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53662425 No.53662425 [Reply] [Original]

Commodities include
>Precious metals
Gold, Silver, Platinum group metals
Oil, Natural Gas, Uranium, Coal
>Base Metals
Copper, Iron ore, Nickel, Lithium, Cobalt, Zinc, Lead
Water, Agricultural, Salt

More information for each commodity
Calculators for DD
Steer Clear List
News Sources

>Youtube channels to follow
Palisade Gold Radio, Mining Stocks Education, Sprott Money, Goldsilver pros (Rob Kientz), Finding Value Finance, Gregory Mannarino, Peter Schiff, Macro Voices, Crux Investor
>Canadian junior press releases

>What is Austrian economics?
>Austrian economics books

Previous >> 53626184

>> No.53662442
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> 1663091380116359.png (568 KB, 519x650) google yandex iqdb wait
> 568 KB
> /CMMG/ Commodities, Mining, and Macro General Rednigger (ID: JR0fD4cW) 02/10/23(Fri)20:44:42 No.53662425

> Commodities include
> >Precious metals
> Gold, Silver, Platinum group metals
> >Energy
> Oil, Natural Gas, Uranium, Coal
> >Base Metals
> Copper, Iron ore, Nickel, Lithium, Cobalt, Zinc, Lead
> >Others
> Water, Agricultural, Salt

> More information for each commodity
> https://pastebin.com/tduUv8Ny (embed)
> Calculators for DD
> https://pastebin.com/TsRtpKHs (embed)
> Steer Clear List
> https://pastebin.com/V571vwse (embed)
> News Sources
> https://pastebin.com/bQFESpBL (embed)

> >Youtube channels to follow
> Palisade Gold Radio, Mining Stocks Education, Sprott Money, Goldsilver pros (Rob Kientz), Finding Value Finance, Gregory Mannarino, Peter Schiff, Macro Voices, Crux Investor
> >Canadian junior press releases
> https://twitter.com/JrMiningNetwork
> >Newsfeed
> https://twitter.com/zerohedge

> >What is Austrian economics?
> https://mises.org/what-austrian-economics
> >Austrian economics books

> Previous >> 53626184

> Reply to Thread
> [Return] [Catalog] [Top] Update

>> No.53662445

Gary says that silver is putting in a bottom now. it is oversold on the weekly. Next he says is a test of $28-30.

I'd get all of your ducks in a line. Think about where you want to be with silver. At the very least you'll have an opportunity to break even get out of shitty stocks if you made some bad positions.

>> No.53662490


>> No.53662541

Do Impactbros like the acquisition? I can imagine some would have preferred they focused on silver.

>> No.53662591

Zoom out. The silver bottom is $13-$14.

>> No.53662695


>> No.53662838

Local bottom perhaps, but silver made another major lower high so probably going to crab downwards.

>> No.53662925

Here it is = Fathom Nickel on Crescat
QH is backing this one !!!

>> No.53662935

New discovery at Albert Lake = $$$$$$$$

>> No.53662940
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These are the "people" giving you investing advice

>> No.53662951

Fathom Nickel
Got to be in it to win it !!!!!!
Get your ticket ;))))))

>> No.53662959

Is RR back?

>> No.53662983

This is the real deal !!!!!!!!
Listen to QH link youtube above
You dont want to be sorry you missed it

>> No.53663000
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I'm already sorry that I heard about it

>> No.53663014

QH is a LEGEND in the business
With Crescat backing this theres no telling where it will stop

>> No.53663016

nice trips

>> No.53663036

Shorts are already getting out
This book is WIDE OPEN !!!!!!
The most exciting nickel play of the year

>> No.53663092
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Your posts read like a penis enlargment email dude

I don't understand how you expect to get any success from this

>> No.53663224

Permabulls get the rope

>> No.53663259
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I'm reporting your posts as spam
I hope that everything bad in the world happens to you, only you, and nobody else. If you persist I will make it my personal pet project to assrape your soul in the mouth

Picrel is the roof job I did this week
Three things I never do on a job site
1) roofing
2) gay shit
3) roofing
Hope you lads are having a lovely week and keeping it in the green

>> No.53663338
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Fuck off back to plebbit, catposting normalfaggot.

> My Dog killed an African Immigrant in our Garden!

> Cats, Parasites and Multiple Psychological Disorders: The Science

>> No.53663407
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>Silver will test 30 then pull back is permabull
>meanwhile a baseless down down down is an acceptable stance
Whatever you say, binary boy. I invite you to suck on my cock and balls

>> No.53663412
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Really awful start to a thread huh. Ironic (?) botposting and some crypto faggot schizposting about pets or whatever

>> No.53663454
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>permabull gets assblasted about zooming out and noticing a long term bearish trend

>> No.53663489

Feel free to show this long term bearish trend. I'm sure we all would love to learn a thing or two

>> No.53663575
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>binary boy still can't comprehend a stance other than permasomething so resorts to imagination to fit things in a little box
Nigga we're in the DCL that I and many others ITT have been discussing was coming for weeks. I've been mostly cash since the start of February.
Just buy some puts nigga and then post screenshots so we can all have a laff

>> No.53663623
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On the three year chart of silver. Three major lower highs, the latest of which was $24.23 on 9 Jan 2023. Previous lower high was $26.11 on 7 Mar 2022. And the previous lower high from there was $27.88 on 31 May 2022. These are all lower highs over a fairly long timeframe which have not been exceeded again afterward. Sufficient enough to call a bearish trend in my opinion, but if you see a bullish trend or a reversal to the bearish trend forming then you are free to share your view as well
That's a whole lot of words none of which dispute that we are in a bearish trend.

>> No.53663646

>31 May 2022

>> No.53663757

So we're calling 3 years long term?
When will it be back to the low three years ago?

>> No.53663767
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Forgot pic

>> No.53664227

This is our year bros. We were two years early.

Two years of pain, five years of bliss just like rick rule says. We underestimated how slow the market moves and how dumb people are. We raced to the finish line and didn't realize we had to wait for the tards to catch up.

Santacruz silver up 17% in one day. Kootenay up ten percent.

Big gains coming our way.

>> No.53664252


I'll listen to the guy with a 1000 batting average over the last two years that literally calls $40 gold moves the day before they happen thanks.

Lows and bottoms were put in for metals back in November.

>> No.53664263

And bottom and top pickers and sleepers miss the move.

>> No.53664284

>I will make it my personal mission to fuck with you.

Better listen up RocketRed. This dude is serious and he's done it before. You might finally get the SEC investigation you've deserved for a while.

>> No.53664444

what happens after commodities

>> No.53664449

They won't do shit

>> No.53664475
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>fairly long timeframe
My nigga you need to zoom out. Silver, however volatile and manipulated, follows Gold and Gold has been making consistently higher cycle highs and lows since 2001. We've been in consolidation since mid/late 2020 and we just left the most recent low behind in November. Silver has been making similar moves and will continue to, unless you really think while Gold tests 2000 Silver will be crabbing downwards.

>> No.53664487

Afternoon all how are things?

>> No.53664515

I held a nat gas company for a whole year and finally capitulated for a 0% gain with summer around the corner. Put it all in an AI stock and +125% in a week. Why do we do commodities and trick ourselves bros?

>> No.53664523
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I'm thankful my DD made me avoid this shit

>> No.53664556

Good afternoon PAN MAN and goodnight. It's not that late here but I have to wake up the rooster.
Have fun lads

>> No.53664579

Did I miss something again with Copper Mountain? They had that ransomware attack not to long ago, did anything else happen? I know Teck got a big fine from the BC gov for pollution.

>> No.53664631

bit of interesting insight for anyone interested. I noticed recently that there have been loads of calls for workers at the Eagle Gold Mine in the Yukon Territory, operated by Victoria Gold Corp. These have been going on for about 5 weeks, and interestingly the same positions keep popping back up over and over again. Somethings causing people to either leave their positions or no ones interested in working for Eagle. I ll have to snoop around and see whats up.

>> No.53664695


this is really interesting, if i wasn't already mired in a career i'd look into this sort of thing. most of my ancestors in england and canada were miners.

>> No.53664731

I check in on different major projects from time to time, to see what kind of works available, you start to notice specific projects keep having the same jobs open over and over again, likely because somethings gone to shit and no one wants to fix it, or management is just garbage. The Site C Dam construction project is a great example for this, their worker turn over rate is insane, no one sticks around in positions more than 4 months it seems.

>> No.53664819


that's really unsettling given the idea (to me) that many rank-and-file go into mining as a sort of gig-work to be tolerated for the payoff, and expect a certain degree of bullshit up front

>> No.53664842
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Mogollon mining.

>> No.53664855

it can be a gig-work environment, but many stick around in the industry for years, often at the same camps or mines for 5-6 years or until the project closes up due to running out of money or market changes. If the project is close to home for example, guys will stay on for years, but camp life is different, and will often lead to In and Out types who bounce from project to project.

>> No.53664965

Summa is one of the bigger promotional spenders on the Venture. Mogollan is a hand-me-down project.

>> No.53664990

Where did all the Libero bros go?
I see they are doing a CAD$0.15 financing now.
Changed days from when anons were FOMOing in at $0.80.

>> No.53665012

didnt their major south american project hit some snags due to a nearby park / nature preserve? Its been a while too since i saw any news on their big copper project up in northern BC.

>> No.53665072

I love how these "research companies" include Exploration and Evaluation assets in book value. That's just a tally of how much money the companies have spent on a particular project. It's inflated well beyond what the company could actually command for a sale price.

>> No.53665116

>Next he says is a test of $28-30.
I would love to that. Really I would. What is the basis of this, does it check out? What should everyone abandon given the opportunity, and what would you personally think everyone should have a bag of before the engines ignite?

>> No.53665129

Yes, Colombia, where its most prospective project is, isn't the most mining-friendly place these days. It's more dependent on relational agreements (i e., paying people off) rather than the rule of law.

>> No.53665146

Columbia really seems bi-polar on mining and exploration. They spent a chunk of last summer telling groups to come and buy into newly opened land titles for exploration, than promptly shut out anyone actually interested in the region. Such a shit place to legally operate.

>> No.53665187

Summa silver? I thought they were supposed to be legit? Sprott said it was his newest position.

>> No.53665215


>> No.53665223

Anbandon anything shitty. Buy and hold anything good. Look for things that. ..

1. Have proven large silver deposits if they don't produce.

2. Produce and have positive Financials or near break even Financials st these current prices (like Santa cruz which is just staying afloat at $20 silver)

3. Things that are listed on other etfs like SIL or SILJ or Sprott silver miners etfs for flywheel effect like abrasilver or gogold.

>> No.53665318
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Australian investment shitco Zeta got lucky with cheap Copper Mountain shares and has been selling regularly. They won't be a major holder forever

>> No.53665327

Explain please.

>> No.53665375
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>> No.53665384

Read the thread on Twatter.

>> No.53665597

Got this link in a spam email from Sprott featuring Rick Drule ...

>> No.53665642
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Ha, that's funny, I'm surprised Summa wouldn't issue a more thoughtful reply, already nearly 10,000 views seeing they don't care that they are associated with an extortionist and child abuser. Won't help Summa's reputation any

>> No.53665643

>had my money on TSLA while it was still growing
>placed a buy order on my virtual wallet for both oil and natgas
>TSLA shat itself today while natgas and oil pumped

have i missed out or will it get better over the next months?

>> No.53665704
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buy high and sell low! ya dingus

>> No.53665749

for your health

>> No.53665806

does that mean rocketred has a 38% gain since he's always doing the opposite of what he says?

>> No.53665869

Probably 338%. He is responsible for the dumps in these companies when he sells to his idiot followers. The fucker should be in jail.

>> No.53665880

Can any of you explain to me why WTI trades at a discount compared to Brent? Lower exposure/geographical proximity to Russia?
Also, what are your price predictions for oil this year?

>> No.53665900

Different refining cost.

>> No.53665922

I see. WTI is of higher quality so its easier to refine, is that correct?

>> No.53665934

>Can any of you explain to me why WTI trades at a discount compared to Brent?
It's just lower quality and what's historically been most common in Europe. Not all crude is the same, and different regions have different standards. Venezuelan shit is heavy and sour, which means viscous and full of sulfur. WTI and Brent are lighter and sweeter so they trade at premiums to Venezuelan and Saudi. There are a few benchmarks that everybody uses, and individual contracts from different fields adjust prices from one of the benchmarks depending on quality.

>> No.53665941
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Rate my folio

>> No.53665946

Fuck I'm retarded and drunk. WTI is slightly lower quality. Brent is what's popular in Europe. Yes, how easily it flows and sulfur affects refining costs. WTI is cheaper because it is lower quality than Brent.

>> No.53665955

This ... >>53665934

>> No.53665960

Cool, thanks.

>> No.53666011

Some traders buy/sell based on the spread ... wider (bullish) vs. narrower (bearish).

>> No.53666024

kek, maybe if we're lucky vigilante @ThHappyHawaiian will make rocketred his next project

>> No.53666052

So, are lithium miners the future, or are we going to find a different battery material that renders lithium ion obsolete? I know for the power grid they're moving away from lithium ion due to fire risks and cost, but that's less than 10% of the demand for lion cells. Seems like a lot of dumb money has been pouring into lithium miners, and renewables too for that matter. Saw the other day that there's $10 available for every $1 that is needed to decarbonize america's power grid.

>> No.53666081

so, if China is the main importer and is reopening their economy albeit they are on a population decline

India is growing on an basis of 6% like China a few years ago with a growing population

and considering that african countries have growing populations with some economies pushing the average growth of the continent to 4%

it can be said demand for oil will grow

what about supply?

new wells are being found, but it takes time to set the investment, build up the facilities and extract and refine the product.

as non US, it seems to me that Bidden kind of fucked up american reinvestment in oil.

europe seems poised in trying to get russian oil out of the market

OPEC+ are playing games with pricing by lowering supply

I have the idea that it looks "bullish". however, last time i touched oil i got burned hard in November. Could any anon give insight i might be missing out?

>> No.53666132


if you're still pursuing renewable energy, you can continue buying lithium whilst diversifying into other materials. obvious ones like copper, and other more speculative ones like tellurium which has usage in solar panels, and vanadium which is entering development as an alternative to lithium ion batteries

>> No.53666166

Hydrocarbon demands will at least remain stable for the forseeable future, likely growing.
Biden hurting US oil investment has some truth in terms of making drilling on certain lands more difficult, but the real truth is that investors want dividends and they do not want to be bitten like the last time oil companies invested a shit load in production only for the oil price to tank. CEOs have been told to go with a slow but steady approach rather than trying to ride the wave and invest a fuckload in additional production as prices go up. Now they keep investing a sane amount so they make money and won't be bitten when prices inevitably go down.
It doesn't sound like you know enough about oil to avoid getting burned, not that anybody does.
My personal view is that oil prices will remain high for at least the next 12 months due to the Ukraine war and China coming out of lockdown as Europe tries to resupply for next winter. However, nobody knows what the fuck the market would do. I wouldn't feel great about buying XOM or CVX right now, unless your plan was to collect some divvies then sell. It's a cyclical business and we've been high for too long so I don't trust it, but I especially won't trust it if valuations are still this high a year from now.

>> No.53666324


what about buying ETFs instead of stocks?

>> No.53666397

>It doesn't sound like you know enough about oil to avoid getting burned

I do not, i came out of college without finishing my degree during covid to go work for an year, instead of investing money then i only started investing when i went back by late 2022, got fucked hard by the sudden drop in mid November. it was also by the time europe got 90% of their gas storage filled
European reserves are sitting at 80% now compared to last year 50%, probably them filling up for next winter wouldnt have the same impact as this recent months
also, this might be retarded, but i sense a pattern by which oil goes up by late february only to go down a bit by late november, but as i have been burned by it before now i have my second doubts whenever someone says it will be up by 100+ at any given time even tough i seen it happen in my lifetime

>> No.53666712

Depends on what the ETF holds
I mean, I don't either. My personal buy points are XOM at less than 80 and SLB less than 40 with some others I don't feel like listing. I am fairly confident that if they go below those prices they will appreciate a fair amount above them, and if XOM doesn't then I still get a nice divvie. Maybe I'm a cuck, but it doesn't really sound like you're investing, more like you're trading. I'd focus more on index funds for the most part and just spend whatever money you truly wouldn't miss on oil stocks or other shit when you've got more of it.

>> No.53666966

might as well do that and eventually get a better broker. been told that index funds are the most safe bet in the long term. still going to have to study another 2 years and only by the last year will i be able to get a job and dump some money on brokers again. feel like i wasted my entire youth by not working and learning to invest first and then go to college, this shit really sucks

>> No.53667011

Index funds are the best possible investment for young people in terms of safety from the point you invest to your retirement. They follow the market, and the market will grow unless we have a nuclear melt down world war that literally nobody ever recovers from.
Make sure you don't get jewed by your broker, pick the funds with the lowest cost ratios and the least trading. Traders and hedge funds don't really ever beat the market long term, so any higher fees results in you getting robbed.
Literally all you have to do is invest consistently in index funds early in your life and you'll be better off than 95% of those around you in retirement. unless the aforementioned global war happens and we're stuck exchanging bullets and cigarettes.

>> No.53667216

yeah, thanks for the advice. it will take a while before i can save up and invest more, on the meantime might as well keep the money i still have invested to recover some losses while i try and enjoy my remaining youth

>> No.53667440
File: 1.19 MB, 480x852, PANMAN.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rare gold hunting footage of PANMAN

>> No.53667485
File: 107 KB, 921x581, 327758552_849809336319217_8490335816486279831_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how did he plan to get back out?

>> No.53667736

I did and it's a bunch of hens clucking and no real story being spilled.

>> No.53667754

Okay so what? They dealt with that Jim Lewis favgot on Wall Street silver? Who cares. Yall are a bunch of hens clucking like women. Who gives a fuck? Yeah he's an asshole but happy Hawaian is going around airing this dudes laundry. Note to self, never become friends with or trust happy Hawaiian.

>> No.53667771
File: 14 KB, 342x448, viola-mac-millan-1944-1964b6bdfed3737861ad9066ff000004e9e6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youd be surprised at the accounting mysticism that goes on to keep companies and broader markets afloat or even alive. Valuations correlation with the books is an illusion. See tulip mania for a gross oversimplification of this desu
>just a tally of how much money the companies have spent on a particular project
Garbage in. Garbage out.
Think on this anon: if an explorer had genuinely found a mother load they wouldn't want to advertise it since then the opportunity to accumulate would/could be facing taller barriers to entry by way of competition with investors which raises the share price (minimizing the opportunity to accumulate) or draw attention from regulators, auditors, etc. However if they don't have shit in their mine then they are incentivized to promote anything they can find to attract bagholders to dump on.
Bob has said exactly this (not verbatim) many times.
This is why corporate/institutional investment activity should be heavily scrutinized and never trusted at face value.
Many posts itt and nearly every thread regarding institutional investment and almost never in a positive light
Sprott is mentioned in nearly every thread. If they had something special they wouldn't tell anyone about it
The exception that proves the rule. Their reticence was what sent their garbage mine stock soaring

>> No.53667983

>Index funds are best
This has generally been true, but it still depends on when you bought them, and which index you bought. For an extreme example, if you bought a fund that tracked the Dow Jones Utility Average in 1929, you wouldn't have even had a brief window to take a profit until 1965. Realistically, you may not have lived long enough to see the Average hold above the price you bought it at because that didn't happen until 1985.

>> No.53668020

I realize you have given a very specific example, which you stated, and are being autistic.
However, buying a total market fund of either US equities or worldwide equities would have netted excellent returns even over the period you described. Until such time as the financial system collapses and we are left to trade shiny boomer rocks, ammunition, alcohol, and tobacco, I stand by my statement that young anon should invest in index funds and not speculate on oil until he has sufficient discretionary income.

>> No.53668046

Natty Gas looking ready to blow on Monday or Tuesday. Who's got plan to buy Calls on UNG next week? IV Rank is a little on the high side, but its been a bit a high all year, so I don't think it will be too much of a problem. Anybody have any ideas for a Strike Price/Expiration Date?

>> No.53668274
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Wow I should buy some alphamin resources!

>> No.53668374

Yeah, like I said, I think your advice is probably good, at least while accepting the likely erroneous assumption that he can only buy one thing. But I don't see any broad index that one could have bought at its peak in '29 and had "excellent" returns. At best were the Dow Jones Industrial and the SP500 which still took 24 years just to get back to break-even. Lots of similarities between the last decade and the roaring '20s IMHO. Diversification is the most reliable way to mitigate risks like that, I believe.

>> No.53668519

I unironically bought immediately after Crescat mentioned it and am up over 40% from the pump, the property they are drilling is really interesting, potential for lots of platinum group metals especially rhodium, as well as a nickel discovery.

>> No.53668544
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I lost $700 this week across 4 bad trades. Don't make me do another stupid one

>> No.53668552

>captcha was literally JPY4W
>long Yen for win

>> No.53668795

>Bob has said exactly this (not verbatim) many times.
Yeah in the US at least a lot of small and mid size mines are privately owned. The owners are unlikely to take them public as long as they're making bank.

I usually work with abandoned mines, but about a third of my work comes from going concerns. About equally split between public corps and private owners.

>> No.53669046
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Yes, but
If you bought in 1932 you would have 2x in four years. Surviving 1929 long enough to buy three years later would have been life changing.
You guys gonna be buyers three years after a serious crash? Bread lines. Soup kitchens.

>> No.53669072

>Bread lines. Soup kitchens.
that's it right there. I had a four grandparents live through the depression, they were too busy trying not to starve to buy stocks. And they were rich fuckers before and after the depression.

we've seen a golden age in the stock market and real estate. No guarantee it'll last. And if it fails, rich people will starve right alongside the poor.

gold and silver were no good last time. One was illegal and the other was fixed by the governments. My grandparents stockpiled food, guns, ammo. Because that's really all that mattered last time around.

>> No.53669110
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>gold and silver were no good last time. One was illegal and the other was fixed by the governments

>> No.53669113

the cat was already used for a bake literally a month ago

>> No.53669121

>four grandparents live through the depression

Fuck off boomer

>> No.53669122

Government (Jews) is unironically at fault for everything bad that has ever happened in human history, everyone here knows that already

>> No.53669138

>I had a four grandparents live through the depression

Bob confirmed italian american

>> No.53669155
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The high value of silver and gold was the force that killed them in the US at least. Metal coins almost never circulated in the US because they were hoarded in favor of the paper.

by the time the depression hit, metal coinage was almost completely gone from circulation. Gold was outlawed and confiscated, and silver was hoarded to the point where nobody used it. Paper inflated, but nobody could do shit about it since metal wasn't available.
These were problems inherent to the US, but the US also produced most of the world's silver and gold from 1850 on. So it's not like other places were better off.

Keynes solved the problem, but that's an unpopular opinion in a thread devoted to Austrian econ.

>> No.53669162
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Well I'll have you know my father died in a concentration camp so I don't take you historical revisionists too well. He fell out a guard tower and his sacrifice will not be forgotten.
That's not Bob. Bob lived thru the great depression

>> No.53669165

>Fuck off boomer
I was here before you hit puberty.
I'll be here when you leave.
>Bob confirmed italian american
scots irish, but they were both treated the same back in the day.

>> No.53669173

>Bob lived thru the great depression

>> No.53669174
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Everyone point and laugh

>> No.53669177

At not point during this week did we get any proper buy signals like the one we got today, meaning possible bullish momentum for Monday or Tuesday. Just buy with a further out expiration date to be safe.

>> No.53669184

not saying it's good or it's bad

but everything since the depression including your existence and mine is probably owed to Keynes.

>> No.53669201

>but everything since the depression including your existence and mine is probably owed to Keynes.
Everything since your enslavement to a fiat currency failing as mises predicted including your existence and mine at the whims of the printing press is probably owed to Keynes

It's not honest, but it's a living

>> No.53669224


malthus and mises have both been proven wrong by the last 100 years of human expansion.

only time will tell if they're ultimately right. I suppose they are but we'll see. Strap yourself in and buy storable food is all my grandparents had to say about it.

>> No.53669248

>Strap yourself in and buy storable food is all my grandparents had to say about it.
and make friends.

oddly enough one of my sets of grandparents owed their wealth after the crash to having lots of friends to defend them. They stopped paying their mortgage at a time when your neighbors would show up with shotguns and chase the sheriff off when it came time to foreclose.

after watching 2008 go down I doubt americans have the balls anymore though.

>> No.53669255
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I know mises was wrong on some points but nigger you are defending a retarded pedophile in John Maynard Keynes. You don't know shit about theory and history. And you have the audacity to tell me to read it? I wrote numerous refutations of many of his works.
C'mon man. Even the yellowist leftist nigger loving faggots admit their productivity parasite voodoo economic witch doctor is a child molesting pervert.

I pray your children are sterile

>> No.53669270

>you are defending a retarded pedophile in John Maynard Keynes
ad hom

he could've eaten babbies for all it matters whether he was right or not.

just because someone or something is immoral doesn't mean it's going to fail. The idea matters, not the person. You can molest children all day and it won't matter one bit if your economic ideas are right. It'll matter to you maybe, but not to your ideas.

>> No.53669272
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>may not have included child prostitutes
>may not

>> No.53669283

again, the idea matters, not the person.

you can hate Keynes and still admit his ideas worked. For a while at least. So far.

>> No.53669285
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God what a fucking waste of dubs
>implying Keynes solved anything
Too fucking retarded to even waste my time refuting, that's gotta be some real rotten bait

>> No.53669288
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>his ideas worked
lol. lmao

>> No.53669293

>that's gotta be some real rotten bait
it's the same bait I've been posting since 19 here.

results matter, and Keynes got results while Mises and Malthus failed.

I hate Trump, but the fact is he was great with the economy. Results matter more than the person.

>> No.53669303

My great grandfather and his brother unironically died in a concentration camp (got baited by gestapo into meeting an informant while trying to join the resistance), still doesn't refute the fact jews are bad and I live bad because of them

>> No.53669308
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He's been proven wrong again and again for nearly a century. It's like Mephistopheles but in reverse since it's the road to hell. You're just defending a pedophile obviously because hes been wrong on such a grandiose level that it's simply inconceivable for anyone with a shoe size IQ to think otherwise. It's Marxism plain and simple. You as a Marxist have no issue with him being a pedophile and wrong because you have an agenda like every other commissar in history. And as long as it's you getting the government checks and other people's children being fucked in the ass then it's all good.

>> No.53669313

>I live bad because of them
it's not about you

most people are doing fine, so if you blame jews for your failures you gotta credit jews for everyone else doing great.

>> No.53669318

Open borders for Israel

>> No.53669322

Yeah well you're never going to convince me that's your actual unadulterated horseshit opinion, only unironic highly melanated NIGGERS believe kikenesianism (or the existence of the state in general) have helped one (1) individual who was not already a part of the apparatus holding the monopoly on violence, let alone that our existence somehow "depends" on him or that we owe him anything.

I don't take you for a nigger Bob, that's why I think you're baiting hard.

>> No.53669323

under Keynes we're all socialists, including you.

>> No.53669331

almost half of US workers make their money directly from government. The other half make their money indirectly.

Love it or hate it, Keynes won.

>> No.53669332

>In prison, we're all prisoners
Unless you're on the payroll

>> No.53669334
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presented without comment

>> No.53669342

Love it how you're not even trying to refute anything I said, just playing into your "might makes right, that's why I like him" bait as always

>> No.53669343

you can't survive otherwise.

ask the IRS I guess.

the biggest obstacle to getting rich is your own beliefs that it's immoral. Read that again.

>> No.53669346
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Zoom out nigger. So cocky. Clearly not a study of history. Pathetic

>> No.53669352

there's nothing to refute.

you are rationally correct.

but the world goes on being irrational without you.

>> No.53669361

gambler's fallacy
the problem of induction

history tells us nothing about the future. Just ask Mises and Malthus

>> No.53669368

Investing in silver juniors is immoral Bob? Unless you're talking about the Buffett/post Soviet oligarch way of getting rich in which case yeah it's absolutely not just immoral but downright the most disgusting thing anyone can do in the modern day, literally worse than selling out to the Devil and I wouldn't do it because I believe in Hell.

>> No.53669372

capitalism is amoral

why do you guys insist that your money needs to be moral? Money has no morals. No rich person thinks business is moral and no poor person can get past their morals. You want to get rich and keep your morals. You're just gambling.

>> No.53669389

>poor person
Bob thinks niggers are paragons of virtue the likes of which the world has never seen, not like we haven't figured that out by now though

>> No.53669393

>you can't survive otherwise.
Bob. Nobody here gloats about receiving millions from government contracts except you. You are the one who would not survive without the government and it's downright foolish for you to claim otherwise much less lay that at the feet of anyone here.
>the biggest obstacle to getting rich is your own beliefs that it's immoral. Read that again
Getting rich is not immoral. What you do to get rich is immoral. You have no morals, admittedly, as a Marxist. As long as you take the side with clout then you can parade around about being a pedophile defending Marxist but fucking children in the ass isn't immoral because you're being paid to do it
Keynes is smiling on you Bob. You are his greatest creation. A malevolent child abusing sociopath with a moral compass honed in flawless to financial benefit

>> No.53669397

the true morals of getting rich are helping others

you provide a product people need? that's moral

you help your workers make a good living? that's moral

you help your community with your profits? that's moral.

you have a far greater capacity for morality if you make money, even if you think the money you make is immoral. But rich people don't think money is immoral. We think it's amoral.

>> No.53669402

>Bob thinks niggers are paragons of virtue
I've literally met one black person in my life, and he was a pretty cool dude. stop projecting.
>You are the one who would not survive without the government

me and almost everyone else in the US.

>> No.53669413

>the true morals of getting rich are helping others
Marxism disguised as empathy
you provide a product people need? that's moral
The government compels people by threat of violence. Unneeded and immoral. Yet you defend it
>you help your workers make a good living? that's moral
Good according to whom? Compared to what?
>you help your community with your profits? that's moral.
Uh, how is being productive enough to provide literally any good or service at a rate which is accepted in a free market not enough? You fucking commies always want more.

>> No.53669428

>Yet you defend it
I'm a capitalist of course I don't defend marxism

you can't afford me on your own so without me you die of cadmium, mercury, lead, and arsenic in your water.

the feds decide you should live so they tax you and everyone else and hire me to get rid of cadmium, mercury, lead, and arsenic in your water.

that's not marxism, that's the government keeping you alive and me rich.

thank you for your money.
and you're welcome for your life.

>> No.53669429

There's no way in Hell you've physically only been able to see one nigger in real life with your own eyes, but you calling him a cool dude says a lot.

>almost everyone else in the US
would prosper and live a literal utopian life without the government. Almost everyone except niggers, bureaucrats and gloating gubment contractors

>> No.53669434

>There's no way in Hell you've physically only been able to see one nigger in real life with your own eyes,
you'd be amazed
>would prosper and live a literal utopian life without the government.
libertarians are the joke of modern society.

>> No.53669440
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>me and almost everyone else in the US.
Then they shouldn't exist
>the government keeping you alive
Because nobody was alive before the govt took those things out of the water?
Does the history channel know about this?

>> No.53669447

>b-b-but without me who would purify your w-w-w-water!!!???????

Voluntary human action™ motherfucker, ever heard of it? We'd find another stunad to do it twice as efficiently and at a third of the price you do it for and we wouldn't even need to break a sweat trying to get him to do it, let alone kiss his ass like you fantasise

>> No.53669450

>Then they shouldn't exist
on that we agree.
>Because nobody was alive before the govt took those things out of the water?
billions weren't.
including you and me

you guys love to bitch about boomers, but our retardation came from lead.

>> No.53669452
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>modern society
At first they laugh at you....

>> No.53669454

>We'd find another stunad to do it twice as efficiently and at a third of the price you do it for
the price is fake, remember?


money is a game.
you take it super serious because you suck at it. But it's just fucking paper.

>> No.53669455

This is besides the fact that I get all of my consumable water from a well in my fucking garden and we drink it fresh without even boiling it. Nothing has ever happened to anybody in the last 218 years of my ancestors living here.

>> No.53669464

I work on mines easily large enough to contaminate groundwater 5 states away.

not that anyone here except lassen would bemoan the loss of california, but the US says even he should be protected.

>> No.53669469

>billions weren't.
Then they shouldn't have. Twenty minutes to wapner

>> No.53669473

The history of how we went from private justice (feudalism) to modern states has nothing to do with trade (it was just a side not alongside the black plague) but more to do with european kings wanting more power over their nations so they would conquer other places

>> No.53669476

>Then they shouldn't have.

time will tell. since I agree your lack of communal spirit is near universal and should result in the death of 90% of westerners.

>> No.53669482

>The history of how we went from private justice (feudalism) to modern states has nothing to do with trade
it's just an evolving algo

and it probably won't matter in 10 years since AI should result in the extinction of humanity by assimilation rather than violence.

but time will tell. I expect trade is about to end. Post scarcity via singularity.

>> No.53669487

My water comes from a natural spring I can drink from a ditch and never think of it being contaminated
>should result in the death of 90% of westerners.
Damn so the rest of the world will just feed itself with the handouts from white western nations?
Well shit maybe we should cut them off now since they're doing so fucking well

>> No.53669490


>> No.53669500
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>My water comes from a natural spring
talk to red, he seems to be a hydrologist

maybe he can tell you how my cadmium could end up in your spring. I take classes on it every year, but I doubt you'll take my word.

>> No.53669502

>your lack of communal spirit is near universal
Statists are the ones lacking communal spirit, I agree. And statism is basically near universal at this point. Ancapistan though is the pinnacle of communal spirit, can't really work without it.

You're also being a retard with your insinuation that only westerners are the ones lacking it, roflmao. Go to a bumfuck Chinese slum and see for yourself, I guarantee you'll be disappointed to see that it's a billion times more dog eat dog on an existential level than anywhere in the west

>> No.53669508

>Post scarcity
More people are going to demand less things to the point of just sitting and starving or is a finite amount of physical resources going to last an infinite amount of time?
Which of these two is it?

>> No.53669510

Absolutism and it's consequences have been the biggest disaster for the human race bar none

>> No.53669511

>I guarantee you'll be disappointed to see that it's a billion times more dog eat dog on an existential level than anywhere in the west
no of course not. They deal with truth while we deal in lies

but we are richer for our lies than they are for their truth.

and faggots like you would rather trade our riches for their truths. Very moral of you.

>> No.53669516

we will all die, and none of us will realize it even happened.

>> No.53669531
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>They deal with truth while we deal in lies
Yes. The apex of truth as we know it is the soul crushing poverty Marxism provides as an existence. Fortunately you are profiting from it, advocating it, praising it, but you won't lower yourself to go live it

>> No.53669534

The point is. Governamental expansion has nothing to do with well being but rather control. At that time it worked because it was some higher noble acting as Primus Inter Pares against some other nobles doing whatever they wanted with their subjects. But the Kings still had them around afterwards giving them ofices and cash.

>> No.53669542

truth doesn't matter to economics

the truth is you'll be dead soon and so will I. And since you will eventually die, nothing you do matters to you now. You could just as well be dead now. It's all the same, give or take a few years.

do what you want with your time
if you want to hate me with your time go ahead. I'll be out drinking good whiskey, laying good girls, and traveling the world while you sit home bitterly hating me. And in the end none of it will matter. Not your hate nor my hedonism. It's your choice what to do

you believe in hell so you deprive yourself now
hell isn't real so you live a shitty life for no reason

that also doesn't matter.

>> No.53669543

It didn't kill the Indians or the 49ers. I'll take my chances

>> No.53669548

>It didn't kill the Indians or the 49ers.
they had bigger safety issues.
and my mines didn't exist in 49

>> No.53669549

I would argue it was the french revolution and both world wars

>> No.53669557

I'd rather be a free man in my grave
Than living as a puppet or a slave

>> No.53669560

He also said oil stocks are a shitty inevstment.

>> No.53669563

Fomo'ed into silver again sirs. God help me.

>> No.53669564

the joke is none of us are free

I was free once, I almost died a few times. I didn't care for it. You should try it.

>> No.53669575


>approved covid stimmies and mass trillions of government spending.

>pressured the federal reserve to keep interest rateds low in 2016-2019 which is one of the reasons we are where we are.

Come on man. Are you even trying?

>> No.53669580
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Has anyone bought one of these sliced bars? Are they easy to sell?

>> No.53669584

>The most heavily subsidized, war profiteering, protectionist industry is a bad investment

I wonder how Rudolph diesel died. Probably a completely normal death

>> No.53669585

>Come on man. Are you even trying?
he did the same thing biden or obama would've done, handed out cash

it was the only thing to do and he did it

and it worked incredibly well. Keynes Amen.

>> No.53669592

>Are they easy to sell?
silver is butt easy to test. Of course you can sell that.

you'll lose your fucking premium, but it will sell in minutes.

>> No.53669595

Yeah it's going well. Hopefully they just give everyone a million dollars and we can all be rich like you.
That's how it works

>> No.53669597

Danke. I found these odd looking bars to be cheaper than normal bars, so I was wondering what the catch was.

>> No.53669623

you won't be rich, I'll be poor. and yes, it works.

I have more reason to be pissed about that than you, but I'll be dead soon along with the other boomers. and if my life was good, what do I care if you get "rich"?

>> No.53669655

Sounds super moral and not Marxist at all, since you have nothing to lose then why should that concern anyone else? It's not like your kids get butt fucked and if they do get sold off as sex slaves then at least it wasn't you that did it. The govt simply mandates it and you will comply like everyone else

>> No.53669663

>It's not like your kids get butt fucked
I'm smarter than you and I did better than you will

I trust my kids will do better than your kids because my kids are smarter than your kids and will do better than them.
If I'm wrong that's a problem that will correct itself. Evolution is grand.

>> No.53669690

Right so long as it's not you and yours being raped by the government then the party goes on. This is the irrefutable morality provided by Keynes

>> No.53669696
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Seems like I need to do better DD. I wasn't aware at all about this fact on Blue Lagoon.

CMMG will be rewarded, a ton.

>> No.53669711

you still don't get it

smart people don't care about morality because smart people are amoral.
we're also opportunists.

if my kids are moral (they're not) then I'll try to dissuade them. Just like I try to dissuade you for your own good. Patronizing af. If you were my kid I'd warn you to drop your morals and live your life.

as it is you're almost as old as me so I don't tell you anything. You do you. But at least I have kids, no? No bigger nihilist than a faggot that doesn't have kids.

>> No.53669730

I live w a moral compass. I have no desire to be a parasite

>> No.53669737

and on your deathbed that should be a comfort for you.

I want to watch the world burn.

>> No.53669759
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you're right if your only goal is to have a good life down here. However, I can only agree with this guy >>53669730 as I'm a follower of God. Only reason the world is so garbage is because people follow their desire devoid of moral.

Doesn't mean I intend to stay poor, this bullmarket will allow us to retire.

>> No.53669776
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I believe:

religious are retarded

you might get rich anyways

if you do get rich while being retarded it won't last.

best of luck, I've been retired for almost 20 years now. It's not all you hope it will be. but it can be nice.

>> No.53669788

You're getting paid to burn it. So this makes sense

>> No.53669794

>You're getting LAID to burn it.

men don't care about money, we care about pussy.

I'm getting pussy to burn it.
Let's be honest.

>> No.53669860


>> No.53669913


the literal faggots of /cmmg/ have no response to the fact that women make the world go round?

fucking cocksucking fags.

>> No.53669943

Imagine not having a backbone of all things to bang chicks. Man i dont even know how you enjoy getting laid if that is your motive.

>> No.53669967

it's not just banging chicks. convincing them to have your babbies.

In 20 years when you faggots decide to have kids they'll start off working for my kids or someone like mine.

you talk about generational wealth, you think you can give that to them? It's a joke. You can't pass on anything but DNA and yours is inferior.

>> No.53669987

>it's not just banging chicks. convincing them to have your babbies.
No thanks. I dont want babies with any dumb bimbo that show up. Not desperate neither in a hurry
>In 20 years when you faggots decide to have kids they'll start off working for my kids or someone like mine.
In 20 years my to be born sons will take another 20 years to enter the job market. You are just randomly assembling words together at this point
>you talk about generational wealth, you think you can give that to them? It's a joke. You can't pass on anything but DNA and yours is inferior.
Enjoy golddiggers then. If that is your purpose in life

>> No.53669996

>Enjoy golddiggers then. If that is your purpose in life
gold diggers are 1000x smarter than you.

their kids will employ yours.

>> No.53670013

Whatever. I actually thought you were smart

>> No.53670021

>I actually thought you were smart
that's the point dumbass

I don't do what you think is smart and I still beat you. because you are not smart.

>> No.53670086

the smart man would realize while we compete WITH men we compete FOR women

and men are easy to beat because they're MORAL while women have no such compunctions.

Women don't want MORAL men, they want POWERFUL ones. And Power never came from morality even in the days of the popes.
Do what you want, but MORALS are just virtue signaling while the amoral rule you and women reward them.

>> No.53670099

>he keeps going

>> No.53670125

I'm almost done.

the funny part is 4chan is misogynistic as fuck so you guys know I speak truth.

if you wanna fuck bitches you gotta drop the morals and make the dollars.

we all know it. You wanna win the world without dropping the morals and I respect that. It's a beautiful dream. But it's not how things work right now.

fuck what you want. invest on what's actually happening. AI is looking strong right now, but real estate and the US stock market are also good.

>> No.53670158
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you spend your life making millions and have it all tossed over for a bit of trim.

fackin puss.
it's literally the reason
how many men lost millions for a girl? All of them.


>> No.53670160

>the funny part is 4chan is misogynistic as fuck so you guys know I speak truth.

I dont take advice on women from incels and other like-minded people. In fact, i try to do the opposite and stay away from dull women such as those you seem to be found off.

>> No.53670174

>i try to do the opposite and stay away from dull women such as those you seem to be found off.
fair enough, I made the same mistake the first time I got married.

thought she'd love my intellect and knowledge of culture.

yeah, she left me for money.

hope it doesn't hurt you as much as it did me, but we all have to learn our place.
if you're so smart, why aren't you rich?

>> No.53670198

Because im from western europe's romania. Wages are shit, we get overtaxed, public services are in the gutter and even tough i left my country and came back to finish my degree, i will likely have to move out again to get some money to invest before "settling down", as a teacher. In either case my goal is not being rich, rather get alternative sources of income

>> No.53670204

what's your degree? Is it something you care about?

>> No.53670242

guess I don't get an answer since fuck bob

not really romanian, but one of my heroes in school was Baron Franz Nopcsa von Felső-Szilvás.

not exactly a good guy, and certainly a faggot. But his work was good enough reason to respect him.

>> No.53671124
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>> No.53671154
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Anons your participation needed, post opinions and habbenings

Global Hyperinflation General /GHG/ >>>/pol/415749272

>> No.53671162

dubs and everybody in this thread dies

>> No.53671184
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>> No.53671194
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owari da...

>> No.53671201


this was such a banger of a film

i would have been his top guy

>> No.53671203

brapgas sisters... I am scared

>> No.53671207

>this was such a banger of a film
there is also an italian recreation with mussolini, its pretty good too

>> No.53671214
File: 2.77 MB, 640x360, 1628944848714.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I still rewatch it from time to time

>> No.53671241

>"Nigger, nigger." Was is das?

>> No.53671354
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>> No.53671362
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>> No.53671648
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Counted 14 (fourteen) niggers in the park today lads. That's full on jigaboos, too. I barely even register the pakis and other shades of brown anymore. Grim.

>> No.53671658
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The absolute state

>> No.53671755
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It's fucking February, too. A sunny day but still. When summer hits there'll be millions of em

>> No.53671769
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At least you're not speaking German innit

>> No.53671835
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>> No.53671891
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>> No.53672168

>religious are retarded
You worship the government so your religion changes in accordance with their demands commissar

>> No.53672508

remember a few weeks back anons mentioned the name changes that popped up with all the juniors switching to lithium? I just noticed Braveheart Resources did the same, their now called Canadian Critical Minerals. I wonder if we will hear about them optioning a new property in the near future to go with the new name.

>> No.53672546

Yep, the name changes are a sign of a top, IMO.

>> No.53672564
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Why was arabica coffee so expensive last year?

>> No.53672760


excellent article about that.

>> No.53672785

specifically for Braveheart, it looks like their making headway with their bull river copper mine, BC Hydro is getting them hooked up to the 3 phase grid later this spring.

>> No.53673288
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what the hell, is copper really going to explode this much? how do i get in on this?

>> No.53673328

These prediction are based on future global EV demand growth. In other words : no.

>> No.53673359

Shorting the EV metals, particularly lithium, will be more spectacular than shorting natty has been.

>> No.53673387

no one invested in major copper for 10 years, this is the result. Sure there was exploration work going on, but it didnt end up in new producing mines. Copper is critical for the future.

>> No.53673410

I want to believe, but why the move now, what triggered it?

>> No.53673456


Good small article, although I don't believe we will need to wait for end year.

>> No.53673481

It is simple: We rug the bulls after they prematurely busted their load over the freeport news.

>> No.53673575
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Indeed. Im very bullish on Copper.

>> No.53673619
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interestingly enough, there are some HUGE copper deposits out there that are now sitting under national parks. Windy Craggy is one that comes to mind.

>> No.53673670


who was the fellow claiming that most of these parks were actually strategic reserves to mine when it became expedient to do so? would that render private copper exploration meaningless if the us gov can pull huge amounts from its ass at a moments notice?

>> No.53673694
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That painting... Silver anon's german nice handwriting femanon goldbug sweetheart made that from /pmg/

Redwolf + Bayhorse forever

>> No.53673722
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silver miner anon*

>> No.53673729

thats been brought up a couple of times actually, and i am actually starting to believe it. There are a number of parks that I can think of off the top of my head that have massive copper / silver / gold prospects in their borders. The issue with the idea that the government will mine these deposits it doesnt make sense for them to do the mining, instead they would contract out the work to a major corporation instead. It also has the issue that these deposits havent been explored since the parks were put on top of them, so you would have to do all the exploration drilling and planning first, than build the mine, which takes years.

I would not at all be surprised that there was a plan at some point to exploit these deposits but its not in motion currently.

>> No.53673747
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GV and canadian rahaj forces combined

>> No.53673819


i don't understand the significance of this. is crescat good or bad for bllg?

>> No.53674469

Similar problems abound in oil and gas as well. Capital expenditures have been heavily cut since the early 2010's and as a result discoveries have not kept up.

>> No.53674762

With the much higher gas-to-oil ratios it will be interesting to see how much American shale production holds up, especially with more expensive borrowing costs hampering investment in new wells, crucial to offsetting their high decline rates. It seems most of the DUC backlog from the pandemic is filled now. Is the Permian getting gassy?

>> No.53674964


check out the interactive 3D map surge has for the ootsa project

>> No.53675660

I think Berg will the bigger / better mine over all down the road, but Ootsa is what will get Surge up and into the market.

>> No.53675680
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wait what the hell, why did my IP change again?

>> No.53675836


maybe but i am personally leery of projects not owned 100% by the company. mostly because i just don't understand how it works.

>> No.53675910


also, might i ask, if you're confident in the berg plan, are you familiar with the poplar project nearby by universal copper? they're trading at very cheap now and i'll pick it up if the project outlook is similar to neighboring projects.

>> No.53676152

I know of Poplar, I think I was one of the first that brought it up. I ve driven through and sampled in that general area in the past for a few previous projects a long time back, as well as the Stars Copper project to the North on the Morice River watershed.

Poplar has some potential, but i havent looked at Universal in ages, I ll report back a bit better once i ve looked at what they have been up to. I can report that there are a lot of blebby copper showings out that way, lots of small porphyry intrusions, coming up through the local volcanic tuffs, basalts and rhyolites. You see huge chunks of irregularly shaped chalcopyrite, tetrahedite, richly stained malachite stringers from quartz calcite and all sorts of incredible sphalerite crystals in roads cuts. Its great territory to prospect, much is burned off spruce, its dry and easy to navigate, the closer you get to the coast though the tougher things get. Lots of hornet nests out there too, they live in the ground and act like land mines.

As for Berg, its an optioned property from Centerra, Centerra did a lot of work in the 90s and 2000s on Berg but were focused on another major project at the time. Holding the property is expensive without doing constant exploration work, so optioning the property to Surge makes all sorts of sense. Surge gets first dibs on buying the property out once they have met all the conditions in the option agreement.

>> No.53676175

i should also mention, that both Stars and Poplar are not the same scale as Berg or Bergette belonging to Surge. Those two properties that Surge hold are mountain range scale bodies, while Poplar and Stars are singular smaller porphyrys, that doesnt mean that their not worth exploring, their just not in the same ball park as what Surge is working with.

>> No.53676211
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Guys, according to the 36th revision to the CPI, inflation is now under 2%.


Just so you know what's happening on Tuesday.

>> No.53676235


>> No.53676254

poor Gram, he looks so tired from mining all that silver ore, the highest grade in the world. Where does all the pure silver go since he refuses to sell to COMEX? That's a lot of seats he reserved for his ladyboy team. I bet he stocked up on coke and viagra.

>> No.53676281


i'm already invested in surge now that you've mentioned it. i've simply been looking into other nearby projects in case there's any value that's been overlooked. but i suppose surge is a gamble in the sense that they may or may not get access to the huckleberry complex, tho they advertise it like it's a sure thing

>> No.53676604

Lagoon bros, I always knew we were going to make it in the end

>> No.53676885

did anyone else see Osisko is working on a Lithium company now? How many off shoots can they have??

>> No.53677499
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Poos just cornered the lithium market

>> No.53677948

She used to make memes of me and I think she had a crush on me or looked up to me at the very least and I was a savage dick to her.

>> No.53678219
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banks or bust

>> No.53678341

The French Revolution is a direct consequence of Bourbons instituting absolutism through abolishing the decentralised military nobility (which is literally what feudalism means) and replacing it with bureaucratic rule. There was a whole rebellion against absolutism and for noble landholders, the knighthood and the clergy in the early 1600s supported by literally everybody except bourbons kikes and mercenaries, it was called the Fronde. Kikes practically endlessly bankrolled the monarchy until it won, devastating the country for decades to come.

Afterwards, the batshit insane 80%+ taxation began

>> No.53678386

I've always said that industrial hemp is the key to a utopian society and always get called out as a junkie even though I have never even tried weed in my life full stop (only meth, black tar and coke). Hempcrete alone would revolutionise housing if hemp was deregulated to the point where it could be a cheap construction material and not an overly and needlessly expensive tax on hippies as it is now. Not to mention the travesty of cattle not being allowed to graze hemp anymore even though it's been the go to forage for peasants over literally millenia. Biofuels are the cherry on top, and I agree that industry is being deliberately handicapped by the war on drugs forcing us to adopt ten times less efficient goyslop trash memes (corn and basedbeans) instead of anything that'd be rational and efficient to convert into biodiesel (of which hemp would be the biggest part)

>> No.53678774
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Have you heard about the chemical spill in Ohio?
What will the consequences be?

>> No.53678785


>> No.53678839

Pakistan claims that territory too, bullish for warmongers.

>> No.53678869

It double bottomed

>> No.53678883

David Braddy and Silverchartist are extremely bullish for the next 3-4 weeks. Same as Gary, very interesting.

>> No.53678996
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Yes, I'm aware.

Silver miner was a friend of mine and a decent enough guy. I have a lot of his art saved on my drive.

I understand what he was trying to do, even if I think it was naive and ultimately doomed by a company that didn't share his goals and allowed him to mislead himself and others about their prospects. I never bought any BHS and I never stacked any silver, but I didn't hate the guy. His idea was interesting, his execution flawless, he just chose the wrong company to go all in on. I'm not sure there is a "right" company for his plan. Hecla maybe. Or Bunker Hill. Not bayhorse apparently.

>> No.53679021

>Hecla maybe. Or Bunker Hill. Not bayhorse apparently.
But then I'm biased since I've done work on the Bunker Hill property, and am the third generation of my family to have worked for Hecla. I cut my teeth working for them on their properties in my town. One of their former projects is currently being brought back to life as we speak.

But either one seems more promising than bayhorse, and Hecla has a long history of making money, even if it's not a huge company.

>> No.53679133
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I particularly liked how he raged at redwolf and called him a traitor when he found out that red had sold the top on the horse.
That was probably the moment I actually began to respect red wolf for his grasp of trading.

>> No.53679141

It just took David a little longer to get it.

>> No.53679159

>sold the top

I mean it just got to the point where you couldn't have any faith in the company anymore. I gave them chance after chance and benefit of the doubt over benefit of the doubt.

I was in big time. The story was good, but as soon as management started dropping the ball I bailed.

>> No.53679176

>as soon as management started dropping the ball I bailed.
Most anons bought the bullshit and hodl'd. You're a contrarian and your instincts were perfect. You probably made more money off that P&D than silver did.
Not that it matters, but that's when I actually saw you as a force to be reckoned with.

>> No.53679178

I always got the sense he was an outsider and I don't know how he stumbled onto this place. He never understood the culture here and a lot of things we take as part of the culture he would get really offended by.

That and how personally he took things sometimes. I could feel that he was a trustworthy person, he wasn't trying to scam, but I also felt a very maybe sheltered person.

I often wondered if he was someone famous like Bob Moriarty or something. I think he lived in the uk and somehow he had a lot of money and that's all I really u knew about him. A guy on Twitter sent me a friend request a long time ago and I think that might have been him but I'm long since banned on Twitter completely m

>> No.53679187

Yeah my instincts are good for this shit. Might be my quarter jew blood mixed with good old white man's rationality with a little bit of viking aggressiveness. I've always been interested in investing. Evr since I was 12 when I heard there was a helium shortage and started researching helium companies.

Once I make the money I'm planning to make with these current investments I'm gonna start doing big things with trading. I'm just locked into these investments right now and I'm good with that because I trust my instincts.

>> No.53679194

Thanks for the compliments man.

>> No.53679196

Yeah, the way he got offended about anime was very reddit. Not sure, but I think he was doxxed here a couple times. I think some people probably still track him on ceo or wherever he's posting now.

He might have added me on fb but I don't accept friend requests from 4chan anons. He definitely knew who I am, but I've been doxxed a few times on /biz/ and other boards over the years.

>> No.53679215

We legit started the silver squeeze though. That entire movement. He originated the first post on Wallstreet bets. We discussed and planned it here. Crazy to think about but not surprising. Everybody steals credit from 4chan and the reddit fags steal it the most, liket he Wallstreet silver an Jim Lewis faggot.

>> No.53679224


you guys raised the global price of silver 10% for several weeks straight. Something only a true force of nature could pull off.

>> No.53679234

I also remember when I began selling scamhorse at about .20 or so. I communicated it clearly to the thread which at the time might as well have been called /bhsg/. I pointed out the terrible track record; the conspicuous and repeated timeline misses; the very uncertain economics; and the feasibility of the whole project. I was met with furious vitriol and protest by many anons in the thread, and silverjew himself engaged me in a long-winded debate where his entire argument could be summarized into "dude the potential brooo" lol. I remember the grasping at straws, like for example when I pointed out the tiny and uncertain 6Moz silver resource, he told me that there could be over a hundred million ounces down there! It just had to be found! After all, two geologists in the 1940's thought there could be such potential, so it was pretty much certain!

In retrospect, the scam was plain to see, and I'm glad I did see it and managed to turn a profit as well. Idk what redwolf did at the time but had we been actually smart we would have bought oil juniors instead of wasting precious time and money on junior mining shitcos

>> No.53679249

I wonder whether the Telegram safespace group where only five or ten hand picked anons were allowed still exists. One can only ponder about what kind of illuminating and enriching discussion goes on over there!

>> No.53679252

I'm glad you sold the top. Silver should have as well.

I was there doubting their claims too, but I never had any skin in the game. But then I was too busy doing covid work to worry much about the horse. The shutdown increased my revenues by 1/3 so I was plenty busy without investing in silver or questionable oregonian miners.

>> No.53679275

I was never invited, but then I make my living primarily off the death of mines rather than their success.

>> No.53679301

Bob, the whole general has nothing on you. You are the most successful person here, and success breeds jealousy. Okay granted you are a bit of an ass too so the hate you get is partly justified. But still.

>> No.53679321
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>Okay granted you are a bit of an ass too so the hate you get is partly justified. But still.

I've done nothing but troll and make people hate me since /pmg/ first started. I am absolutely an ass. I don't get to speak my mind in real life though. None of us do. That's what 4chan is for.
Anonymity is for saying what you really think without getting cancelled.

>> No.53679333

>You are the most successful person here
also I doubt that. I just brag a lot. I'm a pretty small fish in real life. I'm not lying about making millions, but millions isn't shit where I live.
It's also not shit where Lassen and Red live.

>> No.53679391
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new thread >>53679382

Also fuck bob

>> No.53679404
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>Also fuck bob
thanks silver

>> No.53680044

I remember that and I remember you