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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53611245 No.53611245 [Reply] [Original]

>graduate from Polytechnique, the top 1 french elite school. 400 students per year among 20000 applicants
>can't find a job above 50K EUR because I or my parents don't know the "person" that can get me into this position

What country should I expat into (financially speaking) to leave this f*cking socialist hellhole?

>> No.53611255

No refunds

>> No.53611277

Oh and I forgot:
>give 50% of these 50k to Algerian families that will eventually mug you during your commute (if there is no strike for transportation)

>> No.53611299

Move next door to switzerland
What did you study?

>> No.53611308

This or live on the border and work in Switzerland while enjoying French healthcare and prices.

>> No.53611315

I'm Generalist Engineer
Yeah many move to Switzerland, sounds boring though

Trying to get intakes here since I can easily think "Business & Finance" contains many successful expats

>> No.53611319

>only get a BTS (shitty post high school 2 years course diploma)
>get a 50k EUR job because of a literal jew I met by accident
>get fucked over by taxes
>still live the same as when I was getting the RSA (gibs)
Nique bien ta mère le Polytechnichien.

>> No.53611322

>muh parents

why don't you have your own network? if you went to such an elite school you should have classmates and professors and alumni all willing to help you out. that's the purpose of going to a top school, what you learn while actually at school is irrelevant. sorry you wasted your time studying instead of making friends

>> No.53611326

wow shocked, I’ve been in a C tier engineering school in France and I get paid much more than that. I’ve just applied no networking.
What field are you applying to?

>> No.53611724

top one is ENS ulm, X sucks dick

>> No.53611849

All my internships, work student jobs etc I got during university were due to friends I met while studying
The connections are there but you have to take the opportunities

>> No.53611895

Ha my friends do that. Proper mountain jewy. They live in Thonnon and work in Geneva. Based.

>> No.53611923

Can't really say whether it's the same in France but here in Germany most companies don't want to take such a big financial risk on some guy fresh out of school without any practial experience. Just work 1-2 years in the field for 50k and you will be able to increase your salary easily. Started out with 48k, now I make 73k 2.5 years later. Still not as good as american pay ofc, but I'm pretty comfy, especially since my grades were not all that great

>> No.53611942

leave. France will be Africa is 50 years.
Look for Mauritius foe exemple if you want to be able to speak french in your everyday life

>> No.53611967
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>sounds boring though
Nigga...you got the mountains. Skiing, hiking and mountain biking, what else do you want? Plus idk why nigs and nafris have an innate fear of mountains and forest(which is a good thing), so they don't go there

>> No.53612083

Unironically why do western countries hate people who are actually educated and have skills but cuck out and let indians with literally fake degrees ruin them and waste everyone's time? Why do we not prioritize building a better, richer, educated society? I mean even if (((they))) are trying to destroy thing surely it makes no sense to literally design things so that no one of any intelligence can carry anything out.

>> No.53612099

Because that's fucking retarded you stupid cunt, he's literally an elite. Companies should be glad to have him but instead we have this ass backwards culture where the guy you partied with for 4 years is a CEO's son so your dumb ass gets a job over someone who actually knows what they're doing.

What kind of mentally retarded ideology leads to people thinking "yeah education doesn't matter just show up lol". No wonder every fucking thing is horrible and falling apart.

>> No.53612123

Mec vrai experience d'expat ici, éloigne toi de Paris, trouve toi un job dans une ville de taille moyenne et apprécie ne pas avoir a habité dans un enfer.

Je suis aller a peu pres partout dans le monde et il n'y a pas mieux que la france.

>> No.53612184
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the fact you said there is no better place than this shithole just prove you have been nowhere, any country in EU is way surperior to this arrogant disgusting invaded retarded jewish country

>> No.53612221

Prépa-cels seething over BTS-chads

>> No.53612405

Brags about a "polytechnique" degree

Still is an incel retard that can't make money.

The proof that degrees mean nothing

>> No.53612430

>>can't find a job above 50K EUR because I or my parents don't know the "person" that can get me into this position
l'X a toutes les associations d'anciens élèves qu'il faut. C'est strictement impossible de ne pas avoir un boulot bien payé après l'X

>> No.53612471

>can't find a job above 50K EUR
let me guess attardé, shit skills? Polytechnique my ass, I did Grenoble INP & make 65k€ (soft engineer) now, bitch. You fell for the meme, you pay the price

>> No.53612905

You may be fucked with a worthless diploma.
I don't think it has a lot of value outside of France.

>> No.53612934

Climbing mountains is some faggy tradition that came from english queer noblemen. It’s actually a «modern» invention and its fake and gay larping
Why not just go hunting or something productive like a real man

>> No.53612944
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French people are arrogant faggots anyway

Frog eating faggots they are

>> No.53612969

Come to America. You will definitely be able to make more than 50K.

>> No.53612976

i think he's talking about his first job after graduating. which is still retarded, get paid 50k for the first year then move up from there

>> No.53613013

>I don't think it has a lot of value outside of France.
wrong. those in the know, know. goldman sachs is recruiting X people directly after graduation

>> No.53613063

OP go work in the financial sector in london or usa, you'll quickly make a lot of money

>> No.53613266

Recruiting stupid slaves incapable of independent thoughts and full of narcissism?

>> No.53613269

yeah do this, im french too and have 0 diplomas not even the fucking brevet and I was making 45k/y after taxes just working at the border of geneva
i did that for 3 years now I make 2k euros a month from unemployment
also swiss is clean and secure as fuck and there are no bougnoules everywhere

>> No.53613312

Are the French considered the elite? I keep hearing great things

>> No.53613316

>just go work finance in a world-class english speaking financial centre with no financial degree and english as a second language
you must be joking, right? right?...

>> No.53613318

Frogs are subhuman and you're not white.

>> No.53613357

>abloo bloo bloo

get fucked stupid frog

>> No.53613362

financial companies look for engineers for the top jobs, not business and finance majors. rationale: you can easily teach finance to an engineer, you can't teach advanced math to a finance guy

>> No.53613468

did i say anything about intelligence? i'm talking about math skills, which polytechnique students are known for. also i think that working in finance when you're an engineer is a waste of brain power. but op only cares about money because he's one of the vapid cunts.

>> No.53613478

Lol retard good luck with that plan

>> No.53613499

i know people from polytechnique (math guys) who then worked in investment banks in ny and london, retard.

>> No.53613501

Where did you learn that from fucking Margin call? It doesn't matter either way it's fucking over lmfao
From my time in Finance i've learned people are so fucking impatient it's retarded how shortsighted people are, but it won't be long now with the interest rates where they are.

>> No.53613657

What kind of job did you work? I want to escape bougnoule hell but I have no diplomas. I live in hell...

>> No.53613676

>No wonder every fucking thing is horrible and falling apart.
Pretty much.
>It's not what you know, it's who you know
is the death of an educated society, and I mean that in the broadest sense of people knowing things beyond what they see on youtube. If education only facilitates social networking with rote learning to pass exams, the actual curriculum doesn't matter. And increasingly it doesn't unless you're in a hard science field and literally can't bullshit your way through it. Get through that gauntlet and you're a slave to whoever runs your lab, who will put their name before yours on the research you do, so congrats on being cucked by your superior while the rich idiots funding him get to look good for their "philanthropy". It's so fucking rigged it's obscene.

>> No.53613719
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Honk honk

>> No.53613747

Isn't it ironic that he can't make money with his diploma though?
To really make money you need to take risks and accept making many mistakes while being stupid which engineers are the worst at doing.

>> No.53613755

Leetcode is your answer, to get into l'X you are already intelligent and don't have something debilitating like adhd, so it'll be easy for you.
Don't expat, other countries don't give a fuck about l'X, they only know the Shanghai ranking, and sure Paris Saclay is now n1 worldwide in math only thanks to l'X but burger companies don't know that so you can be at universite versailles saint quentin and still count as paris saclay.
So leetcode, will be easy for you, I have adhd and ordered modafinil online and now got gud
Or since you're good at math, do some phd in machine learning, it's better since I doubt anyone will be recruiting at high salaries in the coming 4 years

>> No.53613810

Filtered by Petrarch.

>> No.53613823
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bullshit narvalo, go to austria one day and see what paris could have been
never forget what they took from us

>> No.53613861


Fucking hell, and what's worse for you French unis are seen as shit worldwide.

>> No.53613892

Meanwhile I'm getting 150k USD fresh out of a no name state school. The world belongs to us. Seethe more eurocuck.

>> No.53613965

I'm a third worlder without a degree and I make more than that, lmao. Maybe you're just retarded.

>> No.53614017

>frog realizes that life is about who you know and not about what meme certificate you happen to hold
many such cases

>> No.53614020

LMAO look at this frenchoid, french mid cities barely even have any worthy jobs and the salaries are 3rd world like.

>> No.53614042

finish highschool
>paid 2k net
finish top 3 business school
>paid 2k net

doesn't matter what you do here, you will always be paid the same

>> No.53614092

lmao i am literally in UVSQ as a student. On my degree there only will be paris saclay visible. Maybe it will help me a lot for going elsewhere

>> No.53614280

thats the problem with zoomers you tards are just entitled bitches that believe you are owed shit
I started at 18k on my first engineering graduate job
fast forward 6 years I'm at 150k
meanwhile crybabies are still at 40k hating life

>> No.53614436


I did a Bsc in geology and make 60k EUR 4 years in

>> No.53614445

Yes I am entitled to be earning a bit more in 2023 than I was in 2018, not even factoring inflation, pure pay

>> No.53614450
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>thats the problem with zoomers you tards are just entitled bitches
>150k salary with 6 years experience

>> No.53614497

Not surprised
I got offered 35k EUR / year of gross to relocate to Lyon...for...wait for it...
penetration tester position

>> No.53614633

Just find a WFH job for a large international corporation, target middle to upper management and buy/build a house in a comfy small french town. You should be able to figure it out, Mr. X.

>> No.53614665

English traditions are the most based ones. England has all the coolest explorers.

>> No.53614699

Move to US

>> No.53614702

>fuck you i got what i should have been paid six years later fucking zoomer tards AND it was eroded by inflation by the time i got it
impressive. very nice.

>> No.53614770

you must be uncircumcised to post here

>> No.53614776
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>>graduate from Polytechni-ACK

>> No.53614778

that's your problem. last post best post and /thread.

>> No.53614806

this is a yuropoor problem. Your tech pay is shit everywhere

>> No.53614907

>But in reality just go to the eastern EU fringe. Start a free or super cheap PhD, become an assistant professor, become a local star, give media interviews how much you enjoy it there, mingle with expats, catch the chance of western EU industry that doesn't migrate out of the continent migrate to the eastern fringe.
> If you're ready for the drama go to fucking Russia for a PhD in Novosibirsk or something. They'll suck your dick just for showing up and you'll be their maskot and offers of all manners from carnal to business shall raineth from all sides on thine face.