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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 90 KB, 747x471, myresume.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
536642 No.536642 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.536647

Looks good Doug, but what exactly have you been doing for the past 5 years?

>> No.536655
File: 76 KB, 801x586, niggathatwasjustawful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm afraid that's classified

I need some real help. First resume

just looking for any shitty entry level job I can get my hands on

Am I doing something really wrong as of now?

I have had one real job in the past for a few months a year ago but I left without notice from mental breakdown. Can I still put it down in someway?

>> No.536757

Why is there so much space between the first two bullet points?

>> No.536758

I'm curious, anyone have a cover letter?

>> No.536775


my first impression was that resume sucks nigger dick

>> No.536799

Always. A resume alone usually isn't enough.

>> No.536877

do people usually send out the cover letter + resume in one pdf?

>> No.537200

Who are you quoting?

Expand the education. What did you do in your art degree? What's general education development? I don't know what it is - will the person hiring you know?

Experience: how did you work with councils? What was the nature of your interaction with them? How were you responsible for other people? How did you supervise them? How did you assess/maintain their performance?

Activities: Don't explicitly say you gained team skills, you need to demonstrate it. How did you assis training people? What did you organise? What was involved in organising it? What were your responsibilities? Don't say the dedication thin, it sounds like you're saying "my skills include not skiving off". What were the heavy responsibilities? How did you balance them? That's the line you want to take - demonstrate that you can balance competing tasks, but don't say it explivitly.

What was your other job? How much experience did it give you? How bad was it when you left? Did they ultimately understand your reason for leaving?

Cover letters should be short and simply to explain why you are sending someone a resume. Literally needs to be "Dear whoever, please fine enclosed my resume in relation to my application for the position of xyz, yours, Anon".
Including it in a PDF makes no sense unless it's some stupid web upload thing. If you're emailing your resume to someone, the cover letter is your email that says "here is my resume". You don't need any more. Noone reads cover letters, particularly not long ones.

>> No.537203
File: 99 KB, 770x931, cv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took advice from /biz/ and used LaTeX, it's pretty great. I'm actually writing a cover letter for a job I really want right now, will someone care to take a look?

>> No.537249

Recent grad, so put education at the top, and expand what you did in your degree. What are HTTP skills? Memorising headers and response codes?

Experience: what was the scope of your config and testing? How did you ensure quality? Methodologies worked to? What kind of tchnical queries and assistance? What was the content of your technical docs, and how were they used eventually? Show me that you could write about something complicaed clearly. How did you manage schedules? Show me that this involved more skills than being a spreadsheet monkey. What recruitment skills? What did you do as part of recruiting? Screening? Interviews? What cutomer issues and assistence did you provide? What was the feedback you organised, and how did you collect it and what did you do with it? Anything useful come of it? How did you assess quality and improve it? What did you train new members in? What did your analysis tool do? What did you learn? What configuration did you do? What did you do as part of managing the team? What were your managerial responsibilities? What was the police project you worked on? What did you do for it? What assistance did you give customers?

>> No.537254
File: 351 KB, 1700x2200, resume4biz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll offer mine as a good example for sales/marketing jobs.

This is the standard format of my professional business fraternity.

>> No.537256
File: 196 KB, 910x1054, m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not sure if I should put Financial advisor assistant in my resume because it was 5 years ago when I didn't care about anything and I don't remember much from it.

I am also trying to apply for internships with this resume. Is this good enough?

>> No.537259
File: 70 KB, 718x402, Screen Shot 2014-11-03 at 01.23.25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, a second-class honours is equivalent to 3.33-3.67 GPA. I got 66.

>> No.537265

Lolz is so out of date. Modern employers want keks. Remove the objective section though.

List what you did in your degree, if you specialised in anything vaguely relevant. Work experince goes above other experience.

Work experience: Bullets too brief. What were the nature of the financial plans? What did you do to maintain a good client relationship? Don't just assert it, demonstrate it. What did you do to exceed sales quotas? Saying that you networked aggressively makes it sound like you're a pathological schmoozer. Rephrase it, and be specific about what you actually did you to generate business. Give examples. What did building and maintainging the website involve? Programming it? Writing content? What's "responsive" media? What did you do for the design of the publication? Graphic design? How did you acquire advertisers? What did you do to promote the brand? Demonstrate your success. What opportunities did you create? What did you do to "facilitate". It's a vague term. How did you communicate with leaders? What was the nature of the communication? What were your marketing activities? How did you acheive success at awareness-growing?

Other exp: What were the responsibilities that presiging had? Don't just say "I'm a virtuous role model", it sounds dumb. Say what you did and what effect it had. What's "service learning"? How did you organise it? What tasks did you complete? Everyone "comples tasks assigned by superiors"... that's the point of having a job. Be less vague.

Do you have any other skills?

This is pretty poor. You suffer from writing completely vacuous statments that try to sound impressive but in actuality convey no information and just act as space-filler. No-one will fall for it.

>> No.537284

Remove objective. Format the subheaders to be not just bits of text. The OP's pic is a texbook example of good formattin which everyone should follow.

Expand your education - tell me what courses you did that are relevant. You can just say 2:1, you don't need to write out out in full. Format it better.

Experience. Ditch the prose; I like that it describes what you actually did all day, but it should all be worked in to the bullets. Most recent job should be first, oldest job last.

Production operator: What was the nature of your leadership role? What were the responsibilities? What was the nature of your interaction with the machines? Demonstrate to me that you were an expert at working with production machinery. You can merge some of the more trivial bullets.

Zippedy doo dah: Multitasking is vague. What were the multiple tasks? How did you balance them? I'm not sure what your last bullet means.

Advisor assistant: What did you learn - how did you analyse the news? What kind of plans, how did you plan? How did you review clients? It's worth putting if you can remember some of this stuff, particularly if you're trying to get into this field. If you really can't remember much and don't want to get quizzed on it, just put as a small thing with just your prose reworded into a single bullet.

You really need to sell your education, and your leadership, since most of your work experience is ultimately dull manual tasks.

>> No.537312

Thank you so much! I will fix my resume.

>> No.537314

It wasn't really a 'formal' leadership role, but I got to lead a team of 2-6 people during periods of the days I am working. More like a huge responsibility than a LEADER. Is it still okay to put leadership there?

>> No.537325

i got 64.25

i calculated and it's about 3.45 GPA according to that chart

>> No.537344
File: 177 KB, 600x740, 1408478717007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a scientific paper thats going to be published in a peer reviewed journal, but it hasnt yet. I was wanting to apply for a specific job soon, and the publication would really help. How could I mention it in a cover letter?

>> No.537345

i would write it in "accomplishments and awards" section, but that's just me

>> No.537361

It's all how you frame it. If it's responsibility for other peoples actions and the ability to influence people, it doesn't matter what you call it, it demonstrates the skill that they're loking for.

Just stick it in your resume and say it's (pending publication) wih date.

>> No.537425

I have a question regarding work experience. I'm still at university and have had part-time jobs which were related to business analyst role, marketing, customer service and administration. If I'd like to work in finance in the future, is it better to leave them out completely of my CV or answer to questions why I'm "changing a career path"?

>> No.537437

I am by no means experienced in finance but from what I've heard it's better to put work experience on there than to not have it. Be prepared with your "story," basically, what got you into finance? Explain that you liked working on business numbers and analyzing that stuff etc. etc.

Have you read the content on Mergers and Inquisitions? You should if you want to get into finance.

>> No.537438

again if anyone else comes in with different advice you should take it. i'm just BSing before you get an adequate response

>> No.537481

You're still in university... you're not changing career path; you don't have a career yet.

Leaving them out wold be moronic.

>> No.537756
File: 26 KB, 573x618, res.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slapped this bad boy together a few weeks ago. Needs a ton of work.

>> No.537845

Thanks for the advice, I'll look at the website as well, seems informative after a quick look.

Obviously 'career path' wasn't the right expression, but what I'm doing right now is a really monotonous work in certain systems (basically administrating collected outstanding cash through strict rules and process), and I'm afraid it would make me look like (not in person, but by the cv in the hands of the hr assistant) as an uncreative loser who does whatever he's told to.

>> No.537861

I'd be a bit wary about your time of employment at your last two jobs. Those kind of make you look like a job hopper.

>> No.537900

The workforce analyst and tech support agent are actually for the same company. It was sort of like a temporary promotion.

When I'm asked why did i quit my job I tell honestly that I decided to go to uni because I felt the knowledge I would obtain there would enable to do much more for the company

>> No.538098

Expand your education. What does a military technology degree contain? What did you specialise in?

Your work history needs to be bullets; at the moment it seems like it's trying to tell your life story. What it needs to tell me is what you did, what your responsibilities were, and what you acheived. Needs a fair bit of reworking. Also you need to have more recent work first. Follow OP's example on formatting.

Doesn't matter. Noone expects those kind of jobs to be supercreative, just show what you've learn from it. Spin it well, and it can easily make you sound good.

>> No.538102


damn i always feel bad for the people that get to whatever age you must be and do absolutely nothing with your life

>> No.538441

Thanks for the advice, nice to hear that.

>> No.538723

22? I have about a semester left on my 4-year degree, I've been to Afghanistan twice, and I have all dem Army benefits. Just trying to make it until I graduate.

>> No.538896
File: 226 KB, 696x897, Screen Shot 2014-11-04 at 10.58.42 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've posted mine in previous threads, but I'm constantly updating it. Always open to critique.

>> No.538907


Is putting online courses legit? I've done shit loads on KA, Coursera, MITocw but I feel a bit childish putting them on there.

>> No.538918

To be honest with you, I'm not too sure but I've been out of school for about 11 months now so I just kinda want to show that I'm still 'continuing my education' if you will.

Unless other people have something to weigh in, I think it enhances my resume.

>> No.538931

Did you misspell coursera

>> No.538932

Indeed I did. Thanks for that.

>> No.538972

dont forget to put your name at the top

>> No.538980

>executive skills, can I be the big boss plz
>powerpoint, adobe acrobat
also you might want to rethink the core competencies section, it is a mix of clutter and narcissism

>> No.538984

It's very well done however..
It's too much. Employers don't give a shit about what you did quite honestly, you don't need to go indepth. You should give them a brief description. Employers will just simply throw it away if they see that you're over complicating your resume. Give a BRIEF description of the jobs you've done, activities, etc. never have an in-depth description!

>> No.538998

this seems to contradict everything

>> No.539023

I believe I am correct.
Why would an employer want to read this huge essay you created? They don't spend more than 30 seconds looking at your resume. They have hundreds to look through and they wouldn't treat yours any more special.

>> No.539120

Looking a lot more to-the-point than it was in the last thread, but there's still a few vague things in there. The "outside-the-box" bullet doesn't really convey anything concrete - replace it or remove it. Same thing goes for the "integrated company objectives" point further down - roughly what kind of objectives were they? Financial ones?

Also how did you mitigate breach of contract? Grammar errors: "in innovated" -> should be "in innovative"? "more well rounded" is wrong, remove the "well", or hyphenate it with the "rounded". Your commercial paper, should that say "in the US", or "in USD"?

Online courses defintely worth putting if they're non-trivial and relevant. It only really looks childish if it's your only education. In combination with a decent degree, it's entirely repectable, and in this case certainly adds to the resume.

I agree on ditching the executive skills section. These kind of things are meant to be implied from the job experience, not explicitly stated.

It's not a huge essay - that's why its in bullets of a line each. Short concise snippets, but each of them conveys a lot of information. The trick is to be very in-depth but to not use a lot of words.

To suggest that employers will throw away overcomplicated resumes is moronic. The aim is to assess the content of the resume and see if it implies the candidate is suitable. If the formatting is shit, it makes it harder to read. If the content is missing substance, it makes it impossible to figure out if they're likely to know what they're doing.

The amount of time spent reading it doesn't vary with detail much since all under a page - it's only when people submit 4 pages of prose that it gets irritating. But with one page of bullets, it takes no longer to read if the bullets contain adequate detail than it would if they were vague. If anything, non-detailed bullets take longer to read because I have to go over them again and interpret them.

>> No.539127

Which places are you applying to, btw?

>> No.539147

Thanks, I really do appreciate you taking a look at it and proofing it. I made the necessary adjustments.

I'm applying for anything from generic analyst to cost engineering positions.

>> No.539148
File: 1.92 MB, 300x225, 1413924655658.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you normally include references on the resume? I finished up my USAJOBS apps (looking for internships pls don't judge) and they asked for references on the resume itself.

Is this normal?

>also I forgot my references because that was how I was supposed to include them. Will the Gman just throw everything I did in the trash?

>> No.539159

I never include refs on my resume. Usually after they are actually considering you, then they ask for them.

I read somewhere and I very well could be wrong but I heard that companies need your permission to contact your refs.

Plus I don't want their info out in public like my resume is.

>> No.539165

Are you trying for IBs?
>researched short-term investments
>attracted investors
Your resume seems suited towards something like moneymarkets sales.

I would never put it on the resume. References only tend to get contacted during background checks, after the decision to hire is made. But if they specifically ask for it, put it. At the bottom. In small print. (Don't waste more of that valuable space than you need to).

>> No.539246

Ideally I would like to get into IB, however I didn't go to a top tier university in Florida. I was accepted but my mother had cancer so I opted to stay there.

Fast forward to now, I'm in Southern California. I have a few interviews lined up where I can definitely study more about finance and investments. Then I'll likely go for my MBA or Master's of Finance.

This'll be a few years down the road but then I'll try to work overseas either in Australia, Brazil, or Switzerland. First I need to save up though, I only have about $7k to my name, but I have my own house here in San Diego so once I get a job I'll be able to save like a king.

>> No.539253

You should get yourself on a IB grad scheme. There's no hard requirement to have to have gone to a top uni. From your resume, I'd say you had a shot at it. And don't fuck about doing MBAs or whatever if you can get a good job. You'll get more value from an MBA if you do it with a decade of experience under your belt, and when you actually want to start running businesses.

>> No.539278

Have any recommendations on where to start looking at these grad schemes? They look to be mostly in England?

>> No.539296

Go to IBs' websites, look at the careers section, they'll all have a bunch of stuff on it. Most IBs operate in most major cities.

>> No.539355
File: 63 KB, 720x772, scrnsht.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any takers? i feel like the summary section is lacking and maybe i should replace it.

>> No.539360

>any takers
dude, I can't get past the first sentence.

You don't begin sentences with a number.

You don't capitalize "Computer"

You don't put bullets into paragraph form.

>> No.539365

If by "replace" you mean "remove", then yes.

What support did you provide? What kind of troubleshooting? Were you just doing the same shit every day? Show me that you really understand this stuff, an that you were able to interact with customers.

Your other ones make me ask similar questions. I need to know that you deep down understand what you're working with, as opposed to just being able to diagnose/configure stuff by the book.

What's the reason for the series of short jobs? Where's your education? Fix the Overzealous Capitalisation.

>> No.539372

>yfw Navy Seal resume is better than 90% of the resumes in this thread

>> No.539388

What kind of layout, is this, by the way

I make my resumes with a shitty Open Office application, but I just don't think it looks professional

>> No.539393

It's made in word.

>> No.539397


damn nigga do you speak english? I seriously hope you aren't using that resume in its present state

>> No.539407

i havent written a resume in 5 years as I've been coasting off my old one. This resume is in progress but it's good to know what i need to fix