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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53384 No.53384[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>52636

>> No.53385

Remember to only create new threads AFTER the old one has reached its bump limit of 300 posts.

Exchange - Current Price 222 Satoshi:

Buy DOGE with fiat:

Mining guide:


Useful sites:

Free doge:
http://indogewetrust.com (promo codes: "install gentoo" or "suchpromo", "such bad doge many sorry", "buildandshoot.com", "sent ;)" or "buy amd")


Want the DOGE coin to succeed? This is how you can help:

Ask btc-e to add DOGE to their exchange:

Donate to the original doge owner:


Join #do/g/ecoin at Rizon now.

>> No.53394


>> No.53399

wew lad

>> No.53405

Thank you based amDoge.

>> No.53400
File: 18 KB, 300x300, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wolongcoin is the most profitable coin to mine currently.

>> No.53401

what's that

>> No.53407
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>> No.53409


>> No.53410

without any sort of bias, what are your expectations of PND's future?

what goals would like us to accomplish to make it successful?

>> No.53417


haha thanks! I knew it was a risk to go with an 80/early 90s tv show reference.

Showing my age.

>> No.53419

It will be successful when wolongs coin is dead. We are making progress with that.

>> No.53422


Pick one

>> No.53426

The whole point of PND is to make sure Wolong's scam coin doesn't become successful. If it succeeds in that, wouldn't it be considered successful then?

>> No.53432

All the angry posts we got from the Wolong shills indicate a SMASHING success

>> No.53429

Are you a wolong shill or just an edgy /pol/lack?

>> No.53444

Both, you got me
PND will be successful in fucking with Wolong but it will not be a successful coin, I don't think anyone except you expects that

>> No.53453

Can you also tell me the lottery numbers please?

>> No.53456

block chain is split, dont mine

>> No.53448

Fucking ribbit won't even load, are we de-forked yet?

>> No.53463

Focus all hashes on PND then?

>> No.53458

> my sides

>> No.53466

Wake up, the symbol for Panda3.0 is PND, a symbol that was consciously decided by us all because it looks like Pump and Dump.

>> No.53475
File: 86 KB, 972x541, Screen Shot 2014-02-18 at 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wolongs shitcoin is slowly dying. He will try to pump it soon I bet. But as far as natural growth is going, it is on a slow downward trend.

>> No.53477

They just assume that wolong will pump it in the future so it will be profitable.
I can see a lot of people becoming bag holders.
But it's not the most profitable right now that's just bullshit.

>> No.53483

Just mine doge

>> No.53478

Which one should I mine then

>> No.53489

Someone explain dogecoins to me.

People give them away for free? And you can make them using computer magic? And then you use them as currency?

How is this sustainable?

>> No.53502

you basically turn your graphics card into a money printer full of happiness and wow

>> No.53503

Problem is, wolong has never actually proven that he actually has enough btc to pump the market.

And even if he does, this man has made so many false predictions, i honestly can't believe some people are actually following this faggot.

>> No.53505


>> No.53496
File: 160 KB, 1280x720, cointumreaps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53497

As long as people give it value, it has value.

>> No.53498
File: 120 KB, 1280x720, Watamote - 05 -1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So all the happens are over finally, right?

>> No.53500

Just google it you retard.

>> No.53501

Follow this

and also follow the news.
I am saying this because sometimes shit happens but coinwarz can not reflect this.
For example doge has forked.

>> No.53514


>> No.53509


>> No.53521

>Doesn't realize that the fed is printing billions of dollars.

>> No.53522

Coinwarz is fucking shit

>> No.53516

I mean if you are literally just creating money, how is that sustainable?

>> No.53538

DAXP is so cool, why did he stop posting ;_;

>> No.53523

Ask the Federal Reserve

>> No.53529

It's essentially autism powered money, which is why 4chan is so good at it

>> No.53530

Because other people who can't print want that money.

>> No.53540
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>> No.53541

It takes electricity to create coins
Electricity costs money
Therefore, dogecoins cost money

>> No.53543

Any currency is only worth what people are willing to exchange for it.

Break free from your Government Fiat shackles. Doge is freedom.

>> No.53551

You use LOADSAELETRICITY to make it, and the more people working on making the coins the harder it is per individual.

>> No.53555

oh man we are back to boring

someone fork the blockchain again

>> No.53558

Should we ddos some of wolongs pandapools?

>> No.53559

or drop the price to 100

>> No.53565

Let's start a fire

>> No.53567

Fork is fixed?
What block are we on?

>> No.53575

don't know if it is fixed but cryptsy is back in the 220s

>> No.53579


>> No.53569

link to one

>> No.53570
File: 232 KB, 1912x1013, marketmani.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are there constant 238 doge orders for 222 whenever someone buys for 221? Still happening now, always instantly processed as soon as a 221 order goes through

>> No.53573


>TIL that the internet has surpassed God, and can create monetary value ex nihilo

>> No.53574


>> No.53587


>> No.53581

DAXP did your trip get banned?

>> No.53596
File: 652 KB, 2560x1600, uFCn2Xi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a beautiful thing, isn't it anon?

>> No.53598

he said he got banned for begging

I choose to believe he got banned for selling his doge at 50 for a shitty notebook

>> No.53591

>what are dollar printing plates

>> No.53599

>The Federal Reserve is God

Get out red shield

>> No.53606

I oppose the Illuminati, I just don't understand the economics of it.

>> No.53601

Same 238 doge orders have now pushed up to 223 satoshi.


>> No.53607

Heres the list. Go nuts


>> No.53613

chirstt Crapsey

>> No.53614


>> No.53615

I think Santa gave him like 100k more though

>> No.53625

Im new to crypto currencies. Im wondering how exactly can one exchange his coins for real world money? Is there a Coin to dollar value? Or do you have to trade to bitcoin to sell? Im having difficulties figuring some of this stuff out. Sorry for being such a new friend!

>> No.53627

It's nice that we can post wallets here without get b&

>> No.53630


>> No.53634

Hello newfriend,

Most of your questions can be answered by plebbit


But yes, most of the exchange will go through Bitcoin. There is an USD/DOGE exchange, vault of satoshi, but verification is a pain in the ass.

>> No.53644

Newfriend who posted all the questions above, I'm also wondering what the taxman does when you report thousands of dollars of income from "mining dogecoin". Unless you just keep it as dogecoin.

>> No.53639

If you're from Europe.

>> No.53642

Well, for doge there's a few options you can choose to convert directly to fiat. You can either sell them on Vault of Satoshi, or on /r/dogemarket/eBay. I think some of us sell on ribbit, so you can usually find someone safe enough, but ribbit prices are markup up for convenience.

Alternatively, and cheaply, you can buy BTC and just trade up and then sell on one of the major exchanges for cash


Don't use the Mt. Gox conversion

>> No.53659
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>Reporting your magic internet money earnings


>> No.53660

I haven't done it yet but I'm under the impression that you have to report it as income when you go to exchange it for USD

>> No.53654


>> No.53667

Thanks for the help guys.

Im from canada.

>> No.53676

>Im from canada.
Lucky, Vault of Satoshi is based in Canadia

>> No.53671

Most are keeping it as dogecoin or keeping it as BTC.

Also, the taxman depends on your jurisdiction. Most countries would probably make you pay a capital gains tax. If you are mining/trading on a daily basis and making money, they will likely charge an income tax. It depends on how you use them, which is quite strange.

>> No.53686

Great! Didn't know that

>> No.53691

Well within the range of daily fluctuations. Try harder.

>> No.53696

wolong pls

>> No.53694

S-so is cryptocurrency not subject to taxation if I don't convert it to real currency?

>> No.53705

Only taxable if you convert it into goods or fiat

>> No.53706

Pretty much. Transactions are pretty much anonymous. Nobody knows who owns a wallet address unless you tell them.

Thats why they are so controversial.

>> No.53707

It's the super tax haven

>> No.53702


>> No.53703

Pretty much no. You could hold BTC until they were worth 10k each, and never report it.

>> No.53710


haha brilliant. Glad my obscure reference generated some OC.

Have the theme tune in my head now. Damn I miss that show.

And the Panda being Al, makes sense. Didn't he have a thing for asian women?

>> No.53713

Thats a 3 day graph. Which is the history of the coin on that exchange.

>> No.53715

I should still be running wallet 1.5.1 correct? I didn't see which wallet the pools decided to use.

>> No.53736

That's what I was thinking too.
Just get a small sum out every month to fly under the radar and live okayish.
But the whole crypto thing is too unreliable, it's just so fucking volatile, I don't want to get used to living from magic internet money and then the whole thing crashes and I have to get a job again.

>> No.53742

Did the show even had an ending?
I never got to see the end on beanerland, and some people told me that they didn't show the ending because he leaped into heaven with god or some shit like that.

>> No.53743
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>Wolong actually defends himself on 4chan against a bunch of autistic weeaboo NEETs

Tippity toppest of lels

>> No.53751
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who else wants to stay on 1.4 and be Dogecoin2 with me

>> No.53752

You should be running the latest wallet, whatever it is

>> No.53758
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>> No.53768

What should I mine?
Don't say I should check coinwarz, it's shit.

>> No.53762


I watched when it first came out and didn't understand it as I was 11 at the time, so I recorded it on VHS to watch again. Never did, Still have the VHS, but no VHS player.

I think he met god and then carried on leaping.

Hoping the next leap ....

> would be the leap home,

>> No.53772


nice try, wolong just said in the forums he is recruiting thousand of chinese to mine it
panda is the new doge, your irrational hate to wolong will cost your all your satoshis

>> No.53776


>> No.53779

Worldcoin. Digitalcoin. Stable

>> No.53774


>> No.53775

dat low difficulty

>> No.53785

The transformation of online interactions - doge is literally the e-God.

>> No.53787

Reddcoin sux

>> No.53782

why not multipool?

>> No.53783

>liking RedditCoin

kill yourselves

>> No.53791

I dont own satoshis u faggot. I own doge and PND. Wolong is completely obsessed with bitcoin, his scam will never get off the ground.

Miners aren't the only thing you need, you need buyers, and nobody trusts Wolong except the people he pays.

>> No.53792
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Imagine a Dogecoin without wolong.

>> No.53796

Any calculator for vertcoin?

>> No.53800

He probably means DOGE.

>> No.53803
File: 414 KB, 343x264, 1385086833778.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine BTC without the IRL version of chinese goldfarmers

>> No.53801

It was a big event for my family in the 90's. I could make QL OC all day.

>> No.53811


>> No.53806

miners alone don't add value.

>> No.53808

I don't know, why not?

>> No.53809

They're treated mostly as commodity from what I can see. It'd be the same if lets say I gave you a Thai massage, and in lieu of you having no money you gave me 20 jars of mayonnaise, I would have to pay income tax, estimating what value was exchanged between what I usually charge and what 20 jars are worth. In fact, if nothing changes hands you can be taxed: for example, in the UK if I let someone live in a property of mine that I usually rent for free, I am still liable to pay tax on the market rent.

>> No.53821

so whats the deal with the 238 satoshi sell wall?

>> No.53823

guys we are *STILL* on a fork, we can't go back to 227 as if nothing happened

a bit more panic pls

>> No.53828

So, how/when will we KNOW which fork is the right one? Who is deciding this?

>> No.53829
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>> No.53831

Is it cool for me to mine now? I dont want to mine pot and mint anymore.

>> No.53833

is the correct fork

>> No.53832


you people are really retarded, more miner = more people with PANDA, even if half only want to dump it all for BTC some will want to promote PANDA to it succeed, the same happened to doge you moron.

>> No.53842


pls upboat and fight off wolong shills who are posting now

>> No.53834

>trade btc for paypal
>buy stuff on ebay that won't lose value
>sell some time later for the same price or higher if its a rare item
>doge laundering

>> No.53836

Only retarded pool owners are on the wrong fork.

>> No.53837


Doge 2.0: So long, Wolong

>> No.53839

>dogecoin diffculty 731

>> No.53849

You're just gonna sell it amongsts your IPO lackies and someone's gonna get a bag holder bigtime. Literally nobody cares about these figging pandacoins.

>> No.53851

you have to have someone bumping DEMAND to go with the SUPPLY.

miners can KEEP or BUY more, but they are mostly on the supply side.

you can't have a crypto that only caters to miners, because that doesn't add value.

>> No.53853


They caused the last one as well

>> No.53855

Should I mine Vertcoin?

>> No.53860


No, this is absolutely fucking ridicilous. Why do people STILL jump to every shitcoin that comes out?

>> No.53858

dooglus caused the last fork.

>> No.53861

I hear it will cause an explosion if you use a Fermi card.

>> No.53866
File: 199 KB, 512x384, 004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit man, all these shills all over the place are too much.

Is it like this for all cryptos, or just the ones a bunch of retards pay 250 BTC prior to launch for?

>> No.53868

Try harder, Wolong shill. The truth is, Wolong has a criminal record and is a market manipulator, which is why any real exchange will never accept his scamcoin. They are legally not allowed to accept if because it could damage their customers and they would be held accountible.

Wolong is spending the 250 IPO money on bullshit trying to hype his coin, but it won't work. He pays people to make videos and take pictures or to mine his coin, he is bleeding cash but no cash will come back from it.

>> No.53869

Oh yeah I remember now, something about sending billions at once

>> No.53870


I withdrew from Netcodepool, who is on that blockchain, and still haven't received it. It has been almost an hour, and it normally only takes 5-10 minutes. Picnic?

>> No.53872

Well I don't use a Fermi Card.

>> No.53874

So, let me get this straight, you guys hate wolong but are promoting a coin premined by this fucking tripfag that monopolized doge threads on 4chan? you know he is a fucking jew and just want more power, you'll all get fucked by him and wolong, fucking peasants.

>> No.53877

Nothin better to do

Waitin on Comedy Gold

>> No.53878

Why are you posting this in a doge thread?
Do you mean PND?
Go learn why PND was made don't just go around and spout nonsense

>> No.53881

>all this FUD
Thanks for keeping the diffulty down goys, I mean guys

>> No.53883

He didn't premine it, he's just got the largest rig here, and pointed it at his own pool for the last three days.

>> No.53891

It's not premined.

>> No.53886

I want comedy gold just to give LELs to everyone on 4chan

>> No.53887

You'll find that 90% of people who currently own BTC have never mined it.

If everybody just mines, they will never buy, and then there is no buy support.

>> No.53889

what the fuck, why did you withdraw when we're in the middle of a fork?

what client are you using?

post tx id

>> No.53890

PAND is pandacoin 1.0
PANDA is wolong premine pandacoin 2.0
PND is 4chan nopremine pandacoin 3.0

>> No.53901

Picnic indeed

>> No.53899


just do it yourself with coingen fags

>> No.53902

>being this mad

Tell me wolong shill, how are you bleeding? Wolong is wasting your money and you will never get it back

>> No.53910

Nah, I'll wait til we're done with PND, cuz I don't wanna dilute these threads and efforts.

>> No.53911

You wouldn't be mad if you were making money

>> No.53912

At the time, I didn't know. The tx links to dogechain, which is down. >.>

>> No.53921

Couldn't I mine doge, but a better computer to mine it better, and so on and so on?

>> No.53923

Pump 'N' Dump

>> No.53924

Same here, I have my GPU focused on PND right now, because fuck wolong and because I love amDoge.
After this finishes, then maybe we can proceed into Comedy gold

>> No.53927

I'm not even a wolong shill, you guys are so against wolong that amJew could easily hijack the butthurtism culture of /g/ and now /biz/ and turn it in more profit, im laughing my ass off, as always the only people wining are the Jews and Wolong's inner circle, the other are cattle to be slaughter.

>> No.53929

Yup, that's how it works. Most people just build mining rigs out of milk crates

>> No.53932

use http://bitinfocharts.com/dogecoin/ blockchain explorer

right click transaction, show TX id

>> No.53934
File: 32 KB, 442x304, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I be buying DOGE in fiat or BTC?
Also, is buying DOGE at the moment a good idea or are there things I should be aware of at the time being?

>> No.53935
File: 62 KB, 500x659, 1326322075002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw all these shitcoins devalue and discredit BTC

I'm loving it. Where do I buy Doge?

>> No.53937

I think we're all on the same page as far as that goes.

What are you even on about

>> No.53947

BTC trades are cheapest, fiat will run you upwards of 30% more. Doge is a good buy right now, I'd say. We're expecting a price bump in the next 2-3 weeks to coincide with the recent reward halving.

Vault of Satoshi, /r/dogemarket, Cryptsy :^)

>> No.53938

amdoge did the work within 9 hours and requested no payment.

If he did do that I wouldn't even care because this whole episode has been hilarious. So much wolong shill butthurt.

>> No.53939

I don't understand what your point is.

That still doesn't mean shit

>> No.53940
File: 65 KB, 745x281, dis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this? Is someone trying to send a kinda message?

>> No.53944
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>> No.53946

depends. if you're using coinbase or some place that already has your info don't bother going anywhere else just because they have fiat

>> No.53948


Vault of Satoshi if North American. Dogedispenser is Euro

>> No.53955

No point, just sayin'. Funny coincidence.

>> No.53958

Whale song

>> No.53952
File: 350 KB, 1181x1772, amDoge female form.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't know that amDoge is a Nazi girl

>> No.53962

Is it safe to upgrade from wallet 5 to 5.1 during this fork shit ?? Should I wait ??

>> No.53965
File: 2 KB, 192x96, Gods dammit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checking my address against that link, last transaction received was just before the split, which is right. It's not listed on there at all.

Pic is what I got from netcodepool to go off of.

>> No.53966
File: 210 KB, 597x617, 1294430888594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr durr amDOGE is a gurll

>> No.53968

It's not coincidence.

>> No.53971

You ARE a wolong jew, because wolongs coin is not accepted on exchanges, the ones that are have LESS VOLUME THAN THE IPO HIS BRAINDEAD FOLOWERS INVESTED. It is illegal to market manipulte which is why it will never get on serious exchanges. It is the epitome of a scamcoin. Noone will EVER buy into his coin.

>> No.53978

She is.

>> No.53988

Any hot insider advice what to mine?
>inb4 vertcoin,mintcoin,nyancoin

>> No.53984
File: 6 KB, 175x175, 1387498434882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

amdoge is not kabosu the shibe

>> No.53987

Dogedispenser seems pretty expensive.
Is this the same rate as the other fiat to DOGE exchanges?

>> No.53993


>> No.54002


>> No.53997

Anybody look at Riecoin?
Looks interdasting

>> No.54000

amdoge's panda if you aren't already.

>> No.54005

Fuck you, I totally forgot about that pic, I was going to make a non-nazi version of that, but I thought it would be better to let it go.

Again fuck you for creating a false image of my love shepherd.

>> No.54010

When did /doge/ become so shitty?
I miss the times on /g/

>> No.54013

How much is it? $1.5USD = 1000DOGE is the going rate on exchanges at the moment.

>> No.54024

we /biz/ nao

deal with it shithead

>> No.54019

They're just forking around

>> No.54020


>> No.54035

i miss the times when everyone wasn't a greedy jew

>> No.54032

What if you sold mined Doge for shekels to inflate the Israeli economy and leave them easy pickings for glorious Assad once they crash?

>> No.54033

lmao shut the fuck up cock socket and mine amdoge's coin before the first reward halving

>> No.54038


>> No.54044

I dunno man. The community is much bigger now and more shit happens.

A lot of people who had never believed in Doge are jumping on the train just now. /biz/ is the best thing that could have happened.

Nobody even talks shit about Doge anymore because its power is undeniable.

We have killed BTC shill. Fiat shill is our next boss.

>> No.54042


>> No.54048

Wolongcoin and selling it for DOGE.

>> No.54060

Nah I was doing that yesterday. The diff is too high. Mine PND. at this rate we will get on an exchange and get 6-10 satoshi. You can mine a million in an hour with a decent gpu at the moment.

>> No.54071


>> No.54066

What's the best strategy to make DOGE as a poorfag who can only mine with one GPU averaging 60 khash/s?

>> No.54067


wolong please

>> No.54078

Fiat = Ultimate Final Last Song Dynasty Boss

>> No.54082

You're in /biz/rael now.
Get used to it.

>> No.54084

OC, contribute to community, get tips.

>> No.54085

Just stop already.

>> No.54087

It doesn't matter, we're all anon

>> No.54093

Nah, we turned into jews on week 2

>> No.54094


>Fun crypto that mocks BTC-tards


Eat da poo poo.

>> No.54096

No. Dogecoin will become a better investment than gold or buying a piece of land

>> No.54098

just got like 1.1 doge from a faucet am i going to the moon /biz/?

>> No.54103

They gonna boost it to 238sat. hold/buy

>> No.54107

After far too long of a transaction time, it finally went though to 1.5.1 wallet. Netcodepool is good.

>> No.54108

Yes anonymous, you're riding first class all the way

>> No.54111

>redditcoin forked

>> No.54112

How is doge not fiat? At least fiat is worth the paper it's printed on, doge is literally nothing.

>> No.54120

It's worth electricity

>> No.54121
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>> No.54122
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>> No.54136


>> No.54131

Honestly, I hope you're right. That's pretty optimistic, though.

All I want is a long holiday and a property to rent out and live off the proceeds.

>> No.54132

Make OC, gamble, daytrade, get a few lackeys and steal Cryptsy's hard drives.

>> No.54142

fiat is ultimately controlled by governments and banks. end the fed.

>> No.54145

You're clinging to the landing gear with the air martial firing bullets at you.

>> No.54146

Fucking Dogehouse and their forks

>> No.54152
File: 55 KB, 520x800, 1390986529483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is mining wolongcoin and selling it directly to wolong will make him a profit? The amount of mined coins is always the same, doesn't matter how many people mine it. And if you don't hold it, sell it instantly, isn't it better for killing the coin?

Right now I'm mining wolongcoin @ 0.022btc/day, and the closest one is VTC @ 0.015btc/day. DOGE was @ 0.013btc/day before the forkening, right now it's at 0.017btc/day, but the difficulty will probably go up very soon.

But hey, I'm wolong, don't listen to me.

Reddcoin too?

>> No.54168

because your supporting a fucking shitcoin that is premined. Raising it's value directly profits wolong because he fucking has millions of them to dump.

don't be a fucking tool, don't support shit premined coins.

>> No.54166

We need more upboats. If we get on an exchange many more miners will come and we will have beaten wolongchingchong.


>> No.54180

>Raising it's value
By dumping it instantly?

>> No.54182

wow such magnifique.

>> No.54190

PND coin is still more profitable if you do the math m8.

PND is going for 5-6 satoshi in person 2 person trades.

I make .1 btc a day mining it compared to .039 for the next best coin (MINT)

>> No.54195

yes, just fucking ignore it.

mining it gives it the illusion of actually being viable. Then the fucking hivemind thinks, well derpa derp derp, it has miners, lets mine that one.

>> No.54196

You're taking money from his shills initial investment then, keep up the good work.

>> No.54197

I feel like PND has this fame that I just can't see through my 4chan goggles

>> No.54201

I know there is general malcontent towards reddit, but here is a list of currently working doge pools.

http://www.reddit com/r/dogemining/comments/1y5kou/attention_hard_fork_detected_on_the_network/

>> No.54203
File: 42 KB, 245x242, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will this be good for P&D?
>already bought cryptorush

>> No.54209

I think we all give /r/dogecoin and it's subsidiaries a pass when it comes to the >reddit thing

>> No.54223

There is no malcontent towards reddit in DOGE threads, don't worry.
Every publicity is good publicity and /r/Dogecoin is the face of DOGE

>> No.54233

Sure, it's always worth mining a shitcoin day 1

>> No.54234

Why would anyone call a ruby a coin?

Why not just call it a ruby instead of rubycoin?

>> No.54239
File: 15 KB, 433x300, ip.bitcointalk.org.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54243

What's the best way to sell my DOGE in the UK?

>> No.54250

It's habbening!

>> No.54252

Now that you mention it, I wanna mine Rupees, ya know, from Zelda.

I want that

>> No.54256
File: 143 KB, 640x480, 1391103669862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't trust people on forums. MINT looks pretty good for mining, I'll try it.

>> No.54260

I love you, Mint shill

>> No.54269


Fucking bullshit man.

I have an R9 280x and I was getting maybe 70k an hour at low diff.

>> No.54281

this made me laugh harder than it should have

>> No.54277

>forked again

man these devs are incompetent as fuck

can we nominate amDOGE to take over for these clowns?

>> No.54283

Again? What are you talking about.

>> No.54289

Mint going to be good? i mined a bunch already just incase. but im on doge again because of the low diff

>> No.54299

lel just wanted to post this but deleted because who the fuck cares.

those fucking icons of coin with a ruby in the middle.. they copying so hard they have no brain left

>> No.54294


So does anyone still have their shekel wallet?

This thing is coming back from the dead.

>> No.54310

>I wanna mine Rupees
just go to india

>> No.54313

>making $42/day mining Wolongcoin

Man good feels.

>> No.54317

Same here. It's getting a lot of hype.
Better safe than sorry, especially after seeing what crytpocurrencies are capable of now.

>> No.54329

I think you're struggling to articulate a thought. Try again.

>> No.54324

>making shit mining
>gettning $40 for shilling forums all day

>> No.54331

What pool are you on?

>> No.54337

>diff 7 before we can even start
>2% premine

fuck off

>> No.54339

I am.

>> No.54333

Have fun with that

>> No.54341


I've tried both Bamboohouse and Pandapool

>> No.54342

PND is getting on cryptorush.in


>> No.54346

Is this the average earning of mining cryptocoins?

>> No.54353

>Paying Wolong money for investment
>Using your electricity to get the same money back from Wolong while shilling his coin


>> No.54357

How much can I make a day mining DOGE on my shitty 4200HD?

>> No.54359

$1 a day for Doge with a single GPU

>> No.54360

Don't listen to the kid who says he makes 1mil an hour with a "decent gpu"

amDOGE has a 15mh/s setup and only gets 33mil PND a day.


>> No.54371

How the fuck is anon making USD$42 a day then?

>> No.54372

About -1.20$ a day.

>> No.54377
File: 144 KB, 340x340, 1392642286759.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is beautiful

>> No.54378
File: 367 KB, 735x594, oskar just a child.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>theres going to be 3 pandacoins on one exchange

oh gosh

>> No.54379


1mil an hour = 24m a day < 33mil a day

>> No.54380

Cool. There's no market for it.

Who paid him, other than "investors"? I certainly didn't. The 770,000 coins I have, currently worth .55 BTC, are from my own mining.

>> No.54384

You keep the money

>> No.54386

AMD mining rigs.

>> No.54388

I mine a more profitable coin with four GPUs.

Doge hasn't been the most profitable coin to mine in a week.

>> No.54391

i make about 300k an hour with 4 r9 280x cards, he's bullshitting

>> No.54394

Do you even know what the hashrates for a "decent" gpu are?

The absolute highest end gpu gets 900khs m8

>> No.54397

You should sell now. Shits about to hit the fan.

We're doing you a favour.

>> No.54398

did you not read the part about amdoge has a 15 mh/s farm?

the other guy claimed to get 24m a day with 1 gpu

>> No.54399

So translating it for a techtard, you're using four computers?

>> No.54407

you can have more than one gpu per computer... lol

>> No.54409

No, it's not. There's no market for PND. None whatsoever. No one will be confused by PANDA-BTC versus PND-BTC.

Four graphics cards on one computer.

>> No.54417

Better sell then. Unless you actually believe that house of cards is going to last.

>> No.54423
File: 121 KB, 1024x588, tDHI7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would be something like this.

>> No.54425

The high difficulty indicates the interest in the coin. There's a huge volume of trading and the price has not fallen despite the initial dump.

>> No.54429

>There's no market for PND because I say there isn't

>> No.54431
File: 88 KB, 211x207, 110s4rv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god that fucking pic

im dying, why did you have to post this?

>> No.54433

Being accepted to an exchange is the first distraction.

Hell is about to rain on your shitcoin. Get out before the wrath hits.

>> No.54434

Except a setup that isn't begging for a housefire like that.

>cards that close together
>pretending the quarter-inch of space somehow is favorable for temperature control

We've come a long way in cryptomining.

>> No.54436

How is it possible to have more than one GPU per computer?..
Is that legit or are you just fucking with me?

>> No.54443

That looks like a housefire. How would those cards even stay remotely cool?

>> No.54444

it's legit but the cards are too close together

>> No.54448

So I'm on v1.5 - do I need to update to v1.5.1?

afaik that isnt mandatory?

>> No.54445

No, there isn't a market because it's a knockoff LEL WE DISRUPTERS coin with a massive concentration of ownership that has done nothing to spark an iota of interest in outsiders.

>> No.54457

Like anyone believes this fucktard that more space is wasted.

>> No.54458

>amDOGE's coin is a knockoff
>but wolongs isn't because I say it isn't

>> No.54451

>getting this mad

>> No.54453

The 2 cards in the middle would overheat. But yeah.

>> No.54454

Motherboards usually have a number of PCI-e slots, and miners buy motherboards with multiple slots capable of supporting a number of GPUs. The only other variable is the power supply.

>> No.54455

A surprising amount of being have been interested just because of the whole wolong feud.

>> No.54465

If you haven't bought any, then who is buying wolongs coin?

>> No.54461

Why would I be mad? I'm mining something that's proven to be profitable. You're mining something that isn't, and won't be. There is zero interest in PND outside of this board.

>> No.54472
File: 1.54 MB, 979x1306, 1391820511977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a shit

>> No.54476

>a massive concentration of ownership

At least it's not 3% of ALL COINS EVER.
PND launch was fair and with no premine, the distribution is fair.

>> No.54477

Wolong's is a knockoff how? Because of the N-factoring? That just increases the attractiveness of the coin.

This PND shit you morons have been fellating one another over for the past few days is a failure in motion.

Amused != interested. No one will buy it.

>> No.54483


>> No.54485

Christ that's frightening

>> No.54487


>> No.54488

You're still replying trying to explain your position so obviously you're still mad.

>> No.54491
File: 812 KB, 680x479, 1392661945679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's what my rig looks like if you really don't trust me

>> No.54492

>At least it's not 3% of ALL COINS EVER.
Those were distributed among a number of people. Do you even follow the thing you're trying to attack?

>> No.54493


>> No.54496

Electricity is expensive in Amdoge land though

>> No.54499

I don't think you get why anyone is even doing this. It's for the laughs you goon, just like DOGE

Take your greedy goyim shit to some BTC thread or whatever.

>> No.54502

Tell me that's a fucking cluster instead of 4 separate rigs

>> No.54503

Noice, where did you learn that set up?

>> No.54506

Yhea. I just pick the first thing that came up in google for milk crate mining with 4 gpu.

>> No.54510

>in wolong we trust
Wolong is such a retard, does he even understand english? Some of the shit he says sounds like it came straight off of google translate.

>> No.54514

Do you?
PND is distributed naturally, your argument is shit.

>> No.54527

You realise that 3 Billion is more than there is on the market right now right?

>> No.54528

your psu seems to have only 2x6 pcie.. hows the third gpu powered? it not a molex adapter

>> No.54536


getting on board for this shit why the fuck not

>> No.54547

Why doesn't anyone talk about mining bitcoin? Is that a retarded question? Seems to me like bitcoin is a lot more valuable

>> No.54560

It's the original.

>> No.54589


>Why doesn't anyone talk about

Do you know what the Chinese will do to you for talking about m*n*ng b*tco*n?

>> No.54598

Hi wolong, you can stop now

>> No.54620

N-No?.. I just don't see people here talking about mining bitcoin even though it's tons more valuable than doge

>> No.54631

Nvidia fag, using cudaminer do i need to have the most updated drivers to mine from suchcoin? Im not sure if im doing something wrong in my .bat i have
cudaminer.exe -o stratum+tcp://us2.suchcoins.com:3334 -O USERNAME.WORKER:PASSWORD // Did i mess up? CMDprompt just flashses on screen then closes right away.

>> No.54666


the way the software works is that over time it gets more difficult to mine, requires tons more electricity. So you might spend $3K on a mining rig, $500 a month in power bills and earn $5.00 in BTC because so many have been mined the difficulty is so great.

You mine a new coin or cheap one with huge potential like doge and hope to be in the position of holding a few million and the price jumps up. Or sell the millions you mine for Bitcoin, so in effect you mine bitcoins by mining cheaper coins. If that makes sense.

>> No.54715


they didnt quite think this through did they?
Soon it will not be worthwhile for ANYONE to mine it, if not already. Maybe some government can do it since they can just make their slavizens pay for it and keep all the profits.