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53666301 No.53666301 [Reply] [Original]

Is Dave Ramsay the only true millionaire with a positive networth?

Most millionaires that aren't producing anything are just leveraging debt. They're running their own ponzi scheme on themselves. Real estate being the majority. Buying real estate, cash-out equity refi when "value" goes up and use that to buy more real estate and they scale up. Every time I come across a real estate guru that has 10million or 200million networth they also have that much in mortgage debt.

>> No.53666330

Do you know Dave Ramsey has no debt?
I have no clue

>> No.53666342

Real estate is for losers. I much prefer questionably useful internet hash tokens that may or may not be rugpulls.

>> No.53666366

I used to work in the construction industry, I would never buy a house lol

>> No.53666393

Kek everyone says this about everything
>I used to work at UPS, I’d never get a tv shipped through them
>I used to work for the auto plant id never buy a car from them
>I used to work at the plane factory id never fly in that plane

>> No.53666414
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>> No.53666425

Dave Ramsay is literally the smartest and richest man in Babylon. You ever heard of the Bogdanoffs? They learned everything they know about the markets from Dave Ramsay.

>> No.53666433

i use to work at McDonalds, i'd would never buy food at any McDonalds.

>> No.53666532

he doesn't own land
he owns overpriced mc mansions and condos

>> No.53666555

i worked in the kitchen at sonic in high school and will not eat at sonic

>> No.53666581
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He's running with a huge conflict of interest by actively shilling that the real estate market is stable because he's deep into it. He needs time to dump his bags.

>> No.53666638

>arms crossed like he's covering tits
I hate people who cross their arms this way

>> No.53666657

>Is Dave Ramsay the only true millionaire with a positive networth?
>Most millionaires that aren't producing anything are just leveraging debt.
The absolute state of this business and finance board. You know you can have / leverage debt and also still have a positive net worth?

Why the fuck would I spend my own money if I can just use someone elses to make cash?

>> No.53666690

I don’t think you know what net worth means

>> No.53666705

I manage a restaurant and I would never open one.

>> No.53667181

>drink your own piss to save on water

>> No.53667335

I worked for a kike and would never do business with one

>> No.53667449

>Is Dave Ramsay the only true millionaire with a positive networth?
No, he's exactly the same as the others using bad debt to shore up high valuations, same thing that burned him the first time.