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53680569 No.53680569 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck was that? Genuinely curious. LINK had that spike but nothing else did

>> No.53680586

Link pumped, BTC dumped to suppress it. Tale as old as time.

>> No.53680619

Assuming this is true, who and why is suppressing link?

>> No.53680621

((They)) are

>> No.53680635

Just like every other LINK breakout attempt, it got shot down by BTC dumping the whole market.

>> No.53680652

But why?

>> No.53680663

to make newfriends sell and foster negativity towards the only real project in crypto

>> No.53680682 [DELETED] 

Checkout the smartcon talks with Sergey and associates of SWIFT, DTCC, BNY. They talked abut how stinky linky could potentially be used to settle and secure quadrillions of dollars. Are there any more questions?

>> No.53680701

>Are there any more questions?
I do actually, if the goal is to suppress link's price, why was it even allowed to pump to 50 dollars in the first place? Why was it even allowed to breach 1 dollar?

>> No.53680706

So far, we have proof that:
- Nexo and other big institutions are shorting LINK
- Binance, the largest holder of LINK after Chainlink, are literally copying the code base of the project and reusing it under the framework of BSC (they want a piece of the pie, just like what they've done with ETH)

>> No.53680718

I'm sorry, but you're asking way too many questions.

>> No.53680746

Why is the reply you're responding to deleted? What did it say?

>> No.53680748

RLC, API3, BAND all spiked in unison with LINK down to the minute, in fact RLC and API3 are holding off much better than LINK
these "oracle" shitcoins have the same arbitrage bots, it's shitty whale games meant to distract the bagholders

>> No.53680756

>Checkout the smartcon talks with Sergey and associates of SWIFT, DTCC, BNY. They talked abut how stinky linky could potentially be used to settle and secure quadrillions of dollars. Are there any more questions?
he then proceeded to delete it himself so you can bite, the oldest shilling trick in the book
/biz/ never fucking changes

>> No.53680820
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Yeah but RLC/API3/BAND are bad projects (I don't own their tokens.)
LINK good project (I have many tokens.)
I figured it was a self delete, just wanted to know what was said. Thanks

>> No.53680839

your subjective, biased opinions have nothing to do with how this shitty market operates
my point is that LINK isn't doing anything special, it is moving in unison with the broader market and specifically is in lockstep with these aforementioned shitcoins

>> No.53680842

it's a fakeout. idk if it's algorithmic or just someone's edge, "they" know LINK has a zillion shorters and traders terrified that it will randomly pump out of nowhere, freak pumps like this against the market are intended to scare them into making a mistake

>> No.53680931
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>> No.53680981

Retarded logic.
It’s better for them to price you out. Token isn’t needed, simple as.

>> No.53681080
File: 36 KB, 600x600, 1675526952478849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I was just having a giggle is all m8. Thanks for your insight

>> No.53681126

Major gigawhale (or centralised group of whales) swing bot has clear pattern, It's not only LINK, There are other coins that act in predictable manner right before or right after major BTC action.

>> No.53681432
File: 169 KB, 1244x1022, 1668149393650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see pic

>> No.53681513

>RLC, API3, BAND all spiked in unison with LINK
lmao no they didn't.
Link was the only one to have an actual pump.

>> No.53681836
File: 42 KB, 334x506, 285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LINK is an optimal signal coin for whales. The market cap/volume is just optimal: it's not too high, so it's relatively cheap to manipulate the price (aka signalling), it's not too low so it's not possible to manipulate it below whale levels. And the price is relatively stable (compared to some other crypto chains) because nothing ever happens. Sergay and his roasties don't do anything and there're lot of brainwashed bagholders "who're never selling" and have no real money to buy, stabilizing the price.

There're some other coins which could fit the criteria, but I have a feeling at least some of the whales playing with the LINK price are from here and are purposefully shitting on the linkies.

>> No.53681853

RLC pumped almost 30% while LINK managed a 14% followed by a big retracement
if anything, RLC was the one to have an actual pump, not LINK

>> No.53681879

RLC was higher just the day before, stop posting nonsense.

>> No.53681941

you're right on this, but RLC did indeed pump simultaneously with LINK at the exact same time from $1.95 to $2.22 which is almost 14%
same applies to BAND with a 13% pump and actually API3 had the biggest pump of them all at 20% but it retraced even harder than LINK
bottom line is all of them are running on the same algorithm, proving that LINK does not have independent movements against the market
check the charts yourself

>> No.53682004

Chainlink was literally the only one out of all of these that had a significant (i.e. much higher than the days prior) pump right at that time.
And then a few hours later Bitcoin dumped.

>> No.53682065

>Chainlink was literally the only one out of all of these that had a significant (i.e. much higher than the days prior) pump right at that time.
LINK pumped 13.85%
BAND pumped 13.20%
RLC pumped 13.8%
API3 pumped 17.8%
all of them pumped at the exact same time (3AM UTC)
what are you even talking about?

>> No.53682074

Anon, Chainlink was the only one that pumped to a significantly higher level than the preceding period.

>> No.53682081

anon, I think you're genuinely retarded

>> No.53682115

Literally everything in the crypto market had some kind of upward thrust right at that time, that's what bots cause.
But Link was one of the very few that was climbing to higher levels than the period immediately prior.

In other words: Link was sticking its head out above the market trend.
And when you want to suppress the price of something, this is exactly what you want to push back down.

>> No.53682165

it was the maker integration news.

>> No.53682170
File: 180 KB, 1517x734, 1678463549340854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok anon

>> No.53682218
File: 182 KB, 812x1908, bandapirlclink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your pic shows exactly what I said.
Here's an even clearer depiction.

During that spike, APU3 is the only one outside of Chainlink that is somewhat higher than the preceding period, but only by like 5%.
That specific spike for Chainlink sticks out by around 15%.

>> No.53682252

>but only by like 5%.
And only for a split second.

Link pumped and the pump stuck for like 6 hours. And then they dumped BTC.

>> No.53682302

>random irrelevant shitcoins are allowed to trend upwards all they want
>the second Chainlink tries to move upwards from its flatline, Bitcoin dives off a cliff to stop it

Thanks for posting that chart, anon. Very enlightening.

>> No.53682325

It was me. I'm the singular root cause of the behavior "btc dumps whenever link pumps".
It's actually backwards, it's pretty easy to tell when btc is about to dump. I just push the price of link up before every btc dump. It's easy to do this because markets are so thin.
I don't make money doing this. I just thought it would be funny.

>> No.53682347

Does anyone actually short BTC whenever link pumps?

>> No.53682502

quantitative eating, kek

>> No.53682806

I heard Sergey has a huge funko pop collection

>> No.53682826

why do you think btc dumped? if you think it is because of literally anything else in the world besides chainlink you are a retard

>> No.53683324
File: 401 KB, 680x591, 1676232351914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The market makers know its not needed therefore they dump the price to get it closer to its true value of 0

>> No.53683343

This image completely destroys linktards severe case of confirmation bias lmao

>> No.53683353

This is convincing, response anon?

>> No.53683356
File: 238 KB, 1413x1136, link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See photograph.

>> No.53683390

yes yes,, gaze upon it with your primitive mongolian eyeball

>> No.53683798

It is true that three sips of the Ganges is quite comparable to the "post nut clarity" experience but that's hardly something you can market on a bottle.

>> No.53683909
