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53627300 No.53627300 [Reply] [Original]

My girlfriend of 3 years has been cheating on me with her ex, I know for at least 2 months, I don't know how long before that.
It's over, it's fucking over, I feel sick.
I haven't confronted her over it yet, what's my next move, I'm fucking traumatised

>> No.53627306

seduce the ex

>> No.53627312
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>> No.53627313

how did you find out

>> No.53627317

no need to confront, just pack her shit and change the locks

>> No.53627319

You leave her, go to an Orthodox Church, ask for forgiveness, start over and build yourself stronger.

>> No.53627337

Never seriously date a girl with any body count, it absolutely matters.
If she's at 1 she's just as soiled as one with 100 exes, enjoy your time together but treat her as a temporary distraction that will leave eventually

>> No.53627343
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this is why im only going to marry a MENA virgin, trad, gf

>> No.53627346


>> No.53627351

it's all so tiresome

>> No.53627358

if she lives with you, you gotta tell her to pack her shit asap. Otherwise ghost

>> No.53627401
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Apparently picrel was spam and I cbf retyping

>> No.53627546

Pretty much this. Any image you had of her is wrong and needs to be wiped from your mind as it's a fantasy.

>> No.53627816
File: 678 KB, 952x757, Lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what nigga, take all the negativity and embrace it, make it your energy, you always are at liability by having relationships with woman, so it shouldn't surprise you, come on, go to the GYM, eat well, sleep well, and block her from everything, If you die today, wouldn't it be horrible to die thinking about some cum holder like that bitch?

>> No.53627870

Stupid biz retards still looking for love. When are you manchildren ever going to learn? The dating game is like being a wagie to a woman. They only pay with pussy, an overinflated commodity that you can get anywhere. Meanwhile they demand your full-time attention and your money.

>> No.53627905

Dont give her any gratification. Dont confront her. Poor some gasoline on the burning insecurity her dad left in her mind. Tell her that youre just not attracked to her anymore. Had to secretly pop cialis in order to fuck her. Pack your shit and be as polite as possible well doing all this. Thats maximum destruction.

>> No.53627915

Pack her shit, change the locks. Never speak to her again.

>> No.53627935

>Papal bull
Your dogma evokes cuckoldry you idolator.

>> No.53627971

You know she cheated.
She doesn't know YOU know.

Make it count for something.

1.) As others stated, depending on your situation either get your shit packed or pack her shit and get her the fuck out before she comes home one day.
- If it's a shared apartment that you're not on the lease for, get out. If it's shared by contract you can be sued in small claims for backing out.
- If it's your apartment get her out, and let authorities on non emergency number know and/or let apartment owner know you have a crazy ex who you're breaking up with based on finding out she's actually dangerous (make it up, psychopath, threatened to hurt people you care about, etc) and you want to make it clear she's not allowed entry. If she tries getting in call the cops as long as you remove EVERYTHING from the apartment.

2.) Before she gets home and with everything out already (DO NOT DO THIS BEFORE OR SHE MIGHT COME HOME EARLY) tell her the "truth".
You've been cheating on her almost from the start with other women and decided to stick with the newest woman you've been seeing on the side for about a year because (insert reasons that would hurt her very badly).

3.) ????

4.) Profit

It doesn't matter if she cheated. What matters is that when you admit it first it will destroy her self value. She is trash, promptly toss the trash out and move on with your life.
Good luck.

>> No.53627989

>one post by this I'd


>> No.53628007

You quite literally took it up the ass from the turks. Never forget, your keystone church is currently being used as a mosque and hasnt had a Divine Liturgy said within it(outside of one exception) in nearly a century.

>> No.53628016

*a millenia

>> No.53628064

Eat his cum from her pussy and drop yours in next. Sloppy seconds is fucking heavenly. You'll grow a taste for cum, impress your gf, get to keep her around for extremely degenerate sex. Turning out your gf like a whore is the best feeling.

Just forgive her and tell her you understand and that you support her promiscuity as long as she brings home used holes full of spunk for you to lap up. and maybe pics/vids/stories

It's the new, modern relationship. Embrace it, otherwise you're a total faggot and virgin.

>> No.53628067

Autism, the post

>> No.53628086

he thought it was his gf and not just his turn hahahahahaa

>> No.53628125

>You quite literally took it up the ass from the turks.
I'm not Orthodox, simple as. Just can't help but point out your idolatry has initiated the downfall of the Catholic church into the bastardized state it is now.

>> No.53628134

I'd rather marry a tattooed roastie whore than marry a woman called BERFU.

>> No.53628145

>I know for at least 2 months
Kill yourself cuck

>> No.53628152

>I know for at least 2 months, I don't know how long before that.
Reading comprehension

>> No.53628232

Make sure to deny her any excuse or opportunity to make shit up about you raping her or nonconsentual sex. It's not as bad as it was a few years ago with the #MeToo stuff, but bitches still know that they can get revenge on a man by making shit up like that if they think they can get away with it.

>> No.53628278

Daddy issues spotted

>> No.53628289

This isn't demoralisng though. It's good to know there's someone out there who's a bigger loser than I am

>> No.53628299

You dodged a bullet faggot. Move on

>> No.53628304


Welcome to the adult world. Loyalty is a myth. Everyone cheats. Get used to it, and start getting your own pleasure on the side. It’s not worth getting hurt over. Sex is sex and sex happens. All you can do is make sure you get yours.

It’s fucked that our society makes us feel bad for cheating and being cheated on, when sex has been literally happening since the dawn of time. Rise above it and get to doing some fucking.

>> No.53628309

So she had another man's penis in her vagina? Why does that matter? Doesn't mean she doesn't love you and spend her life with you.

>> No.53628321

You found out what she's like before you married her. Whoever she'll get with next, she'll cheat on too. Imagine if you'd married a liar and cheat. You owe yourself and family more.

Don't talk about it, don't argue, don't get drunk, don't show emotion, just remove all her stuff from your plans and get all your stuff back. Call up some friends and have a couple of beers and be social.

Keep busy and aim to meet a loyal honest girl.

>> No.53628378

No hymen, no diamond. Though my personal spin on this is: no hymen, no commitment.

>> No.53628481

Break up with her NOW OP. Don’t give her reasons. You don’t deserve this shit.

>> No.53628496

kill her or kill yourself

>> No.53628517

trick her into getting in the car with you. drive her to the nigger side of town late at night, tell her you know she cheated on you, and then kick her out of the car.

>> No.53628545

Why don’t you guys just date ugly fat girls. They’ll never leave you

>> No.53628562

>people with low self-esteem will be LESS likely to cheat
I am beginning to suspect that you are retarded, anon.

>> No.53628605

This. Used to be a frog posting incel until I finally got a gf. It is like playing a multiple choice game where you constantly have to pass every shittest by replying in the correct manner or she is going to be pissed. Women act like a mixture between dogs and children and seek your constant attention to keep them from having a mental breakdown. Once banged a girl who kept bitching about her boyfriend being some weak slob because he got beat up in a street fight. She randomly brought this shit up.

You can never show weakness to your girl or she is going to hold you accountable to it 2 years down the road

>> No.53628626

treat her like shit can get as much money out of her before you dump her

>> No.53628736

its a blessing in disguise. you could have ended up marrying a whore. now you can freely bang younger more attractive women. the universe gave you a gift.

>> No.53628753

He didn’t say it was demoralizing. He said it’s trying to get a reaction out of you. Someone is studying your behavior across a spectrum of stimuli and you haven’t had the brains to realize it yet.

>> No.53628798

They won’t cheat on you if their self esteem comes from you

>> No.53628843

Any Chad can convince her to open her pussy. This is the worst kind of woman anon. She'll act all innocent at home but is getting rammed by everyone at work or in her social circle.

>> No.53628862

ohhh I get it.... OP is the doctor and we are stuck in the computer screen.

>> No.53628903

Dump her and move on op. But make sure she can't legally take any of your stuff. Hopefully you didn't mention any of your crypto to her, right op?

>> No.53628909

Anon, you have a chance to profit off of this. I know you're sad, but do not waste the opportunity. Knowledge is power. Now that you know this, you can gather evidence. As much as you can and make preparations to exit in one foul swoop. Once you have enough evidence you can black ail her for money. "reparations" if you will, then exit. If you live with her you can try to milk her finances as much as possible before you leave for groceries or something. (which you should take all of.) Make this work for you, anon.

>> No.53628915

>kuck id
op i hope you seriously aren't considering staying with her.

>> No.53628982
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Non-ant version

>> No.53629092

This is actually good

>> No.53629109

this. jidf demoralization thread.

>> No.53629233

nothing, end the relationship
she belongs to the streets, you deserve better

>> No.53629247


>> No.53629350

How is this /biz related u dumb fucking cuck

>> No.53629394

Fats are gross though. Why demean yourself like that? It's not even attractive. Better to be alone than be with a fat.

>> No.53629451

i cant imagine caring this much about a woman, especially one that doesnt care about me. good luck, you need a lot of mental help

>> No.53629490

Pretty hot. I bet she cums on his dick since she missed it so bad

>> No.53629508

As always, when women do anything 'wrong', it's the man's fault.

It's your fault she's cheating on you.