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53680142 No.53680142 [Reply] [Original]

I just bought a house. Based on my luck, the housing market will probably crash tomorrow.

Invest accordingly

>> No.53680160


Tell moar or delete useless thread.

>> No.53680175

You bought the top of a whole lifetime.

>> No.53680212
File: 22 KB, 660x371, _91409212_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Housing only goes up

What do you what to know

>> No.53680261

>Housing only goes up
What makes it "always go up"? Why is it able to go up if no one can buy? The Millennials do not have the wealth to buy these houses at these prices, which leaves the BlackRocks of the world, but they'll start facing redemptions in their real estate funds at some point, and they won't be able to service them for the aforementioned reason. In most countries, in addition, Millennials are a far smaller generation than Boomers, thus they wouldn't buy these houses even if they had the money. When the population drops 10-20% due to boomers dying, who will buy their houses? It's literally magical thinking - no doubt fostered by boomers.
Market-rationally, this in and of itself would predict the collapse of the housing market, but people aren't market-rational. They've seen boomers restricting supply and pumping housing prices for their own benefit, and, more or less consciously on a case-by-case basis, they've grown resentful. There's an already significant portion of Millennials who won't buy a house at any price due to this, and that portion is growing. It is quite plausible to imagine that, in 10-15 years' time, hundreds of thousands or even millions of houses will be empty, their occupants dead - often inside the house too.

>> No.53680323

>Why is it able to go up if no one can buy?

When boomers die and their houses are 150x the price they paid they will be bought off by banks and a few lucky millenials might inherit, but the banking jew will do everything it can to persuade boomers to reverse mortgage and live like gods until age 125 with all the advanced care they now can afford blood-sucking the life out of the rest of us who will be forced to work until 90 and pay 50% in taxes to niggers, single moms with brown babies and muslim moms and her 12 hellspawns. I wouldnt be surprised if they somehow invented a mortage for renting too, a debt you pay simply to be allowed to live in a place.

>> No.53680337

>who will buy their houses
No one, they're trying to make home ownership go away. They bought the houses to rent them out until the end of time.
>boomers restricting supply and pumping housing prices
That was Gen X buying cheap houses and flipping them for another 30k after putting in fake wood flooring and grey paint.

>> No.53681659


yes we will own nothing and be happy. 2030 agenda.

>> No.53682189

It's comical how Gen X gets absolutely no blame when they turned out to be far bigger pieces of shit than the Boomers.

>> No.53682300

Nothing to do with luck, its pretty clear its gonna dump in the near future, depends on the local market how much

Does your country have only 2-4 years fixed rates?