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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53627432 No.53627432 [Reply] [Original]

Who is actually responsible for the demoralization threads, the bbc spam, incel bullshit etc.?

I unironically cannot see it being actual anons. But I'm not the type to believe in conspiracies that its some jews trying to hold men back or some bullshit. I also don't believe it's bots because of the captcha.

>inb4 the bots can solve captchas.
If someone figured out how to bypass the captcha and could bot, they could unironically just obliterate the board with spam. And since theres been a noticable decline in posters during 2021 bull vs the last year or so, it wouldn't make sense for it to be bots because it costs barely anything to run a bot and it wouldnt make sense to stop it during a bear vs. bull.

So seriously, who actually is it? Or if it's you what the fuck? What's wrong with you lmao?

>> No.53627444


>> No.53627447

There was a webm of someone showing bot threads and besides you can see bots shitting up threads all the time

Either way the people making those threads are mentally ill discord trannies or someone who does 1pbtid to troll because it’s epic >>53627432

>> No.53627452

I've posted about being an incel and still being depressed after making it. Why? Because it's true and I'm a loser who spends a lot of time here and feels "at home" here.

>> No.53627477

If thats really the case, this board would be spammed to hell. Like seriously unusable. Its not though.

And I'll use chainlink fud as an example. There seems to be about 3-10 chainlink fud threads up everyday. If 10 fudders were able to bot, why wouldnt they just spam every single thread to chainlink fud. If I wanted to fuck with a token I would do exactly that. But that's not the case, which is why I don't believe it's bots.

>> No.53627484

90% of it comes from Russia, ultimately. Either straight up russians, russian paid shills or useful idiots. The invasion of Ukraine exposed it pretty well, the same ones defending Russia say the same shit in agitation threads.
Just start talking about how terrible russia is in an agitation thread on any board and watch the response.

>> No.53627524

it's unironically this, there is a strong disinformation campaign going on in western social media for years, which is mostly directed by russia and china. it really doesn't cost them much and gives them a solid amount of control over the narratives, at least in certain target audience that can be found on boards like this here.

>> No.53627562

numbers are moving up, some currnecies down but btc up, while btc up some shitcoin dont follow as usual, the bonds in inflation should up but dont do it too much, all variables have non sense (this is info for people who knows about economy)
Now lets go to crypto tards:
Theres is nothing logic in the pump of btc eth , so basically every one instead of celebrate are waiting for the next fall, this pump is not sustainable by any means

>> No.53627575

If the spam became too much they would have to change the captcha. its useless for everyone. much better to demoralise and create honeypot threads to keep us all in this prison and derail the conversation whenever possible, slowly poisoning the whole group. most newbs dont notice these attempts for a long time if ever and are therefore susceptible

>> No.53627585
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This board censors some hidden projects. Don’t believe me type the name of this absolute gem.

>> No.53627594

checked and based

>> No.53627595

>Tv programs masses controlled by elite
>Interwebs appears in 90s
>They think nothing of it
>They do 9/11
>Business as usual
>Truthers videos appear
>They think nothing of it
>More truthers shit appears
>Fake shootings
>Paid actors
>Nobody died, nothing happened meme
Fast forward 2006
>Scientology an arm of their child rape satanic worship gets exposed on interwebs
>Protests irl appear
>*Kvetch time*
>Create glow group lulzsec
>Introducing: Honey pots
>FBI v&s anons
>*Realise this shit isn't a joke anymore*
>Both sides alter tactics
>Skitzos v psychos fr fr
>Petty fights and squabbles
>All your memes are belong to us
>*more kvetch*
>Internet culture = us
>They invest in online battles
>CTR and other noob shit
>Glowing influencers
>Tranny armies
>No luck
>"Best we target them individually and demoralised this group"

>> No.53627597

Nah, someone would be stupid and spam evenutally. Even just for one day but it would happen if given the chance. If even just to test a bot. I use to bot runescape and occasionally I was curious how far I could go. Human nature would definately push it if people were botting.

I dont think some people, even those who can bot think that many steps ahead

>> No.53627600

Its always the jews.

>> No.53627602

If I have to come up with a sinister origin, my money is on China. All the major countries have psychological warfare operations going on now, especially online. Despite this being an Indonesian kite forum, it's still an influential site and worthy target.

>> No.53627613

I love this board

>> No.53627622

>The Russian are spamming biz so people don’t buy chainlink

>> No.53627624

They just pay some chink or african a tenth of a cent per solved captcha. Information warfare has massive black budgets.

>> No.53627626

If they nuked the board to death with bots, gookmoot would change the capthcha provider and bot providers would be back to square one. No, suffocating it works better. Was standard practice on online forums even before bots, done by opposing political activists as well as paid shills. Just part and parcel of the information age.

>> No.53627635

>Muh Russia
>Muh Disinfo

Yes anything but MSM fact checked sources must be bots from RUSSIA!

Funny how that angle really got shouted about after Seth Rich was murdered as a Pre-Text for Hillary to do what Biden is doing now.

>> No.53627643

It's other anons with shit miserable lives who want to drag other people down. I guess trying to reason it as some kind of huge conspiracy sounds more interesting, but it's not that deep. 4chan where the biggest losers congregate, if you want a safe space try Redddit or twitter

>> No.53627654
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Trips of truth.

>> No.53627656
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The jews. JlDF.

>> No.53627662
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>> No.53627666

I'm not looking for a safe space, was just curious. But That still doesnt explain the bbc white women with niggers/ cuckold posting. The types that want to drag people down, i.e. incels, outcast, uglier types etc. absolutely hate blacks to no end. But theres rampant posting about black men doing well in life. And this is like frequent too.

What is the origins behind this if you think its just some anons?

>> No.53627669

I remember that post. Convinced me it was Caroline..

>> No.53627682

You won't believe me but the collective concious of 4chan in many ways controls the world

>> No.53627701
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holy basado what a red pill

>> No.53627707

based chad

>> No.53627722

Anons, I believe what you're saying is true. It makes sense and the patterns are obvious to me. But what do the Russians and the Chinese get from spreading FUD on Biz?

>> No.53627772

>>inb4 the bots can solve captchas.
cept they can OP
don't remember last time i typed captcha
8/10 success rate

>> No.53627776

MSM is spilling their own propaganda. doesn't change anything what i said. raiding western online communities (especially "anonymous" ones) to create the illusion of the importance of some narrative is done primarily by russia and china.
splitting the public opinion in order to create dissonance in the society. it has been shown that an average tiktok video feed in china is much more positive and optimistic while western feeds tend to be more controversial and anger inducing. it's by design.

>> No.53627783


Been wondering that myself. I guess it's a mix off:

>Angry /pol/ losers who discovered (late) that crypto could make them money. If you haven't visited pol yet, check it out, it's just angry people venting about crap.
>Emo/gothic/edgy/friendless losers who have various mental issues.
>Jewish/Chinese/Russian/BigTech psyop. Either to test some AI language model, or for some faggy cyberwarfare.

Though part of it is also just the (shitty) human condition in which our attention is more easily directed to negative crap, and people want to score 'you's' for attention dopamine hits.

>> No.53627803

Oh and raids were b& after lulzsec honey pot which has left this site open to attacks ever since. Yet they couldn't stop us kek.

>> No.53627813

it's everybdy btw
but particularly the fbi
when you accuse jews, russians, chinks etc.
they jump onto it even if they're not as this convinces anon's to care more about x than y group
the truth is they might as well be all the same
megalomaniaxs hired by their respective governments who think they are much patriot
but yeah, this site is run by fbi

>> No.53627826

various foreign government affiliated influence agents

>> No.53627872

The fuck does it matter if it's bots acting on the will of their masters or the master themselves using their keyboards?

>> No.53627887

>Though part of it is also just the (shitty) human condition in which our attention is more easily directed to negative crap, and people want to score 'you's' for attention dopamine hits.
This accounts for a lot of it. Bottom of the barrel social rejects who farm attention by being antagonistic because it’s the only attention they get anywhere. Michael and Thomas the Spank Engine fall into this category.

>> No.53627888

They spread all sorts of demoralization and nonsense in order to cause cognitive overload. Your mental bandwidth is used up and you can no longer make sense of the world. That's their objective, though I'm not entirely clear on who precisely THEY are and who they aren't.

>> No.53627930

I actually feel your glowie-awareness radiating from this post
it's like a superpower

>> No.53627941

Chinkies are too dumb to make original arguments. They're still copying the homework from their big brother in Russia. Whenever you see the rabid "anons" who make little sense, they are there. No morality, philosophy or virtues left in them. Only the Party remains.

>> No.53628231

I believe this. When the Ukraine war broke out there was a thread about McDonalds closing their Russian operations. A bunch of retards posted about how it would have no impact to Russia. I posted about how it is impossible for Russia to replicate McDonald’s without franchisor support. I probably got over 20 (You)’s for that post, half of them calling me an “american pig” and shit like that

>> No.53628274
File: 1.83 MB, 600x650, 1659064104_fact_checked_by_real_UNATCO_agents.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ultragiganigga basado

>> No.53628294

It's called trolling.

>> No.53628610

checked and fpbp

>> No.53628661

>what sets them apart is that they are not Christian, and those who encounter them do not know them. Therefore, trolls were in the end dangerous, regardless of how well they might get along with Christian society, and trolls display a habit of bergtagning and overrunning a farm or estate.

>> No.53628666


>> No.53628698
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Why do you people insist and keep coming to lurk this board. /biz/ as we know it has been long dead since 2021.

All the OGs left, they're on Twitter or telegram groups now. Groups like @CryptoClownClub who caught all the mooners on arbitrum, @Bizluminati, and private signal groups I probably don't know about. This is where the brains are hanging out.

>> No.53628697

probably some kind of NGO or CIA especially after trump won the election

>> No.53628709

Of course I know who spams demoralization threads. It's me
Nothing sells like missed teenage love or male being abused in relationship.

>> No.53628718
File: 51 KB, 1123x964, 949A1E4D-5570-4CB3-A615-B1E90C2835F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s just me when I’m bored

>> No.53628800

American air force at elgin air force base is responsible for all of it. ALL OF IT.

>> No.53628811

OP the your fucking retarded, the point of captcha isn’t to stop bots it’s just to make sure anyone who can break it won’t poison the well. If they spammed the board the captcha algo would be changed

>> No.53628818

>There seems to be about 3-10 chainlink fud threads up everyday
retard, the pro chainlink threads are the bots.

>> No.53628894
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Use this image, it’s more readable.

>> No.53628901
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Trips of truth

>> No.53628929
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>> No.53628930

It's not demoralization if it is warning people, especially young people who are sheltered and naive, about the realities of life. Besides, you don't have to respond, you can either hide the thread or go to a happy little la-la-land safespace like reddit.

>> No.53628960

if it was a warning it would be more insightful. instead it's always a 1pbtid thread, and the jannies never delete it for being off topic -- meanwhile i've been wrongfully banned for racism, off-topic, etc.

>> No.53628965
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Explain further.

>> No.53628988

Its jews go back to plebbitfaggot

>> No.53629012


>> No.53629039


are the russians in the room with us right now