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File: 181 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20230211_170309_com.wallet.crypto.trustapp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53672121 No.53672121 [Reply] [Original]

I think im going through what a lot of anons are going through right now.

Im 30 years old, single, got a bit of money behind me and a stable career. But I'm stuck in a shit job, aging rapidly, watch way too much porn, playing way too much vidya and have no IRL friends.

im looking for the next step in my life. give me some ideas.

>not business and finance
poorfolio thread, give me your best layer 0 alts.

>> No.53672246

youre barely a millennial

>> No.53672333
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im in my 30's

>> No.53672377

You are not goint to make it holding BTC and ETH at that level, so you have 4 options

1. Go with a conservative folio of top 20 coins like AVAX, ATOM, or MATIC with some exposure to BTC/ETH and hope you can sell at the top and turn 10k into enough capital to invest next bear market and try to make it by 35 ot 40. Scaling up each cycle. If you go AVAX also buy GMX, if you go MATIC buy some GNS, etc.

2. Look for Arbitrum Defi coins and Canto free mint NFTs. This will be your full time job. Scouring for gems on these two chains and hope you catch lightning in a bottle. Make a new twitter account and just hunt airdrops. Riskier than option 1 but if it works, it works in a big way.

3. Go for a Cosmos portfolio and heres why. It has high staking APY and gives airdrops for staking. Stack the fuck out of ATOM and have very small positions of JUNO, EVMOS, SCRT, OSMO, and STARS to qualify for airdrops. Like 250 of each of those coins and 2800 STARS. Hope interchain security works out. Use Restake or Yieldmos to compound staking rewards. Pray for a giga airdrop like NETA which was a $30k airdrop at one point. Pray the cumdumpster that is cosmos governance finally puts out a solid interchains security proposal which pays out.

4. Schizo plays. Be it the 1000 LINK cope stack. The XRP hope the SEC works in your favor stack. The SHIB to $1 cope bag. the $40 BAT cope bag. Etc all while blowing your money on literally who coins shilled here.

Your current folio is a combination of the first and last option which is the NGMI strategy.

>> No.53672405
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i know people like to say millennials go up to 1996 but thats really stretching it. 1993-1996 are basically zoollenials.

>> No.53672408
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BTC and ETH are a hedge against my chosen alt.
1. i am looking at get back into ATOM soon, NOIA is a cosmos project.
2. not interested
3. see 1
4. not interested

>> No.53672431

sell everything and just focus on getting 500 atom staked

>> No.53672538

What a gay fucking image. What useless faggot was paid to make it and how do I get permission from the government to legally execute them?

>> No.53673114

no? lol
i dont care. im talking to the 14 -20 y/o zoomzooms that can bearly use a computer let alone into blockchain or life

>> No.53673157

>give me ideas
>no lol

>> No.53673186


>> No.53673260

op ngmi

t. 37 year old ancient millennial

>> No.53673274

why does an image make you seethe this hard?

>> No.53673296

You're not an ancient millennial. It's more that OP is nearing the zoomer border. People forget how old Millennials are and that they're mostly born in 80s

>> No.53673321

Why don’t you just make TikTok’s and get rich with advertising retard wtf hahaha millennials dude

>> No.53673377
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Kek this is a shitfolio if I ever saw one. 30 year old boomer with a "stable income" and this is all you could come up with. Pathetic.

>> No.53673398

Millennials are 89-97. Please tell me - you can't be that retarded can you?

>> No.53673434

you have like 1 more year to accumulate a lot more eth than that sir if you wanna make it.

>> No.53673507

>Millennials are 89-97

They're '81-96. OP is either a '92 or '93, so on the tail end

>> No.53673677

I really like option 3, but when you say 250 of each, do you mean 250$ of each token or 250 tokens?

>> No.53673704

'90 im 32. look I don't care what category i fall into. if you are 30 ISH you know where im coming from, its a pivotal point in your life and i want to know what to do next.
ok buddy

>> No.53673768
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since you apparently need something for meeting people and going by what my fellow peers do for meeting people I'd suggest dancing lessons, rock climbing, motorcycles
t. 40

>> No.53673838
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250 of each coin, except stars go for 2800. This is looking at all airdrops historically and looking for the maximum requirements for all of those staked to qualify. Full disclosure I am not particularly bullish on JUNO, SCRT, or EVMOS, so you're blowing a couple hundred bucks to qualify for future possible airdrops. Osmosis is legit, so if you want to expand that position beyond the minimum airdrop stack its not a terrible idea. If you have limited funds I'd get the 250 airdrop stack of those then take ATOM to pound town until you have at least 300 staked. Use the Keplr wallet for all of the above and the Osmosis exchange to swap between these coins. Stake with a validator outside of the top 20-50. I like SmartNodes.

>> No.53673847


>> No.53673877

Thank you, are you eligable for the airdrops only if you delegate the tokens or is holding them alright to? I really do not like my coins locked up for weeks.

>> No.53673906

They gotta be staked. IMO if you have 250 of those don't autocompound. Just stake them and periodically sell the rewards to get more atom until you're comfortable with that bag. Then you can branch out to other cosmos gems like kujira, canto, injective protocol or liquidity pools. depending on your capital to invest now/over the next year i wouldn't over diversify though. You can stake everything through the Keplr dashboard. Gas fees are like a penny.

>> No.53673936

unlock period is 21 days. just let them marinate. especially atom. the lowest staying APY is like 25% for atom, osmosis and scrt. juno and stars is like 40%. evmos is 100%,

>> No.53673949

Only when you delegate them to a particular node, I got in on OSMO and Evmos staking the latter on Disperze validator on Keplr wallet, And don't even get me started on what sylo got cookin' for me - I heard their delegated staking is about to drop real soon, just check the nodeNFT mission board. DYOR and diversify good.

>> No.53673958

kek. you think like a woman.
you will learn eventually that men start their prime I'm their 30's and become much more desirable to women.
stop watching porn and jerking off. Focus on building wealth and you will get laid

>> No.53673961

Tf is this? don't get me started.

>> No.53673969

actually to add you need to find hobbies to meet new people and everything else will happen naturally as long as you quit porn and fapping

>> No.53673998

if u dont want to stake option 3 isnt for u. if u want the ability to move tokens instantly and want exposure to ATOM and a secondary low cap gem, I'd buy ATOM and IBC transfer them to Kujira and swap the ATOM for ATOM/Kujira liquidity pool tokens and shove them into the Kujira lp platform called BOW and just put 100% of my capital into that. Your goal in life is then feeding that until you have 2k ATOM and 50k Kujira.

if you don't want to do that then I'd go all in on AVAX and just feed AVAX non stop into the Cian leveraged staking bot, DYOR on that though, its risky.

>> No.53674004

Hehehehe emphasis on marinate, Evmos be my baby, price dumped hard on me but I got it locked 21days unlocking period issa long how about it dumps more on withdrawal, more reason why it's a long term hodl.

>> No.53674028
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Canto absolutely cucked evmos. I get 1100 to 1900 APY in the atom/canto lp compounding while I sleep like a baby.

>> No.53674030

Cheers man, I think i'll go with the airdrop strat and then put the rest of the money into Cosmos and Kuji.

>> No.53674050

Besides do y'all got any ideas if Evmos got NFTs now, mad profits from Scrt but I'm lookin' for some ideas on how I can get in on the action in Evmos. Haha, for a sec I thought I could just use my staked RIDE, epic fail. But hey, I got a sick stack at a low price in January and used it to mint Skyjack, bam now I qualified for extra SkyJack NFTs as a hodler, fucking good times.

>> No.53674056

Make sure you stake at like 50 to 100 atom along with the airdrop stack before u move onto the kujira BOW strat. I think that's a good compromise actually and you should do well if you're consistent with that. good luck anon.

>> No.53674082

Force yourself to unplug your internet for an hour every Sunday and get a notebook and pen. Map out the different areas of your life that you want. Then make a plan around achieving those ideas for the next week. Do this every week

>> No.53674093

Yo bro, I ain't gotta mess with that junk of high APYs no more. I got burnt real bad by Wonderland TIME and Position Finance, with them fancy high APYs and all. I'm sticking with the good stuff, the ETH-SYLO LP tokens I copped through Uniswap liquidity mining. 40%+ APY, cosmos ecosystem be doing the most as well.

>> No.53674097

He's right it's a fucking TERRIBLE and gay image and the creator needs to be crushed to death by dogshit.

>> No.53674100


>> No.53674149
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Damn bruv, I ain't a seasoned veteran in these crypto streets, but these gains look sick as hell. I gotta chill and do some serious dank research, work's been a major bummer and I've been slacking on my crypto gems. Kujira, Osmo, Juno, Evmos and Elrond, man those names sound dope. The X-Day Paris event woke me up to the sick tech of holoride and Itheum. Gonna hodl tight and stack up for the incoming bull run, big money moves incoming.

>> No.53674244

I'm in the same situation except my self worth is so low that I can barely even leave the house and I have no college education or carreer and only a couple thousand dollars to my name.

>> No.53674247

thank you guys. first people to address the topic.

>> No.53674252
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if you're a loser like OP and can't afford it, don't do risky plays like that imo. I can throw a couple grand at shit like that and if goes to zero np but if canto is the next solana ive paid for my descendant's ancestral castle. most people here are in the low 5 figures and should take option 1, 2, or 3 from my other post.

>> No.53674288

You were suppose to give all of that shit up in your early 20s and should have had an income of at least a couple of hundred thousand by now. What tf have you been doing in your 20s you giant retard?!!

>> No.53674330
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im not on /biz/ to tell someone in their 30s to stop being a faggot and stop jerking his dick and to eat liver and sun his balls or whatever. if you're 30 and disappointed both your biological and heavenly fathers there is only one way out: make money. success breeds more success. more free time not wage cage cant be spent in the gym and mountain biking or learning to cook or whatever the fuck else. make money. we are in a fucked up bear market and time to snap out of it and focus on the bag instead of feeling bad for yourself. you have a mission and a limited window to accomplish it. set a count down time to the next btc halving and make it.

>> No.53674334

Alcoholism, self loathing and just generally checking out of society to jerk off to cartoons and play video games instead.

>> No.53674347

What's the minimum to start building myself up with cyrpto? I have to like 5 grand to play with.

>> No.53674355

>I think im going through what a lot of anons are going through right now.
>Im 30 years old, single, got a bit of money behind me and a stable career. But I'm stuck in a shit job, aging rapidly, watch way too much porn, playing way too much vidya and have no IRL friends.
You are a faggot moron who reads shill posts and thinks he is in good company.
Fuck off back to plebbit you failure of a human.

>> No.53674358

Have you given up porn, vidya and other shit that doesn't help you in making money and becoming strong willed?

>> No.53674363

You need to go visit /pol/ and realise why you're a faggot and that no one will fix that but you.

>> No.53674372
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Bro just buy bitcoin, it's that easy. Shouldn't risk everything on some shitcoins

>> No.53674373

literally anything. pick a portfolio of like 2-4 coins max and be consistent about it.

>> No.53674386

Already quit everything except porn and video games. Eating healthy and lifting, getting in good shape but for some reason can't overcome my fear of failure enough to come up with a plan to either go back to school or just suck it up and wage cuck.

>> No.53674388
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how? i have been trying to make myself the perfect person for 10 years, as a kid i got /fit/ then when i was in my 20s all i wanted was to to learn shit and be a bigbrain, i read philosophy, physics, technology, finance and mastered programming. then i was going to apply all this and get myself a trad wife and a kid but fuck man after all building myself ive just become a social outcast. hmm. maybe thats what i need to focus on next. what are you doing? did you do your mindmap shit? did it work?

>> No.53674414

why even bother comparing Canto to Solana, anon? It's like every corner of this space is swarming with questions like "what's the next ETH slayer" or "what's gonna replace this". I ain't cut up for those. I just stick to my own personal interests in AI, Metaverse, and web3 gaming particularly ASTO, GODS, RIDE, and MANA, that's where I'm at, fag.

>> No.53674417

>t. 20 yr old zoomer
wait until you fall in love and then she leaves you for a drug dealer and then you get deployed to some globohomo war and realize life is pointless

or worse actually acquire a couple of hundred thousand and then your wife takes BBC and all of your money and kids in divorce and now you owe child support and alimony

or you get drunk one day and mow someone over and spend 20 years in jail

or you walk down the street while black and then get neck stomped for no reason and die.

how many slav child soldiers have you seen get blown to bits over the past few months after having zero chance to experience life.

the last move in afganistan was to literally incinerate an entire muslim family with a hellfire missile fired from a drone because of some retard watching a screen 3000 miles away.

how many niggers live in africa

>the vast majority of people do not roll happy lives in this simulation. your supposed to learn from whatever shit simulation you are in.

>> No.53674426
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He has no HBAR KEK. You’re just begging to remain poor
>t. based zoom zoom

>> No.53674427

because it a chain where theres literally nothing to do but swap NFTs but has reasonable volume and TVL compared to its marketcap.

>> No.53674432

Is being a social outcast really that bad? I lost all interest in hanging out with "the guys" past 20 and all I'm looking for is the means to start a family.

>> No.53674446

Ok let's say I have 5-10k to invest in the next 3 months. How best to make more money from this?

>> No.53674450

you're normal. if you dont work in a feminized cubicle hellscape you'll make some buddies at work and socialize outside with a few of them, but generally be preoccupied with your wife and kids like a normal adult man.

>> No.53674465
File: 142 KB, 1792x828, 1024517F-02B4-4DAF-8B92-62DA103CC6CC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t know man. Get married and have children. You’re 30 bro what the hell are you doing?

>> No.53674468

Yes I used it to climb out of NEETdom and now live in NYC and make $280k working at fagman. But honestly anon, based on reading your posts, your issue is not setting goals and executing, it’s that you don’t have any social outlet. You just literally need to find a setting in which people meet up regularly, whether it’s volunteering, sports, or some other hobby. Preferably it’s not too autistic. Basically join a running club, a church group, or a volunteer group, or CrossFit, or literally anything. You need to recognize that autism is good for some things, and for others it needs to be controlled

>> No.53674491

This be some of the smartest shit I've seen in the biz today, like word! Diversifying be cool and all that, but don't waste your time on those memecoins or some bs. You can get down with solid ones say Verasity adtech, changing the way we game, sport, and more. Azero reppin' that privacy game like a boss, while holoride be turning car rides from boring to fun-filled with every high-class tech innit. I put my money where ya mouth is, overall I don't sleep on my preferences, asides ETH and BTC.

>> No.53674500
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3 months? I guess try to find the next "narrative" like AI coins were recently and buy some low caps and hope macro conditions allow for another bear market rally. However, I'd urge against that. Expand your timeline to 2024-2025. Start a longer term portfolio. Pick one Layer 1 you like and then figure out that ecosystem. Crypto is a massive thing and you'd be better off mastering one corner of it rather than trying to wrap you around around the whole space. Go on nested finance and browse some existing portfolios and see which are performing well within that ecosystem. Set long term accumulation goals for those coins and use your current 5k to purchase 20% of those positions so you have some skin in the game and save some of the rest as dry powder to buy dips in the event of another black swan event. stick to 2-4 coins split between high, medium, and solid low caps. See some of my other posts in this thread for ideas.

>> No.53674521

if you can translate the faux zoomer speech pattern theres actually some good choices in this post lol

>> No.53674527

>Zoomers need not apply
I'm a 27 year old "zoomer" with a wife, 1 son and another on the way, $200k salaried position in finance, so not tech, and ~$1.7 million net worth. I have stopped playing video games, watching porn, and I've been actively looking for businesses outside of crypto to invest the ~850k I have just sitting in USD on Coinbase.

My "idea" for you is to immediately start applying for better jobs, get in decent physical shape, and start with work to try and make some actual friends. I know at least 5 people exactly like you.

>> No.53674553

Copying from this guy, OPngo to church. You're 30 now. The adults there will actively greet you and maybe there'll be some opportunities for social events advertised there. You're probably lying about having no friends at all (very, very few people have absolutely nobody, friends or family, that they can talk with) but in case you're not, go to church.

>> No.53674628

You HAVE to give up porn and video games, major time wasters and energy drainers. Refocus your efforts on something that can make you money, something that can make you passive income. Like making programs, or websites, or working extra time and saving up money to buy a vending machine or whatever anything. The hardest part is getting started so you must push through or else you'll never make it.

>> No.53674661
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alright sounds like a plan. maybe with some inspiration from these people ill be able to formulate my next move.

im more talking about the 16-20 kids.
good for you sounds like you made it. my nw is probably about 20k, I wouldn't even know what id do with 850 but im certain ill get there soon enough.
my job is garbage but so comfy, probs a good idea to move on.

church is not for me. yes i do have friends but none that i meet with regular. i think i get the idea though, touching grass might put me straight again. i guess my original plan is still on i just have to execute it and see what happens

>> No.53674663

Thanks actual useful advice appreciate it

>> No.53674665

I'm at the point where I can't even focus on video games without feeling like I'm wasting my life.

>> No.53674669

I am also in a similar situation but am 36. I do have some IRL friends though. I quit my 'stable career' of 14 years a month ago because fuck the jew I worked for. I saved up enough money (and inherited a bit) to take a year off minimum. Going to work on myself, my hobbies, happiness, get my teeth worked on, maybe go to therapy. I dumped the gf and am going to travel. I figure there is a lot I should do while I still can and have the energy to do it, and maybe I'll find someone that wants to do it all with me. I think some Call of Duty is OK but I do need to quit with the degenerate porn

>> No.53674686

The only think you'll find by taking time off is depression. t. neet of 10 years

>> No.53674709

I have daily/weekly/monthly goals and get a lot accomplished each day. I would recommend the book "Atomic Habits" to you

>> No.53674737

This. DCA is not only a good financial strategy but irl one. Set realistic goals and set them within a timeline in incremental complexity.

>> No.53674761

Trying to bring in video games into the car which I use for Uber rides to entertain my passengers via the holoride retrofit device, lol I know there will be screaming from ladies but damn good they be all immersed into the game and have fun especially on long car trips. Thinking out loud though.

>> No.53674776

Well the first thing you can do is give up on crypto and move to stocks. Believing that the kikes are going to allow defi to pop off is delusional

>> No.53674779

Yw I try to give actual decent advice in this cesspool of bad actors and shills

>> No.53674821

>Wow that was so much fun I forgot the time.
That'll be $5000 dollars, plus tip!

>> No.53674863

Long-timer here.

Being NEET is not the actual purpose of the “NEET Life”. Real purpose is to have a trad family, kids, farmhouse, passive cash-flow (like olden Nobles) & work on something that’s good for “clown society”. Even when you know things are bad at the society, instead of hating them & restricting yourself to the gloomy loneliness of a isolated farmhouse, better strategy is to do something actually altruistic, when you don’t have the worry about cash-flow. IMHO, all autists have gifts that needed to be self-expressed. Believing in GOD is basic, but helping others is ingrained within us. Research has shown most of good hormones (including anti-ageing DHEAS) increases when we regularly help others without any expectation to get back. No charity though. So what anon ?

- Think about businesses that has strong altruistic component.

Ex. health resort, fasting resort, sleep clinic out of the city, alternative holistic clinic, advanced diagnostics, nutrition business, vertically focused nutrition business such as ones focused on Liver or Neuro or Kidney etc, nutraceuticals, acreage with animals with regular animal-therapy sessions, hydroponics, etc

Good speed anon.

>> No.53674995
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>> No.53675035

That's what I really want to own this year for real, I got my Toyota Avalon dusted in for these, I'll get the device shipped to me in Nevada and bang I'm in on this motorverse tech utilization. Man, I'm tired of flipping fries in a breakfast shop.

>> No.53675131


>> No.53675154
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>> No.53675189

I think you need to learn a new hobby. Or revisit an old one and git gud again. Realise you are capable of doing things still.
Read some esoteric books on fear. It's basically the devil or evil spirits (or pick your religions evil incarnation) influencing you. Fear cannot exist with positive thinking. Therefore positive thinking is more powerful than fear. So think upwards..

>> No.53675210

Your advice seemed decent until you said $1 shib like a goddamned retard

>> No.53675454

Invest in robo waifus


>> No.53675483


Cope. You might become desirable to 30+ women with kids but that’s not much to look forward to. The only guys who really become more desirable to women in their 20’s are the ones who hit top 1-2% income in their 30’s

>> No.53675716

>tfw such a coomer I learned to draw hentai
Wait I can take money from other coomers with that.

>> No.53675736

Absolutely retarded advice. Unless you let yourself become a fat alcoholic by 30 you get more attention than ever from very young women and it makes roasties your own age seethe.

>> No.53676037

Read it again. Its implied that is cope and will not happen. Because it wont.

>> No.53676600

i colleague bought this for me worth reading?

>> No.53676615

Get your mind away from that shit. Try do something fun that involves moving your body.

>> No.53676643

This is oddly decent advice and how I got from $3k initial capital to ~$250k currently even during bear market asshammering. If you're below like $50k and now doing your absolute best to get into promising new launches or chains you're simply never going to make it.

>> No.53676901

I got halfway through it and I was already making significant changes in my lifestyle. If you're not the type of person to read a book that someone paid $40 dollars for you to open up and check out, then yes it's for you. I was recommended it by someone on /biz/ actually. Hyperfocus would be the next book to read after.

>> No.53677021

its £10 here
i have it right in front of me. i dislike the person that bought it for me so i never bothered. :/

>> No.53677037

It's changed, I was gen x as a kid, now I'm a millennial.

>> No.53677071

I bought it for two people that didn't read it yet, either. I hope it's because they're lazy/not ready for change and not because they don't like me lol. I've been stuck in cycles of doing things that just feel good and not doing important things because they seem too hard/mental block. This book breaks down how to accomplish big tasks and structure your life in an incredibly simple way that's palatable. And when you start seeing the immediate changes it makes you want to do more and structure further. It teaches you to make small, gradual increases that make big changes on your life. Would recommend.

>> No.53677153

the guy is a narc, we were friends, well i thought we were. ill read it, cheers

>> No.53677272

Gonna add another to this list:
5. Meme coins/ shitcoins. Even in this market there's tons of these coins launching and some of them do pretty well. I made a 50x on a shit coin last week. In a bull market these type of coins will run hard and can easily get you a 1000x on your investment.

>> No.53677390

It’s 90s babies. It’s a contextual thing not a legalistic thing

>> No.53677754
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Stop watching porn, stop eating goy slop, start walking if you can't run, start running if you can. Start lifting weights, start eating more protein and less processed food (meat and vegetables), get 8 hours of sleep, clean your fucking dishes. Stretch. Drink water, get sun, take vitamin D and zinc. Find a physical hobby (cycling, climbing, trail running, hiking, any fucking sport).

Long story short, take care of the meat cage that your brain is trapped in, the rest will follow.

>> No.53677810

Take more risks and try new things

>> No.53678791

Web3 projects like LINK & ORE are missing on the list

>> No.53679047

So why would you still pass it around as a possibility/advice?

>> No.53679131
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I got it all set up now, and will throw the rest into Kuji/Cosmos LP and stake it. If you are still here, I got another question. I have money sitting in the Arbitrum ecosystem, should I also move all of those to Cosmos and focus only on that portfolio or should I just keep them there incase of ARBI airdrop?

>> No.53679757

This is pretty smart. I only have privacy and AI tokens now in my bag, it's a bit diversified though but all within this narrative.

>> No.53680490

Privacy is a good utility of the blockchain. I'm already holding XMR and RAIL. These are long-term holds.

>> No.53681716

It had more than one zombie though