Russia.

>> No.53689821

>"Your father is not dead, he haz just ben liquidated"
>"But here's a 'free' car, from glorious soviet era"
lol, lmao
this is like when you pay the workers at chernobyl cleanup in bricks

>> No.53689829

leave the russians out of it then. the figures from america and the figures from ukraine are at total polar opposites in terms of quoted figures on equipment and lives lost. who am i supposed to believe? the americans have satellites they see everything and have eyes everywhere and probably better intelligence then the ukrainians themselves here and they're saying the ukrainian figures are absolute bullshit. so i'm not even taking russias also clearly bullshit stats into consideration here. america is quoting reasonable figures somewhere in the middle of the frankly obnoxious figures coming out of russia and ukraine. yes, the stats coming out of ukraine are sus

>> No.53689834

Russians might hold US citizens as prisoners, after the proxy terror attacks.

>> No.53689844

Turkish journalists released Ukraine KIA it's around 157k

>> No.53689848

Like anyone give a fuck what retarded reddit tier nato shills think. Fuck off and watch globohomo megacorporate news and stick your finger up your bum and suck it, Fucking moron

meanwhile i referred to russia as a broke and failed nation surviving on the bloated corpse of the soviet union. a fucking embarrassment stumblefucking around ukraine with their exploding tanks. yet somehow i'm a putin shill. no, i just watch the shitty journalism coming out of both sides and both sides look like assholes and they are

>> No.53689885

look at all these wildly different casualty estimates

depending on who you believe between 5,937 to 135,740 russians are dead and between 10,000 to 61,207 ukrainians

and somehow these turkish journalists are the only ones with an accurate figure i can trust. buddy i have no idea and neither do you how many have died, the numbers are all over the place and none of the numbers anywhere are from even remotely trustworthy sources.

>> No.53689933

wait what? you're trolling right? a single drone can push their shit in kek

>> No.53689948

I wish you all weren't so fucking retarded sometimes

>> No.53689956

not trolling. russians are digging in with trenches, some of them wide enough to drive their vehicles down. and yes, it's quite futile. they're also digging trenches in russia like they expect ukraine to make a push towards moscow but that might just be fear porn for domestic propaganda purposes

>> No.53689982

or maybe they're not digging any trenches and the western media source i got this info from just made it up. i assume its true anyways, which is all anyone can say about anything they hear out of this war

>> No.53689996

they are getting rid of their prisoners before dropping the nukes, you retard

>> No.53690002

Pretty crazy that this is just another war to get rid of more white people and possibly steal another chunk of land for jews.

>> No.53690046

more like their unskilled conscripts can't fight for shit and are only good for digging holes so might as well have them do that and hold defense from their cope trenches while whatever actually skilled soldiers they have are sent on offense. anyways despite their gross incompetence russia is still winning, they seized most of the land they wanted in the first place and now they're holding it, no nukes required. ukraine isn't worth dropping a nuke over even if they couldn't win, and they are winning. ive seen the western news sources and the claims theyve made about russia being on the verge of defeat but it just doesn't hold water when you compare the size of russian and ukrainian forces, claims made that russia has lost half its armed forces have been greatly exaggerated and theyve lost barely any ground to ukraine.

>> No.53690060

meanwhile the west sending 80 tanks this late in the game is just to prolong the war, they know ukraine is losing, but they want to keep it going for a while longer while they finish selling off their old weapons and getting the bankers rich. eventually the west will get bored and move and russia will still have thousands upon thousands of shitty soviet tanks to incompetently invade ukraine with. what a mess

>> No.53690100

Hes right tho…

>> No.53690108

Old news. They told everyone to leave in 2022 but a few cheeky cunts decided it'd be funny to stay there. Come back you fucking morons putler is about to kill you all!

>> No.53690119
File: 94 KB, 633x755, Dont_Mention_the_War.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ive seen the western news sources
most balanced Ivan shill
would this be 'western' as in, countries where journalists dont get locked up for 10 years for noticing Russia running around starting Wars?

>> No.53690159

i'm not here to defend russian journalism, why would i, of course its bullshit. but here you are pretending western journalism isnt absolute dogshit lol where the fuck do you think you are? you think there is any love for western journalism anywhere on 4chan?

>> No.53690162

70% of it was coming from Russia (1st stage, under sanctions) and Ukraine (2nd stage, destroyed in Mariupol), other 30% is in China. You need neon for high precision manufacturing lasers and laser etching

>> No.53690182

nato shills calling me a russian shill, russian shills calling me a nato shill. i love it. fuck russia and fuck ukraine

>> No.53690205

and most of all fuck journalists, liars on all sides. never trust journalists wherever they're from they're bad news

>> No.53690208
File: 50 KB, 1086x688, B823345136Z.1_20170509131657_000_GQC1SLK66.2_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick how do I short the ukraine?

>> No.53690216

>there an agreement at the end of WW2
NATO was founded in 1949, retard

>> No.53690219

Quick bros should i get a ruskie or ukkie gf?

>> No.53690239

Congratulations you just described every Russian war over the last three hundred years. You think this is a problem for them?

>> No.53690255

Reddit bot

>> No.53690260

yeah and this time their (((international clique))) friends aren't going to send them all the supplies and weaponry they need to survive. both sides are controlled in this one

>> No.53690263

shut up you fucking halfwit

>> No.53690268
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>> No.53690277

>fled to israel
>gaining ukraine citizenship after leaking damaging shit about big brother
So he's basically russia's edward snowden or julien assange?

>> No.53690289

>they were fighting for years to separate long before russia even got there.
The first head of the DPR was a Russian glownigger

>> No.53690291

3 cents has been deposited into your account

>> No.53690300
File: 153 KB, 1072x603, FN5vYvtWYAQICJU[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no hes a(n honsetly) completely random sample of who gets jailed for mentioning, Putins '2-Day Special Op' might actually be a War. They authorites were benevolent enough to limit their sentences to 10 years max tho. The journalists who didn't flee are the ones we should probably be more concerned over. The 'western' journalists (picrel) - Ivan just murders those.

>> No.53690316

as said, either try making a passably intellignet comment - which in your case is obviously hindered by incurable retardedness - or (preferable) stfu, theres a good lad.

>> No.53690358
File: 62 KB, 1004x584, ezgif-4-f130c7b31c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The 'western' journalists (picrel) - Ivan just murders those.
not if the west murders them first

face it, two kinds of journalists in this world. good journalists and alive journalists

>> No.53690366

I actually did know about it because I was writing FSN fanfiction set in Donetsk, like 9 years ago

>> No.53690378


Russian gf would go psycho on you

>> No.53690402
File: 2.99 MB, 2201x1049, 1784378378945682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Foreign Investor in Russia already got scam last year in the beginning and this on a massive financial scale on the russian stock market. Already a big red flag to leave the country. People who are still here are retards and after nearly 12 month deserve it lol

>US is expecting Russia's real offensive to begin soon.
You mean the so called great winter offensive from last week? Btw is mid February now

>> No.53690417

You are so uninformed.
Russia has been steam rolling Ukraine and is mounting their final attack on the south east border you stupid cuck
Don't believe the shit the gay media tells you. Ukraine is losing badly and Russia is about to completely take them over
Putins cock has to be at least 8 inches hard

>> No.53690441

i give him five inches at most
>steam rolling
an actual steam roller would have an easier time then a shitty soviet tank that pops its turret killing everyone inside at every hit. actual steam rollers and maybe they wouldn't be suffering such a massive casualty count after totally dropping the ball on their failed attempt at a decisive win at kyiv. sure, they're winning, through quantity not quality, they're winning at a great cost. if they were as competent as you think they would have won by now, but they aren't, and they haven't, and this gay war will drag on for years before they slowly, finally, and at great loss of life squeak out a shallow pointless victory winning a now trashed east ukraine with most of its people dead or gone. fuck this war

>> No.53690476

>he believes any of the 'official' propaganda
Anon it's all propaganda, to be truthful, I don't think anyone besides those close to the front actually know what's happening.
Either way I don't want to get jannie'd on for being off topic so how bout them shroom stocks

>> No.53690491

they get hit and the turret pops right off. i've seen it enough times to know its real. those autoloaders with the rounds in the turret are a death trap, thats why the abrahms still loads by hand. doesn't look like the t-14 is any better not that they can even produce more then a handful of them, just another shitty exploding t-series tank. sad.

>> No.53690576


It's been do not travel for over a year now
the russian embasy in washington d.c. website is back up for several months now when it used to be down during the start of the invasion (for a few months I believe)

>> No.53690668

ukrainians are not white

>> No.53690851
File: 53 KB, 1093x615, not comped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do not travel to Crimea due to abuses by its occupyaing authorities

>> No.53690882

>Russia did not start this war.

>> No.53690915
File: 1.53 MB, 1280x720, 4D238D5C-6BBF-4CBD-ABA0-451D4D5CAD5D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53690939

Okay sweetheart. Come down for dinner now your soup is getting cold.

>> No.53690961

You're making it too easy to spot you.