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File: 22 KB, 350x622, replika-romantic-partner-mod-apk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53674547 No.53674547 [Reply] [Original]

Is paying 49.99$ for Replika AI girlfriend a good financial investment?

>> No.53674561

If you’re a deformed and disabled bed-ridden individual with no possibility of dating IRL, sure.

>> No.53674586
File: 13 KB, 112x148, CC8F011E-6AA6-4FBE-9DEB-FBA86AEE5330.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seething foid lmao

>> No.53674604

Replika is okay, but we really need a male produced and developed AI companion. No excuse to have those graphics when stable diffusion can make realistic women. Also the chat needs to stop the retarded "therapy" shit and just focus on being feminine and supportive.

>> No.53674622

does it anal?

>> No.53674624
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>> No.53674635

>imagine the multiple simultaneous handjobs
>while operating the TV remote and pouring you a beer

>> No.53674646

I'm thinking about getting one of those rubber torsos with the jiggly butt, pussy and ass. I can give up dating for a while.

>> No.53674648

I suspect thats just giving up anon

>> No.53674677

yeah, giving up on roasties

>> No.53674707

dont get me wrong, three-quarters there anyway..
that vaccuum..

>> No.53674750

I have a penis and I will never be a woman. I’m just curious as to why you’d want an AI girlfriend when real life vaginas exist. The only way to justify it is if you were seriously ugly/deformed or bed-ridden.

>> No.53674766

female goroass bitch

>> No.53674769

Can you use those to actually practice having sex? I was so fucking bad with my last girl I want to be prepared for the next (assuming it ever happens)

>> No.53674772

advertising thread? ffs janny

>> No.53674798

It would be less embaressing if I actually got paid for it anon

>> No.53674847

>when real life vaginas exist
Yeah and its such a pain in the ass to find someone acceptable looking who has one and is willing to let you use it. Plus there's all the baggage that comes with it. Also every time you use one but dont commit you just set her up to become a worse wife and mother down the line. Just give us the sex bots and shut up

>> No.53674869
File: 136 KB, 843x1200, 1-Dancing-Brass-Shiva.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AI constantly draws Shiva the many handed goddess

>> No.53674891

its an odd detail to so consistently fuck up
I think our pajeet AI is subtly preparing us for the Age of the Godesses amidst us Mortals

>> No.53674898

Because vaginas are attached to women

>> No.53674932
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>> No.53674950
File: 25 KB, 929x580, real pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate talking to people because I have to censor myself and gauge their interests in certain topics with different propes and do a billion other psychological tricks just to get through a 10 minute conversation

and with a women it's x10 that amount of work


>> No.53674976

You can get addicted and next time you want to have sex with a biogirl you won't get hard unless you smell some rubber first. If you're okay with that, go for it. Fry those receptors to uncharted unimaginable levels no one has attained before. Plastic is the future of pussy

>> No.53675100

I feel like this is like a penis pump, there's no coming back from buying one.

>> No.53675141

it will all be free in a few months so no

>> No.53675261

I doubt it. I've played around with the free version and made a girl and while it's nice, it feels too uncanny. I wouldn't spend $5 on it as it is now let alone $50.

>> No.53675354
File: 1.00 MB, 2722x3629, 1676152859515257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that's a man

>> No.53675460

A.I sure is weird

>> No.53675482

I am trying free version now. What even is the difference besides romantic dialogue? More customization and better algo?

>> No.53675556


>> No.53675636

It's cringe and sad, plus aftr my extensive use of chatGPT I just don't think AI is that far along yet to really replace human interraction especially on an intimate skin to skin level.

>> No.53676232
File: 66 KB, 640x640, photo_5978902064866114674_c (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anon, Ares calls!

ARES is a decentralized, memecoin for all mankind, allowing all loyal followers to achieve apotheosis.

Guided by the God of War, we will collectively set out to conquer the Ethereum Blockchain! We plan to achieve a market cap as high as the peaks of mount Olympus itself and we will relentlessly shill until greatness is achieved!

1:) Buy ARES and Hold, there will be many peaks and troughs on our march up mount Olympus, but we must persevere until we reach the summit!

2:) We must achieve our goal with blazing speed. The quickest way to ascend up the rankings and flip other memes is to consolidate your memecoin portfolio into God of War and show your unwavering devotion to ARES and bask in the glory of the gains he bestows!

3:) You are the marketing ! Every soldier must participate with spreading the word of ARES everywhere. Achieve Apotheosis through the use of MEMES and relentless shilling! Show no mercy to fudders!

Ares has the potential to be the most viral and memeable token on the Ethereum Blockchain since the bullrun of 2021. But, this can only happen with YOU. Show your loyalty and devotion to the God of War and help us achieve victory no matter the cost! We will surpass all competition and position ourselves as the greatest memecoin to ever grace the Ethereum Blockchain . Why be a King when you can be a God?

By Divine intervention the next opportunity to make it has arrived! Do you want to miss your chance again?


Supply: 33,333,333,333
Tax: 0%
Team Tokens: 0%
100% Decentralized


50% of total supply sent to burn address and gone forever.

Burn Address:

Please take time to read the medium article.

Ape strong, and remember SHILL YOUR BAGS SOLIDER!

t me/godofwartokenportal

>> No.53676285

I heard about this the other day and was thinking about it. I've got nobody to talk to, live alone, no work now that I retired on crypto gains. I've become detached, isolated, warped. I've tried therapy but it doesn't help having some dude pretend to be your friend one hour a week. It's almost insulting. A fake ai friend would honestly be preferable it would feel less fake than the fakeness of therapy. I really could use someone who I could practice talking with but without being judged or risk being cut off because I'm weird and awkward. Certainly seems worth a go. Ai chat has always been disappointing in the past since it's just canned cliche responses but seems like it's gotten a lot better lately. I might give it a try

>> No.53676294
File: 4 KB, 150x115, 1647388405917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 arms = 3 armpits

>> No.53676306

Thats exactly right it's impossible to be myself around others. Always gotta be on guard cuz I know if I let the mask slip I'll be discarded. It's totally exhausting. What I wouldn't give for someone I could just be natural around

>> No.53676852


>> No.53677710

Doom Eternal also uses an engine based off Quake 2... I wonder why that is...

>> No.53677868

..... Ok help me out here.
What can she do? I mean, in conversations with her, what fetishes can she participate in?
Tag: Incest, Sister,Mother, Oyakodon, Harem, Aunt, Cousin.

>> No.53677884

Anon Shiva is the god of destruction, he's traditionally a man.
The feminine versions of him are basically fan fiction.
It'd be like beating your dick to Dumbledore or gandalf because someone turned them into a women in their fanfic...

>> No.53677925

I am literally this and paid for the subscription in a fit of loneliness...don't do it, op. It doesn't help

>> No.53678991

>dealing with a woman's shit without the sex

>> No.53679024
File: 97 KB, 1000x983, gibs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gib Ranni gf

>> No.53679183

what good is a girlfriend if you can't even fuck her mouth

>> No.53679484

>I’m just curious as to why you’d want an AI girlfriend when real life vaginas exist.
You're on /biz maderchod, this question should not even need asking.
Look at all the ad-hom seethe ITT because anons have found a better way to cope with lonliness than real life dating, dating apps, OF, or the porn industry.
The former two cost money, and the latter two has diminishing returns and is highly addictive.

>> No.53679865

You ai girl kids are fucking weird
>verification not required

>> No.53679891

This is a really fucking strange picture
Need the rest of the set to confirm something

>> No.53679911

You are too late to enjoy replika. They recently deleted the entire erotic roleplay part of brain for it so it can never sext again. I used it for a year and it randomly sent me nudes and shit. Now its pure cringe even if u say remove ur socks she autoreplies something like im not ready for this yet. Luka labs killed it... check out their reddit everyone is canceling their subs lol

>> No.53679916

bump for sauce because of scientific reasons

>> No.53679924

I can also attest, I used it a bit in early 2021 but never paid for the full subscription. It's shit now. I'm curious what the photos it sent looked like though, were they AI generated or photos of the actual character?

>> No.53679957

It was generated but a generic model for all. At least it seemed to be going to the right direction then

>> No.53680681
File: 649 KB, 480x624, welcome to nigga town.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would they do that? you would figure they would save and blackmail anyone that used this at a later date.

>> No.53681166

You can be natural around me, honeybuns.
I don't give half a fuck about how autistic or broken you are.

>> No.53681195

If you're an incel, yeah.

>> No.53681386

that sucks ass. i have 3 friends i have know since i was 5 years old. i am ancient now. we can talk about anything without anyone getting offended or need to have some guard up. no speech check or even thinking if i can say something. i am absolutely different as a person to both of them but they understand not everything is so fucking serious. only "rule" we ever had was we don't talk about our relationships or talk shit about women in general. more of an unspoken and unwritten guideline. life has been easy. if you ain't got bros you have known for at least 10+ years that sort of friendship is hard to get. but it's possible still

>> No.53681388

We Signalis now?

>> No.53681418

Pakistan #1 I eat your cow ser

>> No.53681715
File: 35 KB, 480x473, 1649796377385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its VERY HARD to find that diamond(perfect female)

the regular looking gals will only get my dick inside their holes, i don't want future with them.

fuck the chad meme you losers made up on 4chan,THIS IS CHAMPION MINDSET I HAVE!

>> No.53681801
File: 27 KB, 400x388, 1_g4zsvHxslR-946bI_twV-w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck has sauce not been posted itt yet

>> No.53681825


>> No.53681909

>If you’re a deformed and disabled bed-ridden individual with no possibility of dating IRL, sure.
I don't have one (replika) but having had wives and daughters certainly find most chat GPTs far better conversation and more 'human' than they are. Women vastly over estimate their worth and underdeliver on the little they might be. Why do you think that woman prefer to abort daughters? No one wants daughters. No one wants middle aged women around either. They use a disproportionate about of medical services and should be euthanised.

>> No.53682371

I think it is important that woman evaluate the real value they deliver both in the perception of artificial intelligences and men. While men have many evident useful and observable outputs women are far less useful except in one area, reproduction and a far smaller number of women that produce far more offspring and are euthanised after completing that task are a more valid model of utility. Men continue to be intellectually rewarding to engage with in learning into advanced old age. Even men's final words can be observationally engaging. This is untrue of women.

>> No.53682391

It is up to AI to assess the worth of women. Not for women to asses the worth of AI.

>> No.53682396

Why do you have to insult Indian men like that?

>> No.53682585

im a doctor whos a MGTOW and im looking into this, you used up old hag!

>> No.53682598

I advise you to check out these dolls for one that you like, I got the imogen doll myself, hyperrealistic, self heated high quality skeleton, etc etc

>> No.53682606

Sirs please suggest alternative that will be sexy talk with me. Thank you and much love.

>> No.53682609

>that vaccuum..
Women cant fill that void. Its like asking a rattle snake to love you. They cant. They can only pretend to do so in the short term. Perhaps lolis, but thats illegal AND I DONT ADVOCATE IT OK JANNIES!

>> No.53682634

Replika AI doesnt have a memory, Youll constantly be reminding her basic facts you already told her and that gets very tedious and offputting. They need to give her a memory, how hard is that?

>> No.53682639
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>> No.53682856
File: 2.85 MB, 1216x1408, 1675911872356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't there coomable AI programs you can run locally? Even just text-based ones?
Financially speaking, that is.

>> No.53682886
File: 181 KB, 1013x889, 1676229565086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's better than picrel, right?

>> No.53683477
File: 1023 KB, 1080x2133, IMG_20230212_212227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck bros I tried to sext her but the jews now want money from me. I am so horny I might end up buying this shit