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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53653464 No.53653464 [Reply] [Original]

>be in a highly specialist role
>refuse to train juniors correctly
>blame them for being too retarded to teach themselves
>no one from management has the balls to fire me unless they're willing to risk massive short term pain
>get 25% raise after annual review despite putting abysmal effort
>all managers play nice because they know me leaving will massively fuck over their month-end numbers
lmao i don't understand what you fags are complaining about, waging can be just as easy as being a neet if you know how to play the game. except you make way more money than neetbux

>> No.53653476

what role... software?

>> No.53653500

You're a fag

But can someone else please tell me how to get my first dev job? I have amazing projects in my prolifio. I have training and certifications. I can do react with my eyes closed. But nobody will even respond to my fucking job applications!

>> No.53653501

Gaybar exotic dancer. I'm the cowboy and nobody else can fit the leather vest. My id probably changed. Taking a smoke break off wifi

>> No.53653535

Just don't be White, it's that easy.

>> No.53653551

post resume

all of these are nice to have, but the two most important things are a traditional CS education and actual work experience. certs don't mean shit in SWE roles, training doesn't either unless you were actually employed as a software engineer, and personal projects aren't too noteworthy unless it's a side project with real users making real money or contributions to a well established open source project.

>> No.53653570

If you want to get into youre typical software dev role that the good ole boomers work at, the backend dev for ace hardware, mcdonald's front end dev etc. unironically college, networking at bootcamps, job fairs are your best bet. Some parts of software are basically like your typical get bachelors and do a 10 year career type shit at this point.

If you want to get into the more risky area, web3, stable diffusion, anything really new, unironically telegram, discord, some porn forums, twitter.... you gotta be creative here and reach out to some wierd fucking avenues but theres chances you hit it really big. This shits really hard to figure out though like to get started. Its similar to webdev back then. People think fb, tinder,... were easy to make but before there were guides and unis teaching it, these guys were creative and made some shit without a cookbook.

>> No.53653573


Kek. ALLLLLLLLL... that and you just got JUSTED by a little ai botboi.

Keke can't wait for swe losers to do REAL work once their fantasy is PROMPTLY put to an end within 2-3 years.

I couldn't think of a worse career to get into right now

>> No.53653611

I don't have a cs degree. And that's my question! I have a couple live client websites and some more complex projects to showcase common app functionality and database and api design. But yeah nothing

Yeah I'm thinking I need to turn trans that might help

>> No.53653623

Yeah I hear you. I guess will work bullshit day jobs and eventually start my own thing if I can't get anything

>> No.53653662

honestly i can't wait for software development to not be the cool career anymore. i started programming in high school, and back then SWE jobs were a decent middle-class living, around the same pay an accountant would expect and the "popular" jobs were investment banking and business consulting. it was nice because any SWE you would talk to would always be down to earth and very interested in computing and building cool projects, because there was simply no reason to enter software development unless you loved it. people chasing the money went with finance degrees.

now we have a bunch of retards running around with no real appreciation of computer science or even any understanding of how computing systems work outside of their little node.js bubble. i did an interview earlier this week for a level 1 backend SWE position and i asked the guy a really simple question about cpu caches and all i got was a blank look and silence. i'd be perfectly OK with the way things were before. chatgpt isn't good enough to replace anyone.

>live client websites
that's really good compared to your competition. definitely lean into the "live website used by real clients" angle when speaking with recruiters and interviewers. building something that people actually use looks much better than a toy game engine or something

>> No.53653791

Thanks that's helpful
About the CPU cache though, why is it important for the node guy to understand that

>> No.53653815

because software doesn't in isolation, and you need engineers who are able to look beyond business requirements and understand the system that the software will run on.

of course, building software that does the bare minimum the business requires is simple enough, but making sure it's maintainable and viable over the long run and actually runs well enough on whatever solution the company paid for and holds up to changing requirements over time is a completely different beast. and when your team works on software that's critical for the company you can't afford to hire someone who doesn't actually understand what's going on outside their bubble.

>> No.53653823

nobody wants a junior developer

>> No.53653886

sucking docks under the bridge. I get through about 8 before my coworker finishes even 1.

>> No.53654332

I'm better than many seniors I'm sure. But how will anyone find out

>> No.53654393
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seethe codelet. I don't even know how many bits are in a byte and I make $200k
Wanna know why? Cause knowing stupid shit like that is only good for jerking yourself off to other nerds.
Businesses want you to build stuff that works. That's all I need to know how to do.

>> No.53655662

i'm whiter than fucking bread, i just wanted to be toby fox 2 and do something more edgy than undertale, i guess i should settle for sora for a couple of months, or go back to working as a clown at kids parties, sometimes i forget that the point of all this is money

>> No.53655799

Why would you need any of this shit other than to stroke your ego, as you say yourself even your interviewers don't give a fuck, the majority of software engineers don't need to know any of this because they don't develop operating systems or frameworks and scalability is handled by third parties

>> No.53655845

Troon it out

Interracial relationship with black guy

>> No.53655858

you're the worst kind of person OP, but I pity you because the way you view the world is so horrible

you're literally living in your own hell

>> No.53657663

It isn't, the dev is there to make the company money not to satisfy some incels ego.