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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 27 KB, 600x765, 1513731307765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5364852 No.5364852 [Reply] [Original]

This is it lads we're finally recovering

>> No.5364870
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>> No.5364882

Monaco man will make you rich, definitely

>> No.5364887

yeah, we're returning to """normal""" if you know what I mean

>> No.5364892

>timed the bottom absolutely perfectly on your exchange, right down to the very bottom of the doji dildo

We're all gonna make it bros!

>> No.5364901
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>> No.5364919

P p post it

>> No.5364931
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get down to 8000 goddamnit!

>> No.5364932

idk man that doesn't feel like a real recovery, I don't think we're done here

>> No.5364953

hope ripple goes up to. daddy needs a new lambo for christmas.

>> No.5364966
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Based Nips saved Christmas.

>> No.5364967
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>> No.5364997
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>> No.5365015


>> No.5365027
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Is...is it over ?

>> No.5365049

No, time to sell.

>> No.5365065


Check this out


>> No.5365077

Unironically look at the chart for 2017 so far. The bottom looks like it should be around 8,000

>> No.5365240
File: 29 KB, 640x455, 6061334+_0a59a0100a9ea1633e2067eebd687204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has only begun.

>> No.5365281
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>> No.5365285
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>> No.5365449
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How can you niggers say its recovering when its still in an obvious down trend?

>> No.5365450
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Waiting on it to kiss $15k again. Normies that have been holding out taking losses before christmas, and whales who dumped at $18k+ and bought back at $11k will go for one more panic round and drop it to $9k, just in time for the holidays, and to start the new year fresh!

>> No.5365564

>How can you niggers say its recovering when its still in an obvious down trend?

MCADs keep crossing over and lots of green candles have long upper shadows. People in the hole and looking for an out are exiting, and people in general are flirting with a higher price, but turning back and going red. Many are afraid to buy at $14k when it was almost sub $10k less than 10 hours ago.

>> No.5365644

>draws the line just right so that the rise doesn't look like it broke the trend

>> No.5365648

I think we just hit the bear trap portion of that graph

>> No.5365713

Don't tell them the secret

>> No.5365970

>bear trap
>not still stealth phase
Do you even watch the markets?

>> No.5366062

>there are people who panic sold

You don't deserve to join us in lamboland with the future of money

>> No.5366334

thats racist you should be ashamed

>> No.5366358
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Fuck off normie

>> No.5366444

you are very impolite
a friend told me this is a nice community if i want to get into crypto currency but obviously you are all just ignorant kids gambling with your mums' money
anyways i wanted to know if ethereum the next big thing now that bitcoin is over

>> No.5366487


Please, just ask around in your call centre, someone will know.

>> No.5366548

i searched on google and i found articles saying it is good and has contracts and stuff
also bitcoin cash is now on coinbase so it is supposed to get pretty well known, consider this a pro bono tip my friend

>> No.5366570
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You have to go back, boomer trash

>> No.5366573

If I see this fucking graph one more time

>> No.5366630
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>> No.5366636

Lmfao yeah we’re the bear trap for sure.
Definitely no media coverage of bitcoin at all and those normies on Facebook and Snapchat buying on their iPhones are the institutional investors.

You’re very smart anon, well done

>> No.5366693

omg this website is full of racist assholes

>> No.5366758

stacey are you 20 or 40 i cant tell

>> No.5366788
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Where do you think you are?

>> No.5366801
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Goddamn this old school meme better not be true.

>> No.5366802
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Leave and don't come back!

>> No.5366808

If you want to join a community first learn its rules. Everything goes here, this is why it's good.

>> No.5366853

we arent out YET

>> No.5366856
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Put a pistol in your mouth and end yourself.

>> No.5366892
File: 1.61 MB, 816x1140, 1507365745784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now you know something else about your friend

>> No.5366909

shut the fuck up faggot

>> No.5366929

One day it'll come true for sure.

>> No.5366948

listen im going to disregard all the weird and rude comments i just came here to know what are good coins to put my money in
i bought with 70$ some bitcoin hoping to make some money on the side but it fell from 19 thousand when i bought it and i needed some help

>> No.5366960
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Why are people responding to this like it's genuine?
Have you never seen bait before in your entire fucking lives?

>> No.5366971

Put all your money in DOGE.

>> No.5366974

Zoom out you clown.

>> No.5366991

Yeah man, remember that NEO Superbowl commercial??

>> No.5366992

Hitler did nothing wrong

>> No.5366996


>> No.5366997

2/10 made me reply

>> No.5367010

serious advice.
put it up your ass.

>> No.5367017


>> No.5367025
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yay, back to normal

>> No.5367031

what is this? isnt this the dog picture with much x very wow hahaha :D what does this have to do with bitcoin :D

>> No.5367062

>being a deathist

>> No.5367083

Expect another drop not as low. One last bear trap to liquidate the pussy ass late shorts. No free rides on this train.

>> No.5367109

Hey, sorry about those mean guys, they're just trolling you with le dank memes haha xd. Honestly you should put as much as you can into reddcoin, It's going to explode soon and is the closest guarded secret on /biz/, I thought I should tell you to make up for these awful trolls! <3

>> No.5367163

Well we'll if we're getting a red christmas.

>> No.5367172

Nah must of missed that one anon.

I did however witness cnbc run a week long 24/7 broadcast that they creatively named ‘crypto week’ where all they did was talk about bitcoin and other crypto for a whole week. I also seen a news story on Snapchat of all these normies and their parents buying bitcoin. I also seen a 4 page article In my local paper (I live in a small town) dedicated to showing people how to purchase and invest in various other crypto currencies.
I also watched my degenerate coworkers getting into crypto this month and playing around with trading $250 worth of ripple at work.

And Its worth pointing out I don’t even spend much time following the media at all and I managed to catch of all that I’m sure other anons have better examples.

>> No.5367200

It's another currency like Jewro,Yellen Coin.

Prolly feeding a LARP

>> No.5367207

>being an acquirist

>> No.5367223

wtf did i just read?

>> No.5367255


wow thx so much i found this sounds like a winner

>> No.5367262

ever heard of the bull trap? might wanna look it up

>> No.5367298

Fuck these paywall cunts, post a screenshot

>> No.5367306

nvr heard of them but thx anyways

>> No.5367307

Yeah man, I agree. Just like when I witnessed the dot-com boom where I was watching elderly couples throwing money en-masse at something they had NO clue about and then tried to tell me to do it.

I remembered being super worried.Those fucking normies can't know anything about the internet....it's was only FOR (US)! If they knew....it wouldn't be around the following year, much less anytime beyond that. Fucking normies killing the future

>> No.5367314

If there's a time to acquire it's now

>> No.5367331


>> No.5367347

screenshot of what
and why the offensive language?

>> No.5367360

it'll go down again to 9-12k in the upcoming days and recover slowly back to 16-20k

>> No.5367439

but my sisters friends brother started trading bitcoins since last july so he's kinda old in this game and has some experience and jumped in when bitcoin was really cheap and he said that this is a bubble and bitcoin is crashing and people should buy ethereum or bitcoin cash

>> No.5367490


No, it wont you fucking faggot. Stop shilling this piece of shit.

>> No.5367530

Coinbase is full of shit, they keep getting away with complete fuck ups. All it takes is another fuckup and it will go to 0.

I'm staying away from this shit for at least another month. I made decent gains on LiteCoin and cashed out of Conbase. Never again will I use that shit website.

>> No.5367573

but they take relatively acceptable fees

>> No.5367831
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That website is barely holding together. It's a hackjob, people will lose their money. They always take it down when something is happening, insider trade, manipulate the public's perception. Coinbase is the source of all cancer in crypto.

>> No.5367865

Their fees are actually relatively high for an exchange.

>> No.5367899

The only reason this shit exchange is active is because you can use a credit card so easily and
>cash out
As well

>> No.5368132

I have accounts on a few exchanges. Mostly trade on Finance. I hate coinbase but I'm not sure what the best alternative would be(for usd to crypto). Any recommendations?

>> No.5368163

I'm quite happy with Bitstamp but I'm also a Eurofag.

>> No.5368189

*Binance fucking phone