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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 67 KB, 364x235, iex_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53639625 No.53639625 [Reply] [Original]

later you fucking losers, I'm on my way up and once I make it I'm gonna run my own imageboard with VR.

>> No.53639638

I've already made $15,000 by running a worker in the NFT workerpool. This is the future

>> No.53639724

Notice how there's no replies? RLC is still the biggest gem in crypto. 0 replies is = undervalued. I keep buying more and keep making free RLC thanks to the NFT pass. It will make me a multi millionaire.

>> No.53639749

Show us and I’ll buy 35 RLC right now

>> No.53639758

I'll buy 3500 RLC right now and not show you

>> No.53639797

Post a screenshot. You said the same thing in the other thread. RLC doesn't need fake hype, it's a beast all on its own. But unless you provide proof why should anyone believe you? At least tell us the apy for providing computing power.

>> No.53639828

I've already earned $15,000 worth of RLC in the last 3 days thanks to the worker pass. I'm not posting a screenshot, but 1 RLC = 1000$ minimum within 3 years. Everyone knows it's going to happen. The low supply in combination with extreme tech narratives will cause a massive snowball effect on the price.

>> No.53639856

Ok, I mean, that sounds nuts, but if true then congrats. RLC really can't be stopped at this point. The sleeper has awoken. Wagmi.

>> No.53639900

It doesn't sound nuts once you do the math enough times and look into the future. The current happenings with AI and computing/data should already give you a massive hint.

>> No.53640064

Yo I'm part of the public workerpool. So you can go to https://grafana.workerpass.iex.ec/d/Home/home?orgId=2&from=1675171841803&to=1675189501114 to see the public addresses of all workers from the public workerpool.
Then use https://explorer.iex.ec/bellecour in order to see how much RLC they made.
Paid tasks started yesterday, and I made 6.5 RLC from that :)

>> No.53640105

>6.5 RLC
I missed out on $65k per day

>> No.53640106

Congrats, you already made 6.5k in a single day.

>> No.53640124

Yeah 65k in a few years when RLC is atop 5 coin

>> No.53640152

>The sleeper has awoken
This is the point where we appreciate what we got, RLC going bunkers, slurping on privacy and AI more say Azero, Sylo, and Ocean atm, diversified portfolio means more money.

>> No.53640537

can you explain this to me like i'm retarded? (coz I am)
Do you stake your RLC for this ?

>> No.53640562

Yes, you stake 1 RLC on your wallet with the NFT then you do a bunch of stuff on your computer and set up a worker with the private key thats connected to the NFT and then you run your worker and make RLC. Ive already made a lot of RLC. I will 100% start a worker farm when they start using iExec for things.

>> No.53640683

So if you made a lot of RLC then it’s probably not gonna be a really high price. Do the rewards come down when more are using it?

>> No.53640714

It's definitely going to be a really high price. The RLC supply is small. I'm making at least 5 per day. When RLC is 87b marketcap it'll be $1000 per.

>> No.53642327

I have some other orders to fill on Azero. I think the token will do well as privacy protocols gain attention. The same with RAIL.

>> No.53642331
File: 501 KB, 480x480, IEXEC.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the webm for future posts fren.

>> No.53642382

I'm gonna cum

>> No.53642846

The rewards arent generated feom thin are. Now new tokens are added. They come users paying for power.

>> No.53642856

*from thin air

>> No.53643014

wow another scam coin from 2017

>> No.53643330

Mad cuz missed out, stay poor. See you at 3$

>> No.53643385

$3 soon. Then 300

>> No.53643649

>I'm not posting a screenshot
Lie confirmed.

>> No.53643696
File: 210 KB, 1215x1183, 1606745541526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you can really make some money with the worker pools. I stopped floowing everything after the v5 I was so down because they kept releasing a lot of stuff but never something usefull for the holder.

>> No.53643707

sirs I made a whopping 2k rupees with RLC. my village is very happy

>> No.53646624

many moonie moons to be had

>> No.53647219

this is a slow board pajeet. do you know we can literally see the timestamps?

>> No.53647372

I only hold 650 RLC. How high is this going and what timeframe are we looking at? I need to know how I should set up my sell ladder.