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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53688753 No.53688753 [Reply] [Original]

>still trying to save money on food
>woke up and now havent eaten in over 15 hours
>feel so weak I cant get out of bed
>cant think clearly all I can think about is how I'm Hungry

how much money you guys spend on food every month?
for me alone its around $900 and thats way too much.
i also eat too much and I'm fat and I currently have no pants where I fit into so I cant even go outside. I order my food from the grocery store directly to my doorstep.

>> No.53688762
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Beans and rice son

>> No.53688773

Shut up

>> No.53688778

weight loss is less about how much you eat and more about what you eat. also stop drinking pop, even diet pop, drink water you fucking retard

>> No.53688792

Peanut butter. Whole wheat bread. Water from the sink. Shit has won world wars. Who the fuck are you? Stop being a fag.

>> No.53688812

>even diet pop
How something non caloric causes weight gain and bloat the way it does should be plastered as a warning on every can.

>> No.53688839

"Diet soda" is jewish conditioning to get you addicted to sweet beverages. If you are used to plain water then whatever mistery juice you gulp down all day will taste like battery acid.

>> No.53688929

Yep. I quit mountain dew 5 years ago. Lost like zero body fat despite a 500-700 daily calorie reduction. Quit diet Pepsi 8 months ago and my abs are coming back.

>> No.53688938

just live on redbull bro

>> No.53688952

I'm so hungry bros

>> No.53688963

The fuck? I once went for 3 days without no food and was perfectly fine. Man up retard, youre made to resist hunger

>> No.53688965

>havent eaten in over 15 hours
>feel so weak I cant get out of bed
Are you a fucking tree shrew? That's pathetic.

>> No.53688971

I drink 3l everyday and I'm doing fine. By fine I mean that I keep losing weight anyway despite having only 500 kcal deficit. Not everything is a conspiracy.

>> No.53688973

I spend about $500 a month on food, most of it meat and veg from local sources, to feed two people.

>> No.53688988

It's just abstinence. Shit food makes you feel hungry all the time and makes you eat more. If you survive the next two weeks and start eating proper food, you'll be good. gl

>> No.53689002

OK, op listen to this guy. Drink at least 1 gallon of diet soda per day and all of your fat guy and financial problems will be solved. Fucking lol. Peak contrarian.

>> No.53689070

Imagine being this agitated because someone likes to drink tasty water.

>> No.53689123

Op spends to much money on food and is unhealthy. Asks for advice.
>just purchase and drink gallons of bottled chemical water bro!
Thanks for contributing friend.

>> No.53689244

managed another hour without eating anything oh god I feel like I'm dying

>> No.53689277

If your spending $900/month on food then you are likely eating unhealthy and in the long run it's going to cost you more in health problems.
Eating healthy and exercising is absolutely the best investment you can make. I'd rather be poor and healthy than rich with health problems. It's all mental anon. Just retrain your mind and body to consume less, eat healthy food and drink lots of water. When you begin to drop weight, start exercising a little and you will notice a positive change in your mood.

>> No.53689282

Just eat veggies for snacks bro and Drink 200ml of water every 30mins for 5hrs

>> No.53689320

>for me alone its around $900 and thats way too much.
>i also eat too much and I'm fat
We know, just shoot yourself already.

>> No.53689330

>How something non caloric causes weight gain
Yeah it's called sugar.

>> No.53689341

Most of the old guys I work with that are past 55 are all fucked up from eating shit food and not exercising. They don't walk, they hobble and they look like dogshit. But there's one guy that's 57 and he's as spry as a 25 year old because he doesn't eat fast food and he runs regularly.
If you don't take care of your health, no amount of money is going to help you.

>> No.53689360

Make some egg and bacon, every morning.

Thank me later

>> No.53689373

how the fuck do you spend $30 a day on food? what are you buying?

>> No.53689380

>diet soda
>non caloric
>it's called sugar.
This is a frustrating thread. I don't know what part of the world uses this board when I should be asleep, but I'm ejecting.

>> No.53689388


>> No.53689588

Sorry bud.

>> No.53689631

$150 to $200 a month maybe out of a salary around $3500 after taxes. Sweden's good for groceries.

>> No.53689872

I'm so hungry and feeling so weak

>> No.53690684

I do what I can

>> No.53690699
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>> No.53690723

I spend about £200 on food every month. I shop at Lidl and I meal prep all my food, I dedicate one evening of the working week to cooking my food for the next 5 days.

My breakfast is overnight oats, if I’m WFH I’ll have poached egg on toast as well. I snack on cashew nuts. My lunch this week has been butter chicken curry and my dinner has been Cajun chicken pasta.

Meal prep saves me serious time and money as there is no wastage and I don’t have to cook every night. I get about 180g+ of protein typically every day with plenty of healthy fats and carbs. My diet is also very low in sugar. I find eating whole meals like this to be so much cheaper and keeps me lean, strong and athletic.

>> No.53690767

You faggots are so stupid and weak. I am glad that you are my competition. This thread has filled me with optimism and gratitude. So long, suckers!

>> No.53690807
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>trying to save money on food
>have a wife and two kids to feed

>> No.53690825


>> No.53690831

i'm 30-40 pounds overweight and my grocery store purchases (including non-food items like toiletries) run like $450 a month. how fucking fat are you?

>> No.53690979
File: 48 KB, 737x758, 18D9C4B9-5C9A-4F35-A628-C2C84102DDCA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here I couldnt take it anymore and ordered 3 extra large pizzas, some fries and 2 bottles of coca cola

>> No.53691027

I hope the delivery guy is fast I'm about to pass out from hunger

>> No.53691173

Just buy rice some meat seasonings and nigrig up some kind of jambalaya/Cajun rice concoction. Or just put chips in soup

>> No.53691218
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over here you can get by on the equivalent of 30$
Hell, back when I lived in the states I DID get by on 30$ per month

>> No.53691294

i could live almost soley on rice, meat, and broccoli with onions sauce. i cannot fathom spending 900 dollars a month on food you must be addicted to processed frozen garbage and never actually cook your own meals

>> No.53691483

$900 for a household of 3. And we indulge. We could do $750 easy and probably $400 if we absolutely had to cut back.

>> No.53692756


>> No.53692849


You fat American fuck. Not eating for 15 hours is nothing. You could not eat for a week and be absolutely fine if you drank water with a bit of salt in it. It would even start to feel good

>> No.53693344

>You could not eat for a week

>> No.53693384

Retard you can go a month without food. Well maybe not you. You're American.

>> No.53693389

>you can go a month without food
no way

>> No.53693409


>> No.53693510

>and I currently have no pants where I fit into so I cant even go outside. I order my food from the grocery store directly to my doorstep
So order some bigger pants?

>> No.53693522

Just STEAL op, it’s not difficult if you have an above average IQ and look at least somewhat presentable.
>t. Paying for only 20% of my groceries since 2018

>> No.53693552

This, I don't condone niggnogg behavior but due to inflation theft is a no-brainer. But agree it has to be done right and if you are ugly it's often harder.

>> No.53693605

you can go a year or even more if you have enough in your fat stores and drink vitamins.

>> No.53693633

You're a moron. Diet soda has 0 calories so it is literally impossible for it to cause weight gain. This is basic physics god some of you posters are clueless.

>> No.53693690

you can survive on a couple of slices of bread per day and still work a little by the end of the month
probably more than a month if you're really fat
you just don't want to get out of bed, it's not that you can't
glutton of the worst degree
post body
soda IS a conspiracy, a group of people got together and planned to break the law for profit, got so rich they bribed and threatened to make it legal
ALL diets are lies, most are conspiracies involving doctors who have broken oaths in exchange for funds

>> No.53693726

have you tried eating a bullet?

>> No.53693747

>tasty water
>diluted acid
pour it in your eyes you dentist fuck

>> No.53695410

Salt has zero calories but can cause weight gain (water retention). Basic chemistry. I don't know what they put in diet soda, but it causes insane bloat.

>> No.53695445

Stop masturbating, preserve the semen and you'll be able to fast and lose weight

>> No.53696400

Or just stop eating

>> No.53696433

>have large intestine play up for no reason
>don't eat for 4 days feeling great
Guess sometimes it's good not to be an Amerilard.

>> No.53697749

>Stop masturbating
OP here, I'm actually too fat for that. havent jerked off in I dont know like 11 years or so.

>> No.53697774

this anon is right. invest in a rice cooker.

>> No.53697792

i spend about €400 on takeout/restaurants a month

live while your alive nigga

>> No.53697834

Put the fork down you fat fuck.
Jesus Christ, no wonder Americans are so fucking fat and stupid.

>> No.53699651

>haven't eaten in 15 hours
nigger thats just intermittent fasting you fat fuck