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File: 158 KB, 626x244, B1789A9C-92F4-426F-8590-E9703F459508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53682285 No.53682285 [Reply] [Original]

In 2021, his mom informed us that he was “really into crypto” and had made a bunch of money (he was “running a business with Ozzy Osbourne” according to her). He dropped out of college to “do crypto full time”, I found his Twitter account and he had tons of likes on NFT Twitter accounts. Then at Christmas of 2021, he said Eth would be at $10,000 in the next year.

Then things went downhill in crypto and he re-enrolled in college in Fall of 2022, this time he wanted to do economics as his degree because he thought he knew a lot about it because he reads tweets talking about the fed from Bitcoin Twitter accounts. He dropped out a month later because he said he couldn’t focus. He moved back home and now works at Target stocking shelves, he also claimed at Christmas this year he got all his money out of FTX right before the whole thing happened.

When I look at his Twitter account now it’s barely crypto stuff anymore but now it’s generic right wing retard stuff about like seed oils being poison and Joe Rogan and Andrew Tate stuff. I feel so bad because I know he has absolutely no future and I know he’s deluded himself into thinking he can just wait a few more years for the next crypto bullrun, he likes tweets about cycle theory all the time. Cryptocurrency completely ruined his life.

>> No.53682303

I hope he kills himself live

>> No.53682306


>> No.53682311

why is this surprising? pyramid schemes always attract retards, look at all the women doing shit like amway and mary kay. new platform, same old shit - a small number of early adopters trying to convinced the rest of the world that they can still be early adopters.

>> No.53682314

me too

>> No.53682324
File: 709 KB, 1536x864, Ozzy-Osbourne-Workday-SB-Commercial-ftr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53682338

You don't understand, anon. None of us have a future.

>> No.53682340

Seed oils are 100% poison. Literally machine lubricant. The seed is nature's most prized thing and it has defense chemicals to protect it. Plus the chemicals they use to make it are just horrible. High in linoleic acid and hyper inflammatory.

>> No.53682353

He went back to college he'll have his degree to fall back on. Lots of young guys got rekt last year and just went back to whatever they were doing before they discovered crypto

>> No.53682362

He went back and dropped out again

>> No.53682366

Seed oils aren't a health food. Cutting them out of your diet won't hurt you in any way.

>> No.53682419

Eth is going to 10k though. Just not in 2021

>> No.53682430

thats literally me

>> No.53682475

Lol then hopefully he takes up a trade or his youtube channel blows up

>> No.53682476

Okay, why does he need to obsess over this for months?

>> No.53682523

Theres nothing wrong with working at target and living at home. Youre the loser. Your cousin had balls to take risks and he lived like a true man and will probably rise again.

Shooters shoot. Risk takers take risks. Pussies don’t

>> No.53682528

It's not crypto that broke him
But SBF and his inner kike circle
I wonder why no one assassinate him on burger "land of the free" yet with all those guns lying around.

>> No.53682541


He bought into the groupthink at that time that BTC was going to 180k and ETH to 10k, just like you're buying into the groupthink at this current time that crypto is dead.

>> No.53682543

Crypto didn’t ruin his life. The internet combined with his low IQ and lack of a father did.

>> No.53682548

because he believes that seed oils are killing us. if you believed that and didn't go on about it for months it would suggest you're some kind of psychopath with no interest in warning people to save their lives in the same way you were warned.

>> No.53682562

I eat seed oils daily and have no health issues.

>> No.53682574

>I wonder why no one assassinate him on burger “land of the free”

Nice English

>> No.53682576

>right wing retard stuff about like seed oils being poison
Are you mentally challenged, npc-kun?

>> No.53682577


Eating seeds is a past time activity. The toxicity of our city. Of our ciiiiityyyyyyyyyy

>> No.53682581
File: 833 KB, 992x567, dumber reason.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He dropped out of college
>his Twitter account
>he had tons of likes on NFT Twitter accounts
>he wanted
>he thought he knew a lot
>he reads tweets
>He dropped out a month later
>he said he couldn’t focus
>He moved back home
>he also claimed
>he got all his money
>his Twitter account
>Joe Rogan and Andrew Tate
>he’s deluded himself
>he likes tweets
Sounds like twitter addiction is his problem.

>> No.53683665

He doesn’t have a dad around, you’re right

>> No.53683695
File: 673 KB, 2200x1467, My Crib.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't blame "crypto" blame genetics. Shake your fist at DNA.

>> No.53683706

>Ls -a over and over again
Is this all it takes to convince people you are "epic le hacker man"?

>> No.53683720

Crypt O. Tales from the.

>> No.53683784

ironic? female? i dont understand. is it the andrew tate? yeah he's a dumb nigger

>> No.53683827


>> No.53683859

OP look up a crab in a bucket. It's you.
How's your life going? Writing shit about your family on an anonymous image board? You are pathetic.

>> No.53683894
File: 45 KB, 443x450, 1583182901322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill yourself libshit

>> No.53683993

>using air instead of liquid to transfer thermal energy
a ngmi miner

>> No.53684035
File: 325 KB, 955x2048, LDSonkikes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exactly send him to 4 chan so learn the true art of stacking coins

>> No.53684453

it's called /biz/ faggot

>> No.53684495

VGH it's perfect

>> No.53684546

How am I a bucket crab? He’s not doing anything in his life waiting for some fantasy event to fix everything, he’s a loser right now

>> No.53684569

i am 4chan

>> No.53684568

Fuck you and fuck your gay cousin, frog cunt.

>> No.53684639

This, I hope all cryptofags kill themselves unironically. The bubble has popped and your digital tulips aren't worth a fucking penny in this market you absolute gutter trash fat fucking subhuman incel retards. Go get a fucking job and work like the niggercattle slaves you are.

>> No.53684658

This whole scenario is invented just to put that part about them stupid rightwingers in an op, isn't it? Is this supposed to make me like communism, white replacement, censorship and female/jew supremacy and vote for biden, you bolshevik retard?

>> No.53684666

Says you. A loser. Focus on yourself.

>> No.53684678

>be smug dem leftist
>can't figure out that siding with the most anti-white, anti-freedom, deranged politics in american history may not be great for the country
>calls others losers
There's no way you have an iq over a hundred. Choosing a side in american politics has never been easier for white men, and you still fail at it.

>> No.53684681

Because you assume you’re somehow better. It’s extremely cringe, you should be hoping he succeeds and gives you a name worth having

>> No.53684689

This, OP is a shitlib faggot

>> No.53684701

You will!

>not eating seed oils is right wing
You're retarded, jeezus "lefties" are corporate stooges.

>> No.53684716

It’s not like you /pol/ faggots are any better. If OP made this thread about how his cousin is a female that only fucks black dudes you would immediately be talking about natural selection. Retard

>> No.53684724
File: 254 KB, 817x743, seed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spotted the chud

>> No.53684751

/pol/ isn't a right wing board. Left v Right is so 2005.

>> No.53684758

And you're a reddit newfag go back

>> No.53684759

I never said it was right wing, I said if OP’s post was about how he has a loser female cousin that fucks black dudes this thread would no longer care about family integrity

>> No.53684761

Let’s just hope this guy gets a break.

As someone who e-fucks models for a living, I can proudly say I’m praying for this LOOSER.

>> No.53684765

I'm glad it ruined his life, and I'm hoping your life gets ruined too if it's not already happening. Kill yourself, you fucking subhuman kike faggot.

>> No.53684767

Serves him right for falling for the crypto meme and taking it seriously. KEK

>> No.53684779

Bit of a projection but ok.

>> No.53684780

>seed oils being poison
he's right you know.
That sounds exactly like a friend of mine, guy got kicked out of university twice and started wageslaving for 2yrs to dump all of the cash into TSLA; a few weeks ago he told me he hates musk and wants him dead, wasn't hard to connect the dots.

>> No.53684783
File: 1.55 MB, 955x2142, 1639180758995.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he also claimed at Christmas this year he got all his money out of FTX right before the whole thing happened.
sounds like the opposite happened

>> No.53684798

Now you have a point

>> No.53684801


>> No.53684828

>he’s deluded himself into thinking he can just wait a few more years for the next crypto bullrun
Wait, so this is not going to happen? Why the fuck are we still on this board then bros. Wtf

>> No.53684864

Okay, I dont really care about your cousin. Why not tell us a bit more about yourself? What are you doing? How is your life going?

>> No.53684956

so because he dropped out of college his life is ruined? are you retarded?

>> No.53684965


>> No.53685323


Feel for your cousin but god I hate crypto faggots, and they get what they deserve for peddling a literal pyramid scheme

>> No.53685457

What a wholesome video. Too bad it's not that simple.

>> No.53685524


>> No.53685593
File: 35 KB, 416x416, 0D2C5AFC-4D9C-450B-9FE8-026F59460ADB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guy at work turned 5k into 1m and then back to 50k.
>he owes 450k on tax

>> No.53685633

this. i have no sympathy for losers in the market.

>> No.53685666

>s generic right wing retard stuff a
kys retard

>> No.53685679

shut up you little kike

>> No.53686236

/biz/ are home of ranjeets
Why are you surprising?

>> No.53686576

When a meme requires this much text to get its point across, it's a shit meme.

>> No.53686729
File: 36 KB, 640x480, images - 2023-02-13T140712.846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53687569

In 2021, his mom informed us that he was “really into Tesla” and had made a bunch of money (he was “running a business with Elon Musk” according to her). He dropped out of college to “invest full time”, I found his Twitter account and he had tons of likes on Starlink accounts. Then at Christmas of 2021, he said Tesla would be at $10,000 in the next year.

Then things went downhill in stocks and he re-enrolled in college in Fall of 2022, this time he wanted to do economics as his degree because he thought he knew a lot about it because he reads tweets talking about EVs fed from Tesla Twitter accounts. He dropped out a month later because he said he couldn’t focus. He moved back home and now works at Target stocking shelves, he also claimed at Christmas this year he got all his money out of the market right before the whole crash happened.

When I look at his Twitter account now it’s barely Tesla stuff anymore but now it’s generic right wing retard stuff about like seed oils being poison and Joe Rogan and Andrew Tate stuff. I feel so bad because I know he has absolutely no future and I know he’s deluded himself into thinking he can just wait a few more years for the next stock bullrun, he likes tweets about cycle theory all the time. Investing completely ruined his life.

>> No.53687582


>> No.53687638

What was his original degree? Some worthless proto-barista degree? Undergrad econ is brainlet stuff, you don't even need to make shit up in undergrad econ
He was ngmi outside being a low skill wagie

>> No.53687680

i hope you and your mother and everyone who replied to your post with "based" get the worst type of cancer and die after many years of agonizing and excruciating pain.

>> No.53687686

He's probably autistic and he jusr recently learned most of what he had been told his entire life was a lie.

>> No.53687724

As someon3 whose dad may as well not exist get your cousin off social media na force him to get out and exercise more. Will only help him in the long run.

>> No.53687748

Who cares? You should shill him something though he sounds like a retard.
>Start buying fake gold. Use Monero i2p on darknet
>Then get him into stacking.
>Tell him you have a dealer who is buying gold from Africa where they have slaves >so you get it under spot.
>Sell him as many ounces as you can.
>When he finally figures it out act shocked drive straight home with him and "discover" that your gold is also fake.
>we cant tell anyone because it was illegally acquired.
>Make a deal never to tell anyone.
You wont feel bad because he was literally buying slave gold.

>> No.53687756

Then try to make your money back flipping rolexes. Buy fake rolexes and diddle him again.

>> No.53687803

Somebody should call OP's mom. Depicting Joe Rogan as a right-winger is something only political extremists, for example indoctrinated "woke" people do. Maybe someone could give OP a hand before he drifts further into "wokeness" and ends up on the streets.

>> No.53688538

>He moved back home and now works at Target stocking shelves
Is his name Will?

>> No.53688571


>using a VICE article

Yeah your credibility just vanished.

>> No.53689510

>doesn’t have a dad around
sometimes even if you have a dad around, they don't act as proper father figures

>> No.53689529

>all the seething trannies lurking this board to cry about crypto
We will hit the bottom this year.

>> No.53689533

>degree to fall back on
Why do literal retards say this. What is he 'falling back on' with something as worthless as an economics degree? It blows my mind people still think a fucking college degree is worth anything just because it's a college degree.

>> No.53689553
File: 53 KB, 250x250, 1639211527677.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of people are about to meet a similar fate, given the recent news with BUSD and BNB dying

I would suggest to open short positions on BNB

>> No.53689610

Common denominator; twitter
get off social media you fickle cunts

>> No.53689859

Just want to point out seed oils should not be consumed. It's not a right wing conspiracy lol

>> No.53690085

Not him but yeah toxins are a thing.
There are fad “detoxing” diets and supplements that turned the name into a buzzword, but in essence a toxin is a compound that harms a living organism.

>> No.53690104

this, plus the fact that he won't die from seed oil poisining. This guy is so based.

>> No.53690160

depends on the seed and how you intake it
you're not supposed to cook with it, even though that's what they are sold for
you're always better going raw, or at most slightly heated, when it's edible raw
everything has toxins in it before you even get to the modern methods of production, it's just that you get an overload of toxins with modern methods and no-one is drinking water anymore for various reasons, e.g bad water supply, too much jewse etc.

>> No.53690473

>right wing retard shit

ask how we know you're from reddit

>> No.53690620

>In 1999, his mom informed us that he was “really into Day Trading” and had made a bunch of money (he was “running a business with Jeff Bezos” according to her). He dropped out of college to “invest full time”, I found his AOL account and he had tons of likes on Geocities accounts. Then at Christmas of 2021, he said Amazon would be at $10,000 in the next year.
>Then things went downhill in stocks and he re-enrolled in college in Fall of 2001, this time he wanted to do economics as his degree because he thought he knew a lot about it because he reads Yahoo things talking about Pet.com fed from Pet.com press releases. He dropped out a month later because he said he couldn’t focus. He moved back home and now works at Target stocking shelves, he also claimed at Christmas this year he got all his money out of the market right before the whole crash happened.
>When I look at his AOL account now it’s barely Day Trading stuff anymore but now it’s generic right wing retard stuff about like Bob Dole. I feel so bad because I know he has absolutely no future and I know he’s deluded himself into thinking he can just wait a few more years for the next stock bullrun, he likes tweets about "the Internet" all the time. Day Trading completely ruined his life.

Nothing has changed. Same shit different era. Some people go for it. Have a backup plan, never put eggs in one basket, etc.

>> No.53690643

What fucking country do you live in where you have to pay that much taxes for an asset where you fucking LOST money for just holding

>> No.53690837
File: 87 KB, 1920x1080, ayy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's nothing wrong with working. even if it's at Target. people need inspiration and compassion, then you can see them flourish into something wonderful. promotions. management. regional management. college business route, internships.

go talk to him dude. tell him to knock the revolutionary fantasy crap off for now and focus on actually find his center, his purpose, his goals aligned and strived. tell him to stop looking at crypto and start looking at the exact same financial principles being played out in penny stocks. i'd love nothing more than to watch one of these penny stocks moon so i can move onto a dime or nickle stock or whatever. something really cool is all..

having this kind of ability to play with money in a market and make informed decisions from multiple sources isn't something to squander and if your friend can manage this kind of economic thought then perhaps you can translate it to him in a way he may be able to "land softly" on the reality of.

>> No.53690867

>there are only two kinds of people, right wing retards, and redditors
makes sense

>> No.53690893
File: 126 KB, 600x469, 1665427322233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>right wing
>joe rogan
>andrew tate

>> No.53693175
File: 36 KB, 720x720, 1670902322533815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Joe Rogan
>right wing
retard alert

being against neo-liberalism doesn't make you right wing, basically everyone hates neo-liberals now and it actually started on the Left

>> No.53693255
File: 450 KB, 1142x1197, 1653669196274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I eat seed oils daily and have no health issues.

>> No.53695612

who the fuck even eats seed oils, I've never heard of that shit before

>> No.53696057

Eww. Didn't anyone teach you not to gossip like a women?

>> No.53696825

i remember your threads from last year
has anything actually changed since then?

>> No.53698310

What if it wasn't the real Ozzy Osbourne, but a random hedgehog?

>> No.53698662
File: 713 KB, 1286x1362, retr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retard stuff about like seed oils being poison

>> No.53698680

Cope harder LMAO

>> No.53698692

So stupid that a nigger mutt and a jew mutt are now seen as typical right wingers

>> No.53698735

almost every country where crypto to crypto is a taxable even

>> No.53698820

>I know he’s deluded himself into thinking he can just wait a few more years for the next crypto bullrun
You sound jealous anon, why does this make him delusional? If the degen did it once, he can do it again

>> No.53699025


>> No.53699273

Didn't he have a YouTube channel where he traded NFT's?

>> No.53699278


>> No.53699665

Holy shit this is a shill meme and not even a good one at that.

>> No.53700351

>he fell for the "these two sides are totally different" in fucking AMERIC
lmao dumb mark

>> No.53700385

Cryptocurrency didn't ruin his life, being dumb did.