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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 19 KB, 415x422, 635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53681278 No.53681278 [Reply] [Original]

I don't understand can someone explain

>> No.53681286

>that image
don't care what you had to say, furfag

>> No.53681301

>Icp cucks trying to associate themselves with Avax again
Fuck off, stop putting us in the same sentence

>> No.53681315

Classic r1b vs j2, story as old as time. If you know, you know

>> No.53681327

I'm follow Twitter too and the arguments there are constant reminds me of here

>> No.53681337

I* sorry I'm day drinking for niggabowl

>> No.53681410


>> No.53681691

Dom teased Emin on twitter and cryptoleaks made ava labs lose face

>> No.53681885

they're scared that icp will make their useless chain more useless and this

>> No.53683517

cause AVAX is literally a useless web2 platform and ICP will suck all of its liquidity when people stop being fucktards and realize what the usecase for ICP is

>> No.53683694

avax offers nothing new. icp is changing everything

>> No.53683700
File: 246 KB, 551x514, 1670195942891096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't hate love eachother.

>> No.53684710

We all know why.

>> No.53685093

avax runs on aws, icp runs on a sovereign network
subtle difference, avax roaches will get btfod/

>> No.53685116

Lol, the dfinity forum is full of chinks and ICP posters on /biz/ are pajeets shilling scams.
I truly will never understand why the obsession of larping as europeans

>> No.53685331

Imagine acting as if you don't know why

>> No.53685349
File: 379 KB, 2048x1522, doms_journalism_career.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dom is a envious faggot that spends his spare time fudding more successful projects. ICP baggies join in because they all ride Dom's cock and are happy to have a scapegoat for their poor investment decisions.

>> No.53685393
File: 45 KB, 759x615, 1673466254495215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ICP is a permissioned network so it's inherently centralized, that permission coming from a central authority. On the other hand, Avalanche is the most decentralized smart contract PoS network where the majority of nodes are run at home due to low hardware requirements for validators.
>avax runs on aws
not even close retard, see pic

>> No.53685468

tell me the central authority that runs ICP, retard. it's a protocol. no one owns HTTP or TCP.

>Avalanche is the most decentralized smart contract PoS network
oh my bad, it also runs on azure, gcp, ibm cloud, digital ocean, and akamai
avax "dapps" literally have a `.com` at the end of their urls. you're reliant on cloud like 99% of crypto.
get a grip LOL

>> No.53685527

im a filthy r1a who holds icp and waiting for r1b to pull money out their ass like they always do.

>> No.53685562

Seething AVAX roach detected- speaking of scapegoats, AVAX hired shady lawyers who would sell inside secrets during discovery from their frivolous lawsuit. Emin is a pathetic nigger and so are AVAX holders simple as- AVAX is a shitty little token moving protocol that operates on a centralized Amazon server- AVAX fags lie daily telling you that these are partnerships. That’s pretty much it. See more roach faggot

>> No.53685572

No one is ‘running’ an AVAX node you disingenuous retard. They’re all running on Amazon or some other centralized garbage that will be turned off instantly with whatever way government policy moves. All AVAX nodes run on singular centralized servers. Bitch ass nigger

>> No.53685685

>You will first need your proposal to be approved to become a Node Provider, and to deploy nodes and receive rewards
permissioned shitcoin

>muh fake partnership
not according to lead executives from AWS. do some research nigger

>no one is running AVAX nodes
source? you can scan IP addresses on nodes and find that they aren't private IPs not owned by web services. see pic >>53685393

>> No.53685703

god you are so fucking retarded i can't even comprehend how low your iq is

>> No.53685884

wow and it does nothing
great project

>> No.53686089

Seethe more
AVAX nigger

>> No.53686159
File: 154 KB, 675x900, jeffill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask this guy, he works for dfinity and fell ill with chemical poisoning after going to AVAX headquarters for some chinese meal. He ended up very unwell. Pic related.

>> No.53686225

How do I make an ICP website with a normal URL of my choosing? Like abc.icp

>> No.53686262

Get a website then have it redirect to a canister or something, idk im not a tech guy

>> No.53686312

Because ICP are jeet niggers that fud our coin because they are jealous of our success and superior blockchain

>> No.53686342

imagine being so blockchain illiterate to think that avax is more than a turkish ethereum rip off, lmao

>> No.53686584

You can just use dns like you would with a regular site but people will sperg out about muh decentralization.

>> No.53686622

Dfinity through the NNS both because people delegate to them for proposals and because they alone admit nodes to the network, which is what the NNS is made up of kek
You can't get voted off HTTP or TCP

>runs on azure, gcp, ibm cloud, digital ocean, and akamai
>~33% are cloud providers, the rest are hardware nodes run by individuals, all permissionlessly
wahhh you can't use THOSE server racks, only the ones daddy Dom says are ok!

Seethe and cope more you fucking retards lmao

>> No.53686680

How do I launch a website on avalanche?

>> No.53686701

>daddy dom
lmao reverse fud better

>> No.53688818
File: 82 KB, 456x759, -app-Domain-Delegation-Data.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>avax "dapps" literally have a `.com` at the end of their urls
funny how ICP retards think the .app at the end of their stupidly long and sketchy links, for example
somehow means they are not independent from large cloud providers. Demonstrates full ignorance of how the web works, especially the domain name system. ".com" is just a top level domain, same as .net, .org, .biz, etc... and that includes .app

turns out .app is owned and managed by one of the largest webservice providers, and arguably one of the most pozzed, that is none other than Google. The address is even registered to their AIDs ridden campus in Commiefornia.

or see pic

>> No.53688877
File: 147 KB, 1170x1336, Trace-DNS-Delegation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also did some tracerouting(see pic) on ICP links and found that they are dependent on not only on Google, but also Cloudflare and dfinity's own server(which is itself dependent on Moniker Online Services LLC).
Basically ICP is not only centralized, but centralized three times over. If any of these 3 entities wanted to censor or shutdown ICP apps then they could pull the plug.


>> No.53688932

>not independent from
>independent from
It's late and I'm clearly getting tired. that said, fuck all ICP niggers. you credulous cocksuckers should be doing this kind of research yourselves. good night you ungrateful niggers, I hate you all.

>> No.53689060
File: 276 KB, 3637x1754, fdef344ea2ffe5fbadcf8a74526b47285481126b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The network itself is decentralized, as in, the canisters ("smart contracts") are running on hardware in independent data centers and the nodes are owned by dozens of independent providers.

The current http gateway (ic0.app) is managed by Dfinity, but it won't be the only gateway for long.3rd party managed gateways are on the roadmap, so in the future anyone can create their own domains that allow users to interface with the internals of the network. Refer to this diagram.

Granted, it's currently a valid piece of FUD but Dfinity has acknowledged it and is working on a solution. Although only time will tell how long it takes.

>> No.53689257

Wow you figured out how dns works great job faggot. See >>53686584

Now go enjoy your roach chain that can’t even host so much as a shitty nft.

>> No.53689396

buy your domain here icns.id and redirect it to your canister

>> No.53690352

Incorrect the jeets shill their icp shitcoins and nfts. Whites hold ICP.

>> No.53690381

Checked and intelligent enough to have legitimate fud but doesn't really worry me to much due to >>53689060
I still don't get the ICP/AVAX fued. One is obviously superior when you use them but both are very clearly going to be winners in the coming bull market so why not just hold both. It's not like you're cheating on your gf unless you got overly attached to the AI waifu.

>> No.53692083

same VCs gave money to both projects lol

>> No.53692225


>> No.53692928

Weird, I thought ICP community/foundation financing a malicious and vile hit piece against Avalanche out of the blue surely mean OP confused between the dynamics of the two? It's the opposite right?