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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5361116 No.5361116 [Reply] [Original]

I love crypto, but this is getting cancerous. All the underage /pol/tards spouting shit like 'LOLLOL U FUCKIN KEKLORD TETHER IS LEGIT' need to fuck off right about now. I'm not asking for a return to 100% interview advice threads but can we at least pretend to be more intelligent/eloquent than the trash that resides on other boards.

>> No.5361225

/pol/tards are pretty cancerous but they have nothing on the corecucs, they are even worse

>> No.5361263

Thinking about money triggers similar responses in the brain as doing cocaine. Such less than intelligent response is to be expected.

>> No.5361348
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>pleading for intelligence on 4chan

whew lad.

>> No.5361515

Cyrpto in general is cancer. I'm glad I cashed out last week.
>Hurr Durr my currency it's the way of the future
No one uses it as currency
>Bitcoin is so fast
It is painfully slow
>Banks are evil and take our money!
Get charged for transferring Everytime you move btc
>Everyone will use btc in the future!
Not a chance. It doesn't own block chain, a bank can set up its own
>It's safer than banks!
Buy car for $10,000, transfer money to owner, all of a sudden $10,000 is worth $9,500.

Just think for yourself. It doesn't take much thought to realize this is the greatest Ponzi scheme of our time

>> No.5361588

Love how you lump all crypto into the BTC bucket. Do yourself a favor and lookup the coins that are actually backed by some value and partnerships that solve a true problem - ie ripple/stellar.

I'll admit that a vast majority are shitcoins that don't deserve their market cap, but it's idiotic to not see the value of the core tech.

>> No.5361607

Must be a newfangled newfag. This board has tons of smart people on it.... well had back in the day... ok maybe you’re right. Pre 2013 there were actuall smart people here. Then the whole MLP trap and now Trump faggots are here. Jesus it’s getting worse.

>> No.5361637

It's the fucking mods fault. No user should be able to post more than one thread a hour, spam shill garbage should warrant a ban.

Janitors are so lazy that they blur the lines between a real business and /biz.

>> No.5361654

The audacity of you fucking retards. You come here sharing tips and analysis of crypto, when it's just a roll of the fucking dice. You're like a sad old booze hound that thinks he's got a great method for winning the coin slots. You all think you're Jordan Belfort. If you weren't £1000 deep in crypto by 2014 you're a fucking victim. If you haven't already lost most of your money, you're going to at one point. Even the photos you post of your "14k portfolio", you're not kidding anyone. Spend 10k, up 4k one day, down 4k the next. This should not be a business and finance thread it should be a help thread for problem gamblers. You're fucking pathetic. You're lazy. You have nothing going in in life. That's why you choose crypto currency. You're all too lazy to invest in real business ventures. Take me for example, a real entrepreneur. I've been buying and selling cars since I was 17. It's paid my bills for 6 years. Just this morning I bought a "spares or repairs" listing for £150. Got it running after a quick reference of the hanes manual and an hour on YouTube. Same car, similar age and millage are selling for £4500 on autotrader. Night just sell it for £4000, for a quick sale. Even if I buy a car that is truly fucked, it still has scrap value, real physical value. What do you have? Nothing. Ive also put the deposit on a car that cost 3300 but will sell for 5000 easily. And all that took was 15 mins looking for a good deal. Last year I used only £8000 to buy my uncle a van and tolls for his landscaping business, for which I'm getting £1200 per month cash for zero effort. No sleepless nights. No spending hours each day following trends (100% pointless task) and now I'm looking to buy a small piece of low grade land for forestry operations. You idiots really have no idea about business or finance. I hope bitcoin crashes to 1k most of you fucking hang yourself. Worthless posers

>> No.5361748
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>> No.5361892

Nice false attribution falacy, /leftypol/. You shills are the ones shitting this place up, go back to your containment lair.

>> No.5362085

It's pathetic to believe a society would actually start using "omg" coins to purchase anything. It's been a fun ride but if you genuinely believe the shit we've been saying your a idiot

>> No.5362117
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>> No.5362138

This. Biz actually use to have decent threads and helped me start up my import business. What started as a risk of buying junk on AliExpress has turned into a 40ft container each month.

>> No.5362547


>> No.5362689

>/pol/ saying tether is legit
What are you smoking? I could understand saying /pol/ is behind IOTA=rapefugee coin but no one on /pol/ would back the crypto equivalent of real world banking.

>> No.5362886

Finally some fucking reason around here!

>> No.5362940

nice pasta

>> No.5362956


>> No.5363282

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand the cryptocurrency market and to be on /biz/. This is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of technical analysis most of what is going on will go over the typical anons head from others boards