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53635141 No.53635141 [Reply] [Original]

Is it just my impression or is mental illness amongst young men skyrocketing faster than BTC in 2020-2021?

>> No.53635150

Is this water fucked up?

>> No.53635330

The fabled golden bullrun.

>> No.53635402

it has to come down at some point

>> No.53635523

Well yes but actually no, it's all fault of the bitches and jews

>> No.53635943

Notice how virtually nothing is being done to help young men

>> No.53636159
File: 499 KB, 512x491, EFA75F3C-9DC5-4959-B093-6DF2B334C6B3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im 25 and havent gone outside or spoke to anyone irl in 8ish years. I smoke weed, play cs go and osrs and vibe on disc all day. The windows are blacked out at all times so idk if its day or night. The inheritance I got from my parents deaths is about to run out so ima either have to waggie or an hero soon. I haven't decided yet but the thought of socializing irl and wageslaving fills me with anxiety and dread

>> No.53637395

At this point being mentally ill is NOT being mentally ill.

>> No.53637451

should have figured out how to live of the money forever

>> No.53638070

Sounds like you need more crypto.

>> No.53639210

without a grand narrative, ppl are forced to make their own narrative.
Get trapped in a shitty one, many such cases..

>> No.53639827

I’m 26 and I’ve gone completely insane recently. I’ve always been depressed and anxious but functional, but now sometimes with no trigger I fly off the handle and start putting holes in walls and screaming. I’ve completely lost my mind and have no regard for respecting social conventions in public anymore.

>> No.53639857
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>no sex
>no money
>no progress
what a mystery it is.
>captcha: 420DD

>> No.53639861

>I haven't decided yet but the thought of socializing irl and wageslaving fills me with anxiety and dread

It would unironically save your life. Keep yourself busy

>> No.53639886

One of my co-workers came out as trans a few weeks ago. I'm a mechanic. It's gettin weird out here.

Awkward as shit fr fr

>> No.53639896

Also I'm not crazy because I've been crazy and built up immunity to clown world. It's all just oil down the drain to me at this point.

>> No.53639920

>people who are younger have less money

>> No.53639956

quit weed and hit the gym

>> No.53641876

How do you get weed if you don't go outside

>> No.53641886

Does anybody have advice for intrusive thoughts? I have horrible ones about murdering my loved ones brutally

>> No.53641983

Do they deserve being murdered brutally?

>> No.53642097


>> No.53642138

it's mostly your biased impression by probably spending too much time in places like this which aren't representative of average "young men" at all

>> No.53642203

Literally the major weapon against mental illness is having sex
That's why the enemy is propagandising us into thinking chicks aren't into us, so we reject ourselves before even trying
And they propagandise girls into thinking guys are being creeps so they aren't, pushing them to unduly push us away, which contributes to us feeling rejected
And who is doing all this? Who is the enemy? Answer: all top secret Intel agencies working in tandem to lower world population
In this context suicide of young men is only a positive externality
Do you want to fight against them? Yes? Ok, be attractive, know you're attractive, know you're hot and sexy and that women want to bang you. Of course they do, believe it and tell yourself that. Really believe it, it will become true and you'll act in accordance with your beliefs. Listen! Action follows desire which follows thought. This is all known since ancient times. Modern science claims the origin of thought is matter, getting the equation backwards: the origin of matter is actually thought. This is important because you can turn the world from a place in which all women avoid you into a place in which all women want to wrap their pussies around yo cock. Believe in yourself. It's not easy though, changing your beliefs is very fucking hard broes but so so worth it
My names Star, Im a master magician take this advice to heart and thank me with contrition for this aint superstition but the greatest competition

>> No.53642210

For the past couple years I've realized I'm going schizo, mostly auditory, sometimes olfactory, and largely delusions but very rarely visual, it's kind of comfy but also kind of not. I'm still lucky I'm not too far off gone to separate from reality completely but the delusions are getting insane. I hear there's a point it'll feel like I'm living in a dream and sometimes I already feel that way where I'll question reality but for the most part, I think I'm still "here." I do fear the day when I can't distinguish between my delusions and reality. But yeah, there's something in the water, idk, something isn't right

>> No.53642223

>the enemy is propagandising us
mate, go outside

>> No.53642504

Im not mentally ill, more society ill. I cant function in it the way they want, I wont function in it in the way they want.

>> No.53642518


Ive run out and might actually go insane, lets see.

>> No.53642549

>Im a wise master magician
>Have sex

/x/ would love to hear from you.

>> No.53642672

>more doctos = more diagnosis'
>more classifications = more diagnosis'
>more people = more diagnosis'
>more access to unhealthy lifetyles = more diagnosis'
>more radicalizing stimulation = more diagnosis'

>> No.53643726

Jerry Marzinsky and the That's A Lie program.

>> No.53643743

Same, 8 years here. I live In Ohio and there’s nothing to do on weekends.

>> No.53643798

My advice to you would be to get a low paying job at a catering hall.
>your interactions with customers is pretty minimal
>Basically simplest job imaginable
>mostly nights
>you can socialize with qt3.14 waitresses who are usually very dumb and therefore more likely to give you a BJ
>can be an entry to eventually fine dining
Kitchen work can be rough but if you would prefer "back of the house" almost anyone can do food prep.

>> No.53643834

So this basically

>> No.53643865

you glow

>> No.53644074

feminism ruined multiple generations of women.
most women are not feminists but have been 100% influenced by them.
Also feminism has ruined men.
stop watching porn, jerking off, focus on yourself and become ruthless is the only way to do it now a days

>> No.53644089

depression is your mind telling you that you are not living right. be true to yourself and there will be no depression

>> No.53644204

Twas me in college. Are you drinking alcohol consistently? I stopped the alcohol and immediately chilled out, but I've always been a high strung person.

>> No.53644295

The more upset you get about the thoughts, the more they happen. Just laugh at them. The thoughts will always be about the very things you are most unlikely to do. Anxiety is very physiological. When you experience it, consider it like a stomach ache. It's not "you," it's just a passing bodily irritation. Same with panic. Separate yourself from the feeling and realize that its not your mind, it's like indigestion. Fart it out.

>> No.53644437
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Considering the rise of the Karan's, I think everybody is slowly going out if their minds.

>> No.53644471

>Mental illness.
Miss me with that gay shit.

>> No.53644495

Get a fucking job bum.
We used to dl conscription for people like you.
>He pissed his inheritance away.
See that boomer? That's what your kids are gonna do with their inheritance.
Piss it away playing video games.

>> No.53644543

jabs and swabs contain mind altering parasites

>> No.53644587
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Not my problem.

>> No.53644608
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No one deserves to be murdered but shit happens I guess.
That's life!

>> No.53644624

I can only get off to nun porn. But the nuns must be in the age range of 18-25. Also I fucking despise those cheap cosplay nun outfits - they need to be dressed like proper nuns. And I can't stand tattoos. There's a shitload of nun porn of these retarded whores who have piercings, tats, sneakers, and other shit that ruin the whole experience. Another thing I can't stand are satanist/goth nuns, they're extremely cringey. Unfortunately the best nun porn was made decades ago and these modern whores are absolutely clueless

>> No.53644632

yeah it's definitely not you who is mentally ill

>> No.53644742

How much did you get for inheritance anon? Why didn't you set up a passive income system?

>> No.53644967

Unfathomably based