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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53655862 No.53655862 [Reply] [Original]

>Basic Information

>Real-Time Trades
>Current Trade Halts + Short Restrictions

>All other news/DDs/etc

Blackrock 14% stake in BBBY

10Q Filing

>Bed Bath & Beyond Inc. Announces Completion of Public Equity Offering and Provides Strategic
>Bed Bath & Beyond Inc. Announces Pricing of Offering of Series A Convertible Preferred Stock and
>Bed Bath & Beyond Inc. Announces Proposed Offering of Series A Convertible Preferred Stock and

>> No.53655870

New 8K's


>Carol Flaton - Carl Ichans appointee in Xerox take over

Latest hires
>David Kastin - M&A Specialist board member & CLO
>Shawn Hummell New Snr VP

>Temporary alliance with reddit and jews to take down other jews, we can go back to hating each other later
>reddit DDs don't take them for fact use your brain
>Check your broker and clearing house to ensure you're not rugpulled

As always:
>Sneed hedgies
>Reminder to filter the spamming shills

Last time in BBBY

>> No.53655892

surging premarket + OPEX + imminent filing + CTB dropped to 340% giga bullish

>> No.53655997

should I buy it? how much? will this make me profit?

>> No.53656003
File: 2.80 MB, 2550x3509, 1674459209212357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know shit about BBBY, but if anyone remembers when GME dropped to $40 and the unbelievable shilling and screaming, it's eerily similar to this. I hadn't bought into GME, I didn't shit post but I did agree with the shills that there was now ay it was going to do shit only for it to shoot up to $300. That's when I bought in, knowing something was up
Getting the same vibes here. The shilling really does make these threads unbearable. I thought GME was bad but the shills are probably 5:1 in these threads and constantly reply to "themselves"

I'm going to wait til day end to see who the buyer is then decide to buy on Monday. Unless early announcement...

>> No.53656020

If you wait until the news then it's already too fucking late, retard. This shit is probably gonna pump either way, just get your sui stack now before you regret it.

>> No.53656117
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Today is the day!

>> No.53656118

Thanks for baking. I was asleep and shills spam so much they move so fast

>> No.53656141

Cant wait to get steak and liqour to celebrate the BBBYOASS

>> No.53656209

Wtf is this account? Do people really think it’s believable that they spend their free time 100% focused on various struggling retail chains

>> No.53656221
File: 772 KB, 280x158, marxsorfeault.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

after 5 min research, i Just put order for 1000 shares. Did i dun goofed?

>> No.53656230

I'm watching Master and Commander in preparation for today.

>> No.53656392

I pointed out this account before, it seems like a bot account but it's super weird how people spend their entire time fudding a stock. Like you would just ignore it wouldn't you. I can't think of a single stock I have even thought of going to the subreddit or post articles to fud the lengths they go. Just weird how much this single stock makes people seethe

>> No.53656413

I got 3000, might credmaxx on another 3000

>> No.53656432

just cancelled can't justify it being pure gamble

>> No.53656447
File: 313 KB, 924x768, 2B29EDEA-5A26-4C19-8E7F-261A025919B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ready for some news. we deinking some docta bob tonight

>> No.53656464

If you had actually done the research you wouldn't be calling it a gamble.

>> No.53656487

The spam is unbearable. Is GME baker BBBY baker?

>> No.53656519
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what is the reason you think it will go up? they are closing stores while at $2 a pop that's a red flag. It means they are cutting their loses and don't believe in themselves. if They had comeback under the sleeves they would not close stores and do their comeback instead

>> No.53656523
File: 319 KB, 1439x758, Screenshot_20230209-002343_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea but I appreciate whoever's baked this one. We're getting raided by Citadels TOP man on his multiple devices. Though he got jannied on at least 2 last night he'll be back after he resets his router no doubt. There is no one else who is this dedicated to trying to derail the BBBY conversation than this faggot who fucked up big time

>> No.53656538


>> No.53656553

They aren't sending their best

>> No.53656583

even if he isn't a shill I don't care. these days I'm filtering the unintelligent or under informed all the same. my threadly experience has improved bigly.
I even filter BBBY fudders in GME general. could you fucking imagine being able to see through the fog enough to buy GME, just to then turn around and catch the fud of BBBY? the true definition of a midwit. incredible

>> No.53656631

The fudders in GME are the poster I just posted the screengrab of. He is a multi device gaslighting shill who fucked up hard and who's sole job is to derail threads and abuse the report system. He's been at it for 2 years now and ducked up big time. Half the OG GME holders are in here because as you say, imagine seeing the GME play and not this. The fudding in there is not organic in the slightest and the same faggot doing it has been caught out hundreds of times trying to control narrative. The fact he's not been jannied permanently raises the biggest question about this site as it appears he can call in reports easily but they ignore all the reports about him breaking every rule in the book. He even fucked up with trying to get /gme/ to kek us and all he got was exposed as a real shill for his efforts.

>> No.53656639


>> No.53656654

Yesterday I had seen some people laughing at a shill for saying bagstop but I didn't know what the story was behind it.

>> No.53656660
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Meh it's the wider market being sold off. One announcement and this shit blows hedgfunds dicks off from the back as their short position gets raped with a 747

>> No.53656678

that 50 pbtid kept honing on 2.37 being the capitulation point, weird we saw 2.38 as the low the other day even though he was saying it all day. hoping we're close

>> No.53656681
File: 1.17 MB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20230209-003157_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep that's him. He called it BAGSTOP and gmebaggies, then fucked up and replied to himself in 3rd person like he always does. Then he gas lights you saying "take meds" when caught out. Then he replies to you on another ID, trying to damage control. He went from "that wasn't me" to "yeah well it was just a typo" in 3 posts. He will often use 2 or 3 ID's and 40+ posts talking to himself shilling options in GME on weeks where it gets bogged on a friday to max pain or under.

>> No.53656709

Yeah I'm comfy as fuck, I just like AAAA/OOOO posting

>> No.53656720

Yeah at this point I think all those mass posting personalities like 45/keith/chadshill are all the same dude. I just filter them quickly and the thread cleans itself up quickly.
It's fun to watch the shills clock out of one thread and move to the other. They've been going awfully hard on BBBY the past week. Really activates the almonds.

>> No.53656821

How likely is that announcement though?

>> No.53656842


>> No.53656853

>I can't hear you nyaa nyaaa
Grow up, kid.

>> No.53656872

I am keith you dingus. That poster has done a number on trying to impersonate me on dozens of occasions and when he gets caught out all the "it's all one person" started. He's faked screengrabs of him posting "I sold" saying I sold my GME for BBBY when I had done nothing of the sort and proved it. Ask him to post his GME position. He has never even said what his position is let alone proved it.

>> No.53656897

Link for Newell Brands call in 1.5 hour: https://ir.newellbrands.com/events/event-details/fourth-quarter-2022-earnings-webcast

>> No.53656907

Yeah I remember promising myself that if GME drops below $50 I will buy back. I pussied out in the end though. A shame, although I made $20k on original pump so it's not that bad.
I put some gambling money into BBBY yesterday fully expecting to lose it all. Now I just have to wait for my anus to be raped I guess. I'm wearing a condom just in case I will be the one fucking though.

>> No.53656930

Interesting. I believe that.

>> No.53656941
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>> No.53656951

What? Did 4chan bug again? Must be an email from some other poster that ended up in mine

>> No.53656988

I actually put it there on purpose as a poor joke. Sorry for that

>> No.53656998
File: 415 KB, 500x467, FlqKPY4XEBIQpSt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My50c, BBBYs dips is caused by shorts and BK rumors. BK is off the table, and they have a buyer. Whoever that buyer is, BBBY is not a $2.5 stock. Dont ask me, ask bondholders 2024, its now at like $27.

I dont get why anyone would wait until monday morning. Even if Santa Claus bought BBBY, its at min an easy doublebagger until monday at the worst case.

>> No.53657085

kek hoffmannies

>> No.53657134

If Cohen or Icahn's name is attached to this by the the end of the day we'll all be very very rich men by the end of next week... not that you need to sell next week. We can wait for big numbers :)

>> No.53657255


Yeah that would be huge boosters. However regardless of fundamentals, this shit is prime for takeoff just for technical reasons.

>> No.53657342
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When you see candles like this you know shorts are baking a loaf in their pants

>> No.53657345
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Why won't you lil whippersnappers sell?

>> No.53657444
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What program is that and what you pay for license?

>> No.53657461

15 minutes, lads

>> No.53657485

I want to believe bros but would WSJ really straight up lie about it being Hudson Capital?

>> No.53657517


Its absolutely unexpected for a company to give headsup of mergers, aquisitions and shit for Q1 while the newell call is on Q4. We may get leads, thats it. I fully expect that almost nothing will come of Newell call.

An announcement of BBBY related acquisition and so on would be good for us though, as it would get options ITM very high up today, and make next week even better. I do not expect this though.

>> No.53657537

Moomoo and it's free

>> No.53657600

Nothing from Icahns earnings report so its confirmed not him. Now its either RC or Hudson

>> No.53657661

Most announcements have come just after earnings, not on the actual call.

>> No.53657676

I doubt they wouldnt mention anything about a massive merger deal on their call if they have to file the merger today... He does have until end of day though I guess

>> No.53657724

Yeah, although we've also had late filings, so they could delay it until monday.

>> No.53657734

>just one more weekend
Bro... Im tired

>> No.53657799

So the price is basically capped at 6.15. If there's more than one warrant buyer there is little incentive waiting for large margins when you can get cucked by someone selling for lower ones

>> No.53657801

Has the merger been announced yet? Anons said they had evidence a merger was definitely being announced today.

>> No.53657836

Whoever bought the bonds has 4 days to file an 8K. That last day is today. Unless they file it after 5:30PM then I think it gets released Monday. That should basically spill the beans on what is going down.

>> No.53657866

It has to be RC. Im pretty sure its not Icahn as it didnt get mentioned in his companys earnings. If its not RC or Icahn we are so fucked

>> No.53657879
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omfg I am so pumped for today. Can you believe it that we are all finally going to wagmi? Literally these are the last hours of being wagie. Our real lives start NOW.

>> No.53657905

>we are so fucked
Not really. If the company can hold on long enough the shorts are fucked anyway. All of the conditions for a squeeze are boiling in the pot as we speak, we merely need to survive a matter of months before they get blown the fuck out. And that is the worst case scenario.

>> No.53657925


Technicals are there whether icahn buys, RC buys, or Santa Claus buys. But i agree, we want BBBY to be in good hands.

>> No.53657951

Not really. If someone nefarious has bought then they can use the warrants to dilute us to shit (and also prevent a short squeeze by flooding the market with shares) we need a good hearted activist investor who wants to squeeze the shorts. Ideally someone like RC or Icahn with experience of doing this before
If its Hudson Im selling immediately. They literally have SEC fines for loaning companies money and then shorting the stock
Hopefully we find out today

>> No.53658007

Um wtfwt

>> No.53658019

kek it really is Hudson isn’t it

>> No.53658033

How has the dilution not allowed them enough room to escape

>> No.53658049

If it is thats enough for me
Im not staying long enough to see the subreddit start coping with
>heres how Hudson is actually a GOOD hedge fund!

>> No.53658056

There hasn't been any dilution.

>> No.53658072

I don't like the look of those guys, either. Looks like a corrupt fucking temple of shylock shysters imo.

>> No.53658089
File: 2 KB, 125x123, 957D65B3-9DBD-4592-A83C-01272C14BAD3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because there is no such thing as escape for the largest players. They bet on being able to cellarbox bbby if they don’t succeed they lose literally everything it’s a trade with infinite risk

>> No.53658097
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Shit I think I may have been there. I lurk /GME/ rather hard since it's my life line, but have learned to skim pretty fucking heavily.

Not sure if throwing 20k into this is the worst idea I've ever had or not.

>> No.53658099

What caused the crazy volume immediately following the share printing

>> No.53658110

kek which one of you autists asked about BBBY on the call

>> No.53658129

Algos instantly reacting to news just like every other time

>> No.53658132


No one did, they talked about struggling retailors. New CEO mentioned BBBY himself, ("ill take it you mean BBBY"). Then said a bit, and then "ill leave it at that".

No, BBBY at this point is not a significant parameter to a $6b company. It may be though.

>> No.53658133

You don’t like laughing at retards burning their money?

>> No.53658178

Large institutions are spoofing the price by manhandling the price action. They are passing blocks of shares large enough back and forth so they can control where the price moves. They can drown out other buy/sell pressure by essentially creating enough volume to anchor the price whereever they want. It's been like this since Monday's rip, they are now directly in control of what happens out of desperation/necessity.

>> No.53658211

There’s laughing at retards and then there’s spending over 2 years laser focused on a single topic. Check meltdownies post histories and you’ll find a large number of them brigade anything related to bbby/gme. There’s countless examples of them pretending to be normal people browsing related threads while dogwhistling their bearish script

>> No.53658228
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i love it. I do it everyday

>> No.53658249
File: 46 KB, 902x300, BBBY shill bot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually pretty wild to see just how big of a deal this is. Literal bots and paid shills all over the place. It's one of the most bullish things out there, because Wallstreet likes to dump their bags onto retail and encourage you to BUY. The shills are out trying to get us to SELL. It's very bizarre if you think about it.

>> No.53658298

And down already

>> No.53658315
File: 3 KB, 130x130, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53658325

Oh okay, so the increase in volume by 4x immediately following the share offering has nothing to do with an increase in shares

>> No.53658335
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>> No.53658367

There was higher volume the day before, and at the start of Jan, so no, they're not directly correlated.

>> No.53658380

They sold preferred shares you dumb nigger.

>> No.53658399

I sold, fuck this

>> No.53658418

so I was hearing throughout the entire week that since conversion price is 2.37 I should sell since Hudson would dump on me, but now that conversion price is 6.15 I should be buying, right?:)

>> No.53658419

Um...are we still going to make it?

>> No.53658420

Yeah, that can be converted to common stock at any time
Obviously they will be converted to common stock, because the preferred shares are useless - they have no voting power and you cant sell them, so whoever bought them was always gonna convert them straught away

>> No.53658422


>> No.53658444

There are two possible conversion prices that hudson has to convert at the lower of:
>the 10 day moving avg minus 8%
Since we are under the first one they will convert at the second 1. The $6.15 is a hard ceiling so that they can convert at that if it goes anywhere above

>> No.53658459

Conversion price is 6.15 or
92% of the running average from the last 10 days/0.73$ (whichever is higher)

the price is capped between 0.73 and 6.15. It's only unprofitable to buy the shares if it falls bellow 0.73

>> No.53658484

hudson can profit all the way down to .73 so they will slowly unload to recoup their cash over time which will put significant selling pressure on the stock.

>> No.53658492

So whats to stop Hudson (or whoever the buyer is) buying infinite shares for 92% of market value, dumping them at current market value (for a guaranteed 8% profit every time) and rinse and repeat until we are down at $0.70?

>> No.53658519

Greed i guess. Why make pennies when you can squeeze thousands froms shorties.

>> No.53658540

But, if I'm reading your comment right, they could make billions from doing what I described without having to bank on a short squeeze...
Are we fucked?

>> No.53658578

Oh my FUCKING god

>> No.53658584

They couldnt make billions that way. BBBY is selling 2.8 billion max. Assuming best case scenario of 8% profit that's 220 million, but as soon as they would start dumping the price is going way lower than 0.73

>> No.53658603

when a company has to turn to equity to raise cash to cover their operating expenses, it's certainly not a good thing.

>> No.53658625

I have a question for bobros shorting this trash here. When is a good time to exit shorts?
People are saying the next leg down is to 0.70 because that's where the dilation shares were valued at. Is that correct?

>> No.53658632

How do I cope with this being the end

>> No.53658650

January 6th but instead of the capitol we storm the Hudson bay/BBBY Headquarters?

>> No.53658652

just do what everybody. Fuck daniel's mom. She is a whore.

>> No.53658661
File: 887 KB, 646x738, FmjUoWBXkAAkPd7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Newell CEO:

“Maybe to build on Ravi’s answer on the first one, I think the retailer you’re talking about is likely Bed Bath & Beyond, they represent less than 2% of the company’s revenue. And we are working very collaboratively with them in terms of kind of a win win go forward partnership, but I’ll leave it at there, but it’s not a significant part of the company’s business.”

Of course its not a significant part of Newell business right now, BBBY has been cucked. The point of all this is, they are about to be uncucked.

> working very collaboratively with them in terms of kind of a win win go forward partnership, but I’ll leave it at there"

> I’ll leave it at there

If they have announcement, it is not in fucking Q&A on a Q4 call, wtf are you retarded?

They have announcement scheduled for 30min after close. Incidentally, this is deadline of BBBY announcing who took the deal.

Now look at this:
1. Its been speculated for long time that buyer is Icahn, due to RC tweets.
2. Remember the 10-2 children book by RC, "Tik tok".
3. Today is Teddy day.
4. Today is Titanic relaunch day.

Im saying, if nothing is announced related to Newell, this is alot of very specific coincidences. Buy while you can.

>> No.53658682

>we will take advantage of this beaten down company to improve our own financial and market position

>> No.53658693

>just do what everybody. Fuck daniel's mom.
Hello ser
>Now look at this:
>1. Its been speculated for long time that buyer is Icahn, due to RC tweets.
>2. Remember the 10-2 children book by RC, "Tik tok".
>3. Today is Teddy day.
>4. Today is Titanic relaunch day.
You are genuinely schizophrenic. And not in a good way. Imagine going up to someone on the street and telling them to invest in a stock because of some childrens books and the date the titanic movie was re-released (not even the original release date, the re-release of the remastered version)
Im selling

>> No.53658699


>> No.53658711

Kek BBBaggies
It's over.
You may proceed to shit and piss yourselves.

>> No.53658746

gamma ramp WHEN?

>> No.53658758

This. I'm buying puts on Newell so when MSM tries to tank it for the association with BBBY I'll be laughing.

>> No.53658779

the amount of seething shills instantly responding to you confirms that its /happening/

>> No.53658792

It will be over when they shills wont be here.

>> No.53658796
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>> No.53658802

Yeah bro everyone who doesnt like the stock is being paid
Thats the only explanation

>> No.53658806

People who hurt your feelings?

>> No.53658825

Can I still afford rope?

>> No.53658845

This. BBBY was priced for bankruptcy and now it's not going bankrupt. So many shorts dog piled the company and now they need/want out without getting squeezed.

>> No.53658887

they sold equity at a massive discount, diluting current shares by 30%. hudson will assuredly be unloading shares on an ongoing basis to start and recoup their investment in case bbby cannot turn it around. bankruptcy is not cancelled. it is merely delayed at the expense of those holding equity.

>> No.53658890

Remember, folks. Today is Friday so they will likely walk the price to max pain like the always do. Nothing to worry about, the fireworks will resume this Monday.

>> No.53658899

So Cohen unironically rugged and we're getting diluted to under $1/share. Fuck me. I should've sold at $7 (still at a loss for me). Unironically feel like roping. Down $30k.

>> No.53658905

I haven't been able to stay abreast of all the info as I've been super busy of late.
As far as I understand it...
1.) Shares diluted
2.) Hudson Bay have bought a sizeable position with others who have not yet disclosed.
3.) An 8k needs to be filed today telling us who the other investors are (possibly Icahn????)
4.) Bankruptcy off the table, however, shares have been diluted.

Anything else I should know? Thx

>> No.53658981

Thats pretty much right but 1) and 2) are linked
Hudson (or Icahn, whatever) didnt buy a controlling position - in fact the filing specifically bars them from holding more than 9.99% at any given time
Instead the "investor" essentially bought the right to print cheap shares to dilute us

>> No.53659015

Think about this, though. Cohen absolutely dunked on his fervent fanbase with his handling of the BBBY investment. There are a LOT of people in your shoes and all it takes is one lone wolf. He's going to be looking over his shoulder for the rest of his life, as will his former Mossad security team.

>> No.53659034

The investor bought preferred stock at 9500$ a pop that they can convert to common stock for about a 40% stake in the company considering what the tradable float will be after the conversion. They can then go to the market and buy the remaining 11% necessary to have a majority controlling stake, and have no incentive to sell a single share since they'd no longer have that majority. This has all happened in exactly the manner to bear trap as many shorts as possible, and this post is their one warning to get out or prepare to buy. They will not heed it. They do not listen, so they will learn. WAGMI mofuckas, WAGMI.

>> No.53659040

No one will do anything. The subreddit still overwhelmingly loves him and thinks hes coming back even 6 months after he sold
If he does the same to GME maybe some people would get mad but even then I think the prevailing sentiment on superstink would still be pro-Cohen

>> No.53659045

Fuck you Ryan Cohen you bastard.

>> No.53659056

Why must you toy with my emotions?

>> No.53659057

Got it thx.

>> No.53659075

just slurped this scrumptious dip

>> No.53659083

Hey man i'm a fellow bagholder but being realistic is important. Common shares are capped at 9.99% per entity, there won't be any majority controlling stake.

>> No.53659086

Forget IDs again?

>> No.53659098

What price did you get?

>> No.53659101
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aaaaand.... filtered

>> No.53659126

>noooooo I need my safespace hugbox

>> No.53659127

Not capped, they just have to report every time they convert another 10% stake. Or buy from the market directly, and at the current prices if I wanted a controlling stake I'd be loading the wagon right meow.

>> No.53659129

The shorts continue to desperately borrow and short even at 300% borrow rates. Literally 15x the interest on a credit card.
Desperation? Who could possibly want to be taking on this much risk when we know that bankruptcy has ALREADY been diverted. If we get diluted in 90 days, that is still long enough to eat up all of their profits from opening the shorts. So what is actually going on here? They desperately want to shake the longs out. They want to spread as much fud as they can to make you second guess your position so they can wiggle out sooner rather than later.
We can't both be right, and all of the price action of this stock appears to be tightly controlled so it does not rip higher. The fundamentals are all in our favor. The trade is crowded, costly, and BK has been averted. The shorts simply don't want to close.

>> No.53659144

Pretty sure those rates are for retail only. HF's will probs be paying 3%

>> No.53659145
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filter me too please

>> No.53659151

Yeah nevermind i reread it, the percentage can be increased. It's all hanging on the upcoming fucking 8-K

>> No.53659163

Based and pitpilled

>> No.53659191

bbbaggy bros...not like this...

>> No.53659200

Cutting my losses here. Obvious they’re gonna walk it down to $1

>> No.53659201
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Happy Teddy Day

>> No.53659218
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Pamp eet

>> No.53659227

calling all men to the slurp stations, there's a curry leak

>> No.53659238
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Were baggies the pinata after all?

>> No.53659242

And you can have it all
My portfolio of dirt
/biz/ will let you down
/biz/ will make you hurt

>> No.53659274
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/biz/ is full of shills
pajeeties walk among us
I disregard them all
And I post sneed chung-us

>> No.53659291
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holy filtered posts… working hard today aren’t ya shills

>> No.53659300

hey there champ, sorry for the late reply, but im busy boneing your mama. But i see you are using your time constructively, shitting up yet another thread with your faggot whinning.

>> No.53659322

Is this the death spiral?

>> No.53659330

wow, that tweet is a year old!

>> No.53659333

it was revealed to me in a dream

>> No.53659352

Wtf is the newest copium baggie bros

>> No.53659353

All it takes is one.

>> No.53659366
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that we're all mad gay and should suck each others dicks

>> No.53659369

>noooo don't filter me, read my shit posts and waste your tiiiimeeeeeeee aaAAAHHHHHH noooo, my butt hole!!!!!

>> No.53659390
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>> No.53659393

the price level currently destroys whatever gay idea Fudniggers have been yapping about conversion rates. Lick my balls, suck my ass, jerk yourself into a coma Shortniggers

>> No.53659397

This is more desperation shorting. Shares being borrowed at 300% ctb is not sustainable. This company is not going bankruptcy anytime soon but it is priced for bankruptcy. Shorties need to close and they need to scare out the longs. This trade is dangerously crowded and the price action is not real. The longs won this one, and the problem for shorts closing is always liquidity. They're still swimming in the pool but they are on a timer. It's only a matter of time before they capitulate. We just have to wait them out. They want to scare you and spread fud and desperately entice you to walk away. But they actually can't actualize the fud. They can't force BBBY into bankruptcy. The company is showing plans to turn itself around and has plans to stay open and adjust their operations. Regardless, shorts will need to vacate. And once BBBY turns around the shorts will have no choice but to vacate their position or sit and continue to hemorrhage money on a perpetual basis. We all won. we're simply watching the shorts drag their feet.

>> No.53659403

>Scorpions can survive underwater for up to two weeks

>> No.53659415

tfw correctly sold at 6 but bought back with my gains at 3
1 step forward, 2 back
tfw no face

>> No.53659416

>its shorts
Nuh uh baggie its actually hudson dumping a steaming pile of shares right on your head
Kek baggie

>> No.53659431

at a loss yeah sure LOL boy you sure are a worthless wagie

>> No.53659433
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Step inside of a baggies mind
Dont you know you might find
A better place to be

They said that one day youll see
But all the hype dates have been
And slowly faded away

Thought theyd start a revolution from their beds
But all the bags they hold are deep in red
Step outside, summertimes in bloom
Stand up beside the fireplace
Take that look from off your face
You aint never gonna make it ooooooooooouuuuuuuttt


>> No.53659450
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>at a loss
They dont have to take a loss. They can get shares at 8% under market price and instantly sell them. Its called death spiral financing for a reason, you should look it up

>> No.53659451

this is gay, you are gay

>> No.53659457

That was beautiful, fren.

>> No.53659462

Probably a soft yank if you dont get oasis
Kek dumbfuck yank baggie

>> No.53659463

show me in the filing where it says they can convert for under 2.67

>> No.53659490

oasis fucking sucks LOL listen to Van Halen loser

>> No.53659506
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>> No.53659517
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>> No.53659525
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>t. + 3$ cost average
am i a fucking bag holder now?

>> No.53659529

the very definition, actually

>> No.53659552

thanks for being good boys

>> No.53659554

Damn, it turns out Michael Burry was right and a bunch of teenagers on reddit who started investing in the stock market 2 years ago were wrong
Who the fuck wouldve predicted that?

>> No.53659560
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I feel you mate

>> No.53659567
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>tfw sub-dollar cost basis
I am immune to fud

>> No.53659574


>> No.53659575

not you lol

>> No.53659578

the stock is percolating, my basterds

>> No.53659595
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I just realised Degiro has view more suitable for screencaps. I learned something about investing today.

>> No.53659611

We’re about to be off Regsho aren’t we

>> No.53659622

tuesday is usually when they re buy right?

>> No.53659636
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Unless the volume is literally in the billions today, no. We'll be on it until March 1st.

>> No.53659640


>> No.53659649

Nah probably not. The instant any new shares become available for borrow they are being shorted to fuck
This is because smart money read the filings and realised death spiral financing isnt bullish
Bbby will probably stay on regsho right up to bankruptcy/delisting

>> No.53659657

My cost basis is $7. I couldn't sell the other day when it got near there as it was halted. I can't believe I'm going to lose $120 on this ffs.

>> No.53659679

>just slurped this scrumptious dip
Kek. How them red bags?

>> No.53659694
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Just bought 2 more shares. Little by little we will defeat them

>> No.53659730

I'm financially bored

>> No.53659732

Totally normal price movement, folks. It's all an orchestrated fud campaign.

>> No.53659733

we will defeat them by doing exactly what they want us to do

>> No.53659773

Hudson thanks you for buying their shares at an inflated price
>reddit cope
Go back

>> No.53659791


>> No.53659793

It's ok, I'm not taking more risk than I'm able to handle with this trade.

>> No.53659802

Not a cope. Been watching the same hedgie-tom-foolery for years now. These meme stocks ALWAYS tumble on earnings reports and bounce right back. Whatever caused the run up on Monday is still lurking in BBBY.

>> No.53659830

>buy a thousand at 1.43
>sell 200 at 6 in AH
>buy them back at 2.47
>have a thousand shares for a total cost basis of 726$
Entirely possible

>> No.53659842

ive literally slurped the bottom

>> No.53659857


>> No.53659866

Why are we pumping my basterds

>> No.53659873

Were squeezing!

>> No.53659879

CTB doesn’t matter if you close same day.

>> No.53659891
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Incredible. It's honestly impressive that you're able to be so fucking retarded and yet still manage to stay alive.

>> No.53659896
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>> No.53659898

okay fair.

>> No.53659916

phew, we were right all along, we MOASSed all the way up to $2.48
Hope you all managed to get out at the top

>> No.53659921

A 2% pump induces hype now? jesus gunna be a brutal day

>> No.53659922

My erection is so hard

>> No.53659927

Sorry for your loss, but it was very clear the reason why he even bought it the first place was because he thought he could help them out, when they refused, obviously he chose to sell.
Unlike with BBBY, Ryan Cohen is already established as GameStop's Chairman, and if he was gonna sell, it would've been nearly a year ago when the gag order expired, instead he bought more, and has not sold anything, despite him apparently not even taking a salary, and despite the cost being lower today than it was then.
If he does sell, then of course that's bad, but that hasn't happened yet, and does not seem like it will. Sucks to see what happened with BBBY, but quite literally everyone was warning you guys.

>> No.53659932


>> No.53659958

It's Friday. We'll end up over $3 eod.

>> No.53659960

i fucking hope so dude

>> No.53659995
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lol I perfectly timed the bottom. Let's go!

>> No.53659999

t minus 1 week before i sell

>> No.53660002

Friday the price usually gets hammered.

>> No.53660035

We're going to max pain like we ALWAYS do. Too much volatility via the option market so they are hand-walking this thing to safety. They do this every Friday, and they have been carefully controlling the price ever since the Monday run up.

>> No.53660039

if i was a baggie (kek) and MOASS unironically happened i would still fucking minecraft King K just for making me play jew's clues with reddit for over two years like the raging faggot that he is

>> No.53660101

Wait - I thought there was a merger today? Anons would lie to me to trick me into buying bbby, would they?

>> No.53660117

>every day the price usually gets hammered

>> No.53660156

the hottest air

>> No.53660170

I think Burry was right guys. Let’s just take his advice

>> No.53660218
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Oh it gets even fucking sillier frendo, I bought more GME that I then direct registered once it settled with the profit from that transaction. Got me almost another thirty shares from that little maneuver. Guess what I'm gonna do with the profits when bbby finally pops ;)

>> No.53660221
File: 157 KB, 1080x1043, Sonichu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought you already sold? Nice fud attempt mr shillie. Lots of concern trolling these days. Great way to spread negative sentiment compared to nonstop "kek baggies". It's all fud, folks. Paid shills desperate for you to sell.

>> No.53660276

This but unironically

>> No.53660283

spy dumping too

>> No.53660301
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They aren’t fooling anyone who is paying attention

>> No.53660329
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>> No.53660367
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>> No.53660384

Ya seethe? Baggie?

>> No.53660396

Shills are even worse than jannies

>> No.53660433

Kek BBBaggies

>> No.53660443

Baggie bros i had calls worth 10k this week. It's now worth 40 dollars. I got greedy. I'm never gonna make it

>> No.53660465

People didn't really buy this shit, did they? There's been articles for months about how they're going out of business. You all deserve to be poor

>> No.53660498

I don't believe the people who wrote those articles have my best interests at heart.

>> No.53660549
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>believing reddit instead

>> No.53660553

Just roll them to next week
Announcement on merger monday
Rocket ship emjoi

>> No.53660558

Hey anons, you have our fucking shills in here.

t. /GME/

>> No.53660580

>everybody with a contrarian opinion is a shill

>> No.53660581

please take them back

>> No.53660611

They suck but it has been very peaceful in /GME/ today.

>> No.53660634


>> No.53660643

And they are wrong! We have the hedgies right where we want them!
... As the stock tumbles to $2.37, exactly what the "shills" predicted on Monday based off the filings

>> No.53660668
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>> No.53660673


>> No.53660685

What if the moass was just the friends we made along the way

>> No.53660696

This is a stupid edit. Here is the original.>>53657345

>> No.53660724
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>> No.53660734

Only fucking with ya lad. I have my life savings in this.

>> No.53660747
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I know right? I enjoy it too.

>> No.53660764
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notice how i have a kek
and you have

>> No.53660792

shills are such faggots. bet you all stand around a roulette table kekking at people playing the 40:1 odds bets. such faggots man

>> No.53660794


>> No.53660809

>baggie finally admits his gamble is almost certainly not going to pay off
Kek baggie, what stage of grief is this?
The only thing you are wrong about is the odds are more like 100000000/1 rather than 40

>> No.53660831
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Happy Teddy day!

>> No.53660833

What is a suicide stack?

>> No.53660841

4 digits of your choice

>> No.53660844
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>he unironically thinks the odds of 'muh MOASS' happening are 1 in 40

>> No.53660852

I got only 35 euro left in my account. Should I buy today or wait for Monday?

>> No.53660855

This shill right here is a regular on /GME/. Can't even be bothered to use new images. Sad. Many such cases.

>> No.53660858

the fuck do you care if it doesnt

>> No.53660866

Announcement AH. It's for bankruptcy. Screencap this.

>> No.53660883
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>This shill right here is a regular on /GME/. Can't even be bothered to use new images. Sad. Many such cases.

>> No.53660891

Checked but unfortunately for us shills bankruptcy is genuinely off the table for now. They diluted their shareholders by up to 900% to prevent it
The filings Im expecting AH are from whoever the mystery investor is (to be fair to apes they are right it might not be Hudson) and from bbby confirming the new share float

>> No.53660901

moass aside, what are the chances of another cute 3x?

>> No.53660905

Another dump
Looks like Hudson have moved onto stage 3. They have sold all the shares they possible can over $2.37

>> No.53660909

You are never seeing $6+ again unless they do a reverse-split

>> No.53660914

Everything BBBY does is sanic fast kek

>> No.53660917

My calls are officially heemed

>> No.53660918



>> No.53660941
File: 64 KB, 618x597, BA0EADB1-BDBA-4201-9DAC-70CAC68CB5F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Must be another one of those totally real people who willing spend their free time obsessed with stocks they don’t own because “it’s funny” and definitely not because it’s their job

>> No.53660943

Kek. Cant wait to buy an nft towel for 3 thousand dollars

>> No.53660950

you unironically dont understand the concept of metaphors faggot

>> No.53660957

It is funny though
It is incredibly funny

>> No.53660997

is there anyway to get cash settled quicker on fudelity?
I want to buy but it says I have to wait 4-6 days to use the money from an ETF for a stock below 3 dollars. wtf

>> No.53661033

> 46 pbtID
You keep replying to me as if I didn’t filter you out 40 posts ago

>> No.53661037

Just go to a casino?

>> No.53661040

Kek baggies

>> No.53661048

Ive filtered you too

>> No.53661056

Gonna go and grab something to eat, see you later shills!

>> No.53661066

Where do you think you are?
Oh yeah I’m paid, please don’t buy any more bags. My masters will lose everything, please do not buy an additional 1000 shares, I repeat please DO NOT buy more shares

>> No.53661072

kek dumb fuck BBBaggies

>> No.53661078

I'm buying at 2$

>> No.53661088


>> No.53661089

Another share dump
Hudson chads cant stop winning

>> No.53661107

Do a flip

>> No.53661108
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>> No.53661132
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lmao ok 49 pbtid
loser lol

>> No.53661142

I havent lost anything as I am not holding bbby stock
Kek baggie

>> No.53661171

whys it still crashing wtf

>> No.53661183

wow dude you should put that on your resume considering you'll need a new job coming up. 100% win rate wow, what a little legend we got here

>> No.53661191


>> No.53661194

You’d have to wire transfer fudelity sucks. There is an exploit to use unsettled funds but you need to set it up in advance and I’m not going to share it here because they have patched other methods that were public

>> No.53661220

Seethe baggie seethe

>> No.53661254

To be fair I'm glad it's dropping. At least I can buy more shares now

>> No.53661283
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ah shoot. I figured as much.
Man I would love to drop my avg a little more. I dont think Ill get another chance at this low a price

>> No.53661302

Kek BBBaggie

>> No.53661327

This is the worst mistake of my life.

>> No.53661340
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You again? I thought you told everyone that you already sold. You weren't lying/shilling were you?

>> No.53661356

I actually cannot believe they diluted the stock. They actually fucked over possibly 80% of all stock investment. Literally killed their baggies

>> No.53661359
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Remember, folks

The shills here are desperate for you to SELL. If BBBY was going lower they would be enticing you to BUY.

>> No.53661429

So the current short faggot shill narrative is that an unconfirmed buyer Hudson Bay, bought BBBY and are now selling all their shares to dump the price? What? Lmao. Doesn’t even make any sense in the slightest. The borrow rate is through the fucking roof. And the bonds are sitting at almost $30. Listen to yourselves.

>> No.53661458

I’m buying calls for march 17th. $5 strike. Wagmi.

>> No.53661491

>So the current short faggot shill narrative is that an unconfirmed buyer Hudson Bay, bought BBBY and are now selling all their shares to dump the price? What? Lmao.
Read the companies own SEC filings

>> No.53661535

Where is Hudson Bay mentioned? Fact is we're still in the dark, about who the buyer is and their intentions.

>> No.53661537

This is the weirdest capital raise via dilution I've ever seen before and I don't even know how it was allowed. It's a level of shareholder rugging on par with crypto.

>> No.53661546

Please screenshot where in the filing it says Hudson Bay and post it here faggot

>> No.53661549

You guys think this'll dump all the way until the 15th or nah?

>> No.53661558

To anyone whom has been demoralized:
-It was all part of the plan

>> No.53661561

True, Hudson Bay isnt confirmed yet. But the SEC filings have already shown that whoever the buyer is has the right to print shares above 2.37 and dump them on the market, and since the filing we have dumped to 2.37
You dont have to be an expert to see whats going on

>> No.53661575

See >>53661561
Youre right. Hudson Bay might not be the ones fucking you (we will see tonight who it is, probably) but you are getting fucked by someone

>> No.53661600

Yeah it shouldnt even be allowed. I think the reason bbby couldnt dilute directly and instead had to effectively sell the right to a third party to do it was because the SEC would block them directly diluting with a public offering. If you have missed bond payments you cant offer common stock. They have found a loophole round it by selling convertible "preferred" equity, just like what AMC did with APE

>> No.53661620
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Why would an acquiring party purchase convertible's and then sell them into the market after conversion rather than holding them to establish a majority stake? Hardmode - answer can't be "to kek baggies"

>> No.53661632

>might not be them
you sound DESPERATE

>> No.53661643


>> No.53661646

>Why would an acquiring party purchase convertible's and then sell them into the market after conversion rather than holding them to establish a majority stake?
They are literally barred from holding more than 9.99% of common stock at a time. Its in the filing. If you could read you would know this by now

>> No.53661663

What's gonna happen to the stock, then? Are they going to dilute it?

>> No.53661669

They had a partially filled ATM offering in progress, which they could have used to avoid defaulting on the bonds. The whole situation is fucking weird.

>> No.53661701

>are they gonna dilute?
Bro they already have

>> No.53661711
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Really ORGANIC posting going on in this thread.

>> No.53661738

>58 posts
Do you get paid overtime or are you just mentally ill?

>> No.53661740

Wdym? When? It's just been going down

>> No.53661741

I back shills, I missed you <3

>> No.53661792

I am mentally ill, but still less retarded than baggies
>It's just been going down
Its been going down because of the dilution

>> No.53661815
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>> No.53661820
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HepCats! Look at the Fucking stock price! You are getting FUCKED UP again today!

>> No.53661863



>> No.53661966

fuck it, checked

>> No.53661986

kek, based Oasis poster

>> No.53662517
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Literally every other anon warned you baggie, you brought this on yourself
>Kek, baggies !