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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53622816 No.53622816 [Reply] [Original]

It‘s the year 2035 how are you gonna pay for your AI hookers anon?!!
oh yeahh right.. you will use 0.0000069 AGIX.
secure your bag TODAY ffs

>> No.53623910

True AI chad OP. Those who are in the know are already holding and accumulating more. $5 per AGIX token incoming within weeks. The true world changing blockchain tech is coming alive before our eyes. Anons would have to be braindead to not be accumulating now under $1 billion MC.

>> No.53623922

are you retarded? shilling something AFTER it just had a moon pump. kill yourself you stupid fuck. come back when you have a coin that hasnt mooned yet. now get the fuck off of MY bad you filthy god damn black kike nigger.

>> No.53623938

/biz/ is the top signal. A.I coins have been mooning for 3 months and now suddenly /biz/ starts posting about it. The heckin' plebs on Linkin were more early than /biz/ with the A.I hype. and yes its dieing down now.

>> No.53624056

KEK. They think AI is done pumping. TOP FUCKING KEK. AI hasn't even gotten a real start - wait until millions of jobs are eliminated by the tech and then you can start making claims that the pump is dying down. Also, learn to fucking spell and type - maybe the AI will help brainlets like you guys with basic skills.

>> No.53624087

Yes millions of jobs will be lost to A.I but that does not mean your A.I project token is going to be worth anything. these projects just needed money and so they did an ICO and idiots bought it. it was always just a money grab. but ok you can stay holding the bag on any of these absolute trash A.I tokens. its literally token not needed.

>> No.53624117

Sounds like Link FUD to me. Good luck with that!

>> No.53624155

sound like you bought bags this week and are going to get dumped on by people who are up 10x by buying 2 months ago

>> No.53624189
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You are a brainlet. You have no idea.

>> No.53624197

the only reason you make a thread here is because you are worried about your bags.

>> No.53624235

See >>53624189
Also, I did not make the thread. Are you really this fucking new here?

>> No.53624245

AI tools is a 20-50 trillion dollar market within the next 10 to 20 years you absolute moron

>> No.53624268

Tell me you knowjack shit about SingularityNet without telling me anon. Biz is truly hopeless

>> No.53624285

and none of them will need tokens hahahha. its ok. i understand you are new. you need to experience whales taking your bitcoin

>> No.53624306
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>> No.53624317

Wrong. Jesus the stupidity on display here is sub-pajeet tier