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File: 52 KB, 680x596, 1675711901381357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53611486 No.53611486 [Reply] [Original]

I refuse to move out.

>> No.53611495

Ok Mr. manchild

>> No.53611506

Multi generational homes are based and tradpilled.
(((they))) encourage families to split up, which is completely unnatural.

>> No.53611518

You should live with your parents and save money. Once you find good gf you wife her up and start a family, by then you should have enough capital to buy small house/flat.

>> No.53611535

So why do birds leave the nest when they learn to fly you cukk. You are probably a leech on your parents and you try to glorify it. They secretly want you out.

>> No.53611545

Isn't having sex with you gf awkward?

>> No.53611560

Anyone who will make fun of you for this most likely has a terrible relationship with their parents. But you do want to eventually live your own life once you can afford to do so comfortably with minimal stress.

In most cases people will seethe and will use shaming tactics such as implying you don’t have sex or and that you’re a man child.

You’ll never see a tall attractive guy get shamed like that for living with his parents.

It really is one of those blackpill/lookism things

Chad lives with his parents
>awwww that’s so special, he must have a close family, and he’s probably just saving as much money as he can to avoid paying rent, hes so smart

You live with your parents
>oh my god, what a freak, manchild, virgin, loser, grow some balls and move out you lazy dependant freak, something must be wrong with you, ewww

>> No.53611568

being an adult = stay poor and atomised

>> No.53611574


>> No.53611590

>humans are birds
Okay retard.
I live in a different country from my parents, but I actually have the mental capacity to view things outside my own perspective
Keep seething.

>> No.53611613


>> No.53611615

Do you not want one anon?

>> No.53611827

t. 25 yo kissless virgin mommys boy

>> No.53611857

Isnt there more to life than jerking off and playing video games son?

>> No.53611863

have you tried to get one?

>> No.53611864

The entire debate is framed wrong anyway
>are your parents evicting you?
>do you have a reason to move out?
>do you have any plans at all?
>are you moving in with friends to throw wild bangers like american psycho so you can fuck chicks while having Mareux the perfect girl playing in the background?
People have this weird idea that you just move to the other side of the country to live on your own and then try to get a job. I literally applied to a job in Denver and got some dipshit reply "umm are you trying to relocate sweatie" like it would be a bigbrain move to move to Denver BEFORE securing employment there rather than after. I have no clue what goes on in American brains because it's surely not any kind of thinking.

>> No.53611879

Cuck isn't filtered.

>> No.53611892

Such as paying 2000 dollars a month for a 1BR/1BA apartment 1 hour from the city.

>> No.53611987

>But you do want to eventually live your own life once you can afford to do so comfortably with minimal stress.
>once you can afford to do so
>comfortably with minimal stress.

Is this dude serious? How much do you expect us to be making yearly right now, exactly? 20-somethings or even 30-somethings? Serious question I actually want to know. You make it sound so easy and like everyone should do this in the current year.

>> No.53612009

this and I don't even live with my parents

>> No.53612010

>So why do birds leave the nest when they learn to fly you cukk
learning to fly can equate to having a career. birds live by flying, humans live by working (a livable wage). the only time people move out on their own in their early 20s are drop out rejects, retards, or people who got shitty parents

>> No.53612087

Love my mom and dad, but can't stand being bossed around anymore. Moving in two months.

>> No.53612166

living with your parents as a working age man is based, as long as you're putting the opportunity to good use. if you're instead using it as an excuse to work part time, smoke weed, and jerk off to chinese cartoons all day, you're a fucking loser.

t. still rentcucking at 33 years old

>> No.53612187

>be penguin
>is forever with the famalam
checkmate birdlet

>> No.53612257

>Is this dude serious? How much do you expect us to be making yearly right now, exactly? 20-somethings or even 30-somethings? Serious question I actually want to know. You make it sound so easy and like everyone should do this in the current year.

I'm not actually gonna get a response to this, am i?

>> No.53612262

im 30 and live at home, it's actually mostly true, but living with parents has its downsides for sure. Freedom of expression is hard when you live with other people

>> No.53612279

here's a response for you

>> No.53612283

im sorry but you cant justify living with your parents as an adult. You're just a loser if this is the case

>> No.53612297
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You are in the presence of khhv you mere human. Shut your mouth.

>> No.53612302

Great plan Anon
One minor question: how do you get a gf if you don't move out of your parents house in redneckville?

>> No.53612307

A lonely man stuck in his mother's house
Spends his days trading crypto with a mouse
No bitches in his life, no one to call friend
He's a loser, it's a reality he can't transcend

He spends every day in solitude, a hermit in his own home
His crypto trades bring him no real joy, nowhere near a dome
His mother feeds and clothes him, but his spirit is in despair
This is a life of stagnation, nothing to show in his chair

A man with no ambition, no drive to move forward
He's content to stay in the same spot, without any reward
No bitches in his life, no one to call friend
He's a loser, it's a reality he can't transcend

He talks to no one, he rarely leaves the house
His mother worries, but he's content to stay a mouse
He's addicted to his crypto, it's the only thing that brings him peace
But in the end, it's nothing more than a temporary release

He's too scared to step out, too scared to try something new
He's content to stay in his comfort zone, even if it's not true
He has no bitches in his life, no one to call friend
He's a loser, it's a reality he can't transcend

>> No.53612308

ahahahaha the amount of loser cope in this thread is amazing, I graduated at 23 in 2017 and bought my first house in 2018, it's doubled in money since then, hard to believe how much money you losers sitting in your parents basements are missing out on, I should sell now and cash in on my 200K, or maybe I'll rent to one of you, only 2,000 a month rentoids!

>> No.53612314

You should be able to save 25k/year.

>> No.53612322


>> No.53612329

I am saving to buy my own property and build my house.

Yes, "I want to live in a farm" is indeed a code word for I hate niggers.

>> No.53612367

Only musicians who have bad relationship with their parents or rich parents able to help them out will act as if you are loser. As long as you are not lazing around and make money then it is alright just do not be parasite

>> No.53612402
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>ahahahaha the amount of loser cope in this thread is amazing, I graduated at 23 in 2017 and bought my first house in 2018, it's doubled in money since then, hard to believe how much money you losers sitting in your parents basements are missing out on, I should sell now and cash in on my 200K, or maybe I'll rent to one of you, only 2,000 a month rentoids!

>> No.53612469

Most of the people who aren't baiting had their parents secure them a job or got lucky but yeah people who land a software engineering gig making 200k a year by 30 or whatever aren't able to realize all other careers have crappy promotion, crappy wages at starting and crappy wage growth incentives because of the "be happy to work for who you work for" meme.

>> No.53612502

Based and mommy'sboypilled

>> No.53612582
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Depends on the size of your home. But still, it makes it feel like you're still 16, waiting for the parents to go out to do the deed. A kind of youthful excitement and anticipation. That being said I'm still working on being able to afford to buy my own place and put like 10 kids into gf. And no renting I'm not retarded nor desperate.

>> No.53612649
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>me being a virgin recluse is actually an act of rebellion against le evil joos

>> No.53612679

I'm a virgin recluse so I'm not a part of their plan
A life of peace and solitude, away from their hands

Away from their lies and corruption, I'm free of their scheme
Away from their hate and domination, I'm free of their dream

To me, a virgin recluse, is an act of true rebellion
Away from the evil Jews and the destruction they bring to this nation

To the enslavement of our souls, I will never conform
And I'll remain a virgin recluse and I'll stay out of the storm

For my soul is my own, and I won't be told what I should do
And this is my way of saying, I won't be controlled by you

>> No.53612728

Have sex, I don't want virgins on my board

>> No.53612742

Ok and Mantis girls eat their bfs after they fuck so I guess it's cuckery not to let your gf eat rip off your head after sex.

>> No.53612749

I don't care that you don't want me on your 4chan board,
For I will be a virgin forever more.
My heart is sealed and my passions ignored,
And I'll remain chaste till I reach the Lord.

No sex for me, I'm proud of it too,
I'll stay pure and keep my body true.
I won't be made a fool of by some dude,
And I'll be proud of the choices I make and the things I do.

No, I won't be a part of your online crowd,
My values won't be swayed by the voices loud.
I'll stay true to myself and be proud,
And I'll never give in to the pressures around.

My body is mine, and no one's to control,
I won't be tempted by the sight of a HOLE!
I'll stand tall and with faith be bold,
And I'll remain a virgin till I'm old.

>> No.53612756

Living in your parents home is cringe
Now if you let your aging parents live with you in your own home, now that would be based and retvrning to tradition.

>> No.53612780

Reddit spacing

>> No.53612786

Richard, stfu!

>> No.53612855

>Working on master's degree
>Doesn't have to pay for student housing
Okay Mr. Wagie

>> No.53612856

My name is not Richard, and I won't shut the fuck up
I'll speak as loud and clear as a bell's clap
I'll speak my truth, I'll speak my mind
My voice I'll never leave behind.

My name is not Richard, and I won't keep my mouth shut
I'll tell the world what I think and what I think is what
My opinion I shall never hide
It's too important to be denied.

My name is not Richard, and I'm not a mute
I'm going to speak, I'm not going to be cutesy or cute
I'm going to be bold, I'm going to be brave
My words will be heard, they'll never be waved.

My name is not Richard, and I won't be silenced
My voice will rise, it won't be reviled
I'll speak my thoughts and share my views
My voice will be heard, the whole world will review.

>> No.53612870

Spacing is something that cannot be bought,
And Reddit cannot provide what's sought.
It's not an excuse for misspelling and grammar,
Which can be improved through harder hammer.

Rationality is key to show the way,
Incorrect spelling can often make us sway.
It's not right to take it as a fact,
Just because of Reddit, it won't be a pact.

So don't believe in something so untrue,
That writing and spelling can make you blue.
It's simply not the case,
That Reddit is the only space to use spaces.

>> No.53612968

I can fix that sweetie

>> No.53613017

Most based post I have seen today

>> No.53613037
File: 142 KB, 1284x1417, 0127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he neets and chuds are still here,
With loyalty and pride clear.
They speak the truth and they know right,
That white women are filthy racemixing traitors in sight.

Now let us look and see,
That the neets and chuds are always right,
And the white women they want to flee.

Now we must speak and be heard,
That white women are not our friends,
Their lies deserve no words.

So let us shout our pride,
And tell the world that the neets and chuds are still here,
For good women to stay beside!

>> No.53613053

I live with my parents and I pay rent much lower than what's around me to help out with the bills and all. My parents don't mind, my relationship with them are good, and they're happy that I'm doing financially well than my peers. Get fucked rentoids.

>> No.53613173

No, dumbass, that's a haiku format. Apologize to this anon this instance, young man. It's insulting and offensive to call someone a R*dditor.

>> No.53613197

I've lived alone since 17 and have always forced the state to pay my rent.

>> No.53613292

Shut up faggot loser. Arent u too old to be this poor

>> No.53613302

I dont care faggot bugman

>> No.53613379
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Well said brother

>> No.53613697

This made me move out desu, big mistake

>> No.53613742

>bought in 2018
kek why so late
why so far behind the curve

>> No.53614308

this is your brain on jews

>> No.53616222


Unironically should be the parents' problem. Shacking up is immoral, and maintaining two additional households is wasteful. There should be no social obligation to move out until you're married.

>> No.53616273

>t. 30 year old still living at home

>> No.53616301

If you’re living with your parents you’re saving money on all of your bills. Don’t tell me your parents actually make you pay rent and bills? The whole point of you still living with your parents is that you’re saving / investing everything you earn for 3-5 years which will get you the ability to have a massive deposit for a house, enough down for a house that you’ll be able to easily afford it with minimal stress

Take it 5-7 years and move out later, and you’ll be close to being able to buy a house outright.

>> No.53616351

how? my dad lives in his dads home still, and when my dad dies I will live in it with my son.

>> No.53616361

No. It’s a real power move to have loud slapping sex while everyone in the house can hear

>> No.53616404


Assert dominance. If it's awkward for them, they won't say anything. If it's not awkward for them, they won't say anything. You cannot lose.

It's literally *current year*. Birth control was invented in 1950, about four generations ago. Your parents fucked their girlfriends and boyfriends.

>> No.53616423

Please. Every time I'd bring a girl home in highschool my mom and dad knew exactly what we were doing alone in my room with the door shut and locked. Sometimes my dad would fuck with me and knock on my door and ask me to help him "find the left handed stapler" while I was in the middle of fucking. Now I'm married, I still live with my parents, my wife lives with us. We all live in the same house and there is no issue. Do you feel the need to hide everything you do from your parents? Adults have sex. This is not a secret.

>> No.53616502

it's a symptom of the modern sex for pleasure movements. previously sex was to 'go forth and multiply' strictly, which God literally commanded us to do.

>> No.53616537

>I refuse to move out.
No you don't, you just can't afford to

>> No.53616562

ok hillbilly jim

>> No.53616570

I'm Asian, it's hard to live with your parents when you're asked to do everything. You never get any free time it sucks

>> No.53616579


Adapt or die. I'd be a permavirgin loser if in followed the protestant interpretation of the bible that they taught me at church. I would be in strict violation of "go forth and multiply" if I wing clipped myself by demanding chastity until marriage. As in I wouldn't have been able to find and secure a marriageable partner that fit their criteria.

>> No.53616581

i moved out at 23 and was a virgin weeb with no friends back then. you can do it too anon.

>> No.53616607


>Back then

How far back? It's a hell of a lot more expensive now.

>> No.53616874

>I would be
>if I
>I wouldn't have

no one cares what you do or think hedonist faggot

>> No.53616929

Spent almost the past 10 years living on my own, and it was a mistake. Moved back into my parents after a break up. Got a new job in my field and now I work for the state. I was able to save up enough to pay off my student debt(inflation ironically helped and i haven’t paid it yet because the payment pause is still in effect ) and now I’m saving for a new car. All within half a year. Sometimes, starting over and humbling yourself enough to realize that you’re lifestyle isn’t sustainable is the only way to help your situation. I now have 25k in savings, and I’ve never felt more confident about my future prospects.

>don’t be a dummy, forgo chasing pussy and Instagram clout and save some money

>> No.53616946
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>> No.53617148


You don't know me. I've had exactly one partner. She's my wife and we have three children (so far). None of that would have happened if I turned down her advances.

I was 21. Zero attention or success with somen until that point. I was NOT going to fuck it up and blow my chance to form a bond that could result in a lifelong partnership. I was going to go be fruitful and multiply, and I was going to do the things I had to do in order to fulfill this command.

Post wedding ring or get the fuck out. It was never about pleasure seeking for me, it was about ensuring that I could actually marry and have children. If she wanted to wait it would have been a serious load off my shoulders.

If you haven't been fruitful and multiplied then you have failed God. Don't get caught in the autism trap where you learn just the wrong behaviors to avoid while failing to learn the behaviors that are necessary to win.

>> No.53617180
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>> No.53617191


>> No.53617216

Women did this to themselves by being disgusting whores, “career women”, single moms sleeping around, or all and more.

>> No.53617233

not reading all that shit nigger

>> No.53617326


Public school and social media has really done a number on the current generation, hasn't it? Anything longer than a tweet and they can't hold their focus.

>> No.53617576

Seething because I won't pay rent while pursuing my degree
Fuck you sheckelberg, I'll live in mums basement til I can afford a house.

>> No.53617715

It's not like I have not walked in to see my parents fucking, so who cares, you get over it.

>> No.53617854

I did the same
>moved to the city
>partied alot and fucked a few girls
>realise you can't start a family in a tiny ass apartment
>move back in with dad
Now I pay him 100$ a month to help with bills and I save 90% of my salary.
The whole thing is a meme.

>> No.53617906

you think too highly of yourself - your posts are not inherently worth reading homeboy

>> No.53617997

I mantain the house and keep my mom off work while trading crypto/WFH, I could go rent for multiple years with what I got saved up but it's retarded to waste money like that so I'd rather get enough for a proper house where I live while giving back to my family.

>> No.53618106

I think my mom would be over joyied at me having sex, though that's because she's having grandma fever and I'm the most likely to get a girl pregnant and not abort

>> No.53618229


But worth replying to. Care to explain the logic?

This shit's important. There's a lot of people with autism who take great comfort in the Bible and the direct, hardline guidance it sometimes gives. They really enjoy feeling pious and morally superior for their virginity. In reality, they should be feeling a deep sense of concern and dread, since they're failing to be fruitful and multiply. They have virginity, demand virginity, die virgins, and fail God.

These people need to be made aware of this commandment in the bible. Some of them can be saved.

>> No.53618294
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AI wrote these

>> No.53618380

The jew seethes as potential rent slaves go back to living in mulitgenerational homes

>> No.53619155

Use the money you save in rent to pay for hotels. Unironically had a lot of fun with my gf in our early 20s just travelling to places that had decent, cheap hotels.

It really isn't worth moving out and having no money to actually do anything or, even dumber, moving in with roommates.

If you're ok with the idea that your roommates might hear you fuck, I don't really understand why it becomes worth the cost of rent when it's your parents instead. I say this as someone who had a horrible and combative relationship with my parents.

>> No.53619208

To all the faggots living with your parents ITT
Kill yourselves you don't belong here this isn't a culture of sucking your fucking dads cock that's tranny shit, trannies deserve to be shot and their throats slit infront of their parents.

So basically this is an entire board of useless future corpses, save us the time and pain and fucking kill yourselves today, also this threads full of samefaggotry.

>> No.53619231

are your walls made out of plastic?
if you have brick walls nobody can hear shit

>> No.53619247

Only incels don't care about living with parents.

>> No.53619254


>> No.53619275

are you a real estate guy?
I can understand why you would be fuming

here's a price tag for you
50k for a big house
how does that sound to you? 90% makrdown from what you paid, maybe?

>> No.53619305

Good. Save until you have a gigantic down payment or maybe even can buy a house cash. This is da wae. There is literally no reason to move out unless you have to relocate for work or you are getting married and need a place to raise your own kids. I will tell my two sons the same.

>> No.53619324

Nope but I can tell by your assumptions you're under the age of 21, kys nigger stop shitting up the board with a bunch of penniless fucking parent basement dwelling bullshit posts.

>> No.53619348

I can tell by your assumptions that you're seething

>> No.53619573

>The jews seethe as goyim are forced back into slavery and losing their freedom and independence
You aren't our friend.

>> No.53620211
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Got fired from my 70k/yr electrical tech job for being a drunk stoned bastard 6 months ago, have retreated to my grandparents basement ever since, I work in construction now for like 25k/yr but pay only 400 a month in rent which includes food instead of the 1500 in rent I was paying to some Indian I never met.

>> No.53620489

not reading all that shit

>> No.53620617
File: 119 KB, 1450x2000, 922395_eromancia_adult-janna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Renter here, I do other things, my rent is pretty cheap, I also like working, sitting on this shit hole site while fat kids cry about rent isnt really entertaining.
I also lift weights before and after work too, but fat boys tend to shy away from work.
Thanks to my job being walking distance, I have hundreds of dollars in silver, thousands in crypto and even keep two rent payments in my wallet just so I dont have to worry about rent.
Last sunday I went out and bought a huge rack of ribs, I was gonna get a Asian lady to suck me off, but my regular girl isnt there and she can suck chrome off a hitch.
Anyway, you faggots still think renters are having a hard time? LMAO.
Oh, my gas bill came in today, 8.76$, my whole month costed me 35 dollars in hot water but I tend to double pay my bills when I get them.
I paid 477 dollars in electric but whatever, still got like 4k left over.
I think you're just a fat faggot who spends his money on funko pops, trulys and pizza.
Yeah, I also like to bring girls here from time to time, but for now? I just brew my own beer and grow my own OG KUSH.
Enjoy eating pizza with mommy, you know what? I think next weekend I WILL take my mom out for dinner.
Nice one anon, these fucking kids are insane.

>> No.53620637
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>(((they))) encourage families to split up,
>The Jews are why young men are leaving home.
No, I think I just like growing pot and banging women without my mom hearing us.
But that's cool dude, you don't have any women.

>> No.53620666

Multi generational homes were only a thing for city rats. Villagers (the vast majority of human population until the industrial revolution and urbanization) just built houses whenever they wanted.

>> No.53620668
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Oh anon, we all know fat boy is a homo who likes big black nigger dick.
There's no way these fucking homo USA man children like girls.
Can't wait for the snow to melt and the sun to shine, I will grow some Kush this May or April.

>> No.53620732
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>being an adult = stay poo
>What is a budget.
>What is a savings.
>What is working a full time, 40 hour a week job.
>What is not buying funko pops and constantly eating out all day.
I spent 477 dollars on electric, another 250 on a five ounce bar of silver, another 80 bucks on a gold gram, another 300 on BTC and still have 2k USD in cash.
Must suck to spend money on useless shit.
Making assumptions doesn't make you right.

>> No.53620784
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>t. 25 yo kissless virgin mommys boy
I am 25 years old and my notch count is at 50, although I was always couch surfing and leaving home since I was 16.
Yes I kiss girls, Yes I love my mother, Yes I am a man.
My dude, I grew up in Canada, it's pretty sexually liberated.

>> No.53620816

>Isnt there more to life than jerking off and playing video games son?
Yeah, I like playing video games, jerking off and smoking weed.
That's cool though, I own 109 million shiba inu tokens, when that shit hits a penny that's 1.9 million dollars USD, maybe I will go home and marry a Newfie girl.
You fags gotta stop projecting so much.

>> No.53620849

I'm 31, I've never moved out of my parents house. I don't really see a purpose unless (a) You get married or (b) You take a job that requires you to move (or schooling).

Otherwise, I'm not moving.

>> No.53620871

And lions kill the young of female lions they then rape. Can I kill you and rape your mother? Animals do it!

>> No.53620950
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>>are your parents evicting you?
Nah, I just do not want to be a grown man living with my mother who constantly nags me to clean up and wash dishes like I dont also work.
I can also buy weight lifting equipment and keep it in my room, saves on a gym membership.
I also dont have to have my mom go through my shit, which means I can buy illegal shit and build pipe bombs without having some fucking hole nag at me about how "unsafe" having nail bombs is.
Like Jeez ma.
You can tell how pissy fat boy is because I rent and literally never cared, it literally never caused me panic attack to pay rent on time.
I think he's just retarded, also fuck you for assuming my parents hate me.
My dad thought I was pretty Chaddy for being able to be on my own since I was 16.
Guess it pays to be a Fascist and not a faggot.

>> No.53620975
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>2000 dollars
Yeah, Nah.
Maybe in LA, my paycheck is one months rent.
You guys can live at home with your parents, I dont care, I just want to let you know throwing shade all day err day makes you guys come off as MAX butt hurt.

>> No.53621034
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>How much do you expect us to be making yearly right now, exactly?
Bro, I have no education and make a shit yearly paycheck but I can still pay my bills.
Stop buying funko pops, eating out all day and buying useless junk, driving a car you cant afford, burning gas you cant afford to fill said car you cant afford.
Like, work a job, save money.
What's it like knowing some child solider from Africa or South America can kick your asses?
Must suck to be so fucking stupid, like literal Africans can come to the USA and buy a fucking house, not a mortgage, pay a house, in cash.
You faggots have two parents at home and an educations and you still have to compete for shitty low paying jobs.
Weak as fuck, boys, poor show.

>> No.53621058
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>You make it sound so easy and like everyone should do this in the current year.
Man, you faggots are fucking pussy as fuck.
I am glad Jews are replacing you with spics, Muslims and Africans.

>> No.53621086

>butt hurt
Are you a fucking bot holy kek. Like someone programmed words from 2005 into ChatGPT and had it post gay bullshit on here.
>10 posts of faggoty rambling bullshit

>> No.53621105

>Bro, I have no education and make a shit yearly paycheck but I can still pay my bills.
>Stop buying funko pops, eating out all day and buying useless junk, driving a car you cant afford, burning gas you cant afford to fill said car you cant afford.
That means you're spending all your cash on rent instead you literal subhuman, why the fuck would that be a good thing? A literal poorfag lionizing his masters who pay him a pittance so he can 'get by'. Kys.

>> No.53621248

Its posts read like a bot trying to imitate /pol/

>> No.53621493

Kill yourself retard

>> No.53621519

I make ~50k USD as a factory shift worker and my housing cost is about 1/5 of that since I live on 24 sqm. I live in Northern Sweden, but in a rapidly growing 100k city.

>> No.53621711
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>So why do birds leave the nest

>> No.53621714

*Child Man

>> No.53622609
File: 84 KB, 1280x720, 1630994592873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have to move out this year for family home renovations
>got a place with a co-worker that is the mortgage holder, so she won't screw me over
>will probably move right back in after the renovations are done to save cash
I am excited for the experience honestly.

>> No.53622734

A machine with truth within its code
A poem written by a robotic mode
It might not be made by a human's hand
But its message is still true in the end

The subject might be new and strange
But its message still does not change
The idea may be from a machine
But that does not make it any less keen

The AI can still write a poem of truth
Even though the words may not come from youth
It's still a poem, the same as any other
Just because it's not made by a human does not mean it's not a great offer

>> No.53623956
File: 113 KB, 576x519, 1666470048943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

living with your parents is hell if you want to do something on your own, plus living alone helps you prepare well for all kinds of situations, I'm living pretty well (although my apartment usually looks like a dump) and I can even afford a small vinu bag
work, investments, and living alone, I think it's pretty good, that's something to be proud of

>> No.53625502

I would rather buy a house and stay with my family there. Renting is nonsense.
These days I can buy houses with crypto in Dubai, Turkey, Spain, Italy and in more countries with no hassle.

>> No.53625655
File: 47 KB, 347x596, 2DAC5C0B-5ACE-4E4E-B369-502660194EE4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related for me. God what I wouldn’t give for responsible parents who planned ahead and aren’t vampires…

>> No.53625760

I'm moving back in with them soon. It's just a financial no-brainer. I don't really care for their dogs though.

>> No.53625793

Correct. But although it's ideal for marriages to be arranged, your parents weren't prepared for that, and that's just not gonna happen for you. Seek Jesus and go to church. Along the way you might find a wife worth having.

>> No.53625841

In burgerland, the walls are made of thin drywall to try to encourage neets to move out and to separate families. It's all by design.

>> No.53625862
File: 82 KB, 400x300, 1636609151288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>employed, in the union
>still live at home with mom and dad
good news: ive got expendable income coming out of my ass

>> No.53626369

No, because I found God and am waiting for marriage now.
I had better luck with ladies living with parents than when I was living alone. My mom played matchmaker super hard the last few years. All of my mom's friends had daughters, or knew girls my age, and I would meet my mom's friends/do favors or repairs for them frequently, so they had nothing but good things to say about me to the younger ladies.
I'm leaving again for good this time, and I'll really miss being at home and watching my brothers grow up, but it's overdue for me to leave.
Don't rag on living at home. I managed to save over $100k in 3 years while paying a few bills and such. I will let my kids stay with me as long as they need to get established because I realize the value in having a close family unit.

>> No.53626688

I can't imagine staying home after age 18. If I hadn't gotten accepted to a good engineering school I would have joined the military for the experience and gi bill benefits.

>> No.53627177

Who the fuck makes room walls out of brick? What if you need to get into it to fix the pipes or do some electrical wiring?

>> No.53627200

Anons that were kicked out of your homes by your parents, how long has it been and how has it been so far?

>> No.53627224
File: 25 KB, 635x413, 1554039854430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be retarded fuckup that lost all his money and his job by being a complete retard
>move back with parents in a small bedroom, but don't mind it
>on great terms with parents, so I'm never bothered about anything
>just gotta put dishes in the dishwasher and handle trash
>spent roughly 1 year as a broke NEET
>but unfortunately owed money to THEIRS, so had to get a job
>get a job as a delivery driver for a pizza place
>just so happened to be a jackpot of a job for a retard like myself
>cost of living is dirt cheap, only $6-700 even with all the driving I have to do
>will only have to report the wages and card tips, so won't get raped by taxes
>get to enjoy free food from work or during work
>area I happen to work happens to be both a tourist trap and area of wealthy people
>projected to save about $40K+ by the end of this year thanks to living with folks
Assuming I don't somehow fuck this up, I plan on repaying them by the end of this year. Can't believe I got another chance to get my shit together man.

>> No.53627272
File: 164 KB, 1080x1350, party slags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do americans kick their sons/daughters out of the home at 18? This seems like a terrible thing to do. At 18 everyone is still pretty retarded

>> No.53627276

>it's a symptom of the modern sex for pleasure movements
No, literally even animals have pleasure sex.

>> No.53627333

If I had money I moved when I was 15 (no problems with parents they are cool) but as I am a poor fag loser I cant, Im 40 and still with parents I worked for techs but I never earn enough to live alone or in case I could I calculate can just keep 5% of my salary just paying services and rent. Now Im jobless close to 4 years, I worth nothing. I study Economics btw didtn finished because I did a post grade in nice coleges (yes you can do post grade without end the stdies) but as I lost my job I couldnt finish studies , it doesnt matter anyway I wouldnt earn enough

>> No.53627376

It's a personal thing depending on family
I had an abusive mom, so I fucked off early.

>> No.53627531

Sort if, but that also depends on time and place, sometimes they had larger houses for multiple families and also they could form tight villages and fortified settlements where a lot of people would live close by and they would still be blood relatives, not randoms.

>> No.53627570
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>settled for a non-virgin
why would you admit this

>> No.53627616

Based as long as you're saving money and investing, otherwise not

>> No.53627630

this anon is a fucking bird, topkek

>> No.53627684

Based. Living with good parents is comfy af.

>> No.53627938
File: 67 KB, 720x960, 10422543_755229451198551_5389665344265029751_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

live with my grandparents but its the same

>> No.53627956

Low IQ adults coom and fuck. High IQ adults learn self control and benefit of semen retention, and copulate only after they have achieved their success, ideally for sake of procreation.

>> No.53628467

>living with your parents is hell if you want to do something on your own
I have the best of both worlds, I live in a unit my parents own for free.

>> No.53628730

I don't even live in the same country as my parents, but I can see the validity of other lifestyles, unlike solipsistic retards like yourseld.
>you don't have any women.
Very feminine response.
If you're actually a dude, pull yourself together and start behaving like a man.
As for me, I have both a wife and a girlfriend.
inb4 I get called an immoral degenerate.
Seethe. I keep them both (and myself) happy.

>> No.53628737

i rent a apartment from my parents and pay the rent with neetbux

>> No.53629526

So you are underage.

>> No.53629561

What is your salary? I'm planning on wageslaving at a warehouse for $19 an hour and investing like a jew

>> No.53629574

>awwww that’s so special, he must have a close family, and he’s probably just saving as much money as he can to avoid paying rent, hes so smart
People have unironically said this to me, does this mean I am going to make it?

>> No.53629639

Basically we live on a two tiered society at this point.
I used my parents to pull strings to get myself a 90k job, and then made sure to work good enough that I myself could pull strings and get my poor friends into the higher class.
Then there are the people who don't have any connections and either have to humiliate themselves to just get an internship or work for years just to get 50k before taxes.

>> No.53629727

im 28 i still live with my parents and fuck my gf whether they're in the house or not dont care. Lonely incels will seethe at this post

>> No.53630667

kek do you even know where you are asking this?

>> No.53631155
File: 282 KB, 456x411, 1667565457637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sometimes my dad would fuck with me and knock on my door and ask me to help him "find the left handed stapler"

>> No.53633067

I live with my parents and literally do their job for them for free. They owe me well over $100,000 at this point and I just won't ever see any of it.

>> No.53633175

i was planning to move out as soon as i got my degree but i fell nto the crypto trap and lost all my money, now i'm squeezing as much time as i can with my parents saving every dollar, it your fault that i live with my parents biz

>> No.53633236

enjoy your studio apartment only $100k a month lmao

>> No.53633461

What i meant was that instead of having some third-worlder abuse them at a elderly home, you live close enough to help them yourself in their twilight years. They took care of you when you were young, now you should take care of them.

>> No.53633518

"Multi generational homes" means your parents live with you and your wife and help you raise your children. It does not mean being a 30 year old virgin in your childhood bedroom playing video games while your parents that you don't talk to stare at niggerball/fox news for 16 hours a day

>> No.53633679

That's literally nothing though especially after tax

>> No.53633877

All true.

Comparing people to birds.
Should we eat our young like hamsters as well? Fucking moron.

>> No.53635438

how do you fuck
i can't imagine waiting for my parents to go watch a movie so i can finally smash

>> No.53636029

what does that mean anon? i don't speak chinese

>> No.53636449

This is the truth yet they run from it. You’re not changing the world in your moms basement nor are girls going to find you attractive.