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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53683554 No.53683554 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.53683568

>Super Bowl
/biz/ doesn't care about irrelevant muttmerica or amerimutt subhuman goblins faggot, go post that shit somewhere else

>> No.53683586

Superbowl is big business chap. I'm not American and your post contributes nothing. >>53683554
Dunno people dont have the disposable income?

>> No.53683662

what they aren't tracking is how often people are just going rural now and going semi off grid, or leaving America to avoid the taxacoplyspe

>> No.53683683

Bad pricing, greed kills

>> No.53683698

>b-b-ut the lady in TikTok said it was free money
No refunds

>> No.53683726

I have noticed an enormous uptick in people looking to get out of the country. People aren't interested in the United States as a brand anymore and the Super Bowl is one element of that brand. The country is in completely cultural free fall.

>> No.53683741
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how do I profit from non-American obsession?

>> No.53683753

obsessed obese mutt lmao

>> No.53683836

I run airbnbs and I have no idea where this whole thing comes from
>haha airbnbs are dying
Really how so
>hotels still not having kitchens
>hotels still not having rooms that all join together into a thing where as a group that guests can all hang out, let’s term it a ‘house’
>being able to cook and not eat out or buy overpriced food from the downstairs bar
>not having crying babies or drunk people fucking right next to your head separated by 2 layers of plasterboard
>being able to travel litterally to the exact point you want to stay and not just to the nearest chain hotel
>being able to park on a driveway or road nearby without paying and having restrictions
>having a whole internet connection to yourself and not having to make a shitty account for a 1/100th of the hotels bandwidth

>> No.53683873
File: 70 KB, 640x640, Donotmakepeaceiwthevil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they should do it like on an auction based structure... with a reserve price or what-not

but i hope masslandlords and airbnb lose all their money, property and die of aids irl

>> No.53683880

>i hope masslandlords and airbnb lose all their money, property and die of aids irl
This + all amerimutts

>> No.53683884


>> No.53683896

real estate kikes are the worst.

>> No.53683901

all kikes (and all amerimutts) are the worst

>> No.53684040

>hotels being half the price
>free parking so your car window doesnt get smashed by junkies
>can shit the bed and next day there is a clean bed
>knowing that when i book a hotel and boycot airbnb faggots like you lose money

>> No.53684064

That’ll be a $180 cleaning fee per night. Make sure to do the dishes and take out the trash on your way out :^)

>> No.53684074

The manager pricing was way off. $1500, dropped it to $500 a night way too late, in addition if you have 95 Airbnbs in Phoenix then you've got too much product in one area. Pricing has come down but it's still a lucrative business, the margins are just smaller than they were in 2018, and then the boom during the pandemic. Diversify your portfolio.

>> No.53684089

hotels are for bed shitters, airbnb for everyone else got it.

>> No.53684113

Absentee landlords are a major destabilizing factor for a society.

>> No.53684147

>he doesn't bed shit

>> No.53684168

Airbnb was suppose to be the cheapo option over a hotel. Now it's just cheaper to get a hotel room.

>> No.53684344

do they really?

>> No.53684402

The age of the boomer is over.

>> No.53684415

> taxacoplyspe
Did your will to live just fade after writing the first half of the word?

>> No.53684474

>Good luck finding free hotel parking
>Sorry that you’re too poor to afford houses in non junkie areas
>’shit the bed’ typical hotel user
>calendar fully booked till Christmas despite boycotts, might up my nightly fees

>> No.53684492

You can find all of that in a decent hotel, not a motel. Maybe these points would be an issue in a non-white city like NY or LA.

>> No.53684529

I miss when Airbnb meant I could rent a room for like $30/night in a city where hotels are regularly like $200

Now they're the same price but hotels are more consistent lmao

>> No.53684540

You are a physical bag holder
At least cryptofags can't see their bags
You will one day have to drive past your bags and remember
And I'm going to laugh at you, you won't have to post here, I'll remember you and I will think "lol that anon totally roped"

>> No.53684560

95 airbnbs that could be rented to honest families. This manager can fuck right off.

>> No.53684574

Seethe, you bottom feeding subhuman 3rd world poorfag eurocuck loser. Kill yourself.
>t. 6 figs American

>> No.53684580
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fantastic, I hope this leech blows his brains out

>> No.53684826

bagholders doing damage control.

>> No.53684841

This. RIP America, you won't be missed.

>> No.53684856
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>Seethe, you bottom feeding subhuman 3rd world poorfag eurocuck loser. Kill yourself.
>>t. 6 figs American

>> No.53684889

how about home owners who have 5-8 people living there who do nothing to improve or at the very least maintain the property? that's the reality in most neighborhoods, man. families are trashy on the same piece of property for 60 fucking years and only when both owners fucking finally die does something good happen to the property with new owners

>> No.53685000
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I'm sure there's a middle ground between trashy fuckin latinos crammed in a place, and dickhead AirBnB landlords like in the OP... but where's the fun in discussing subtlety.

>> No.53685021

sure you dont champ

>> No.53685030

Earnings report this week

>> No.53685063

AirBnB went from a way for people with an extra room/property to make some side money into people trying to have it pay like a career would. All hotels had to do was wait for people to get greedy.

>> No.53685082

what effects could this have on the housing market at large?

>> No.53685090

It's not a surprise. For decades our culture and value has been slowly picked apart. We've gone from dudes backhanding their wives in the 40's to Zoomers letting their girlfriends peg them. It's a complete turnaround.

>> No.53685118

anon this unironically and i mean seriously sounds like bagholder cope and judging from your post in a vaccum, there's a long way for airBNB to fall. this is exactly how your post reads i am dead serious. it's very similar to altcoin baggies from last year

>> No.53685121

My opinion on real estate is worthless. But assuming people like our 95 property owner here took out debt to acquire this much real estate, its safe to assume he and many others are going to cut their losses at a certain point where holding onto 95 properties that you bought to make money are starting to cost you money. That or the boomer just croaks.

>> No.53685147
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i'd love to see subtlety but poor shitty neighbors absolutely hate if you do anything to beautify and improve a property so who would even want to do that. it magnifies their garbage lives. so once i finish making this house nicer, i'm gonna let someone else live here to take the heat off my ass and destabilize their environment. airbnb, sublet, long-term rent, not sure yet, but fuck these people. half my block is foreclosed homes owned by banks and rented out to shits.. that's the other option for people who don't like airbnb!!! you should see those shitboxes

>> No.53685200
File: 28 KB, 601x508, images - 2023-02-13T094831.050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>airbnb vacancy rates going parabolic
>actually I have too many bookings

>> No.53685212

It's not dead if we haven't reached the "It's a status symbol" stage.

>> No.53685282


>> No.53685534

Yeah, at this point I don't see any reason to use AirBNB unless I want some kind of custom feature. 99% of the time that I'm buying a hotel room, it's just a place to sleep (that isn't a complete shithole) and nothing more. The anon further up is insane if he thinks those amenities are something people actually care about.

>> No.53685558

They report earnings this week if true you can make some money buying puts on ABNB on Monday. I was thinking of buying some anyway.

>> No.53685654

I'm staying at an airbnb now and ran my dirty socks and underwear through the dishwasher because of this post.

>> No.53685761

I work for an AirBnB property management startup here in Rio and our occupancy rates are over 80% on average. Last month we had an overall occupancy rate of 93%
Maybe AirBnB is dying in bumfuck nowhere America, but there's no sign of decline in big touristy cities

>> No.53685915

>>hotels still not having rooms that all join together into a thing where as a group that guests can all hang out, let’s term it a ‘house’
This is a good thing. People like the comfort of a hotel room more.
>>having a whole internet connection to yourself and not having to make a shitty account for a 1/100th of the hotels bandwidth
90% of hotel chains in my country don't require any details at all.

>> No.53685968

airbnb is meant to be a way to rent out an extra room or your apartment for a few days or week at most when you are away

it's not used as some "house for hire platform" with "amenties" and "downstairs bars"

Why do americans turn everything good into a "deal" and "experience"?

>> No.53686062

no wonder euros are poor they literally cannot comprehend how to make money

>> No.53686077

we work

and you failed to see my point

>> No.53686245

Fuck airbnb. Its flakey, overpriced garbage

>> No.53686344

>nervous coping

>> No.53686399

Big nosed greed turned it that way.
Honestly, I feel safer in hotels. I know what to expect.

>> No.53686561

airbnb that isn't in like a prime tourist location like honolou lou hawaii, is fucking retarded

not even california makes sense really

>> No.53687539

>tfw that shitty vacant lot could have got his family generational wealth if he kept on holding

>> No.53687570

Yes, I’m talking propperly doing it. Not just putting your old house on it, decorating etc, good beds and facilities. My 8 person house is way cheaper compared to hotel rooms for 8 and will always be busy as it’s near a theme park, wedding venues and a small city

>> No.53687606

Also to add I don’t only use Airbnb, I list on actual hotel websites also, it basically works out the same, all these hotel websites take 18-20% of the booking as commissions, I use Airbnb and booking.com

>> No.53688475


>> No.53688721

was prob charging 10k a night thinking people would pay

>> No.53688869
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>rent someone's shed

>> No.53688894

>how about home owners who have 5-8 people living there who do nothing to improve or at the very least maintain the property? that's the reality in most neighborhoods, man. families are trashy on the same piece of property for 60 fucking years and only when both owners fucking finally die does something good happen to the property with new owners
Uhhhhhhh do you know what the point of owning a house is?

>> No.53689578
File: 471 KB, 1249x795, tedshed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53689992

It depends where you have these properties and how greedily you price them.
I own two properties in Greece, on average each is making about 2600$ per month, and it only seems to go up each year due to constant tourism. Waiting for a dip in the housing market to buy a third.

Real estate only goes up if you wait long enough

>> No.53690006

Just went back from skiing in the Alps. It's not dying, let me tell you that.

>> No.53690027

I travel quite a lot in Asia and stay like few months each time, and it’s slowly starting to get to point where a decent hotel might actually be the better choice, prices have come up quite a lot
There are still good value Airbnbs though.

>> No.53690049


Also Greece here, trying to get some of our properties refurbished so we can do the same

>> No.53690149

Would you pay to watch some negroes throw a ball round?

>> No.53690153

based and tedpilled

>> No.53690452

How do you avoid greek builders and contractors when you live in greece