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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 82 KB, 716x869, gkyg198oda501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5365361 No.5365361[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Did you fuck an escort? How expensive? Was it worth it?

>> No.5365394


>> No.5365415

Yes, in Vegas


She was a top shemale porn star. I got tested a few months later, clear of all STDs. We had a fantastic fucking time together. I think I came about 5 times and so did she.

>> No.5365443

what was her name? wanna bang a shemale as well senpai

>> No.5365448

You mean he

>> No.5365452

n-no homo?

>> No.5365463

Who that hoe

>> No.5365468

Yes, overpriced but she was very lovely.

>> No.5365491


>> No.5365500

I would use meth if I were to spend $ 100s to fuck top pussy.
Meth makes you last hours.

>> No.5365506

Love fucking shemales, best of both worlds. sucking her feminine cock and busting all up in her boipussy is something you should try at least once in your life.

>> No.5365516

What cryptocurrencies do they accept?

>> No.5365523

Make a seeking arrangements account.. Try not to be weird or anything and just message the girls as usual. if they like you, you can get pushhay for under 200$ (it will def help if u are under 30)

ive probably fucked like 8 girls this way spending a grand total of 1100$

and to answer your question,
no it wasnt worth it

>> No.5365527

Tinder and OKC are cheaper. Pay for drinks then bang.

>> No.5365530

I wanna go on a vacation for new year, where are the best whores?

>> No.5365533

The girl on the picture looks like the sister of my friend, i think she is a escort too

>> No.5365537
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>> No.5365540

You're a faggot.

>> No.5365548

Kys loser


>> No.5365558

I wish but I'm low SMV desu senpai.

>> No.5365603

Is she pregant?

>> No.5365620



>> No.5365625

>Did you fuck an escort?
>How expensive?
like 50$
>Was it worth it?
>inb4 muh beta male
look, if you are not above avarage in looks, you simply won't get alot of action as a man. i know its possible to find a gf but life goes by fast and you need some form of release.
god didn't make us all equal, there is no shame in getting your kick

>> No.5365637

I went to thailand, 2 hours $80

she was a walker but very good at her job and provided an amazing service even better than the bar biches and soapies.

Of course, japanese soaplands are the best! Japan in general is the best place but very expensive and also racist.

Worst place would be in the US.

>> No.5365655


We should start including looks rating in net worth threads

I got /fit/ and now I have a solid chance of banging decent girls off body alone, got to diversify my man

>> No.5365705


accidently walked into one of those special massage parlours in vietnam once. She started tugging me whilst negotiating a price. Ended up being $50 for full service. 8/10

>> No.5365711

Haven't had an escort in years and desu I've grown quite ashamed that I did.

My SMV has risen significantly and I am now the chooser, so remembering the days where I had to pay makes me cringe.

>> No.5365725

Buck Angel is not a woman.

>> No.5365740
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True shit.

Im 32 and im tired of girls. You have to play a game that takes hours of your life and a bunch of money just to get laid? No thanks. $100 are very well worth for saving my time and psychological health.

Prostitutes wont give you the best sex, so i recommend at least being in one LTR in your lifetime (i wouldnt lick prostitutes pussy) but you can find some that will give you the best fucking service and will take care of you like a baby.

>> No.5365743

Heh yeah.
Sucks being all reduced to a bunch of numbers like this.
t. low numbers

>> No.5365757

I am average to below IMO 31 years old, have bangs 30 women most of them way hotter than me, with a few uglies in there.

Don't be afraid of the chubbies, don't be afraid to put your arm around a girl or go in for a kiss at the end of the date if it went well, if you're not the going out type, hit up girls on Tinder and actually ask them to hang out instead of just talking

>> No.5365759


You're Chinese?

>> No.5365814

You're gay anon

>> No.5365823

Everybody starts somewhere

>> No.5365824

I've tried for years on those two, never any luck. I met girls irl two or three times per year, but just can't do that internet shit.

>> No.5365825

But you pay them by the hour. This is bad biz and general life advice.

>> No.5365844

if you get replies in tinder then you are not below average

>> No.5365869

So what?

>> No.5365876


In all honesty anal gets boring after a while, even if it's novel at first

Nothing feels better than a warm wet puss

>> No.5365877
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Do they take TRX?

>> No.5365882

I know a total skinny guy who over 2 months looked like a Greek god.

You can easily bump up your value +5 points imo. This is what he did
Bought BSN syntha 6 protein powder. Meal replacement + protien

Lift as heavy as possibly 3-4 days. Made over night gains

Order cillias on the net, can fuck for hours

Dress better, buy cologne

Join a jiu jitsu gym for like a month or two, after awhile the chadness will become apart of your psyche
Bam your done

I've fucked 3 escorts, not worth it compared to fucking tinder girls for free

>> No.5365910
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No, but i travel frequently.

I also wouldnt recommend cuba at all, in this continent mexico and brazil are the best place for getting action.

Hong kong was AMAZING! Look up Fuji building, looking for a prostitute have never been that FUN.

Never been to jewrope, so no comment.

>> No.5365935

It means you've failed at life. Even worse if you're rich desu. Conquered the market but couldn't conquer a pussy

>> No.5365960
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500 for everything

>> No.5365976

I fucked a woman for free, ended up breaking up with her. Years later she became a prostitute.

>> No.5366030

Nice profit there, my friend

>> No.5366035


>> No.5366095

No, I think women who prostitute themselves are the lowest forms of life. inb4 "muh women's freedom/sexuality rights".

Sure, people need to make a living and some are born "to serve others", but paying a woman for sex, nope.

>> No.5366103
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so many faggots in this thread it's disgusting

>> No.5366104

Was she a whale?

>> No.5366138

>only $400 for a shemale pornstar in Vegas
That’s how I know you’re lying.

>> No.5366171
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I used to think like that, until i started talking to the girls. Sure, there are a lot of girls that act like bitches just like your regular idiot, but many of them are very cool and had better conversations with them than with my exgfs.

>> No.5366188

I got a blowjob once at a strip club and it kind of burns now when I pee or get aroused . I think I might have got a urinary tract infection.

I'm too beta to get tested though so I've just refrained from sex for the past couple years even though I actually get offers from girls now without having to pay. I'm afraid I'll give one of them some strange STD and ruin my life.

>> No.5366214

Don't just do Jiu Jitsu, you need a striking art as well. Boxing preferably, unless you're tall and long, then Muah Thai is just as good.

I got jumped a couple months ago by 3 niggers and one tried to guillotine me but thankfully the jits training kicked in and I was able to fight off the choke. Didn't see the kick from the side and the punch from the other side while I was busy with that tho.

>> No.5366215

>Nothing feels better than a warm wet puss
except for my hand

>> No.5366227

Only once. A friend and I chipped in and got a girl off backpage. I think it was like $200 or something. I went first, then my friend fucked her afterwards. She was an ugly Asian chick, totally different than the pictures on Backpage. Barely spoke any english. Just laid there like a starfish with her gross pussy staring you in the eyes like a sea urchin. It probably would have been worth it if she was actually good looking and not some human trafficked whore with slanty eyes.

>> No.5366229

/b/tard shemale meme is leaking

>> No.5366239

I’m gonna need more pics OP r at least an insta?

>> No.5366248

Tell me more, my arms are like twigs. I just want to do it for myself.

>> No.5366266

gf>>>>>>>>>>random whore

>> No.5366282

That's some bitch shit if you care that much about where another man sticks his dick, I'm starting to think you are the pussy who failed here.

>> No.5366288

I’ve posted in these threads before. I fuck them all the time. This past Tuesday fucked two, roleplayed stepmother daughter. Had one tongue in my ass one on my dick. Fucked a ton of pornstars too. Two weeks or so ago talked fat kelly divine into accepting bitcoin from normies

>> No.5366296

Never. I have the personality and looks to get laid without money. Each to their own I guess.

>> No.5366297

I have a recurring fantasy of talking hot party girls into sucking my dick for Dash. Slide up and say Hi, start to tell her all about this new crypto thing and how sje can buy shoes online with magic internet money. They are repulsed at first of course, but once I sit down on the bench with my macbook, open my dash app, buy Amazon gift cards, and open up Amazon and buy them the cute dress they picked out using Dash. THEN, they start to get friendlier. They ask to see my Dash app again and their eyes bug out and the balance I am willing to carry in my poket. Hey baby it's not the only big thing I keep in my pants. I offer them 0.2 Dash for a little play-acting, just pretend I'm Chad eh? and they are excited. 0.2 whole Dash?! Happy to get on their knees and service till I'm satisfied. Hey, 0.1 bonus for cream on your face! Ahhh. She's covered.

All for a fraction of a Dash which I brought by the hundreds for $10 each a year ago.

Aww yeah baby, suck my dick for Dash

>> No.5366329

criminal stupidity ITT

>> No.5366352

Yeesh struck a nerve there ey anon? You realize your failure in life, you can still chamge your ways.

>> No.5366365

Once, a cute Paraguayan girl. I don't really remember but it cost like $30 at most and I got to fuck her twice, I was 17 at the time.
It was worth it, specially when I look back and remember that she told me she had a boyfriend who didn't know she was a hooker, so I technically lost my virginity by cucking someone.

>> No.5366384

Literally shitposting is the most vile degeneration

>> No.5366414

AMA u fags. I have years of escort fucking under my belt. Not much I haven’t seen. Got my first blowjob from a a hooker in hunts point at 13. My dad took me there. Shows how fucked up I am

>> No.5366415

Why not

>> No.5366416
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>paying for an STD
no thanks

>> No.5366435

Awww yeah, and I bet you both love the low transaction fees

>> No.5366453

Only pedos need to pay for women lol

>> No.5366474
File: 2.41 MB, 3024x3780, IMG_20170729_205307_791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bruh, I'm ugly as shit and I've fucked multiple girls on Tinder before settling down with a wholesome GF. Banging is cool, but I love cuddling as well, so a GF is definitely good to have.

My bio was basically me telling girls that they should be prepared to be sent dankest memes if we date, and bam, 10+ matches a day. It's not hard. If I'm ugly and can get girls, you can too, bro.

Pic related is me

>> No.5366496

Knowing my luck with crypto I'll get instantly arrested

>> No.5366504

Yes I did, no wasn't worth it, probably because I didn't pay enough lul

>> No.5366505

You define success differently than he does. Telling him he's a failure for making it financially but still not giving a fuck about women is autistic. In the meantime literal richfags are laughing at you for spending all your gains on dumb thots.

>> No.5366518

this poor guy getting his picture meme'd now lmao

keep it coming anon

>> No.5366666


>> No.5366701

so what you're saying is you need to be an absolute normie for women on tinder to want to talk to you?


>> No.5366720
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>I think I might have got a urinary tract infection

>> No.5366744


but seriously gg dude.

Tinder is probably to only go-to to meet girls, I never saw the purpose of spending a few hundred bucks to fuck some chick, when you can just meet them up for a date, cum-and-dump, and your done. Maybe meet actual gf material on the way.

>> No.5366752

i did, more than once. yes

>> No.5366753

Pretty much, can't show them your autistic side. Trust me on this. >>5366666
Nice quints fag

>> No.5366771

I know. Congrats on being sterile or having a prostate the size of a ducking football. Go to the dr loser. One day maybe some chick will want to see your disgusting malformed pecker. Make sure it works

>> No.5366794

Women quite literally get no attention for knowing anything beyond their own private sexist normie handbook

>> No.5366935

how many tinder sloots did u bang rajesh?

>> No.5367028
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About 35 in the span of 3 months. I was a kissless virgin before. Just gotta be a goof and not give a shit. That attracts normie girls.

>> No.5367042

I've fucked several prostitutes while I was in an unsatisfying LTR. It fulfilled the need of strange vagina that I won't get caught for but in all the whole situation wasn't for me.

I'm lucky though, I do alright with chicks. Listen to the anons telling you to get fit. I am only 5'8'' in a country where 5'10'' is bang average and I've fucked about 80-90 chicks (that I boned for free). Lift weights lads. Lift fucking weights.

>> No.5367080


>> No.5367093
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I have funny feeling in my pants again

>> No.5367102

I was enjoying escort but now I have herpes. I don't know what to do. Trying not to think about it.

>> No.5367146

Etherdelta is already buying BZC for 5x ICO price faggots.

>> No.5367156




>> No.5367167
File: 1.38 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20171222-174152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lure them in with good camera angles or pics before you were fat, and pics that make you look like youre active and fun, and not somebody who posts on a tomanian basket weaving board.

Pic related

>> No.5367206


>> No.5367214

Fucking escorts is far too depressing imo. Just stick to tinder sluts. It's literally the same thing except they don't think that they are prostitutes.

>> No.5367266

Not asian

>> No.5367267

wow thats impressive. well done.

they probably liked ur meme sweaters

>> No.5367286

I went to two different soaplands in Japan, each costing me 300 bucks. The first girl was absolutely precious. She had a cute face, like the ones you see in an idol group, and she was stunned by the size of my dick. She kept complementing and slowly stroking it, probably because she's only used to small jap dick. She was very talkative and giggly, which really enhanced the sex for me. It was a good fuck. The second girl however was a disappointment. She had the gal look, a great body, an okay face but it was clear that she wasn't enjoying it. She rarely said a word, didn't want me to finger her or kiss her. Had a quick fuck and I was out. Didn't want to be with that depressing bitch any longer than necessary.

>> No.5367296

What the fuck

>> No.5367355

>Same, we need to fap, bro

>> No.5367392
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Oh they did. They were crazy for my memes, it's a good thing I keep my rare pepes locked away. Also had a nice car too, so that helped.

>> No.5367399

How am I supposed to get laid if I dont have any friends nor a job? whores are my only options

>> No.5367431

I can pick up a cute hooker for $20-30 and pay taxi fare of 2-3$ for her. About 1000-1500 peso and 100-150 peso for taxi in philippines.

After a while it got bored fucking the hookers, so I dressed nicer, asked girls out to food and fuck them for cheaper, more beautiful and cheaper.

Then I dressed like a exec, sports coat and all, tailor made too less than $80 / 4000 peso there and I'm getting 8-10/10 without trying.

Glorietta/Greenbelt/Makati area of Makati.

Ayala mall of Cebu

>> No.5367453

Ive got a nice car too but i think it really only helped me with one chick. She was a prosecutor with that lawyer money

>> No.5367579
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Nice. I live in Canadian Texas and drive a nice truck. So that probably helped. Post car pls

>> No.5367610

Seriously, SE Asia man. Muzzie asian chicks are great.

>> No.5367611

Dude get yourself checked, i made the same mistake and developed an autoimmune sickness which fucks me for Life

>> No.5367649

Gf who to fuck and is loyal and actually loves you > fucking an escort.
get a grip biznezmen

>> No.5367664
File: 65 KB, 599x900, Madlin Moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too many. Pic related is my recommendation for any London bros. She does porn too.

Fapping to the video of a pornstar you've fucked on multiple occasions is a pretty good feel.

>> No.5367698

what's cillias?

>> No.5367705

>actually loves yo

she loves the way you treat her, she loves the time you spend on her. try acting in a different way that she expects for a week and see what happens

there is no free sex. you either pay with money or time, faggot

>> No.5367723

Did the same with Ava Devine. She did shove a vape pen up my asshole and smoked it after. Was really an odd time but I expected that

>> No.5367735

I've got girls who wanna fuck but I cut my dick accidentally and it won't heal bc I can't quit masturbation cold turkey and even if I wait two weeks before jerking it'll still reopen the wound AAAAHHHHH

>> No.5367754
File: 1.24 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20171222-175657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I really miss having a truck but I don't miss everybody asking me to help them move.

I roll with one of these now. I'm actually sitting a few feet away from it having a cigar on my porch but it's getting dark so you get Google picture. Same color and I think same year

>> No.5367788

I dunno shes fat tho wnb/10

>> No.5367812

Unironically read the /fit/ sticky it will tell you all you need to know.

>> No.5367847


>> No.5367853

enjoy your ban faggot

>> No.5367862

number of times. cost was from 100-170eur at the place i was on a vacation. worth it? overall yes i guess, but had a few not-worth it instances to begin with.
>pay 170 for 30 min
>last like 2 min
>when did you last have sex?
>3 years...
>haha 3 years? you dont have a gf?
> no, never
> i dunno lol
>you're so weird
had 2 such failed sessions. felt bad man but least i got a little better after that.

>> No.5367891

A couple for 50 euros each. I'd say 20% was worth it and 80% was terrible.

>> No.5367902

Nope. I used to think the same way tho, don't get me wrong. It's just unimaginable to have a completely different kind of a girl.

>> No.5367909
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Nice, I love Volvo's. I wanna get the XC90. And yeah, I get messages all the time from.friends asking to help haha.

>> No.5367913
File: 189 KB, 600x600, 1513823015800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go on backpage
>literally every legit looking post says "no black gents"

>> No.5367958

I want to have a gf who I love also, and that will neevr happen because women only love men who don;t love them

I had a gf who loved me and was loyal

>> No.5367959

Eros my nigga

>> No.5367976

The definition of homosex.

>> No.5367990

TER is where you want to go. Almost never see "no blacks" on their posts.

>> No.5367992

>get escort for 100 bucks
>she arrives and really doesn't look like the picture
>fuck for 45 minutes, can't really cum because not really attracted to her
>pretend to be drunk and say it's not gonna work
>she leaves and I masturbate successfully

Only pay $150+, otherwise you will regret it

>> No.5367999


how'd you cut your dick bro?

>> No.5368036

yes constantly
not very
yeah it rules.

spoiler: i date (not "paid date") high-end escorts. sex workers are exciting people. once you get used to dating sex workers its very hard to go back to boring normie girls. maybe impossible.

obvs you have to be very confident. also set HARD boundaries around money. they pay for stuff or 50/50 split. otherwise you risk sliding into the trick zone.

only real drawback is my main gal sometimes is not in the mood for sex w me bc of work, so i have to be content jerking off into her perfect ass.

>> No.5368045
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Stop it anon. Not all the girls are the same

>> No.5368055

Man I fuck more expensive bitches in eastern europe

>> No.5368069

Sorry thats short for The Erotic Review

>> No.5368089


Thanks, sleazy anon, will keep it in mind. Only time I went to Thailand I was with my GF, so nothing fun for me.

>> No.5368149

This guy fucks. Erotic monkey has free reviews if u sign up w a burner email

>> No.5368170


What was the result of this nigger encounter?

>> No.5368183


Except they all are, eventually

>> No.5368196

how did you get into it? I wouldnt mind dating a whore or a porn star

>> No.5368216

Toronto has 10/10 hookers that come from Montreal.


>> No.5368220

>look, if you are not above avarage in looks

Wanna know how I know you are a hermit?

>> No.5368230

Sheeeeeit nigga. Also had a blast @ Fuji but on one of the days I went there, there was a police raid looking for illegal immigrant hookers and got kicked out the building by the detective :/

>> No.5368244


>> No.5368254

tfw im from montreal

>> No.5368258
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>top shemale pornstar

>> No.5368259
File: 119 KB, 814x540, realhobby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good sir allow me to interject may I ask what the fuck is wrong with Romanian basket weaving forums?
are you some faggot who can't even weave a basket on warm summer evenings by the light of a fire drinking ţuică?
if that's the kind of """man""" """women""" want, I don't want any of dat shit thank you very much

oh and for the true connoisseurs: pic related is my last batch
0.01 BTC each

>> No.5368277
File: 160 KB, 800x1200, 17D89034-8C0D-44B4-8CFC-15DA8248897F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice bro I fucked Emma butt last week nearly made me cum early while blowing me, super rare for me

>> No.5368280

ive banged tons of escorts all over the world. the best places are fkk clubs in europe

>> No.5368291


50$ is not an escort. you fucked a hooker son.

>> No.5368341


the promised land. Here in miami the russian whores are asking 400 usd minimum.

>> No.5368343

>durr I get ten matches a date
>i got laid a lot huehuehue

nice meme sweater, just as ridiculous as your hyperboles

>> No.5368367

That’s a rarity for me too. Ava got a nut out with her mouth. Just like in the movies. Never happens for me either normally. That chick is a piece of ass. Congrats on the conquest. This week I had that 3way. It was great and really freaky. Normally not too into 3’s but these chicks really went at each other. It was unreal. Strap ons sex swing and everything was on the menu.

>> No.5368378


the prices on eros are insane

>> No.5368379


>ugly as shit

dude you are actually quite attractive, don't beat yourself up like that

>> No.5368381

shit dude there are literally sooo many that come from Montreal

I've had decent luck picking up Montreal girls in clubs there. Idk if they just like Toronto guys or what?

>> No.5368396

>the whore had a bf
Do you realize you lost your virginity being cucked by another man and you paid for it?

>> No.5368418

Depends where u live. A lot of times u get what you pay for.

>> No.5368435

>Im 32 and im tired of girls.
You want to try boy? I can fuck you in the ass, daddy.

>> No.5368467

Literally about to fuck a hooker in 10 minutes. Gonna run me about $280 for an hour, but it's worth it being able to pump a big titty asian girl with cum in every hole.

>> No.5368488

I am so fucking horny I dont have any friends dont know how to meet girls

I might fuck a whore tomorrow

>> No.5368497

yeah have been to artemis. pretty good place.

>> No.5368502

Good for you. Hope you make her squeal. That’s a great price IMO

>> No.5368515

Ffs Iv got a decent chunk of change in crypto now and uv Made me really tempted to ball out with a trip to burger land! Is Vegas the best for hookers?
such a shame Shyla styles is dead I would of loved to make her chock on my dick

>> No.5368525
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>> No.5368537

You should. Good for the mind body and soul

>> No.5368575

Vegas they are everywhere so yea I think so. Miami is nice. NYC has its weeks. Montreal is good. If your in Europe I’m sure u have plenty of options.

>> No.5368606

sup bro, my favorite was goldentime in vienna

>> No.5368676

Shit. Come to ny and I’ll get you in touch with the most legendary girl in the city. Anything you can think about is ok

>> No.5368689

now that's something i would do. how much? what other crazy shit did she do?

>> No.5368759

1250 an hour, damnnnn

>> No.5368792

It was like a G. With a deposit included. I hate that. She was just batshit crazy in general. Slid my dick in those giant tits. I showered before and she met me in there. I put her head in the toilet while I bent her over. She loved that. We choked each other a lot and beat each other a bit. It was cool. Wouldn’t bother doing it again though. I loved how sloppy she was though and how much shit she talked.

>> No.5368809

Don't pay too little, rather a bit more and use a good escort service

>> No.5368835


Fuuckkkkkk and I'm just sitting here in USA still a kissless virgin working my betabux job

>> No.5368844

These girls worship Chads for free.

Let that sink in

>> No.5368926

You would be surprised. A lot of them are with sugar daddy’s. Ugly rich old dudes.

>> No.5368953
File: 196 KB, 489x322, smug mineta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blue board
>Posting roasted pussy
Not even worth the ban.

>> No.5368968

Sounds about right. Fits the timeline too. Some people are addicted to gambling some are drunks. This is what I do for shits and giggles. Have a wife. Can’t deal with normies becuase they catch feelings.

>> No.5369029

>not being genuinely attractive and /fit/
I might not have 100k in crypto but never had trouble with women

>> No.5369116



Step your game up and get a 3500 Cummins like a real man.

>> No.5369148

how did you raise your SMV?

>> No.5369167
File: 149 KB, 1089x492, Behavior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got tested for STD but you should have got tested for gay.

>> No.5369288


shut up faggots that's not gay at all

>> No.5369363

Sort of is. I am a degenerate so it’s all good with me. But yea, it’s a bit gay

>> No.5369391

This. Calisthenics+ Weightlifting Is the bomb.

Protip: Go as realistically close to keto as you can unless you're bulking. The less carbs and sugars the better. Your face will look better and more defined.

>> No.5369405
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>be a cryptofag
>buy high grade USD counterfeits on the darkweb
>proceed to pay escorts in counterfeit money
>"Anon you are so generous! I-i will let you fuck my ass and pussy raw for an extra $300. You seem like a baller."
>Only 300? You got yourself a deal ;^)

This won't last too long fellas. Do it while you can

>> No.5369411
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>> No.5369449


yeah sorry most of us didn't win the genetic lottery

>> No.5369450

$90 at Hong Kong
not bad. being able to buy Viagra over the counter in Mexico is pretty neat

>> No.5369471
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too extreme

has anyone tried priligy? i always cum so fast and i heard this could help

also sometimes i cant get hard due stage anxiety

cialis + priligy sounds good

>> No.5369491
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There is nothing more straight than sucking a feminine penis

>> No.5369509

Congrats, you're the first OP from who I genuinely believe he has won some money with this crypto

>> No.5369630

Damn oil crash and Bitcoin crash. How you going to keep affording thouse payments anon. You about to get repo'd like the rest of Alberta lol.

>> No.5369688

dope shirt

>> No.5369728

cialis - for ED. but if ur normie it will make u very erect

>> No.5369768

Maybe your right. Keep on sucking

>> No.5369828

>STDs only affect escorts and not skanks that put it for free.

>> No.5369861

it's impossible to have casual sex with young attractive (7+) girls if you aren't chad.

>> No.5369888
File: 134 KB, 960x960, 18056664_10209294914958353_1367956757711452181_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what happened to muh black dick anon?

I thought wyte wymyn loved black dick

just look harder

>> No.5369913

Yes your right, we are talking about MAKING yourself into a chad

>> No.5369926

Lost V to a girl on adultwork that looked a lot grosser than her profile pic. Still came like 5 times though because, hey, it was a hand up until then. £200 for hour and half.

>> No.5369971

no, it was a whore in a whorehouse.
I was pretty polite and a pretty young boy so it was only 25$ and she was pretty hot too.
Didn't cum, was kinda nervous and I felt very clinical rather then intimate lol

>> No.5369976

50 euro in amsterdam, shit was peng, had a little lapdance then fucked her hard.

>> No.5369981


>> No.5369998

Yeah actually there is shame.

>> No.5370004

Heard good things about priligy. I use cillias only on women I deemed most worthy.

Every time I fuck on cillias girls always cum. Often times I don't, but it's a powertrip for me. They routinely hit me up for more.

>> No.5370008


>not getting legally prescribed amphetamines and benzos from a psychiatrist...

have fun with fagit

>> No.5370015
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>> No.5370021

>did pickup in my twenties, banged about 20 girls
>got tired of going on dates
>moved to SEA
>lived in pattaya for a while, banged 80+ hookers
>got tired of broken english, shallow meaningless encounters and all the third world garbage
>now back in euroland, living in a small village, virtually no attractive girls around
>havent had sex in almost a year and dont really miss it, dont even watch porn anymore

im seriously over women Id consider a relationship with a good chick but most women are complete garbage these days. also my sex drive is in the shitter since I turned 30. might aswell become a full volcel I guess

>> No.5370029

What do you mean clinical

>> No.5370031

source on pic? any more of her?

>> No.5370034

Nor is Buck Angel a man. It's best to think of transsexuals as a separate category.

This is an off-topic thread, though.

>> No.5370078

japs are racist against who?

>> No.5370112

Used some Mexican shit my friend gave me once. Took half because I don’t need it. Almost ripped through my pants lol

>> No.5370179

Murican living in Europe. Got a hooker fetish. Love sluts.

Best window sluts can be found starting from 50eur in Belgium, Holland and Germany. Go to Brussels, The Hague/Amsterdam (but be willing to pay tourist prices), Cologne, Frankfurt. You can also find hot escort girls in central Europe like Hungary.

>> No.5370181

>proceed to pay escorts in counterfeit money

You're risking 20 years behind bars to fuck whores.
It's hardly possible to make a worse decision.

>> No.5370200

Against White people and other Asians

>> No.5370227

Come on negro, you know that they hate whites the least, right ?

>> No.5370242
File: 88 KB, 1024x768, hugetits2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its cialis not cillias man wtf is wrong with u

anyway, what dose do you use? they are allowing to buy generic cialis now (tadalafile) at least here in spain from now on so i will finally try it

i dont trust internet shit

given that im 5'9'' and skinny, will 5mg be enough? consider that online shit is always underdosed

also i've heard that it makes the refractory period really short and even allow you to keep fucking without a pause

if priligy + cialis work for me i will finally be able to properly fuck

sex feels to good and i cant pound properly i just cum the mouths feel 2 nice too its impossible maybe its because im not a cutfag and my dick isnt dried up

also i only have sex a couple times a month since im not rich, once btc is worth a million in the next decade i will finaly be able to fuck escorts monthly

>> No.5370299

>He got aids.


>> No.5370306

Wait until you:
Lose your job (even with another being lined up)
Get injured
Go into a depression over death of a loved one

Hahaha. They stick around for the good times and dip (swing to the next branch) once things get bad even for a moment.

>> No.5370339
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>> No.5370356
File: 4 KB, 200x200, pp8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you cant make yourself into a chad

going to gym works but one side of my chest ist a bit deformed so i will never look good in t-shirts

i would need a pec implant its too much work

it sucks because facially im a 6 so if i had a symmetric chest i could fraud myself into looking more chadish but its over my chest is assymetric and im 28 and starting to bald i will need to cope with escorts

>> No.5370364


That's not all he did. A skinny dude can make some nice gains in 2 months with proper diet and enough proteine, but if he went from skinny to Greek God in that time he was 100% juicing

>> No.5370365

who is this adorable pure maiden

>> No.5370366

I am white and a lot of them hate White people with a passion. In a lot of hotels you are not even allowed to stay in.

>> No.5370394

Was supposed to get transferred to London for work. Never happened. Didn’t even care about the raise. All I thought about was window shopping euro sluts. Still upset

>> No.5370445

If you're cumming too fast concentrate on your breathing, you can easily last 30-40 minutes.
Cardio helps too

>> No.5370498

t. never been to japan

>> No.5370499

Are you american ? Some people told me that japanese people were way nicer after you told them that you were not american

>> No.5370531
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>but one side of my chest ist a bit deformed so i will never look good in t-shirts
same here also i have deformed abs
no matter how much i will lift i will always be JUST mode

>> No.5370540

guys dont generally get non std utis. you prolly have the chlamydia or gonorrhea. Just get some antibiotics and youll be fine

>> No.5370616

Fucking retard, I just got some chlamydia pills from an online pharmacist (SuperDrug in Bong land) I didn't get tested or anything it was just obvious.

I knew it was that because I fucked a couple of Tinder Nippon girls in Tokyo this Summer with no condom.

>> No.5370619


>> No.5370651

lena headley

>> No.5370839

That's what I did but he did say past couple of "years" I went a couple of weeks with an itchy and stinky cock before I ordered some.
I think he needs to get some bleach at this point.

>> No.5370859
File: 68 KB, 633x758, wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuark, how bad is it? is it poland syndrome?

mine is not noticeable unless you are close

and whats funny is: my intact side is zyzz tier, i have aesthetic muscle insertions, the other side is the fucked one, it bends a bit inwards, it fucking sucks. its something that fucks up your life and nobody notices. the thing is i will never be able to have intimacy with a civilian because the very second she touches on my t-shirt and notices im assymetrical its over. thats why im a 28 years old civilian virgin with 0 friends and a shutin. its funny (hell) how something like that fucks you up for life. my oonly hope is that my 21 btc are aworth millions in 5 years ortherwise im kilign myself

my only hope is to moneycope with escorts etc

if i wanted to get a pec implant to even ti out woiuld need to go to the gym and get exactly to te same weight i would like to have for life then have an implant made on the matching size of the thper pec, also it wouldnt still look good since under the implanted pec the ribs bend a bit inwards so it would look like a tit or somethingfd df

>> No.5370904

this is bullshit because growing without a father is the single biggest indicator of failure in life. Even after normalizing race.

>> No.5371015
File: 6 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no it doesnt fucking work if you have real premature ejaculation

i need DRUGS

ive always reached the urge to cum fast since i was a kid

i can delay it when im alone not with a girl because its not the same i have full control in mastrubation but in sex its imposible i need drugs to change my natural fucked up shit i hope priligy works im fucked broken cause my deformed chest didnt allow me to have a normal life with girlfriends on my teens etc im dead bokren pain 0 friendias doisfdosjaiojaaaaaaaaaaaadasdasda

>> No.5371060

I would lose my virginity to a prostitute but I cant figure out how to put on a condom

>> No.5371064

the things that fuck me up is my bitchtits and my dick has PPP

>> No.5371123

You are in complete control if you're fucking her, you control the rhythm, shallow thrusts if you're gonna pop.
Switch positions I last forever if she's riding.
It sounds like a mental barrier over anything else senpai

>> No.5371154

nice larp
>$400 for escort in Vegas
just kys anon

>> No.5371163

Ask her to put it for you

>> No.5371167
File: 54 KB, 640x640, 12327974_526200614208719_305767561_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have gyno? fuck

im androgenic, im skinny but really ripped skinny

it sucks that im not smmetric, my life could have been GREAT

wtf is pppp

>> No.5371189

I'm worried I'll lose my boner like always
Whenever I try to put a condom on or touch the head of my dick in any way I lose my boner like a deflated balloon

>> No.5371230

r o a s t b e e f

c o r n h o l e

>> No.5371244
File: 184 KB, 1920x1080, blackdynamite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/biz/ is tricks

I come from a world you may not understand.

>> No.5371269

How about paying to her to cuddle. Fuck if you get acquainted with the new situation

>> No.5371280


How did you get her info?

>> No.5371343


>> No.5371387

You’re not supposed to get laid. You’re supposed to die a peasants death as a kissless hugless virgin

>> No.5371394

>I think I came about 5 times and so did HE
I find it hilarious that being a raging faggot you still need to pay 400 bucks to rub dicks with a dude.

>> No.5371408

i did on exchange in high school, they all loved me, the familys i stayed with son went psycho when they all wanted to give me their #'s and not him, you must be ugly

>> No.5371427
File: 25 KB, 250x241, pppunch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you dont have premature ejaculation, congratulations.

>> No.5371456

Not everyone here is confident enough to be able to take it from a date and to the bedroom.

>> No.5371464

Whores don’t like getting stiffed/robbed/stabbed

>> No.5371484


There's nothing in London except for some shady walk up type houses in SOHO, I've read about them online. Paris has streetwalkers but most are nasty ass african girls and nastier old ladies (although a few of them are pretty hot).

Like I said, Belgium, Germany and Holland is the best for window hookers. Super hot white Eastern European chicks, a lot of MILFs from all over Europe. Fucking love it.

>> No.5371503
File: 62 KB, 482x692, chad skull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean good looking

and nobody here is fucking legit 7+ girls from tinder


>> No.5371531


>> No.5371561

b-but feminine penis... desu

>> No.5371565

Yes, 250/hr, yes.

It was in Mexico. She was fucking smooooking hot.

>> No.5371587

>two blonde escorts
>just to say i banged two chicks at once
>was okay, $600

>banged some 18 year old girl just starting out in porn
>bad breath, she was like extremely sleepy, not that great

>get drunk with some random guy i met while partying in ATL
>we go to some asian massage parlor
>young/tight asians, never seen 18-20 year olds at AMPs before

Im kinda done with that lifestyle now though. Maybe when I travel I'll hit up some AMPs or soapland stuff. Its okay if its your thing.

>> No.5371630

it's not even that, the ass you can pay for is better than the ass you will get irl.

I would never have been able to hook up that girl I bought, but for 250 I did.

>> No.5371632

If you can last forever solo fapping I find it hard to believe you have p.e
How long do you typically last with women vs solo?

>> No.5371661
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Thsi but unironically, except in Brazil

>> No.5371755


how old are you? I feel like this is where I'm headed

>> No.5371772

How are Slav/Eastern Yuropean prostitutes? I was thinking of traveling to Poland and the Ukraine with crypto gains.

>> No.5371839

Yea. I figured that. Was just excited to be closer to those places

>> No.5371842



I live in NYC so shit is expensive, $500, $750

One was Asian and hot, worth it
Next one was not worth it and smelled funny
Third one was so much worth it that I went back for more 3 times until she moved sadly

I haven't done this in well over a year though so I think I'm done with that life

Also I hooked up with tinder a few times. Hookers are way better.

>> No.5371928

The Internet. She was in town for some expo

>> No.5371967

no, i just achieve the urge to cum real fast, but since im just fapping, i can stop, i stop, then i fap again for like 30 seconds, i stop again...

this wit ha girl is im possible, if shes sucking my d, i dont have control, by the time i have the urge to cum its too late, you dont understand it because you dont have pe, its pointless.

pe is out of one's control, real pe that is.

>> No.5372002
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Will hookers play mommy with me? Like caress my asshole while I suck on their breasts?

>> No.5372070

Literally everyone is talking about BZC right now faggot.

>> No.5372169
File: 65 KB, 500x700, I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only people who pay for whores are pedophiles and losers. Please stop discussing fucking underage girls

>> No.5372180


Yea but are they really the girls you want to fuck? It's mostly 6/10s

>> No.5372198


>> No.5372226
File: 287 KB, 1039x559, 1505242155397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dream right here, I just want to recreate some Corruption of Champions scenes

I want you to leave, for multiple reasons

>> No.5372242

When were you at pattaya.

>> No.5372284

fucked about 50 in 10 years. 300 -500$ for a few hours. they have to lick your asshole but same shit as with a free woman

>> No.5372523

I see just one escort and only her for the past few years. I know I'm not doing it right but the GFE aspect feels great

>> No.5372761

You're going out with shitty wome- no, shitty people. Your relationships have been lies if your girl left you for such petty things.

>> No.5372883

Lol you're definitely not ugly dude. You don't have a Clue about the repressed feels. Escorts are a godsend to many. Cheap, sure and fast.

>> No.5372891


Oh anon, give it time, you'll see. not like we wish it was this way

>> No.5372951

>Family that signs up for a exchange program to host foreign students has positive impression of you
>implying that applies to the vast majority of Japanese society
You are retarded. They are mostly indifferent to white people

>> No.5373070

There's no such thing as ripped skinny. Just skinny twinks who don't lift

>> No.5373111

I enjoyed this

>> No.5373116

it's because you started fapping to porn at a young age. go nofap for a few months, do some kegels.

>> No.5373154

>She was a top shemale porn star
Off yourself my guy

>> No.5373177
File: 17 KB, 384x384, 1513395267203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shove your pride up your ass

>> No.5373211
