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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53684228 No.53684228 [Reply] [Original]

I have this feeling we're going to be trading at $12-$14 and the bear market is about to get blown out of the water.

>> No.53684257
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im in

>> No.53684281
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>> No.53684285

I will just acoomulate.

>> No.53684308

Is the wyckoff meme still valid or was it invalidated by the cex staking ban dump?

>> No.53684315

I concur.

>> No.53684417

We've been in this accumulation range for so long it's only a matter of time before we blast off, but it's a common gambler's fallacy to believe that the longer a coin comes up heads the sooner it comes up tails. We could continue to crab for a long fucking time. We need a big announcement to break out. People keep saying 2/16 or March for CCIP launch but I think that's too early.

>> No.53684457

>accumulation range
Is this 5-10 USD?

>> No.53684479

Just two more years, marines!

>> No.53684934

This! HODL the line marines WE need you!

>> No.53684959

No, the real accumulation range is 0–$1

>> No.53685213
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>> No.53685241

Short squeeze is happening marines! Bulgarians have been using short ladder attacks to keep us down. Patriots are in control! - SN 216

>> No.53685469

It’s going back to 5 bucks again. I can tell.

>> No.53685475

You can't tell your ass from a hole in the street.

>> No.53685508

i hate this stupid token like you wouldn't believe but continue to hold and have faith like an abused dog.
fuck you retard

>> No.53686050

Staking is cancelled and all exchanges in the US are about to get enforcement action from SEC. Yes I'm sure Link will increase 200% as a result.

>> No.53686093

The only way link trades at 14 dollars is if everything else goes 5x first.

>> No.53686172

youre dumb

>> No.53686208

kek, staking is the death of crypto, parasitical rent seekers are the reddest flag

>> No.53686325

>I have this feeling we're going to be trading at $1.2-$1.4

>> No.53686375

When bullrun?

>> No.53686379

Every time some dipshits lashes out at me here lately for stating basic facts about our currently unfolding reality, it is with broken English. Coincidence?

>> No.53686391


>> No.53686671

This expecting CCIP only 2 months late is too early

>> No.53687229

this motherfucker keeps rambling on about a "wyckoff breakout"
you've been making this same post for the last two months at least

>> No.53687301

I expect CCIP December 31st.

>> No.53689111


>> No.53689155

Scam and the face of a scammer

>> No.53689704

we had the wyckoff breakout to zero

>> No.53689714
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its over wyckoff bros

>> No.53690090

so is the wyckoff meme finally dead after the latest dump?

>> No.53690113

maybe next year

>> No.53690181

Fucking piece of shit market dumps every fucking single time link pumps. So tired of this manipulation bullshit.

>> No.53690235

It won’t moon this year

>> No.53690938
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oh god christ i hope so

>> No.53690975

Checked and keked
Checking digits but not sentiment
>tfw 2023 and worse off than 2021

>> No.53691391

I take my apology back from wykoffbro, fuck u we're dumping again

>> No.53691750

IMO they make these threads to keep you from selling before the big dumps. Note that OP didn’t post anything to back up his claim, just a feeling.

>> No.53691780

unironically this
every time before a massive dump this board is filled with hopium threads

>> No.53691790

starting on a new job next month, have to sell some of my stack to buy a new car.
I hate this so much, seriously considering getting a car loan..

>> No.53691882

Just take out a loan. It’s really not that bad, pay it off as aggressively as you can. Took me less than two years to pay 10k

>> No.53691916

if you really need that money perhaps you shouldn't be parking them in highly speculative assets in the first place, my god, this is why so many people get rekt
never invest more than you can afford to lose, and if you need profits take them
use some common sense
>nooooo don't take any profits goy, here, get in debt instead
jesus fucking christ

>> No.53692003

You sound like a faggot

>> No.53692018

oy vey

>> No.53692076

Then we also have the mainnet annoversary

>> No.53692096

Holy fuck lads, soon we're going to have to find a new boogieman to blame our token's poor performance on. We've tried blaming it on Nexo, the entire country of Bulgaria, some dude called Michael, another dude called Thomas, Chris Blec, the Jews, aliens, salty fudders that we believe sit on 4chan all day just like us....we're running out of options lads. But we cannot blame the team, no way, no sir, the team is untouchable. We have to continue deflecting marines, remember, our whole livelihood depends on the success of Chainlink. Hodl Marines! HODL!

>> No.53692104

I blame you, nigger.

>> No.53692188


>> No.53692490

this is a bot that replies with the same message in all link threads, or a braindead faggot - can't tell!

Chans are dead without bot prevention, DECO fixes that!

>> No.53692532


Its still in the same accumulation range so its in play. No one knows when we will finally leave the range.

SWIFT starts testing phase for CBDCs March 20th.


The video says its "definite" this time. Kek We will see.

>> No.53692690

of 2021?

>> No.53692776

Maybe you're just a fag, my guy.

>> No.53692791
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Test Ϫ

>> No.53692825

you will never see double digits ever again, only way is bleeding out to sub $1

>> No.53692860
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>you will never see double digits ever again
no? Check these then, faggot

>> No.53692862
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