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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53658085 No.53658085 [Reply] [Original]

And this guy has been such a letdown. All the magic from that event is gone. People were so excited, the energy was buzzing, and we knew staking announcement was coming

Fast forward to today and we find out the headliner for the conference is on house arrest, I have a couple stupid drum sticks they handed out, and there’s no enterprise abstraction layer. That entire event in retrospect was the air being let out of the balloon. Eric Schmidt hasn’t been heard from since his fireside. No CCIP, no DECO. The price is below where it was despite staking release. Hold that event today and nobody shows. Thanks a ton, Sergey

>> No.53658102

he got his hair done for the event :3

>> No.53658143
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The hobos brake dancing and beating on buckets was pretty lit ngl.

>> No.53658144

His transformation from this event to now is incredible. He must be dying on the inside despite fucking us all over. He looked depressed and bigger at SIBOS in the suit. He couldn't muster up the courage to release another new year's eve video address. His enthusiasm is zapped in each subsequent public appearance.

>> No.53658180

I’m most surprised they set a deadline and completely blew through it. Also where the fuck is Steve ellis? I’m convinced these guys work once a week

>> No.53658224

kek I had forgotten they wore plaid

>> No.53658240

I couldn't believe what I was witnessing

Ellis appeared at the end of the event but was completely forgettable. I will not be attending this year's but am curious how empty it will be

>> No.53658556

You were close enough to throw eggs at Sergey but now 1 egg = 1 link

>> No.53658769

I sold all of my LINK at the top and waited then bought a shit load of RLC at the bottom kek stay poor dumbies maybe I'll tell you my next move

>> No.53658816


>at the top
>to buy a shitcoin

every time

>> No.53658873

Oh my poor child, I can't imagine being so ignorant to RLC. Kek

>> No.53661159

What a shitcoin

>> No.53662864

Who the fuck still posts about RLC in 2023? Holy shit

/biz/ has gone to complete shit

>> No.53663031

>I couldn't believe what I was witnessing
You sound like such a faggot. No one cares about your experience being a nobody at smartcon.

>> No.53663115

Projection from this assblasted anon, you must be that fat anon no one would sit near. kys

>> No.53663132

See how nobody can stand right next to him? That’s because of oracles.

>> No.53663178

I know everybody will think I'm larping but whatever, I applied for an engineering job at Chainlink Labs some time last year, didn't go very far (they have a long recruitment process, at least for tech positions, I was rejected pretty early on), but anyway - one thing that was very clear from talking to the hiring manager, they were trying to expand the team rapidly because as he put it "leadership is very dissatisfied with the pace of development". It's not like they're fucking around, it's just that the product teams (and "developer experience" team) are quite understaffed. They are just very strict about only hiring top talent, people with super strong computer science fundamentals etc., while at the same time they are not paying all that well. The recruiter recoiled when I told her about my salary expectations (which were slightly above what I was earning at my current company at that time, so basically a market salary) and said it's unlikely my base could be that high, "maybe with bonuses and vested tokens". I know the memes, but actual salaries at CL are probably below average for a "web3" company, I got WAY better offers from random VC funded "stealth blockchain startups".

>> No.53663207

I was also at SmartCon. I was also behind this group in the hallway when Sergey talked to us. I also took some pics...

I'll be looking for you at the next SmartCon faggot.

t. OG 80k Link OG that hates Link fudders.

>> No.53663563
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>I was also at SmartCon. I was also behind this group in the hallway when Sergey talked to us. I also took some pics...
>I'll be looking for you at the next SmartCon faggot.
>t. OG 80k Link OG that hates Link fudders.

>> No.53663615

>Projection from this assblasted anon, you must be that fat anon no one would sit near. kys

If you didnt like being there, then why didnt you leave? Faggot. Did you need a safe space?

>> No.53663742

Come and find me faggot I'll have the Smartcon tshirt on

>> No.53663778

I know this is a pasta but
>(which were slightly above what I was earning at my current company at that time, so basically a market salary)
This made me laugh. FAGMAN hires are very, very unaware of what a market salary actually is. The recent tech lay offs showed that many of them (and not only the devs, but also all the HR roasties and other supporting staff) are extremely deluded.

>> No.53663822

I was also at SmartCon. I went to grab Sergey's laptop so I could smash it over his fat head but Rory tapped me on the shoulder. When I turned around Rory was standing with two big guys, Eric of LPL and Patrick from that epic seven thousand hour lift and code-a-thon. He said he knew what I was going to do and that it was a bad idea. "Oh you're not doing it now" Rory said. When I replied "huh?" Patrick, Rory, and Eric all repeated "huh?" "huh?" "huh?" one after another. They said I should have some merch instead. They gave me so much merch I struggled to move. When I finally got out to the exit the girl said "you have to pay for those". To prevent any electrical infetterence, I think that's a word, I made her scan them one by one. I paid with LINK tokens and left never smashing Sir Gay's laptop over his fat head.
I guess some things were never meant to be.

>> No.53663832

How much did you pay to attend?

>> No.53663839

Really stupid name. Sounds like a gathering of smart conmen. And you still wonder why chainlink doesn't go anywhere??

>> No.53663847

How much did you pay to attend smartcon? Did you clap along with the hobos with the buckets?

>> No.53663977
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>Sounds like a gathering of smart conmen
kek that's exactly what it is

>> No.53664045

>hates link fudders




How does it feel knowing you could’ve sold link at $50 and made off with $4 million? You could’ve invested that into a CD and lived off the interest, you greedy mfer.

>> No.53664099

Don't you people just get tired of whining and bitching. Go outside and, unironically, touch grass.

>> No.53664158

How does it feel knowing your mom could have aborted you?

>> No.53665228

Poorfag hands typed this.

>> No.53665285
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>> No.53665334

is ETH needed anymore?

>> No.53665350

Kek should I use the USD chart which looks practically the same?

>> No.53665644

Maybe you should compress the x-axis some more

>> No.53665852

If you attend, I promise I will find you.

I'm a dev so got the early discount rate whatever it was I don't remember.. $200 or $300? And yeah I drummed along with them. Wasn't my type of entertainment, but definitely wasn't as cringe as poor faggot niggers on here wanted to make it and it got the crowd to wake up and get pumped up so it was cool.

>> No.53667762

checked and kek

>> No.53667794

kek you aren't going to do shit fatass, I will literally smear that shitty yogurt they were serving in your eyes and beat your head with the drum stick I saved

This is gold